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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

#TuesdayTreasures with Rebecca Wetzler

Good Morning from Alaska!

My dad and I flew up here on Sunday (12th) and will return to Louisiana on the 22nd. I am unplugging (no computer, writing longhand...) while on this vacation, but never fear, I've scheduled our guests posts for the duration.

Today's guest was introduced to you last month when she shared some thoughts with us so please welcome Rebecca Wetzler back to share something she treasures....


What is faith? Webster defines it as ‘allegiance to duty or a person; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust, something that is believed especially with strong conviction.’ What do you have faith in?  We can have faith in ourselves, in our innate abilities, in family loyalty, in the education system, in the country’s ideals, in those in leadership roles, or in a ‘Higher Power.’  There are things we have faith in that we take for granted.  We have faith in gravity to keep our feet on the ground; we believe the sun will come up in the morning, we know wind is a powerful force though we cannot see it.

Why do we need faith?  The faith pendulum swings from what we take for granted to what we need to survive. Unless a person knows what and why they believe, they can be swayed to follow the latest trend.  It’s not a big deal if we are talking about fashion sense, but it is critical to know what you believe to have a solid sense of self.  Everyone needs a sense of purpose and meaning for life.  Without faith in reliable truths, we can drift through life without direction, without achieving our God-given potential, and end up being persuaded to go places and do things we never intended.  Also, it is key we believe in reliable truths, not ones that will eventually deceive and fail us.

How can we grow faith?  I believe to have a sense of self a person needs to be nurtured spiritually.  My spiritual faith comes from the Lord, it is one of my greatest treasures.  He provides the true foundation upon which I base the essentials of my character, my morals, my ethics, and he governs how I treat others.  My faith grows continually through circumstances where he proves over and over I can trust him.  While, for example, I can trust the education system to impart knowledge, I do not necessarily have faith it will produce wisdom.  I can trust my wages pay on my bills, although I do not have faith money brings happiness. With God, however, I can trust that the end result of spiritual faith in him will bring growth in all areas of my life.  When we lose faith in others, in ourselves, in things around us, that’s when our faith in God can grow. He sustains my hope while I struggle in the valley of disappointments, and he celebrates my victories when I am on the mountaintop of success.  When life is not going my way, I know where to look for continual encouragement and direction; when life is going well, I know who deserves my thanks and trust.

So again, what is faith?  I like the Hebrews 11:1 definition: ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’  Substance implies materiality, something of weighty importance.  Evidence attests reality, something actually exists.  Spiritual faith is of utmost importance, a treasure worth so much more than anything of earthly material value.  It’s unfortunate that sometimes I reach rock bottom before I observe his outstretched hand patiently waiting, waiting for me to find a little faith, even faith as small as mustard seed, to take hold of his promises. Once I chose to believe, spiritual faith wells up from deep within my soul, it spreads a warm glow of hope throughout my being and re-establishes the tone of complete trust in the Lord.  Faith makes all the difference in my life, the difference to believe there is unseen evidence that he is at work for my good regardless of my circumstances. By treasuring faith, I have learned to find blessing in brokenness, joy after a night of mourning, peace while the storms of life rage.  I live by faith in God because I can sense his presence with every fiber of my being.  May your soul find and treasure such faith to bring more meaning into your life.

Rebecca Wetzler, originally a California girl, has lived in Alaska since she was eight years old.  The oldest of five children, she was often needed in the surrogate mother role; therefore, she matured quickly. From early in life she was an avid reader, and subsequently developed an interest in someday writing her own books. Her favorite school subject was English writing assignments. To support her two children, she completed an accounting degree, towing her interest in writing along by minoring in English. Her successful career included advancing from an accounts payable clerk to a financial analyst­—a far cry from the Christian author of her heartfelt dreams.    

She has been a believer from her earliest memories as a small child in Sunday School asking Jesus into her heart. As her life progressed, Rebecca has realized her faith gives her a steady spiritual regrounding to weather the drama of real life, and she wants to share the spiritual truths with others so they may also follow God’s light past the world’s darkness.  Bread Box for the Broken is her first book, and she has ideas for more devotionals, some Bible studies, maybe Christian romance fiction with mystery and suspense.  It is important for her to share that faith in Christ is her foundation for challenging and purposefully overcoming life-long struggles with loneliness, self-esteem, depression, chronic pain from migraines and a permanently injured neck, and finally unexplained heart failure. Forced to early retire, she really doesn’t know what the future holds, but she knows Who holds her future.

Rebecca J Wetzler
www.rebeccawetzler.net Holy Spirit Dove blog

Hope you enjoyed the post friends and that you'll check back weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Meanwhile, Rebecca's book, Breadbox for the Broken can be purchased at her website in print and Ebook as well as Amazon for Kindle and in print also!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

1 comment:

Mary A Felkins said...

Powerful message. Faith is a treasure best enjoyed when I'm not feverishly looking for things rather than trusting with a quiet spirit. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca!