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Saturday, July 30, 2022

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Jamie Saloff & Marvelous Messages from Your Faith!

Good Morning from Bandera, TX!

You know I always have a good time when I'm at my home away from home and where my soul feels at peace the most. I'll fill you all in on the trip later. Meanwhile, please welcome new-to-our-blog author, Jamie Saloff as she shares with us her book Marvelous Messages from Your Faith.

Marvelous Messages from Your Faith, a simple method to manifest your desires and receive answered prayers.

When faced with difficult life situations—especially when we are feeling helpless—prayer is often our go-to tool for guidance and hope. But if your requests frequently go unanswered, if you're not manifesting your needs, or if you sometimes wonder if anyone hears your prayers at all, this little book is for you.

Most of us have never been taught how to pray other than, perhaps, ancient, rote words to recite. We’ve never been shown how to frame a request that unties God's hands and frees the heavenly hosts to assist us.

A champion of prayer since childhood, Jamie Saloff shares her methods for creating simple requests that get answers. You’ll quickly build your faith and increase your success rate.

No matter how you imagine God (the Divine, Angels, Guides, an invisible force), this non-denominational, quick-to-read book will provide valuable insights into the power of prayer.

Excerpt: Nothing is Ever Lost ©2019-2022 All Rights Reserved. 

My favorite, everyday watch had been missing for months. I had looked everywhere but hadn’t found it. The watch had been gone for so long, most people would have given up. But I didn’t. I felt I would still find it. 

I had read somewhere that “nothing is ever lost” to God, that he always knows where everything is. So I began to pray that God would find my watch. 

The watch wasn’t very expensive. I could have easily bought a new one. I just always had liked it and wanted it back. 

One day while out golfing, I started digging in my golf bag for something. For some reason, I opened a pocket I rarely opened. 

Guess what was inside? 

My watch! The battery had died, but otherwise, it was in perfect condition. I didn’t even remember putting my watch in my golf bag. Finding my watch grew my faith, so I tried it on some other things. 

We had a sign hanging in front of our house, as many of the cottages in our lakeside neighborhood had names. One day it disappeared. We informed the police, but they did not offer us much hope of recovering it. 

My husband wanted to make a new one, but I kept telling him no. I knew our sign would somehow find its way home. God knew where to find the sign, so I left it up to him. 

A few months passed. 

We were sitting on our front deck when a car stopped out front. A man called from his car, “Did you used to have a sign hanging here?” He pointed to the lamp post and empty hangers. 

“Yes,” we replied. 

Soon we learned that some college kids had stolen many local signs as part of a fraternity stunt and left them in a rental house this man owned. He found all the signs behind the piano when the students moved out. He decided to return any he could. 

The sign now hangs in front of our home in its rightful place. 

If you have lost something, God knows where it is. 

This Supercharger has worked for me for a great many things. There are still some things I’m missing, but I am being patient.

My mother used to make dolls for the Christmas tree. She sold them all over the country and through stores like Marshall Fields and Frederick Nelson. Of course, the best set was hers because she had all the originals including the ones that never made it to market.

During every holiday season, we honor my mother by hanging the ornaments she created on the tree. Unfortunately, my tree is a little bare. My mother always promised to give me her set since I didn’t have one of my own. Sadly, due to complicated circumstances, they ended up with my stepfather’s third wife, and, unbeknown to us, she sold them in a yard sale. 

Some of my mother’s ornaments have found their way home including a special one made just for me. In the sixth grade, I wrote a report on Finland. My mother made me a traditional Finnish dress to wear and a doll to match. I surely was blessed to find the doll, along with other of her ornaments on eBay. 

Some are still out there, including her trademark piece, The Storyteller (an old man sitting in a rocking chair, slippered feet on a footstool, reading a book – see Iaulandas.com). God knows where to find The Storyteller and the other missing dolls. Someday, He will bring them home too.  

If you’ve lost something you loved, God knows where it is. Ask him to find it for you, to protect it, and to bring it home safely.

Author and Lily Dale trained intuitive, Jamie L. Saloff teaches new ways to listen to your body, tap into your internal guidance, and follow your heart. Using her Marvelous Messages™ process, discover the guidance all around and within you to clear life blocks, old baggage, and self-limiting beliefs. Discover the wondrous and joy-filled life awaiting you as you arise and answer your soul’s sacred calling. Find out more and connect with Jamie by visiting her Website, FaceBook, Twitter @JamieSaloff, Instagram, Amazon Author Page, GoodReads and LinkedIn. Sign up to receive Jamie's newsletter and get a free book!

Get your copy of Marvelous Messages from Your Faith Here.

I absolutely love your excerpt Jamie! One short prayer I learned a long time ago for things that are misplaced is, "Nothing is lost in the mind of God." Works every time! THANKS for sharing. Wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings.

Hope you enjoyed a peek into Jamie's book as much as I did friends and that you'll check back each week for another edition of Saturday Spotlight and Wednesday Words with Friends.

Until next time take care and God Bless.


PS: NN Light's "Christmas in July Fete" ends tomorrow so if you haven't entered the rafflecopter giveaway do so now!


Anonymous said...

What a great post! Thanks for sharing.

Barbara Britton said...

Thanks for sharing, Jamie. My mom always prays when she is missing something. She finds it, too.

Anonymous said...

Jamie always has enlightened messages. Thanks for posting.

Kelly Goshorn said...

My mom always prayed for lost things, too. There is nothing to inconsequential to pray about. Thanks for sharing.