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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Confirmation and Validation

Hello Friends,

Whew, what a week! Hope everyone enjoyed a BLESSED and Happy Thanksgiving weekend...not too much food...didn't overspend on Black Friday.

Forgive me, I just can't imagine the chaos that goes on in the stores the day after Thanksgiving, but then, I'm not a shopper. I go in, get what I need, get out as fast as possible...usually on my lunch hour LOL!

Anyway....on to my topic.

Last week I had one of those days when I wonder if this writing business is worth the time, energy, and heartache we put into it. I prayed God would give me some kind of confirmation and validation.

We all need encouragement from time to time, but I needed more...I needed to know that what I'm doing is worth the effort and that my writing IS blessing someone.

Well our God is an awesome God!

Not only did at least 1 person tell me how much she loved my writing (while she bought 2 books), but I received a great review for Tempered Joy!

This reader/reviewer went so far as to email me and say...."I was truly blessed by the book. It is annointed."

She then said she'd emailed Christianbook.com and asked them to carry my books!

Now, if that's not confirmation and validation....what is?

God is SO Good!

Well friends, that's about all for now.

Until later....take care, God Bless and remember....sometimes all it takes is an encouraging word to change someone's perspective and validate their life.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (TM)

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