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Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Life & Times of A Writer

Hello Friends!

Here’s hoping your Easter weekend was Happy and BLESSED!

If you read my post, A Day in the Life of This Writer, you got a glimpse of my daily schedule. I guess you could say this post is an extension of that one.

Every author is encouraged, no-expected, to promote themselves and their work. “People buy authors!” is a favorite saying of Suzanne James, the Owner of Enspiren Press.

Some may wonder how to go about promoting oneself. Interviews, guest blogging, and chats are just a few of the means by which I do this. But, once scheduled, how do you let people know what’s happening?

Although I post information in different ways, this question has haunted me. Even if I announce to my different groups, MySpace, Shoutlife and other venues, it is virtually impossible to let everyone know!

Well, I may have come up with a little better, somewhat more efficient means to let people know what’s happening and where I’ll be.

Today, I want to share with you my new Schedule of Events.

Posted at my on the right just below Other Places You Can Find Me, is a list of interviews, guest blogs, and other events happening in my writing career at sites that may interest you….not just because I’m there LOL! but because these are interesting places to visit.

Well friends, that’s about all for now!

Until later…take care, God Bless and remember….YOU Are somebody’s hero.
A Hero for Jessica available March 26th from The Wild Rose Press!

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