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Saturday, October 23, 2021

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Barbara Britton & Providence Hannah's Journey!

Good Morning!

One more week and October is over. Can you believe it? We're already seeing Christmas commercials and movies and decorations out with urgings to buy now and PRAY we get our purchases before then! 


When did everything become such a mess?

We could discuss that for a lifetime LOL! But we're not going to! We are going to welcome fellow Pelican Book Group author, Barbara Britton back to our spotlight. Take it away Barb.....

Thanks for having me in the spotlight, Pam. October is a special month for me. My debut novel released in print on October 1, 2016. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I had no idea that when my book launched, I would be a breast cancer survivor. The theme to Providence: Hannah’s Journey is “God is in control even in the chaos of life.” I lived the theme to my first novel.

I’d like to share the wisdom that I gleaned while battling cancer.

-Schedule a yearly 3D mammogram.

-Do not wait to biopsy if something shows up on your mammogram.

I had three clear ultrasounds the day the spot showed on my mammography. I was told to return in six months. The spot was cancer. If my cancer had been aggressive, my story may not have had a happy ending. I started my fight eight months late.

-Do not suffer in silence. I was on several prayer chains and could feel the power of prayer.

-Accept help from friends and family. People are scared of cancer and don’t know what to say to a cancer patient. Allow friends to bring meals or go to the store for you. Loved ones want to be there for you, but they may need direction on how to help. I used takethemameal.com to organize meals for my family.

My family, my church family, Scripture, Christian music, and cards from friends, all encouraged me during my journey.

One elder asked me if I was embarrassed to ask for prayer for breast cancer. I said, “No way,” rather loudly. I wanted all the prayer that I could get.

Great advice, Barbara we are SO very glad your story had a happy ending and you're here to share your wonderful books with us. Tell us more about Providence Hannah's Journey...

As the sole daughter of the chief priest, Hannah is publicly shamed when the prophet of Israel refuses to heal her.

Determined to restore her family’s honor, Hannah escapes Jerusalem in hopes of finding the prophet and convincing him to heal her deformities. Gilead, a young Hebrew guard sympathetic to her plight, willingly accompanies her. On their way, they are captured by a band of raiders.

Hannah is forced to serve in the household of the commander of the Aramean army, an officer who is in need of healing himself. Meanwhile Gilead is being used as sword practice for the Aramean soldiers.

Hannah must act fast to save Gilead and herself. But survival means coaxing the prophet of Israel to heal an enemy commander.

(A story similar to Naaman’s in II Kings 5)


“Alabaster, beads, bangles,” a merchant shouted.

Leave it to a salesman to find opportunity behind the rump of a slow donkey. His father had taught him well.

The chants of the merchant grew louder, came closer. “Men, trinkets for the fair and lovely.”

Hannah believed the heckler was upon her. Did he mistake her for a man? She had no free hand to test his wares.

“Young woman.”

The address was too close to ignore. Her elbow rose to ward off his seller’s assault. Her heart rapped against her chest anticipating a run home.

“Ah, but your arm is bare. Can I not interest you in—”

She whipped her head his direction.

And stared.

At her bracelet. The rubies sparkled in the sunlight they captured.

At Gil. And his radiant smile.

“You do have interest.” He herded her without a touch toward a narrow side street. “Your father has coin, no doubt.”

She matched his pace not knowing where he was guiding her and not caring. Gil had found her, and she would follow him out of the crowd, out of the city, out to Mahanaim. “You came.”

He drew her into a doorway. The bustle of the city was but a memory. “Jewels are my business,” he said in a loud voice. And lower, “My mother spoke of a sad girl in need. I know very few who wear such wealth.” He held up her gold and ruby bracelet.

Setting her jar out of the way, she met his gaze. He grinned as if she had bought all his trinkets.

She let him take her arm and slip the bracelet on her wrist. His calloused fingers slid over her skin like a silk ribbon.

“It is a perfect fit,” he said, eyeing a passerby. His fingers cocooned her hand and wrist.

“We are in public,” she whispered.

“Did I not say it was lovely?” He winked and dared her with his just-made-a-sale eyes.


You can purchase “Providence” on Amazon, B&N, or wherever books are sold. Libraries can order it too.

Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast, Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She is published in Biblical Fiction and loves bringing little-known Bible characters to light in her stories. Her WWI Historical Until June released in 2020. Barb is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Romance Writers of America. She has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. Find out more about Barb’s books on her website at www.barbarambritton.com.

You can also follow Barbara on Facebook, Twitter, BookBub and Goodreads AND check out Barbara's previous visits to our blog HERE.

THANKS so much, Barbara for sharing your story and a peek into your novel with us! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings moving forward in life and in your writing.

Hope you enjoyed Barbara's visit friends and that you'll check back each week for Saturday Spotlight and Wednesday Words with Friends.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.



Barbara Britton said...

Thanks for having me on the blog again, Pam. It's always great to be with you and your followers.

Carol James said...

Barb, thanks for sharing such an encouraging story. I loved Providence. It’s an engaging tale.

Karen Malley said...

Barb, Thanks for your post. As someone who's battling breast cancer, I appreciate these words. Having meals, cards, and prayers during my surgery recovery was such a blessing. You are a gifted and talented writer and I'm grateful you've allowed God to use you so mightily!

Barbara Britton said...

Hi Carol. I'm so glad you enjoyed "Providence." Working on the story kept me going during some difficult times. Thanks for joining us.

Barbara Britton said...

Hi Karen. Thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry you had to travel the breast cancer road. It is not easy. I'm a big fan of your writing too. Praise the Lord for His healing.

Gail Pallotta said...

Barbara has a special gift writing Biblical fiction, and I enjoy reading her books.

Barbara Britton said...

Thank you, Gail. I love writing Biblical Fiction. Thanks for joining us.

LoRee Peery said...

Your gift of writing shares God's grace. Thank you for following His prompts for emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Bless you and your future endeavors, Barb.

Barbara Britton said...

Hi LoRee! It's good to "see" you. You are always so encouraging. Thank you.

D. V. STONE said...

Barbara, thank you for sharing and your excellent advice. D.

Barbara Britton said...

You're welcome D.V.. I'm glad it was helpful. I don't want anyone to follow in my missteps.

Mary Preston said...

Your debut sounds like a wonderful read.

Barbara Britton said...

Thank you, Mary. It's the story that got me published, so I am partial to it. Thanks for joining us.

Alina K. Field said...

This sounds like a fascinating book, Barbara, and thank you for sharing your personal story. My husband is right now hospitalized and receiving chemo, and the knowledge that family, friends, and complete strangers from China to Kenya are praying for him is very uplifting.

kaybee said...

Barbara, this touched my heart. So glad you survived. Thanks for the tips, hope I never have to use them. And thanks for all you do for other writers.
Kathy Bailey

Alicia Dean said...

Wow. Powerful advice. Thank you for using your illness as a way to help others. I'm so glad you beat the evil cancer. Prayer definitely works. Your book sounds wonderful...congrats and best wishes!

Barbara Britton said...

Hi Alina! Yes, prayer support is a blessing. I'm sorry your husband has to go through chemotherapy. I will pray for him.

Barbara Britton said...

Hi Kathy. I'm grateful to be a survivor even though I live with storm damage. Cancer taught me that every day is a blessing. Thanks for joining us and for your kind words.

Barbara Britton said...

Hi Alicia. Thank you for the encouraging words. I'm happy you're here.