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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Thoughts: Consequences

We've all been taught that our words and actions have consequences.

I've had the opportunity to witness two difference scenarios on this just within the last couple of days.

One, the person in question was reprimanded fairly for her actions and the other was not.

In the first instance the end result was pretty well justified. The second, after efforts were made to get to the bottom of the situation, the initial results were overturned and again, justice prevailed.

Why am I bringing this to your attention?

Because in both instances I had the opportunity to get involved with the drama and jump to conclusions or not.

Since peace is the ultimate goal of my soul, I chose to offer the best advice possible to both based on what I was told.

Then when the truth came out, I realized with eternal gratitude, that I hadn't jumped right smack dab in the middle of someone else's drama.

Moral of the story.... When you are approached by someone and your initial reaction is to respond to the unfairness of it all with anger or something on their behalf, DON'T... get the facts first and save yourself a boat load of embarrassment and possible repercussions.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 

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