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Thursday, August 3, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts North Dakota & Minnesota

Good Morning,

If you've followed my West Coast Vacation you've been to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California (CA #2), Oregon, Washington and Montana. Today we'll visit North Dakota and Minnesota!

Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, ND is one of my favorites out of all the parks we explored. There we saw beautiful mountainous formations similar yet unique from the others we experienced. We also saw buffalo, prairie dogs, and the musical "Medora."

We left ND on Saturday the 22nd, spent the night in Park Rapids, IA then continued to MN on Sunday morning. Monday and Tuesday we visited Voyageurs National Park - which you have to reach by boat. Some of the main attractions of Voyageurs are the mine shafts where gold was found, but ultimately failed....

We only got a short tour of Rainey Lake, but there is a longer tour which includes an actual stop at Kettle Falls for lunch. So, if you're ever in the mood to visit, check out the boat tours and schedule your trip accordingly.


Same goes for Isle Royale National Park! The passenger ferry takes you across beautiful Lake Superior to the island where they drop you off for a 4 hour visit before returning! This is another park where you need to research and plan before visiting as the boats fill up pretty quickly, especially in summer.

Well friends, hope you enjoyed my West Coast Vacation and that you'll stop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


Darcy Flynn said...

Your trip sounds fantastic! Exploring our beautiful country is a blessing!

Kara O'Neal said...

Gosh, you sure did a lot of stuff! Looks like it was a great trip. I especially enjoyed your picture from North Dakota.

Jacqueline Seewald said...

What a wonderful trip!

Sharon Ervin said...

Makes a person want to burst out of her comfortable sameness and wander. You inspire.

marilyn leach said...

Thank you, Pam, for taking us along with you on such a remarkable holiday. I've enjoyed it so much. Cheers

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

THANK you ALL so much!

Sorry I wasn't online Thursday afternoon to interact with you.

Take care and God Bless

donnabsnow@gmail.com said...

sounds like you had a wonderful summer, my friend. I'm glad you could get out there and enjoy this great country!