

I do not read every book/author I spotlight or book tour I host!
Readers, Please research and use wisdom before buying

Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Travel Blog!

 In my Feb post, I mentioned I'd started a new spiritual blog, Rainbows, Potholes and Nuggets of Gold, and was contemplating a travel blog. 

Well, Bathroom Blues is up and running! Check it out by clicking on the icon below.

I am in the process of sorting out many pictures from my vacation last month and will be posting regularly on Bathroom Blues. 

I hope you'll follow my travels as in September I'll be heading to the UK for 10 days visiting England & Ireland!

THANKS & God Bless!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Woohoo! A Hint of Romance is Available NOW on Amazon!


*Note: Some of these stories were previously published by White Rose Publishing/Pelican Book Group - All Rights Reverted to Author. Some were published in personal newsletter to a limited audience. Others have never been published.*

Whether married or looking for another chance at romance, love is always in the air for these couples…

Twin Flames: Will twins Ray and Raelee MacFarland get a second chance at love after her husband runs off with his wife?

Like a Rock: Will Macey and Jerry’s love survive midlife crisis and empty nest syndrome?   

The Big Catch: Will Karla come to love fishing as much as Jeff or will his passion for a rod and reel tangle up their relationship?

A Hero for Jessica: Will a “champion” lawyer and the author of romantic suspense find love written in their future?    

In His Sight: Can the relationship between a teacher with the gift of prophecy and a single mother on the run from her deranged ex-husband withstand the tragedy lurking on the horizon?

Review of Love: Can two people who clash over what each perceives as professional writing suspend their judgmental attitudes and find true love?

Paper Roses: Will a homecoming tradition give Patti Howard a chance at love with her son’s football coach?

Journey’s End: Will Ellie’s dream of seeing the world come true with a new man or will she be resigned to staying put and living vicariously through her granddaughter?

Soul Mates: Will Jolie and her soul mate reconnect once again, or will she live another lifetime without him?   

Available on AMAZON in eBook and Print! FREE in KU for a limited time!