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Saturday, March 8, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Jacqueline Seewald & The Lost Lady!

Good Morning!

It is my great pleasure to bring today's guest back to our blog.

Jacqueline Seewald has been here several times with her various books. Today she's telling us a little about her latest release, The Lost Lady.

How's life been going for you Jacqueline?

Due to illness, I haven’t been able to be active on social media. But I have an announcement: THE LOST LADY, my new romantic mystery/Regency novel, is live for order both in print and ebook. It is a sequel to TEA LEAVES AND TAROT CARDS and is published by Luminosity.

Oh my, Jacqueline! Our thoughts and prayers are with you for complete healing and total restoration. Can you tell us more about your book?

Sure, Here's the Blurb:In the Regency London of 1816, Brianna is lost and without a shilling. Successful businessman James Winthrop comes to her rescue. However, he is both attracted and suspicious of this beautiful mysterious young woman. Who is Brianna? What secrets lurk in her past? What is she hiding? But James has his own secrets to contend with. Neither will easily resolve their problems even as they are drawn together romantically while dealing with kidnapping and solving a murder. Read an Excerpt HERE.

Sounds SO interesting! Where can we find The Lost Lady?

Other than Amazon, The Lost Lady can be found at B&N, Apple Books, Waterstones, Everand, Fable, Indigo, FictionDB, and pretty much anywhere you purchase the books you love. Just have your local store order using the ISBN#: 978-1738497935.

Wonderful, Jacquie. Now tell us a little about how to find YOU...

I am a mult-published, and multiple award winning author. I'm a writer, former teacher & librarian and a Jersey girl at heart. If I'm not writing then I'm reading. You can find out more by visiting my Website/Blog, on GoodReads and Amazon.

Thank YOU, Jacquie for visiting with us today. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your books AND health.

Friends, please add Jacqueline to your prayer lists and gather up your prayer warriors to storm heaven on her behalf.


Until next time, keep reading.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on @JoRichardson & Blind Spot!

Good Morning and Welcome!

Back in 2021 we featured this book by Jo Richardson but since it's been updated with bonus content and beautiful chapter pages, we're featuring it again. Take it away, Jo, and tell us why you wrote Blind Spot...

Life is messy. I like to write about the mess and make something good come out of it.

I guess you could say the story was born out of my annoyance with an old episode of the TV shos, Medium. I cooked this guy up and couldn't get him out of my head, but then I found, I couldn't get her out of my head either. And here we are. I think it's special because neither of them are really saving each other... they're both saving themselves. 

And I love that.

I love it too, Jo. Give us more please...

Blurb: Sydney Fallon has spent her entire life seeing things before they happen.

Tucker Chase is no exception.

He’s not looking for any new friends when he rolls into town. He's not looking for anything but a way to escape his past.

But how do you stay out of someone's life when you see it flashing before your eyes on a daily basis? 

Excerpt: It’s not a long drive to pretty much anywhere in Madisonville, so we get to Ian’s in no time. And when I put the Beetle in park, I notice another car there already.

Another car that doesn’t belong.

Another car that probably belongs to a squatter or worse, some low life thief, trying to break into Ian's place and trash it or something.

I get out of the Beetle and wave for Joshua to stay back while I find the heaviest piece of wood I can, then head down the side dock.

I’m slow and careful not to make too much noise.

The small, one-story boathouse might not look like much to a lot of people, but to Ian, it holds a lot of fond memories. I'll be damned if I’m gonna let some jerk ruin his things.

I creep along the boarded walkway, and soon enough, I spot the owner of the car on the back deck. I catch my breath a little when I see him. He doesn’t seem like he’s in much of a hurry. He’s simply standing there, his back to me, looking out onto the old Tchefuncte River.

His thick, dark hair is a mess; his clothes are in complete disarray. His hands are stuffed into his pockets as he stands, feet apart like a soldier at ease.

If he wasn’t a burglar, I might consider him...cute.

Good God, Sydney.

I can’t help but let down my guard for a minute as I watch him. He looks like he’s pondering something. I want to peek around at the expression on his face to see if it reflects what I’m feeling. Then I remember why he’s here.

Probably wondering how quickly he can get down the river and over to New Orleans.

There are plenty of lowlifes who use the winding rivers by Madisonville and the surrounding towns as a convenient waterway escape after conducting who knows what kinds of illegal business in New Orleans.

I step closer and lift the piece of driftwood over my head, ready to knock him out if I have to.

When I hit a creaky board, I freeze.

The man spins around.

He takes one look at me and his brow knits together into a scowl. Like he’s angry with me for interrupting him. And his plans for ransacking Ian’s place.

"What the hell?" he mutters.

I decide I better not waste any more time thinking.

I swing the wood down at his head, but he catches it mid-strike. He looks like he’s about to laugh except for the fact that he’s so irritated.

I yank at my weapon, trying to get it out of his grasp so I can take another swipe at him, but he holds on tightly.

Then the silence between us is broken.

"Can I help you?" he growls. "I mean, you know, other than giving you a head to swing at?"

"Can you help me?" I pull again, to no avail. "You're the one on private property!"

"Yeah, I know. Mine."

"Yours?” HA! “Liar! This place happens to belong to a very good friend of mine." 

I’m still tugging as hard as I can at the piece of wood. And he’s still scowling at me. 

"A good friend of yours, huh?" 

Why. Won’t. He. Let. Go!

"Yes, Ian Hedder, as a matter of..." I pull again. "...fact, and I've already called the police, by the way."

"Good," he tells me. Then he lets go of the wood.

As he lets go, I’m giving it my all, and suddenly, I’m flying backwards, off the dock, into the chilly, muddy river's water with a scream.

The water is freezing.

I come up for air.

“Holy shit!”

WOW what an excerpt! Thanks for sharing. Where can we find the book?

Blind Spot  is available at Amazon for Kindle, in Paperback version, and in Hardcover.

Great! Now tell us a little about you...

I am a ... 
> FanAddict
-> Superhero geek
-> Mystery aficionado
-> Twisted sense of humor
-> Paranormally fascinated
-> Broken in oh, so many ways
-> Graduate of the world renowned Sarcasm Academy
-> Believer that love is perfectly imperfect

You can find/follow/connect with me on my Website, Facebook, and Amazon. Sign up to receive my newsletter HERE.


We wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with Blind Spot and all future books.

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight friends and that you'll come by weekly for another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time keep reading.


Saturday, February 22, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on @JudithWorks & The Measure of Life!

Good Morning,

Today's guest is brand new to our spotlight so please give Judith Works a huge W-E-L-C-O-M-E!

Tell us about your book, The Measure of Life, Judith... (Love that title btw)

The Measure of Life is a story of love and loss, lies and truth, and begins in Rome as Nicole shares a cappuccino and cornetto with her Italian tutor. The meeting sets off a chain of events that upends the course of her life. While Rome also brings deep friendships and immersion into a sumptuous food scene there is no escape from acknowledging the consequences of her actions. In search of forgiveness and healing, she moves to an island near her childhood home in Seattle only to find the way to reunite the remnants of her family and discover her true path is to return to Rome and face the past.

How intriguing! Please give us more....

Here's an Excerpt: Alessandro and I met twice a week. To control my raging emotions, I stayed away from subjects which could be misconstrued as provocative. I asked questions about Rome and told him about life in the United States. I honored his request to tell him how patients like to be spoken to in America by imagining how I would want to be told.

I struggled, wanting to be with him—not to talk about the newspaper headlines or hamburgers but to learn the details of his life and his hopes for his future. Not cardiology but other matters of the heart. It wasn’t hard to sense he too was finding our meetings ever more difficult as he began a sentence on some innocuous subject then stuttered to a halt. As the space between our discussion topics lengthened, the tension increased.

One day he said, “Nicole, you never talk about you, what you want in life. Let’s not talk about American food anymore.” He placed his warm hand over mine. I could feel his pulse beating at the same rapid pace, throbbing throughout my body.

I wanted to tell him I needed love, comfort, and encouragement but couldn’t articulate the words. I wanted to say it was important to be a good mother, and I wanted to say some time I’d make up for dropping out of school—become a professional like most of my friends who’d gone on to graduate and start careers.

To break the dangerous spell, I reached for my coffee with the other hand, but accidentally knocked over the cup, spilling it on the table. He withdrew his hand to wipe the mess away.

“Will you come again next week?”

I mumbled, “Yes.” He gathered his books and hurried away. I was rooted to the chair, my mind racing with anticipation I could not tamp down.


When I got back to our apartment Martin was home. “Where were you?”

“Working on my Italian. I need the language if you want me to manage here.”

“There’s laundry in my suitcase.”

I could feel my face contort in anger. He looked alarmed and added, “Nice to be home. What’s for dinner?” It didn’t quell my rage. It was easier to manage without his presence and I hoped he’d be off again soon.


Oh my, Judith....sounds like Nicole is in a conundrum for sure! What made you write the book?

Let me share my bio first and you'll understand my 'why' LOL!

After I earned a law degree in midlife, I had the chance to leave the Forest Service in Oregon and run away to the Circus (Maximus). In reality my husband and I moved to Rome where I worked for the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization for four years as a legal advisor to the director of human resources. I could see the Circus that had hosted chariot races during the Roman Empire from my office window.

My husband and I reluctantly returned to the US after four years. But we pined for the land of pasta, vino, art, and sunny piazzas. Then the gods smiled and offered a chance to return to Rome with the UN World Food Program. Six more years of food and frolic in the Eternal City passed much too quickly. The indelible experiences living in Italy and working for the UN were the genesis of my memoir Coins in the Fountain.

Life in Rome with all its food and challenges, along with many visits to an island near Seattle, contributed to the settings and events in my new novel The Measure of Life, the story of an expat woman who struggles with all the difficulties that can come with living abroad including a fraying family and the effort to build a life of her own. Expat life can bring unexpected challenges, especially for women who have left their domestic life in the home country, and for children who are plopped down in a totally new environment and new school. Often Americans do not speak a second language and it can be difficult to manage without Italian. Tensions in marriages are common and in an international city like Rome life is filled with temptations of all kinds within the vibrant social scene.

Nicole, my protagonist, is not like me. She is young, married to an older widower who frequently travels for his job. Instead of an improvement in her marriage, it begins to founder, and she is faced with the dilemma of what to do with her life as her children grow. Rome is a food mecca, and Italian food cooking, blogs, and toursl becomes a meaningful outlet in her quest for independence after a doomed love affair. Food plays such an important place in Italian life I wanted to write about it along with some of the places that I found interesting, and which she undoubtedly would have visited. Expat life has many joys and difficulties, and I wanted readers to have a chance to experience them through Nicole's eyes and then contemplate the pleasures of rural island life where she finds peace and the courage to begin again.


How interesting! How can we find you and the book?

Website: judithworks.net

Facebook, Judith Works, Author

Instagram: WorksJudith

Threads: WorksJudith

Blue Sky: worksjudith.bskky.social

The Measure of Life can be found at Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback.

Thanks for sharing Judith. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your book.

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight, Friends and that you'll check back weekly for another great author and book.

Until next time, keep reading.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Kara O'Neal @KaraONealAuthor & Prickly Poppy!


Hello and Welcome!

Kara O'Neal is no stranger to our blog and it is my pleasure to welcome her back with her latest book, Prickly Poppy.

Take it away, Kara...

When I was little, one of the “big ideas” my mother had, and she had A LOT, was to venture out into the Texas Hill Country to see all the wildflowers. We would travel the backroads and find fields and fields of flowers. It was a riot of colors and varieties.

I fell in love with the land on those trips, and it was my proof that God was real, because only He could make something so beautiful.

So…when I decided to start my new series, I wanted to match each heroine up with a wildflower.

I suppose people might believe that wildflowers are rebellious. And perhaps they are, because they grow where they want and when they want, but, to me, wildflowers are who they are and you’re either gonna like them, or you’re not. They’re not trying to be rebellious, they’re just themselves. And that’s ok. They’re gonna be who they are, whether they’re a dandelion, a bluebonnet, or a yellow rose, they’re not gonna change.

That idea helped me when I was little and made up part of who I am and how I make my decisions.

It’s helped me create some pretty amazing female characters, and Hazel Rutherford is one such lady. She’s the PRICKLY POPPY, and because of that, snags the heart of the devil-may-care saloon owner.

She was a lot of fun to write, and I know you’ll love her as much as I do!

Blurb: Brownwood, Texas, 1883

Two years ago, Hazel Rutherford fled from her lying, greedy fiancé. Now, her young cousin is within his sights, and Hazel must return and rescue her. Which means facing a manipulative villain.

But her uncle won’t let her go alone…

Kit Kirby is the man tasked with escorting her and protecting her while she’s in Brownwood.

Kit Kirby. Saloon owner. Hell raiser. The man that all the ladies—from five to eighty—swoon over. All except Hazel, that is. Since the day she met him, they’ve done nothing but fight.

He calls her prudish. She calls him irresponsible. He calls her prickly. She calls him a conceited hell-trap. There’s no way she’ll make it to Brownwood with her sanity intact.

But when Kit changes the game and kisses her, she’ll be lucky if she gets through the ordeal still the owner of her heart.

Excerpt:With his drink in hand, Kit turned to face her.

Hazel twitched her lips, irritated, embarrassed, and apprehensive with depending on him.

He assessed her with his gaze while the silence stretched.

She refrained from fidgeting and didn’t dare fall into the trap of asking him what he thought of her now. Certainly, he didn’t judge her.

But she really had no idea what he was thinking. He was a ridiculous mystery she didn’t care to solve.

He quirked his lips at her. “I find it hard to believe that any man could pull one over on you, so I don’t think you ever really loved this bastard.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line, remembering things she didn’t want to. He was wrong. She had loved him.

Kit cleared his throat, seeming to accept what was ahead for them. “You don’t want me to take you, and I understand that. But I’m what you’re gonna get. I might be a…” he furrowed his brow as if trying to recall something. “What did you call me that first time we spoke? A conceited hell-trap?”

She flushed but still kept silent. It was true anyway. She had not been wrong.

“Yeah, that was it.” He chuckled then took a sip of his drink, watching her over the rim. He let out a satisfied breath, then glanced at the amber liquid. “Good stuff.”

Annoyance began to simmer inside her, and her cheeks heated with the control it took to bite back the reprimand burning her tongue.

“I can see you’re gettin’ het up again, so let me finish.” He leaned forward slightly. “I’m taking you. I’ll protect you once we’re there, and I’ll sure as hell relish the chance to make this ass pay for hurtin’ you like that. No one’s gonna put a hand on you or your cousin. If I have to kill this Anson Welch, I won’t bat an eye. He deserves to be horsewhipped for lying to you and treating you like that. Nothin’s gonna happen to you.”

If he’d told her he was going to be a priest, she would’ve been less stunned. For the first time since knowing him, he actually seemed responsible. He’d spoken with such conviction and determination that she couldn’t doubt a single one of his promises. His words had mollified her somewhat, and she relaxed slightly.

“No one’s gonna hear about your secret from me, either.”


He had effectively assuaged most of her concerns. They still weren’t going to get along, but they were both adults. Surely, they wouldn’t argue for the entire duration of the trip. Her uncle trusted him. For some reason.

So…she was going to let it go. It remained to be seen if he was the best person to take her, but her uncle was wise and usually a good judge of character.

She twitched her lips, realizing she needed to say something, especially since she’d protested quite vehemently. After taking a deep breath and letting it out, she said with acquiescence in her tone, “Thank you. I appreciate your help and your discretion.”

“You’re welcome.” He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “You’re probably not gonna like this, but I hope I at least get to knock your former fiancé around some. I can’t imagine anyone runnin’ around on you. You’re a pretty little thing.”

His words stunned her. She didn’t know what to say to his compliment, especially since it was coming from him.

“I still think you’re prickly, though.”

And her surprise shot into irritation. She gritted her teeth.

He took a final swallow of his drink, winked at her, then left.

Prickly Poppy can be found at Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback and other online stores where great books are sold!

Kara O’Neal is an award-winning author of over thirty historical romances. Humor, family, love, and romance take center stage in her novels, and her characters have been touted as “real, complex, and down-to-earth”. Her books are available in print and ebook.

When not writing, she’s a teacher, but she’s always a mother to three talented children, and the wife of a man quite worthy of being called “hero”.

Telling stories is her passion, and she does so with memorable characters and unique plots certain to keep you reading late into the night!

Find & Connect with Kara @ the Following SM Sites...

Website –  www.karaoneal.com

Books - https://books2read.com/ap/xdPlZ4/Kara-ONeal

Bookbub –  https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kara-o-neal

Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/KaraONeal84/

Twitter –  https://twitter.com/KaraONealAuthor

Pinterest –  https://www.pinterest.com/karaoneal7/

Goodreads –  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7278350.Kara_O_Neal

Newsletter - http://www.karaoneal.com/newsletter.html

Check out Kara's previous visits HERE.

THANK YOU So Much, Kara for sharing your new book with us! We look forward to more from you and certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings on your continued success.

Hope you enjoyed today's post, friends and that you'll check back weekly for another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, keep reading.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Catherine Dilts & Rapid Fear!


Hello Again Saturday Spotlight Friends & Fans!

Boy February is moving right along. Today's guest visited once in 2013 and it is SO wonderful to welcome Catherine Dilts back into the spotlight.

Please tell us about your new book, Catherine...

A couple decades ago, I finished reading yet another story where the bad guy was a preacher. It seemed to be a trend for a while. You knew who the killer was practically from the beginning of the book. A Christian religious leader or fanatical layperson would be the culprit committing heinous crimes. I decided to write a novel with a preacher as one of the suspects, but who was innocent. Fast forward to 2024. Due to my cozy writing style, I had the opportunity to write several books in various Annie’s Fiction series. Rapid Fear is the most recent release. Romantic Suspense is a new genre for me. Rapid Fear is a special book because my daughter gave me invaluable assistance in creating the story under a tight deadline.

How Interesting! Give us more please...

Blurb: Amy Brackstone had a recent near-death experience in the wilderness during a geological expedition, but her career choice requires her to explore the canyonlands. She convinces her best friend Valerie to accompany her on a Utah rafting trip, hoping to overcome her fear. Amy can’t figure out why handsome tour guide Jonah Steadman keeps an over-the-top watchful eye on her. When a terrifying series of “accidents” force the tourists to hike through the canyons, Amy and Jonah begin a fight to survive. It’s clear that someone in their group is sabotaging the tour. Amy is certain Jonah is hiding a secret, but if she’s going to make it out of the canyon alive, she has to trust him. She risks her life, and her heart, to save their tour group from a maniac.

Excerpt: Where are the rafts?

This didn’t make any sense. Amy was certain they had not been far from the anchor poles. She should be able to see the bright yellow of the two rafts, or at least their dark, bulky shapes. She strained to see, just able to make out glittering star light reflecting off the rapidly flowing river. The rafts weren’t on the shore. 

Amy shook her head in disbelief. This can’t be real. I must be dreaming. Or having a nightmare.

Amy felt a thick plastic rope under her hiking shoes. She reached down and grabbed the rope, which felt taut in her hands. The pressure must mean the rope was still attached to the rafts. Following it hand-over-hand toward the river’s edge, Amy squinted, convinced the rafts had to be there, but seeing only an empty sandbar. 

As she focused, she felt the nylon rope tug at her hands and stretch, like a fishing line with a fish caught on the hook. The rope had been dangling behind her as she walked, but it now brushed the backs of her legs. Then she felt it again beneath her feet, getting in her way, almost tripping her. She tried to kick it away with her hiking shoes, but the rope seemed to tangle around her ankles. Then it snapped tight, grabbing hold like a wet, sand-gritty snake. Suddenly, her feet jerked out from under her. Amy slammed abruptly onto her bottom, splatting onto the wet sand.  

Amy got to her hands and knees and tried to stand. But her legs felt like they were tied together. How had she tangled herself in the rope? She rolled back to sit on her bottom and tried to undo the rope looped around her ankles, tearing at the coarse fibers with her fingers and kicking her feet. They were tangled so tight, she was completely bound.

As she sat, working at the knots, with a sudden jerk she felt herself being dragged swiftly across the sand. Her heart pounded against her ribs. 

Trapped! Sudden awareness nearly overwhelmed her. The rafts were drifting downstream, and Amy was tied to them. 

OH My Goodness! Suspense for sure. Where can Rapid Fear be found?

Rapid Fear is part of The Hearts in Peril series and is available from Annie’s Fiction by subscription. Although this is my latest release, I also write the mystery series Rose Creek, set in Northeastern Oklahoma, with The Body in the Cattails and The Body in the Cornfield now available.

Wonderful, Catherine. Now how 'bout a bio and some links where we can find you...

Catherine Dilts is the author of the Rose Creek Mystery series, Rock Shop Mystery series, and several installments in various Annie’s Fiction series. Her short stories have appeared in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and anthologies. 

After a career in environmental compliance for a global corporation, Catherine now gets to write fiction full time. Most of her published short stories, novels, and write-for-hire projects have a cozy mystery flavor. Catherine and her husband live in a home with a view of Pikes Peak, where they attempt gardening at over 6,500 feet of altitude. 

Thank You, So Much, Catherine for sharing your book with us. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings for much success.

Thank You, Friends for supporting Catherine today. Until next week...

Remember, Reading can take you places you may never visit otherwise so grab a book today.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Wendy Kendall & Cherry Shakes In The Park

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Today's guest is not new to our blog so I'm just going to let Wendy Kendall take it away and tell us all about her book, Cherry Shakes in the Park.

The blog is all yours, Wendy!

Thank You, Pam.

Cherry Shakes in the Park is an enchanting, compelling romantic comedy with wonderful, memorable characters. You'll love the beach town of Bayside, with its ferry boats on the scenic Puget Sound. Bayside lives close to my heart. Mischievous Bryson's charmed by a sexy diva and by an enchanting new love.

I had so much fun creating their story – because it mixes mystery, romance, and lots of humor. You’ll root for a Happily Ever After, a wish held at risk as the story builds to my very favorite scene. A midsummer night’s dalliance at romantic and desolate Loon Point remains one of my very favorite scenes I’ve ever written.

Enjoy this yummy read. Cherry Shakes In The Park comes recommended for a relaxing summer day, or for any time you’re longing for a happy summer day.

Blurb:  Selling ice cream on a bike cart, Bryson Tanner pedals his way into a romantic triangle. Life serves him a swirl of divas, danger, and frothy delights.

Bryson's training for Olympic trials in track and field shows slow times. Hurdles from mysteries of the heart stand in his way. Marta, his ex, is back in town and starring in the acting troupe's weekend show in the park. She stomped on his heart once, but now seems thrilled to see him. Can he trust her with his love again? 

Marta's co-star, Senona charms Bryson over cherry shakes in the park. He's torn between rekindling his past or starting a new flame. Bryson sees a romantic start when Senona invites him to partner with her on the actors' mystery scavenger hunt game, where the winner receives a career-boosting prize. Intrigue escalates during a midsummer night's dalliance at romantic and desolate Loon point.

Excerpt: Jumping back on the bike and pedaling toward his last stop, Bryson calculated the amount of ice cream left in the cart. After rounding the corner and coasting into the lot, he slammed on the brakes. No mistaking it. Those painted flowers and rainbows framing the words, The Not Royal Shakes Company. This was a bus like no other. The memory of her turning her back on him, stepping on his heart and boarding that bus seared his vision. He wiped the sweat off his face with a shaking hand. Is Marta here?

A dozen people and a noisy dog paraded back and forth across the expanse of lawn between the parking lot and the bluff overlooking scenic Puget Sound. The company of actors emptied the bus of costumes, equipment, props, and more. It was a scene of comical Renaissance flair. The set up was promising with the Bay as the stage backdrop. With that work and this heat, they’d want ice cream. Bryson studied each face. No Marta. Was he glad, or disappointed?

What next? Did he want to see her? What would he say? Did she want to see him? She didn’t text him. Maybe he should leave, but Arturo was expecting him to sell here, all weekend.

He walked the bike cart across the lawn to a shady spot near the children’s playground, away from the bus. Birds chirped providing background noise to the grunts, laughs, and chatter that came from the actors.

Delighted shouts erupted when the kids on swings discovered him and his colorful cart. A surge raced his way, surrounded him, and shouted their excitement for ice cream. He armed himself with a scooper and a smile.

After the minors’ assault, Bryson grabbed a cherry shake and sat. He grinned at Arturo calling it magical. He indulged in the creaminess glittering in the sun. Impressed, he drank again and stretched out his legs. He stole a furtive glance toward the bus, hoping and not hoping to see Marta. The scent of the pine trees combined with the slight ocean breeze. He thought of sitting here with her, a sweet gift from paradise. A hawk soared, circling, maybe scanning for unwary prey. 

A light female voice with a rhythmic, musical tone floated over him. “Hola. Do you know a place to get ice cream?” Her giggle sounded like a serenade of castanets.

She had one fist on her hip that jutted attractively outward, accenting her tiny waist and shapely curves. Her jet-black hair flowed straight down her back. She used a tissue to wipe her forehead.

Conscious he was sweating after his ride, he stood with his arms close to his sides. She was sweating as well, but it looked good on her. She was a glowing, summer sight in white sneakers with pink socks peeking out and tight pink shorts. Her sleeveless, white midriff top had very thin straps and fit her cleavage well. She pulled her locks behind one ear and smiled. “I’m Senona. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

Before he could speak, Bryson heard that familiar sweet voice. “His name is Bryson.”

Frozen in place and savoring the sound, he stared at his Marta. He searched her eyes, hoping to see a longing for him there.

Senona said, “This is the Bryson you talked about?”

A warmth rushed into his face. Marta had talked about him. Now she twisted her sandaled foot in the grass in that coy way he liked. She wore a bright yellow sun dress and her hair swung back and forth in a ponytail. “It’s good to see you.”

He relished how she said those words. He stammered, “I didn’t know you were coming back to town this weekend. We can catch up…”

Senona took a step toward his brightly painted cart. “The sight of your ice cream’s been driving us all crazy. We finished unloading in a hurry. Did the kids leave us actors any?”

Bryson couldn’t understand why Marta didn’t answer him, why she didn’t walk closer. She had come to him though. He couldn’t wait to be alone with her. He grinned at Senona. “No worries. I still have a scoop or two.”

A tall, buff guy in khaki shorts and a Washington State tank top jogged over and stood behind Marta. He peered over her and had the nerve to put his hands on her shoulders in a familiar way.

She let his hands stay there. “Oh, Dean, you’re here.” Marta laughed that darling burst Bryson normally thrilled at. Instead, chills went through him to see her with another guy. He frowned. A woman walked past them with a greeting as if Marta and he were a couple. As if. The pack of actors zeroed in on his cart. 

Published by The Wild Rose Press, Cherry Shakes in the Park can be Found/Purchased @ Amazon, B&N, Kobo, GoodReads and BookBub

The result of Wendy Kendall's passion for purses, mystery and romance is the intriguing In Purse-Suit Mysteries published by The Wild Rose Press. Kat Out of the Bag also published by Harlequin, introduces Katherine Watson purse designer/sleuth. As Katherine moves from designer bags to body bags, she's uncovering clues to murder. 

The prequel, Purse-Stachio Makes A Splash delves into a chilling cold case. Finalist for Best Suspense at Killer Nashville, Snow Kiss Cookies To Die For creates a tangle of mystery and love, raising suspicions about a teacher's romantic new sweetheart. 

A summer rom-com, Cherry Shakes In The Park blends danger, divas, and frothy delights. Ribbons of love run through the holiday book, Heart of Christmas Cookies and Dreams.

Wendy enjoys investigating the Pacific Northwest life, and she leaves a trail of her own clues as a blogger, YouTube podcaster, speaker, and syndicated columnist.

Wendy is delighted to connect with you at her Social Media Links:

Facebook – WendyKendallMysteries
Twitter - @wendywrites1
Instagram - wendyekendall

THANK YOU SO Much, Wendy for sharing your new book with us. 

Hope you enjoyed Wendy's post friends and that you'll check back each week for another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and keep reading!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Joie Lesin & The Passenger!

 Good Morning and Welcome to the first non-holiday edition of Saturday Spotlight in 2025!

I hope you enjoyed the All Christmas thru Christmas posts and that you are ready for some non-holiday books.

I know I am LOL! I DO love Christmas but with all the year long hype, it's not as fun for me as it used to be.

Anyway, what better way to begin a new year than with an author who is brand new to our blog? 

Please give Joie Lesin a huge SW Louisiana Hoo-Ra!

Tell us a little about your brand new book, Joie...

The Passenger, a 1940s ghost story set in the California wine country, tells a tale of family connections, life-changing choices, and love—lost and found.

Blurb: Burdened with her empathic gift, Elizabeth Reilly wants to be free of it and fit in with normal people. Nevertheless, when the spirit of an old man asks for her help, she travels across the country to help him return home. Gio Clemente is still angry with his father who abandoned him as a child. To help the father pass on, Elizabeth must persuade Gio to let go of his anger. Though he resents her intrusion, they are both stunned to find themselves fighting a profound attraction. Elizabeth can accept his headstrong brand of love, but can Gio accept her gift—and believe in her?

Excerpt: Elizabeth’s stomach churned in nervous knots. She squirmed on the cloth seat, and her foot twitched. If he heard her erratic heartbeat, he’d realize how frantic she was—and hot. Perspiration built up on her forehead. Grabbing the metal handle, she rolled down the squeaking window, and inhaled the pure air. The fragrances of the forest filled her senses—the resinous scent of pine, the earthiness of soil, and damp detritus of fallen branches and decaying leaves. The surrounding land was alive, vibrant, and something more she couldn’t quite identify. Somehow, the vehicle they drove in and the path it traveled seemed out of place.

Gravel on the uneven road crunched and ground under the truck’s tires. Elizabeth sat straight in her seat and stole stiff, awkward glimpses at Giovanni. A frown marked his lips. His lean, well-defined face held soulful eyes bringing to her mind images of the sad little boy he must have been.

A thin red scar stretched down his right cheek and she itched to run a finger along the faded edges. She’d caress his stubble-shadowed chin and tell him how terribly his father missed him. Instead, she stared out the truck window.

**Oh WOW, Joie, if this blurb and excerpt doesn't get readers' attention, I don't know what will! What makes this book special for you?

Perhaps, it’s a bit cliché to say this is the book of my heart, but I can wholeheartedly tell you that it is. To understand why I say this, I need to take you back to the distant (or not-so-distant depending on how one looks at it) past when a girl (that’s me) of sixteen first met the character that would become Paolo Clemente, my ghost from The Passenger. Okay, so I didn’t meet him in the actual physical sense. No, in fact, I was on the bus on the way home from school entertaining myself with my “what if” game where I imagined lives for strangers—complete with backstories. This is where the idea for the character that launched this story first came to life for me. 

Now keep in mind, I’d drafted more than one treatment for this story. Names changed and so did the plot, but what remained constant was Paolo and the woman who would become the main character, Elizabeth. It wasn’t until sixteen years later, that I finally sat down to write what would become book we have today.

So, you see, I had no choice other than to write this story that has lived in my head for so long. What’s more, I now delight in sharing these characters that have become so near and dear to my heart with readers.

**Yep, I think we can all relate to that! Such great inspiration for a story though. Thanks for sharing. Where can readers find The Passenger?

Published by The Wild Rose Press, The Passenger can be found at Amzon in Ebook and Print, B&N, Apple Books, and GoodReads. OR it can be purchased directly from the Publisher.

**Perfect! Do you have a bio, website and links for readers to find and follow you?

Yes! Below are my bio and links...

Award-winning author, Joie Lesin is a life-long fiction writer and poet. She is most recently the author of The Passenger (The Wild Rose Press, 2024). She has long been fascinated by anything otherworldly including mermaids and ghosts. Joie writes character-driven, emotional, atmospheric tales about heartache and hope.

Originally from Massachusetts, at six years old, Joie moved to her mother’s birthplace, Minnesota. By eight, Joie lost her New England accent, however, it's gradually returning as the years go by. She grew up in Minneapolis but now resides in St. Paul with her husband and their blended family—which includes a rambunctious grand-corgi.

Joie misses the ocean, but she often finds herself walking by one of Minnesota’s many lakes and travels to one of the coasts as often as she can. In fact, she considers California her home away from home. When she’s not writing, reading, or walking, you can find her listening to music. She absolutely loves music—especially live—and songs have sparked most of her story ideas.

Find and follow Joie at her Website, Bluesky, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok

THANK YOU SO, Much, Joie for sharing with us today! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your books.

Well Friends, I hope you enjoyed this week's spotlight. Join us every week for a new author and his/her book(s).

Until next time, be blessed and keep reading.

PS: If you love to travel, check out my travel blog Bathroom Blues as I reminisce over the places I've been. AND if you love spiritual development and growth, follow my journey on Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on D.V. Stone & A Christmas Storm!


Good Morning and Welcome to the final installment of All Christmas thru Christmas for this holiday season!

Today we'll visit with D.V. Stone and find out all about her book, A Christmas Storm. Take it away DV!

In the spirit of Dickens, a delightfully sweet holiday story about family love and the opportunity for second chances. A Christmas Storm is a small town Christmas romance.

Blurb: An early storm is brewing in Upstate New York, and military wife Lacey Prescott is caught unprepared when it turns into a blizzard. Defeated by her own lack of preparation and the recall of her husband’s Christmas holiday leave, her joy in the season is replaced by bitterness and anger. In an unexpected turn of events, Lieutenant Matthew Prescott’s leave is reinstated. But the journey home is not an easy one since a Nor’easter stands between him and his family.

Amidst the storm’s fury, Lacey gets a glimpse of the past, present, and possible future, while Matt gets assistance from a mysterious stranger.

In a heartwarming story of determination, the resilience of the human spirit, and the unexpected kindness of strangers, the possibility of a Christmas reunion brings a sense of hope with a message of love and support from friends and family that embodies the true spirit of Christmas.

Excerpt: “Why me?” Lacey Prescott wailed to the sky as she lay sprawled on the icy path leading to the shed.

Snow started to replace the sleet and fluttered down from the starless sky. 

Christmas was only three days away. Even with her dad, Nathan, and Gloriana installed in the guest room, it wasn’t the holiday she’d hoped for since getting the call. Matt wasn’t going to make it home. She’d put on her game face when she’d greeted Dad and his new wife at the door earlier, but her heart was no longer into celebrating the holiday. 

“I miss you so much.” She rubbed her eyes before struggling to get traction on the slippery surface. Finally, her foot found the gravel under the snow on the path’s edge.

Her heart broke when her husband called the previous month to let her know plans had changed. This was to be the first time they’d spend the holidays together since getting married.

He would’ve spent the season with her and little Adele. But duty called, and Lt. Matthew Prescott’s deployment had been extended—indefinitely.

Now, here she was without him and with a house full of company. To top it off, what had been expected to be light snow was now being reported by the weather stations as a storm of epic proportions. And she’d neglected to lay in supplies.

She’d lived in Upstate New York long enough to know storms could quickly morph from forecasts of flurries to blizzards in a heartbeat.

While gingerly making her way to the shed where the ice melt was, she’d wanted to kick her own butt. Until she slipped and fell. Okay, ice kicked her instead. 

“Argh.” She yanked on the frozen-shut door and then slammed her hand against the wood slats.

Done, she was done. Toast. No, burnt toast. 

Turning around, she slid down the rough door and buried her head in her arms while wet seeped into her jeans. She didn’t even care. Banging her head on her knees, she wondered yet again, why her?

“Lacey! Are you okay?”

Alita Marshall’s fur-edged snow boots appeared in front of her.

“Did you fall?”

Lacey looked up when her friend, another military wife, stooped to her level. The light from over the shed door washed over the woman’s warm brown complexion and reflected in her concerned chestnut-colored eyes.

“I’m okay. On the outside anyway.” Lacey sighed and sniffed. “Just having a pity party for myself.”

“Oh, honey.” A red-mittened hand bedazzled with silver snowflakes grasped Lacey’s bare one and helped her to her feet. “I get it.”

“You seem to have it all together.” Lacey shivered and plucked at her wet bottom. Her hand stung with cold when she grabbed the door handle again and tugged to no avail. And she wasn’t okay. Her lower back was starting to ache.

After a few bangs around the edge, they pulled together, and finally, she could get into the shed. 

Lacey grabbed the bucket of salt while Alita took the shovel off the hook.

“I have my meltdowns too, you know.” Alita hooked her arm through Lacey’s as they slipped and slid their way back toward the house. “I’m just not sitting in the slush when it happens. Usually, it’s in a locked bathroom with the shower running, so the boys don’t hear.”

The back door opened, and Lacey’s stepmom, Gloriana, hurried across the porch, then slowed and walked like a penguin toward them. “Here, give me that.” She took the bucket from Lacey and started sprinkling salt on the steps. “I was just about to send out a search party.”

“The shed door wouldn’t open.” Alita made no mention of Lacey’s breakdown.

“So, you decided to make snow angels instead?”

“What do you mean?” Lacey glanced over her shoulder.

Gloriana eyed her wet behind. “Your tush is soaking wet.”

“Ha, I wish it were snow angels.” Lacey rubbed her aching lower back. It was going to be sore. “I slipped and went down like a ton of bricks.”

“Oh honey, are you all right?” Gloriana started mother-henning.

“I’ll be fine.” Lacey limped up the steps while hanging on to the railing. “Can you finish salting while I go change? I’m also going to take a shower to warm up.” 

“Sure.” Gloriana spread a thick layer of salt on the steps.

Lacey glanced at Alita’s raised eyebrow and then hobbled into the house. 

It looked like a day care. The presence of not only Cyclone Adele but now the boys, toys, and juice boxes, the shrapnel of life lay scattered across tables, floors, and furniture. Sounds of cartoons came from the den, accompanied by giggles. 

She peeked in and sighed, a sound coming from her too often.

What A Christmas Storm means to me.

I adore my Lake Unami characters. This fictional small town in New Jersey is one of my favorite places. Though I took several of my characters out of town for the holidays, the spirit of the town went with them. In Rainbow Sprinkles, several readers commented they loved the character of Lacey. She and her dad had a special relationship and wanted to know more about her. I wasn’t sure how it would play out until I began writing, and the muse took over. The story became cathartic to me. Since then, readers have let me know how, like me, Lacey’s story has helped them with issues they, too, have struggled with.

In 1977, I lived on a dairy farm in Minnesota. I was the oldest of four. My dad, who was only 38 years old, died in our living room after a long struggle with heart disease. At seventeen I became the caretaker of the home. My mom was devastated and withdrew. The kids were twelve and under. The character Lacey has many of the attributes I took on. I don’t need anyone’s help. I can do it on my own. It’s taken almost fifty years but I’ve learned, no, I don’t have to and don’t expect to. I’ve realized that allowing others to help is often a blessing for them. Think of how it makes you feel when you reach out to others. I still struggle with ingrained habits of going it alone, but I’m a work in progress you know.  

Besides Amazon, A Christmas Storm can be found at B&N; Apple Books; GoodReads and other Online Retailers.

D. V. Stone is known for her engaging and captivating storytelling, often weaving elements of romance, fantasy, and adventure into her novels. Her official website, dvstoneauthor.com, serves as a central hub for fans and new readers alike to explore her literary works, learn about upcoming book releases, and gain insights into her creative process. The site typically features detailed book descriptions, author blogs, and exclusive content such as interviews and behind-the-scenes looks at her writing journey. Additionally, visitors can find information on where to purchase her books, sign up for newsletters, and connect with DV Stone on social media. Whether you’re a long-time follower or new to her stories, dvstoneauthor.com offers a comprehensive and inviting space to immerse yourself in the world of DV Stone’s imagination.


“My greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, sipping a glass of wine, and reading.”


Hali, her rescue dog, always reminds her to let readers know, “Woof, woof.” Which loosely translates to “support your local animal rescue.”


You can learn more about D. V. by following her on Social Media.


Link tree for one-stop connections Link Tree












Aww, DV so sorry to hear about your dad. So young! But your growth is inspiring. Thank You for sharing. And yes, we know we're all a work in progress. 

Hope you enjoyed DV's post friends. Next week we begin normal Saturday Spotlights with Joie Lesin and her book, The Passenger.

Until then, happy reading!


Saturday, January 11, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on @TenaStetler & A Witch's Holiday Wedding!


Good Morning and Welcome to the another All Christmas thru Christmas feature for this holiday season!

Today we bring Tena Stetler back with her book, A Witch's Holiday Wedding.

Thank You, Tena for joining us again this week. Tell us what makes this book special for you....

I had so much fun writing this book. With ghosts running amuck spilling family secrets and making roses bloom in the dead of winter. The werewolf pack creating havoc everywhere they went. Then there is the matter of the military mission. It's a wonder Pepper and Lathen didn't elope. But they didn't, so pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and come along for the hilarious ride of A Witch's Holiday Wedding.   Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You'll be so glad you did.

Sounds like a fun read! Give us more...

Blurb: Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen. 

 When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?

Excerpt: After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”

“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, Aidan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”

“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.

“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his upper torso blurred.

Pepper smiled, glanced at Lathen. “What do you think—about twenty-five to fifty close friends and family at the ceremony?”

“I doubt the pack will be there, they’ll be more interested in the food and tall-tale telling at the reception. Not to mention questioning why the dinner wasn’t before the ceremony. So you are close on that count.” He snatched the wine glass from the table and took a gulp.

“The seating area should be at the end of the pond by the benches. Ashling mentioned purple rose bushes around the pond. Lathen and I are going to get the arbor first thing in the morning, weather permitting.”

Lathen’s stomach gurgled. “You know the timer for the meat pies went off a while ago.” He glanced toward the kitchen. “Want me to go get them?”

“Oh crap, I forgot. They’ll be ruined, all dried out.” She thought for a moment then waved her hand toward the kitchen. “They’ll be fine.”

“I’ve got what’s needed.” Aidan rose from the chair, lifted his hand in a wave and faded away, the mist crawling along the floor disappeared entirely.

“Never a dull moment around here.” Lathen took the tray of pies from Pepper and set it on the coffee table. The silverware clattered as he slipped the napkins out from under them, inhaling deeply. “I’m starved.”

“Marrying a McKay witch may be more than you bargained for,” she teased. “Too late to change your mind.”

“Don’t intend to.” He forked up a bite of meat pie, blew on it for a minute as the steam rose, and popped it in his mouth. “Mmmmm. Delicious! Life with a witch can be quite satisfying. 

GREAT Excerpt! Thanks. Where can we find A Witch's Holiday Wedding?

The book is available at Amazon, B&N, Audible, Kobo, Google Play, iTunes and other online retailers.

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Find and Follw her at the following Social Media Sites:

Website: https://www.tenastetler.com

Authors’ Secret’s Blog - https://www.tenastetler.com/category/authors-secrets-blog/

My Say What Blog - http://www.tenastetler.com/category/my-say-what-blog/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tenastetler.author

Twitter Page: https://www.twitter.com/TenaStetler     

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14187532.Tena_Stetler

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/author/tenastetler

Newsletter: https://www.tenastetler.com/newsletter-signup/

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/tenastetler

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tena-stetler

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tenastetler/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tena-stetler-10057978/

THANK You so, much, Tena for sharing your Christmas books with us. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings on your sales in 2025!

Friends, check out Tena's other Christmas book featured this holiday season HERE.

Hope you enjoyed today's post. We'll conclude our Saturday Spotlight's All Christmas thru Christmas next week with DV Stone and her book, A Christmas Storm.

Until next week, take care and God Bless!