Good Morning and Welcome,
Today is the first of (hopefully) many Audio Book Tours to come brought to us by Audio Book Worm Promotions. Ever since ABW set up my amazing tour with Tempered Hearts and Dreams, I realized I had yet to host audio books on my blog! That's changed now as I've signed up to be a host for ABW so please welcome Pete Harrison to our blog with his audio-book, The Girl from Whitfield Hall......

Author: Pete Harrison
Narrator: Christine Rendel
Length: 5 hours 14 minutes
Publisher: Pete Harrison
Released: Nov. 14, 2019
Genre: Mystery

Emily stood in front of a full length mirror in her well-appointed Camberwell apartment. She turned sideways on and looked over her shoulder before doing the same the other side. “Anna, do you think I could pass for a man?" Emily was nearly six feet tall; she wasn't fat but was definitely solidly built. Her small breasts and wide hips showed her to definitely be a woman.
“Whatever do you mean miss?”
“Well if I bound my chest, padded my stomach a little and wore a man’s suit, with all my hair cut off, do you think I would look like a man?”
“Why ever would you want to do that miss?” Anna was never surprised by anything her mistress said, she was always unpredictable and had some very funny notions.
“I’m going to dress as a man and pass myself off as a detective in the London police force. I’m never going to get anywhere as a woman.”

One time Telecoms engineer with a second career as a Racecourse Bookmaker, now retired and pursuing his love of the Theatre by becoming involved as a theatre technician he now heads up the sound department at the Loft Theatre, a highly regarded semi professional theatre in Leamington Spa. Varied interests include horse racing and all sports, WW1, music and theatre. The girl from Whitfield Hall, his first novel has ignited a passion for storytelling. Follow him on Facebook

Christine Rendel is a British-born freelance audiobook narrator/producer and voice talent. She has narrated and produced over 40 fiction and non-fiction audiobooks. Genres include mystery, romance, children, young adult, science fiction, humor, history, biography, training and educational manuals and medical narration. Extensive medical background.
Represented as a voice actor by CESD Talent Agency NYC
Over 13 years experience in radio and broadcast production.
As an actor, performed in her native Britain, internationally and in New York Off and Off-Off-Broadway, on film and TV, and has numerous TV, radio, multi-media and industrial credits.
Founding member of the Anglo-American theater company Mind The Gap Theatre, and a member of SAG-AFTRA, APA and AEA. Find out more by visiting her Website

Q&A with Author Pete Harrison
- How did you select your narrator?
- Because of the ‘Englishness’ of the book I had a very specific voice in mind. That being said the narrator had to be capable of doing a number of accents, particularly French. After listening to a number of audition tapes I knew within the first ten seconds that Christine was what I was looking for.
- How closely did you work with your narrator before and during the recording process? Did you give them any pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters?
- Christine’s first five minute sample made it very clear that she had thoroughly read and re read the book. She asked if I wanted her to check with me continuously but I was happy to leave her to it.
- Were there any real life inspirations behind your writing?
- Many of the locations visited in the book are places that I visited when I was much younger. In particular I stayed in the Pera Palace Hotel many years ago when English travellers were still something of a rarity.
- How did you celebrate after finishing this novel?
- I didn’t, I don’t think the novel is finished; the writing is done but actually getting people to read it takes a lot of effort.
- What bits of advice would you give to aspiring authors?
- Keep writing, even if you don’t think it’s any good, write till you run out of ideas at then start something new.
- Was a possible audiobook recording something you were conscious of while writing?
- No. It never occurred to me until I came across ATX while doing some research for marketing.
- Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you?
- I love audio books. I find that the format can be more theatrical as it tends to be the narrators interpretation of the book.
- If you had the power to time travel, would you use it? If yes, when and where would you go?
- I would like to be able to time travel back in time within my own lifetime, I have such wonderful memories that I would like to be able to re live.
- What do you say to those who view listening to audiobooks as “cheating” or as inferior to “real reading”?
- Listening to audio books is a completely different experience from reading; it changes the feel of the whole thing as when you read you conjure up your own images. Audio books tend to conjure up those images for you.
- What’s next for you?
- I’m writing a one act play for a competition. First prize is a public reading.
View the full schedule here
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll check back weekly for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time take care, be safe and God bless.

Plugging you into the audio community since 2016.
Sign up as a tour host here.
Thanks so much for hosting, Pam! xx
Congratulations and best wishes.
D. V.
Excellent interview! Pete, congrats on the publication of your novel as an audio.
Terrific interview! And the book sound delightful. Best of luck :)
Great interview. I LOVE audio books. This one sounds excellent. Congrats and best wishes!
Your story sounds very interesting. Congratulations on the book and audiobook!
Love, love, love the title and the sound of this book! Thank you for sharing!
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