If you read my post June 4 on getting organized again, you'll note that I still haven't been able to post here more than occasionally.
Don't despair! I'm not LOL.
After months of working and stressing over my plans to get and stay ORGANIZED when it comes to regular promotion, I've finally come to the conclusion that with my crazy, rollercoaster life it is virtually impossible.
So I've made a decision that I've been toying with for quite a while.
Since Pamela's Ponderings @ The Romance Reader's Daily Blog is my longest-standing blog to date, I will continue to update that one weekly.
I may pop in here from time-to-time, but it will be irregular...so, if you've a mind, check back occasionaly. However, if you really want to know what's going on with me and my books...check Pamela's Ponderings!
Until later...take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....if you've been praying about something and yet, still stressing, consider this....are you trusting Him or not?
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