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Saturday, June 17, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight West Coast Vacation #1

Good Morning From Flagstaff, AZ!

If you've followed me for long, you'll know I'm on a cross-country trek to (and along) the West coast. Since my guest couldn't be here today, I thought I'd share some of my vacation memories (so far) with you.....

Our journey began on Thursday, June 9th and started in Gordonville, TX at Cedar Mills Resort on Lake Texoma. Not a lot to do there, the wind blew all the time. Not a gentle breeze, but up to 25 mph with gusts even higher. However, we did see some beautiful sunrises. It was awesome to see the sun rising to the east while the moon still shone bright over the harbor.

Next stop was Amarillo, & Canyon, TX and Palo Duro Canyon!

Known as Texas' "best kept secret" Palo Duro Canyon is amazing. You're driving along the highway with nothing but farm land and wheat fields when all of a sudden you come upon a huge hole in the ground! Here are a few pics, but I can promise these don't do the beauty of this park justice.,,,There are numerous hiking trails, the views are spectacular, colors magnificent and TEXAS the outdoor musical drama breathtaking.

We did some hiking in the morning then drove into Amarillo to eat at the Big Texan Steak Ranch...home of the 72 oz steak! I'd heard a lot about this restaurant so we just had to eat there. The food was delicious and plentiful. There are a lot of neat things in this restaurant, some creepy ones too...but all in all, worth the trip. 

Eating at this historic restaurant was great but my favorite part of visiting Amarillo was the American Quarter Horse (AQHA) Hall of Fame and Museum!

This is a treat any horse lover would enjoy.

On Monday the 12th we left TX and visited Santa Fe / Pecos New Mexico. I'll be sharing photos from there later so be sure and drop by weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!  

And don't forget the Multi-Author Rafflecopter Giveaway of a Kindle Fire which ends in less than 2 weeks!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


Jacqueline Seewald said...


Great photos! I also love the West Coast. But then you appreciate home more when you return.

Ruth said...


Irene Bennett Brown said...

I've been to the Palo Duro Canyon and the TEXAS musical as part of a Western Writers of America convention and found it as wonderful as you say. It may have helped that that was also the year I won a WWA Spur Award for my YA novel, Before the Lark. Enjoyed your post and will continue to "follow" your journey.

Maureen said...

Beautiful pics!

Leah St. James said...

Beautiful photos, Pam. I love how you describe that canyon-- (paraphrsing) all of a sudden there's a big hole! It cracked me up. :-)

Tanya Hanson said...

Great pix and trip, Pam. So sorry we can't meat up. California is bi-i-i-g. Palo Duro is so beautiful but has such a tragic past. (I can't bear to think about the Comanche horses. 😥). Drive safe and do more blogs on the trip! 😘

Kara O'Neal said...

We spent a week in Palo Duro Canyon last summer. It was gorgeous. West Texas is soooo pretty.

marilyn leach said...

Pam, it sounds like so much fun! Can I climb in your suitcase? Cheers

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

I'm sure that's VERY true, Jacquie!
Thanks Ruthie.
Wow, Irene, congrats on your award I look forward to hearing your comments in the weeks to come.
Thanks Maureen!
It is amazing, Leah. I just returned from the Grand Canyon but the terrain is so different, it's no surprise LOL....Stunning though.
I know what you mean, Tanya....anytime horses are killed uselessly it's tragic (any animal for that matter). Wish we could meet up too. Sometime soon tho...we'll plan a Bandera trip!
Yes it is, Kara!!
Oh Marilyn, if I had a dollar for everyone who suggested that I'd be rich LOL!

Thank you ALL for stopping by!
Good luck and God's blessings to each of you

Marissa Garner said...

Sounds like a great trip. May the wind and traffic stay at your back.

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Thanks Marissa....been great so far! I appreciate the prayer!