Hi Friends,
Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Happy and BLESSED New Year!
This week I'll be Spotlighting Author, Hazel Statham and her novel My Dearest Friend a Wings EPress book!
Here is Hazel's Bio:
I live in Staffordshire, England. I started writing at fifteen and have written on and off ever since. I have always been fascinated by history and write mainly in the Regency and Georgian eras, although I have been known to occasionally stray into Medieval times.
Writing is a compulsion I just can't ignore and my work has been mainly influenced by Heyer, Bronte and Austen, although over the years, I have read many authors who have inspired me.
When I was a child, I often told myself stories and this just progressed to committing them to paper to entertain family and friends. However, there have been gaps in my writing years where marriage and employment have intervened, but now that I no longer work, I am able to return to my first love and devote my time to writing. I had my first two novels published in 2005.
I have been married to my husband, Terry, since 1969 and have a grown daughter and beautiful grandson. Apart from reading and writing historical novels, my other ruling passion is animals and until recently, I was treasurer for an organisation that raised money for animal charities.
I currently share my home with a lovely yellow Labrador named Lucy, who is my constant companion. Lucy is a real sweetie, but it's not always easy working at the computer with a large Labrador trying to get on your knee!
Drop by on Friday, Jan 4th for an excerpt of My Dearest Friend!
Until then...take care and be BLESSED!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Amazon Affiliate
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Resolutions & Goals
Well Friends, it's that time of the year again...time when everyone is thinking about resolutions and goals for the next year of our lives. Every year my goal always seems to be the same...Make enough $$ writing to stay home!
I’ve always wondered why I never seem to get ahead or gain victory in this area of my life until I read The Secret and I realized that victory is within me! Although many claim this book to be “unchristian” I find that it reiterates many Biblical principles.
However much I believe in the power of attraction, I must agree with Judi Moreo’s statement from her book You Are More Than Enough Achievement Journal, “Every step I take brings me closer to the realization of my dreams.”
Yes, the power of attraction works…but faith without works is dead. In other words, you have to do something! Even if that something is as simple as implementing the principles of The Bible and The Secret, you are still proactive in creating your life to be what you want it to be.
Experts say that it takes thirty-days to create a new habit, but I've found that it sometimes takes a lifetime to break old ones. When practicing both Biblical principles and those of The Secret, I’ve found that old ways of thinking/speaking are very hard to change. Oh, sure I may start out with a bang…all excited and expectant, but give it a month or so with little or no change and I’m sorely tempted (and very often) go back to the old negative patterns that are embedded deep within my subconscious.
Statistics show that people who make goals and write them down usually achieve more than those who merely think about what they’d like to accomplish. Visualization is also a powerful tool when it comes to making your dreams come true.
My greatest dream is to have enough $$ to stay home. There are only a few ways this life-long dream will come true….
1) Win the lottery (guess that means I have to do something and buy a ticket LOL!)
2) Sell a TON of books/short stories/articles/essays/etc (this is definitely in God’s hands—however I had 1 novel and 1 short story released in 2007 and have 2 novels and 2 short stories contracted for release in 2008 as well as numerous articles and essays to write/sell/post at sites that generate residual income)
3) Write/promote myself into NY Times Best Seller status (another feat that is in God’s hands; however His Word says that He will bless and multiply my efforts as long as I stay in balance between faith and works)
4) Work/invest/find ways to generate more income (ie; grants, write/edit for others, etc)
5) Dream/visualize/call those things that be not as though they are (Romans 4:17; I’ve created a vision board to help me with this)
I am – and will continue—to practice the principles of The Bible and The Secret to make my dreams come true!
Yes, the power of attraction works…but faith without works is dead. In other words, you have to do something! Even if that something is as simple as implementing the principles of The Bible and The Secret, you are still proactive in creating your life to be what you want it to be.
Experts say that it takes thirty-days to create a new habit, but I've found that it sometimes takes a lifetime to break old ones. When practicing both Biblical principles and those of The Secret, I’ve found that old ways of thinking/speaking are very hard to change. Oh, sure I may start out with a bang…all excited and expectant, but give it a month or so with little or no change and I’m sorely tempted (and very often) go back to the old negative patterns that are embedded deep within my subconscious.
Statistics show that people who make goals and write them down usually achieve more than those who merely think about what they’d like to accomplish. Visualization is also a powerful tool when it comes to making your dreams come true.
My greatest dream is to have enough $$ to stay home. There are only a few ways this life-long dream will come true….
1) Win the lottery (guess that means I have to do something and buy a ticket LOL!)
2) Sell a TON of books/short stories/articles/essays/etc (this is definitely in God’s hands—however I had 1 novel and 1 short story released in 2007 and have 2 novels and 2 short stories contracted for release in 2008 as well as numerous articles and essays to write/sell/post at sites that generate residual income)
3) Write/promote myself into NY Times Best Seller status (another feat that is in God’s hands; however His Word says that He will bless and multiply my efforts as long as I stay in balance between faith and works)
4) Work/invest/find ways to generate more income (ie; grants, write/edit for others, etc)
5) Dream/visualize/call those things that be not as though they are (Romans 4:17; I’ve created a vision board to help me with this)
I am – and will continue—to practice the principles of The Bible and The Secret to make my dreams come true!
How do you plan to make your dreams come true in 2008?
Leave a comment and let me know!
Until later remember....God has given YOU the power to create wealth! (Deut. 8:18)
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Author Spotlight - Nelson Pahl!
Hello Friends,
Hope to see you there!
Please enjoy this excerpt from Nelson Pahl's book Bee Balms & Burgandy!
Bee Balms & Burgundy
Nelson Pahl
Chapter IV Excerpt
Copyright © 2008 Nelson Pahl
I arose at ten minutes after ten St. Paul time. It’s always so strange for me to awake in the place where I grew up. While the memories supply warm reminders of family, friends, and productive youth, they are, at the same time, somewhat disturbing. Memorabilia reiterates a lifetime already lived, a phase completed and put in the books; it demands a step down the evolution ladder. I’d always defined my life by my ability to progress beyond what I’d been “given” to that which I’d “chosen” for myself. In this respect, the Twin Cities acted as the inherited, Vancouver as the earned.
Nelson Pahl
Chapter IV Excerpt
Copyright © 2008 Nelson Pahl
I arose at ten minutes after ten St. Paul time. It’s always so strange for me to awake in the place where I grew up. While the memories supply warm reminders of family, friends, and productive youth, they are, at the same time, somewhat disturbing. Memorabilia reiterates a lifetime already lived, a phase completed and put in the books; it demands a step down the evolution ladder. I’d always defined my life by my ability to progress beyond what I’d been “given” to that which I’d “chosen” for myself. In this respect, the Twin Cities acted as the inherited, Vancouver as the earned.
To my amazement, the sun shone through the curtain less windows just beside my bed. My mother had redone the wallpaper and carpet in the room—my former bedroom and now the guest bedroom—prior to her Christmas visit to see me eight months earlier, and, for some reason, had yet to adorn the windows with proper tapestries. Perhaps she waited for me to do it, or perhaps she just had too many other things piled upon her plate.
I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I noticed the windowsill included yet another limp chickadee. This had become a running joke at my mother’s house. Although she felt sincere empathy for the adorable little creatures, she couldn’t help but question the animals’ intelligence. Like clockwork, my mother would clean her kitchen windows and within hours another chickadee would attempt to employ the hanging plants as a resting perch, subsequently cold cocking himself against the glass. Sometimes, the bird survived the first bid but didn’t get the message. After knocking himself silly, he’d come to shortly thereafter. Then, he’d give it another try, only to discover the futility in a second attempt. My mother could’ve placed the plants elsewhere. In fact, she’d tried to find a “safer” location several times. However, the plants needed sunlight to survive; therefore, they belonged window-side. The chickadees yearned to alight upon the plants; hence, they’d meet their fate. My mom and I expected PETA to show up at the door any day and demand that we kill all her plants to save the chickadees from themselves. Then, the Sierra Club would come calling.
I stepped through the sliding glass door, and picked the chickadee from the windowsill. I threw him in the woods, then headed back inside and proceeded to wash my hands. A note from my mother lay next to the sink. She was “running errands” until noon, and she wanted me to take a package to the next-door neighbor’s house—the Lawsons’ house. The parcel itself sat on the counter. So did a twenty-dollar bill. No matter how old I got, no matter how wealthy I became, my mother had a difficult time grasping the fact that I, at age thirty-two, could provide for myself. I thought it a cute gesture, but…
I pulled a glass from the cupboard and the Aloe Vera juice from the fridge—which my mother stocked exclusively for my visits, as she hated the stuff. I poured and drank, then headed up to the spare bathroom to take a shower.
I rang the doorbell and knocked on the front door several times, but no one answered. Yet, a car occupied the driveway. I made my way around the house, through the fence gate, and into the backyard.
I rang the doorbell and knocked on the front door several times, but no one answered. Yet, a car occupied the driveway. I made my way around the house, through the fence gate, and into the backyard.
At once, beauty deluged my senses. I recognized the wafting sachet of sage and chive. I couldn’t decipher, however, the abundant accent aromas—they teased me from every direction. A two-layer musical arrangement serenaded me; chickadees on vocals tracked over the sensuous-yet-flirty rhythm of breeze caressing leaves. And the colors…It looked as though Monet had used the yard as his test canvas. Everything bloomed at once. Up and down the flowerbeds, the red-to-violet magic thrived.
In my opinion, the Lawsons’ backyard hinted at what an urban rainforest might look like up close. Large antique elms and oaks towered over the plot. The mid-morning sun oozed through strategically placed narrow shoots amongst them, creating a spotlight effect upon the parcel’s far side.
The lawn itself measured a half acre—an inclined dog leg, with the dog’s foot pointed toward the fence gate through which I’d just stepped. Weathered four-by-six-inch oil-treated railroad ties embraced ascending and descending flowerbeds that created a natural staircase shelf throughout the pitched yard. A six-foot cedar fence ran the lot’s entire perimeter.
I made my way along the stone path and through the arched tree-limb tunnel that sheltered it—almost expecting a committee of parrots, monkeys, and panthers to welcome me. I stepped to the deck, and headed toward a bustling flowerbed at its far end.
I made my way along the stone path and through the arched tree-limb tunnel that sheltered it—almost expecting a committee of parrots, monkeys, and panthers to welcome me. I stepped to the deck, and headed toward a bustling flowerbed at its far end.
She stood with her back to me, tending to the many blossoms that enveloped her bare legs. Ani DiFranco’s “Here for Now” resonated with moderate volume from a small, portable CD player set upon the deck. She wore a pink bandana on her head, faded denim shorts, and a forest-green Minnesota Wild tee shirt. Although five-foot-six, she couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds.
I’d known Mia for what seemed like forever, although I hadn’t seen her in almost two years. We’d grown up next door to one another, two school grades apart. With me being an only child and Mia much younger than both sisters—who’d married wealthy brothers and now lived out east with teenage children—we’d served as a mock step-sibling duo for much of our lives; I assumed the big brother role, and she portrayed the little sister.
I’d held an affinity for Mia since our friendship’s first hour. She truly qualified as the best person I’d ever known. She gave her time to everything; a woman who brought home a stray anything then spent the next week in a frenzy trying to place the animal with just the right family. Afterward, no matter her age, Mia would always cry when she had to bid farewell to her furry little friend.
I pulled up behind her. “Hey, stranger.”
She turned around, pruners in hand, gloves stained with dirt. “Nicky.” She swiped her forehead with forearm. “God, I haven’t seen you forever.”
I stood with crate in hands, at the flowerbed’s edge. “You out for the weekend?”
She studied her pruners as she fondled them. “Um...” She looked to me. “I’m living here again.”
“Oh.” Odd, my mother hadn’t mentioned anything about Mia moving home. “Listen, the UPS guy dropped this with my mom for some reason.” I handed her the wooden, breadbox-sized parcel.
“Thank you.” She shook it. “Wonder what’s in it.” She inspected the crate for a moment, then grinned. “Guess we’ll find out later.” Mia stepped down from the foot-high bed, and set the crate on a small three-plank bench mounted upon the deck. “God, how are you? Your mom told me you were coming home for a few days.”
“I’m good. And you?”
Mia giggled, as she looked down at herself. “Skinny, as you can see.”
“I guess so.” I didn’t know what happened to her weight. Mia had always been an avid runner with a slender physique, but I’d never seen her this thin. While her legs remained relatively toned, her torso appeared to have withered. I just couldn’t picture her, Mia, with an eating disorder.
“Are you in hurry?”
I shook my head. “Not really.”
“Please stay and chat for a while. I’ve been looking so forward to seeing you.”
“Ah…OK, for a bit.”
“Look, my bee balms are blooming.” She glanced beyond her shoulder.
“Yeah, look.” Mia pointed the pruners toward the bed from which she’d just stepped. “They’re my new favorite flower—and they’re blooming! It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in a long time.”
Hmm. To me they looked more like scarlet-hued tarantulas being electrocuted atop an eighteen-inch stem. Nonetheless, I played along. “Great.”
Well folks, hope you enjoy this Author Spotlight on Nelson Pahl and his book, Bee Balms & Burgandy.
I'll be chatting tonight at Love Romances Cafe @ 7pm CST and I'll be giving away a pdf of my novel, Tempered Hearts to some lucky participant.

Until later...be BLESSED!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Here's hoping your Christmas was BLESSED, Happy & Holy!
Bet you're wondering what those initials are all about....Thank goodness its over!
I love Christmas, I really do. But I'm always glad when its over. No more mad dash to shop, no more rushing from one party to another. Oh, the blessed day when life gets back to normal.
Tomorrow I'll be hosting an author spotlight on Nelson Pahl and his book, Bee Balm & Burgandy so stop on by and catch an excerpt!
I'll also be chatting at Love Romances Cafe at 7pm CST and I'll be giving away a pdf of one of my 'Tempered' titles, so come by and join us for some fun!
Until then....be BLESSED!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Bet you're wondering what those initials are all about....Thank goodness its over!
I love Christmas, I really do. But I'm always glad when its over. No more mad dash to shop, no more rushing from one party to another. Oh, the blessed day when life gets back to normal.
Tomorrow I'll be hosting an author spotlight on Nelson Pahl and his book, Bee Balm & Burgandy so stop on by and catch an excerpt!
I'll also be chatting at Love Romances Cafe at 7pm CST and I'll be giving away a pdf of one of my 'Tempered' titles, so come by and join us for some fun!
Until then....be BLESSED!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Hi Friends,
You probably won't hear much from me over the next few days since it is Christmas weekend and, like you, I have numerous festivities to attend. However, I wanted to drop in and leave you with a very special poem.
The Blessing of Friends
Prov. 18:24
We've heard it all before but I'll say it again,
There's no greater blessing than that of a friend.
Dearer to one than a sister or a mother
God defines a friend as one closer than a brother.
Being a true friend, doesn't take much
A shoulder, an ear, a special touch.
You've been all of this to me and so much more
You're someone I love, cherish and adore.
God came to earth on the wings of a dove
To be a friend to man and to show us His love.
A true friend is One who will lay down His life
Christ was born for this purpose; the perfect Sacrifice.
As I count my blessings this Holiday Season,
I know that God placed you in my life for this reason.
Thank you for being my friend, I love you!
Here's wishing you and yours BLESSED and Happy Holidays!
Until later remember....Jesus is the reason for Every season!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
You probably won't hear much from me over the next few days since it is Christmas weekend and, like you, I have numerous festivities to attend. However, I wanted to drop in and leave you with a very special poem.
The Blessing of Friends
Prov. 18:24
We've heard it all before but I'll say it again,
There's no greater blessing than that of a friend.
Dearer to one than a sister or a mother
God defines a friend as one closer than a brother.
Being a true friend, doesn't take much
A shoulder, an ear, a special touch.
You've been all of this to me and so much more
You're someone I love, cherish and adore.
God came to earth on the wings of a dove
To be a friend to man and to show us His love.
A true friend is One who will lay down His life
Christ was born for this purpose; the perfect Sacrifice.
As I count my blessings this Holiday Season,
I know that God placed you in my life for this reason.
Thank you for being my friend, I love you!
Here's wishing you and yours BLESSED and Happy Holidays!
Until later remember....Jesus is the reason for Every season!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Author Spotlight - Aithne Jarretta!
Hi Folks,
Well as promised, today I am Spotlighting author Aithne Jarretta and her book, In a Heartbeat, released TODAY from The Wild Rose Press!
Haunted by his past, Malik rushes through a tempest filled Florida night toward an unexpected meeting with destiny. Harboring a soul that longs for unity with his mate, he tries to understand the shallow dating experiences up to this moment. He is positive there is someone with whom his heart beats in tandem. Where? He doesn’t have a clue.
Wyndy, Tempest Tamer Faery, has waited lifetimes for the return of her soul love. Tonight, at last, he will come home. Their meeting, heralded within Florida’s stormy coastline, brings together an ageless love bound into eternity.
Also, Aithne is offering you a FREE copy of her Christmas Ebook, Kissing Santa! Just go to her website (a magic portal that leads you to her MySpace) and PM her!
Congratulations Aithne on your NEW RELEASE!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, December 17, 2007
Author Spotlight!
Hi Friends,
Just wanted to stop by and give you a sneak peek on my upcoming Author Spotlight with Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book, In a Heartbeat due for release Dec. 19th from The Wild Rose Press!
Aithne Jarretta, born in Akron, Ohio now lives in Florida under sunny skies surrounded by tropical beauty and gentle gulf breezes. She is a mother of two grown sons and a graduate of Walsh University, North Canton, Ohio.
Her first whisperings of a story and being a romance writer came during a college History of England class when studying about Hadrian’s Wall. Much too busy with raising two children and academic studies, she brushed the voices away and completed her college degree.
Eventually she migrated to Florida where she has lived, worked and studied writing since arriving on sunny shores.
Aithne finally listened to the bard’s whispers, sat down to begin writing a story and words tumbled forth. That moment in time changed the direction of her life. Now, a writer for only four years, she has spent time honing her craft.
Romance built around seeds of world history give a unique flare to her paranormal stories. Love and romance binds everything together with endearing energy, weaving them into inspiring folktales.
“So much of my plotlines come from an event in history. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will be recognizable. I love to weave stories from the threads of human experience outside mainstream studied history. In a Heartbeat, though not considered historical, does come from a blending of cultural influences and imagination. I’m sure all writers appreciate their muses. It is my greatest desire to share my stories with the world.”
In a Heartbeat, Faery Rosette is one of the freshest releases from The Wild Rose Press.
Coming Dec. 19th from The Wild Rose Press~
Be sure and check back Wednesday, the 19th for an excerpt of In a Heartbeat!
Until then, remember Jesus is the reason for every Season!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Just wanted to stop by and give you a sneak peek on my upcoming Author Spotlight with Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book, In a Heartbeat due for release Dec. 19th from The Wild Rose Press!
Aithne Jarretta, born in Akron, Ohio now lives in Florida under sunny skies surrounded by tropical beauty and gentle gulf breezes. She is a mother of two grown sons and a graduate of Walsh University, North Canton, Ohio.
Her first whisperings of a story and being a romance writer came during a college History of England class when studying about Hadrian’s Wall. Much too busy with raising two children and academic studies, she brushed the voices away and completed her college degree.
Eventually she migrated to Florida where she has lived, worked and studied writing since arriving on sunny shores.
Aithne finally listened to the bard’s whispers, sat down to begin writing a story and words tumbled forth. That moment in time changed the direction of her life. Now, a writer for only four years, she has spent time honing her craft.
Romance built around seeds of world history give a unique flare to her paranormal stories. Love and romance binds everything together with endearing energy, weaving them into inspiring folktales.
“So much of my plotlines come from an event in history. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will be recognizable. I love to weave stories from the threads of human experience outside mainstream studied history. In a Heartbeat, though not considered historical, does come from a blending of cultural influences and imagination. I’m sure all writers appreciate their muses. It is my greatest desire to share my stories with the world.”
In a Heartbeat, Faery Rosette is one of the freshest releases from The Wild Rose Press.

Be sure and check back Wednesday, the 19th for an excerpt of In a Heartbeat!
Until then, remember Jesus is the reason for every Season!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Friday, December 14, 2007
New Review for Choices!
Hey Friends!
I received a "google alert" this morning that a review for my short story, Choices is up at Huntress Reviews!
Wow, what a surprise! The reviewer sent this to me several weeks ago, but I didn't know that it would be up on the Web. Read it here!
Until later remember....the choices you make today can affect the rest of your life!
A White Rose, Rosette...coming Jan 08 from The Wild Rose Press!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
I received a "google alert" this morning that a review for my short story, Choices is up at Huntress Reviews!
Wow, what a surprise! The reviewer sent this to me several weeks ago, but I didn't know that it would be up on the Web. Read it here!
Until later remember....the choices you make today can affect the rest of your life!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Edits-Round One!
Hey Friends!
You may not hear from me as often for the next few weeks as I received round one edits on my novel The Visionary, contracted by Enspiren Press!
But don't forget, on Dec 19th I'll be hosting author Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book In A Heartbeat.
So be sure and check back!
Until later remember....keep the Holidays - Holy Days!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
You may not hear from me as often for the next few weeks as I received round one edits on my novel The Visionary, contracted by Enspiren Press!
But don't forget, on Dec 19th I'll be hosting author Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book In A Heartbeat.
So be sure and check back!
Until later remember....keep the Holidays - Holy Days!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Guest Blogging @ Romance Junkies!
Hi Friends!
Tomorrow I'll be guest blogging at Romance Junkies Blog!
If you get a chance, run over and check out the blog posts by authors of all genres.
IMW, check out MY BEBO, My Connect to Romance Page and BlogLinkHoppers...three new places to find me on the web. I still have some work to do on these pages, but eventually they'll reflect all the pertinent info readers want to know.
Well not much else going on...just waiting on edits.
So, until later....remember....Keep the Holidays -- Holy Days!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Tomorrow I'll be guest blogging at Romance Junkies Blog!
If you get a chance, run over and check out the blog posts by authors of all genres.
IMW, check out MY BEBO, My Connect to Romance Page and BlogLinkHoppers...three new places to find me on the web. I still have some work to do on these pages, but eventually they'll reflect all the pertinent info readers want to know.
Well not much else going on...just waiting on edits.
So, until later....remember....Keep the Holidays -- Holy Days!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Another Contract!
Hey Folks!
Just gotta share, I've received, completed and mailed off another contract--this one from The Wild Rose press for another short story.
A Hero for Jessica will be released sometime early 2008!
Check out this gorgeous cover tho!

Isn't that just BEAUTIFUL?!
I think so too.
Here's the Blurb:
Anthony Paul Seville is known as the ‘most eligible bachelor’ in New Orleans, possibly even the entire state of Louisiana, but finds himself alone—completely and explicitly alone. Jessica Aucoin is a writer on her way to fame and fortune, but is haunted by a man from her past. Will the “champion” lawyer and the author of romantic suspense find love written in their cards? Find out in... A Hero for Jessica by Pamela S Thibodeaux--Coming in 2008 from The Wild Rose Press!
Well folks, I hope you enjoyed the Author Spotlight on Cat Muldoon and the excerpt from her book, Rue the Day.
I'll be hosting author Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book In A Heartbeat on Dec. 19th!
Until later remember...there are Angels among us and if you make the right Choices, God will set you apart for an Inheritance (and possibly a Hero of your own!)
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!
Just gotta share, I've received, completed and mailed off another contract--this one from The Wild Rose press for another short story.
A Hero for Jessica will be released sometime early 2008!
Check out this gorgeous cover tho!

Isn't that just BEAUTIFUL?!
I think so too.
Here's the Blurb:
Anthony Paul Seville is known as the ‘most eligible bachelor’ in New Orleans, possibly even the entire state of Louisiana, but finds himself alone—completely and explicitly alone. Jessica Aucoin is a writer on her way to fame and fortune, but is haunted by a man from her past. Will the “champion” lawyer and the author of romantic suspense find love written in their cards? Find out in... A Hero for Jessica by Pamela S Thibodeaux--Coming in 2008 from The Wild Rose Press!
Well folks, I hope you enjoyed the Author Spotlight on Cat Muldoon and the excerpt from her book, Rue the Day.
I'll be hosting author Paula Strickland (aka: Aithne Jarretta) and her book In A Heartbeat on Dec. 19th!
Until later remember...there are Angels among us and if you make the right Choices, God will set you apart for an Inheritance (and possibly a Hero of your own!)
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Please Welcome Cat Muldoon & Rue the Day!
Well Folks....as promised, here is Cat Muldoon & her novel, Rue the Day!
Excerpt from Rue the Day
By Cat Muldoon
The throbbing pain in her head was almost more than she could bear. She splashed cold water on her face, hoping to shake off the mental fogginess that so perfectly mirrored the weather. Fighting for calm, she took several deep breaths in an effort to calm herself and diminish the pain. Maybe this time the deep breathing would help.
Lynne’s breath caught. She felt the presence of someone standing behind her. Her heart pounded. She whirled around and sunk into a battle stance, ready to attack the intruder. Nobody was there. “I must be losing my mind.” She grabbed the counter to steady herself.
Bree purred--a real purr this time. Lynne released her grip on the counter. The grey cat slowly raised a snowy paw and stepped forward. Though Lynne’s anxiety remained, his behavior aroused her curiosity. She knelt beside her beloved friend. Bree’s long grey whiskers twitched as he took another step, this time with less hesitation. His purr grew louder as he tilted his head upward with an expression of bliss on his face, as if being scratched under the chin by an unseen hand.
Lynne had the strangest feeling someone was trying to comfort her. This only heightened her sense of alarm. Who could be trying to soothe me and my cat, and why? She feared for her cat’s safety and wanted him away from the mysterious presence. “Bree, no!” she yelled, but he stayed where he was and purred contentedly. Not knowing what else to do, she scooped Bree into her arms, grabbed her pack, and dashed through the door into the misty woods.
The feline tensed and squirmed in Lynne’s arms as she raced away from the hut. Bree squalled in protest and dug his back claws into Lynne’s stomach, but she held him close. Her footing faltered as she slipped in a mud puddle. Reflexively, her arms spread to catch her balance, and Bree dashed away. “Bree, BREE!” she yelled, pursuing him.
Lynne rebuked herself for fleeing into the fog like a frightened deer. Bree had lived his whole life indoors, and she had terrified him. Certainly, he would not come to her call. She let out a cry of anguish as she started searching for her companion. She rarely cried, but now hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She tried to make her voice calm as she called to Bree.
Maybe if I act like a normal person, he might come to me.
The only sound was her breathing. Her incessantly throbbing head made it difficult to focus and quiet her mind. She forced her breath to quiet as she walked more calmly, listening for him. Without noticing, she held her arms out to help guide her, since her eyes gave her no useful information in the milky mist. At one point, she felt a branch break beneath her foot. A few minutes later, it occurred to her that she had not heard the branch crack. Walking with purposeful disregard for the terrain, she did not even hear her shoes contacting the earth. Though an expert at moving quietly through the woods, the headlong dash through fog surely must have taken her through countless crunchy autumn leaves and fallen sticks. She could not see her feet, and could not imagine moving soundlessly in these conditions.
Experimentally, Lynne stomped her foot hard. She felt the impact through her leg, but heard no sound. She clapped twice and heard two dull thuds. She raised a hand before her face. All she saw was a vague shape. She shuddered. The temperature had surely risen; the fog should be lifting. The back of her neck prickled and her sense of danger increased.
“Bree, I’m not going home without you,” Lynne called. Her voice did not travel through the woods as it should have. Finally, weary and hoarse from hours of anxious searching and calling, Lynne slumped against an old tree and sank onto the ground. Bree might be lost forever, and it was all her fault. If only she had kept her wits and stayed to face whatever was happening at the hut, none of this would have happened.
Lynne shivered. Had the day grown so cold? She was no closer to locating her beloved companion. You’ll never find him sitting on your pity pot. She cautioned herself to stay centered and keep her wits. Be in the present moment.
Just then, a sense of imminent, mortal danger shocked her into action. She had to move now. Rolling to one side, she sprang to her feet, feeling dizzy and disoriented. Something made a dull thump as it hit the tree just where her head had been a moment ago. She moved with stealth behind the tree and slowly rounded it, looking in every direction for the mysterious projectile, but could find nothing in the dense fog, either with her eyes or with her hands. She leaned against the tree and took in deep but shaky drafts of the chilly air, grateful that her instinct, sharpened by numerous dangerous encounters, had just saved her from death again.
Looking, listening and feeling all around the area, Lynne no longer felt immediate danger. Since the feeling of impending doom had passed and not returned, her desire to find Bree and go home eclipsed her desire to know what had just hit the tree. Resuming her hunt, she methodically placed one foot before another and called Bree’s name every few steps. Although Lynne had no idea in which direction to look for him, she would search until they reunited. She had to find Bree. The fog had to lift eventually. Perhaps her love for the cat or some inner guidance might come to her aid.
How long had she been wandering? Several hours, probably, but it did not matter. She continued to trudge and call and listen. She heard a rustle and maybe a sound. She stopped. Had she heard a meow? She waited. No, it must have been wishful thinking. With a sigh, she continued.
“Bree!” Yes, it was definitely Bree’s voice just ahead of her. She looked up to where his call had come. Just then, she saw the thick fog thin from pea soup to taffeta veil. Now she was able to see for several feet around her. Bree perched on a branch at shoulder height. “Oh, Bree, I am so glad to finally find you.” She reached for the cat. Bree jumped off the branch, dashed several feet, and turned to look at her.
“Bree, come on. Let’s go home,” Lynne cajoled. She was almost in reach when the cat again dashed ahead a few paces. Lynne kept curses and harsh words to herself as she advanced.
The cat, to her annoyance, continued his antics several more times, letting her get almost close enough to catch him before sprinting. “Oh, Bree, please don’t do this to me,” the woman said quietly. She wanted to wail in frustration, but had no more energy for outbursts.
At long last, Bree sat motionless, facing Lynne as she approached. He wound his steel grey tail around his white paws and sat like an elegant statue. His eyes gazed directly into hers. She knelt to pick him up. “I love you, Bree,” She cooed.
It was then that Lynne noticed the soft leather boots behind her cat. She rose, Bree purring in her arms, to see the wearer of the boots smiling at her. Lynne’s jaw dropped. She had seen this man before, though they had never spoken or met. This rugged, well-proportioned man wearing linen clothes, a wool cloak, and laced boots, had recently appeared for brief moments, a silent observer in her dreams. She closed her gaping mouth and tried to think what she should say or do next.
The man’s smiling green eyes resembled her own. “Greetings, Aislinn,” he said warmly, his smile broadening.

Rue the Day: The Undercover heir, Book 1
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Wings Press
Publication Date: May, 2007
Link to read more excerpts!
For more information on Cat Muldoon and her books, visit her Website, MySpace or email her at:Cat@CatMuldoon.com
I'd like to thank Cat for stopping by today....watch later this month when I'll be hosting another author on tour (you'll have to check back to see who it is LOL!)
Until later...may the fire of Christ illuminate your life!

Book 3 in 5-Part series...available now in Ebook & Print!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Excerpt from Rue the Day
By Cat Muldoon
The throbbing pain in her head was almost more than she could bear. She splashed cold water on her face, hoping to shake off the mental fogginess that so perfectly mirrored the weather. Fighting for calm, she took several deep breaths in an effort to calm herself and diminish the pain. Maybe this time the deep breathing would help.
Lynne’s breath caught. She felt the presence of someone standing behind her. Her heart pounded. She whirled around and sunk into a battle stance, ready to attack the intruder. Nobody was there. “I must be losing my mind.” She grabbed the counter to steady herself.
Bree purred--a real purr this time. Lynne released her grip on the counter. The grey cat slowly raised a snowy paw and stepped forward. Though Lynne’s anxiety remained, his behavior aroused her curiosity. She knelt beside her beloved friend. Bree’s long grey whiskers twitched as he took another step, this time with less hesitation. His purr grew louder as he tilted his head upward with an expression of bliss on his face, as if being scratched under the chin by an unseen hand.
Lynne had the strangest feeling someone was trying to comfort her. This only heightened her sense of alarm. Who could be trying to soothe me and my cat, and why? She feared for her cat’s safety and wanted him away from the mysterious presence. “Bree, no!” she yelled, but he stayed where he was and purred contentedly. Not knowing what else to do, she scooped Bree into her arms, grabbed her pack, and dashed through the door into the misty woods.
The feline tensed and squirmed in Lynne’s arms as she raced away from the hut. Bree squalled in protest and dug his back claws into Lynne’s stomach, but she held him close. Her footing faltered as she slipped in a mud puddle. Reflexively, her arms spread to catch her balance, and Bree dashed away. “Bree, BREE!” she yelled, pursuing him.
Lynne rebuked herself for fleeing into the fog like a frightened deer. Bree had lived his whole life indoors, and she had terrified him. Certainly, he would not come to her call. She let out a cry of anguish as she started searching for her companion. She rarely cried, but now hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She tried to make her voice calm as she called to Bree.
Maybe if I act like a normal person, he might come to me.
The only sound was her breathing. Her incessantly throbbing head made it difficult to focus and quiet her mind. She forced her breath to quiet as she walked more calmly, listening for him. Without noticing, she held her arms out to help guide her, since her eyes gave her no useful information in the milky mist. At one point, she felt a branch break beneath her foot. A few minutes later, it occurred to her that she had not heard the branch crack. Walking with purposeful disregard for the terrain, she did not even hear her shoes contacting the earth. Though an expert at moving quietly through the woods, the headlong dash through fog surely must have taken her through countless crunchy autumn leaves and fallen sticks. She could not see her feet, and could not imagine moving soundlessly in these conditions.
Experimentally, Lynne stomped her foot hard. She felt the impact through her leg, but heard no sound. She clapped twice and heard two dull thuds. She raised a hand before her face. All she saw was a vague shape. She shuddered. The temperature had surely risen; the fog should be lifting. The back of her neck prickled and her sense of danger increased.
“Bree, I’m not going home without you,” Lynne called. Her voice did not travel through the woods as it should have. Finally, weary and hoarse from hours of anxious searching and calling, Lynne slumped against an old tree and sank onto the ground. Bree might be lost forever, and it was all her fault. If only she had kept her wits and stayed to face whatever was happening at the hut, none of this would have happened.
Lynne shivered. Had the day grown so cold? She was no closer to locating her beloved companion. You’ll never find him sitting on your pity pot. She cautioned herself to stay centered and keep her wits. Be in the present moment.
Just then, a sense of imminent, mortal danger shocked her into action. She had to move now. Rolling to one side, she sprang to her feet, feeling dizzy and disoriented. Something made a dull thump as it hit the tree just where her head had been a moment ago. She moved with stealth behind the tree and slowly rounded it, looking in every direction for the mysterious projectile, but could find nothing in the dense fog, either with her eyes or with her hands. She leaned against the tree and took in deep but shaky drafts of the chilly air, grateful that her instinct, sharpened by numerous dangerous encounters, had just saved her from death again.
Looking, listening and feeling all around the area, Lynne no longer felt immediate danger. Since the feeling of impending doom had passed and not returned, her desire to find Bree and go home eclipsed her desire to know what had just hit the tree. Resuming her hunt, she methodically placed one foot before another and called Bree’s name every few steps. Although Lynne had no idea in which direction to look for him, she would search until they reunited. She had to find Bree. The fog had to lift eventually. Perhaps her love for the cat or some inner guidance might come to her aid.
How long had she been wandering? Several hours, probably, but it did not matter. She continued to trudge and call and listen. She heard a rustle and maybe a sound. She stopped. Had she heard a meow? She waited. No, it must have been wishful thinking. With a sigh, she continued.
“Bree!” Yes, it was definitely Bree’s voice just ahead of her. She looked up to where his call had come. Just then, she saw the thick fog thin from pea soup to taffeta veil. Now she was able to see for several feet around her. Bree perched on a branch at shoulder height. “Oh, Bree, I am so glad to finally find you.” She reached for the cat. Bree jumped off the branch, dashed several feet, and turned to look at her.
“Bree, come on. Let’s go home,” Lynne cajoled. She was almost in reach when the cat again dashed ahead a few paces. Lynne kept curses and harsh words to herself as she advanced.
The cat, to her annoyance, continued his antics several more times, letting her get almost close enough to catch him before sprinting. “Oh, Bree, please don’t do this to me,” the woman said quietly. She wanted to wail in frustration, but had no more energy for outbursts.
At long last, Bree sat motionless, facing Lynne as she approached. He wound his steel grey tail around his white paws and sat like an elegant statue. His eyes gazed directly into hers. She knelt to pick him up. “I love you, Bree,” She cooed.
It was then that Lynne noticed the soft leather boots behind her cat. She rose, Bree purring in her arms, to see the wearer of the boots smiling at her. Lynne’s jaw dropped. She had seen this man before, though they had never spoken or met. This rugged, well-proportioned man wearing linen clothes, a wool cloak, and laced boots, had recently appeared for brief moments, a silent observer in her dreams. She closed her gaping mouth and tried to think what she should say or do next.
The man’s smiling green eyes resembled her own. “Greetings, Aislinn,” he said warmly, his smile broadening.

Rue the Day: The Undercover heir, Book 1
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Wings Press
Publication Date: May, 2007
Link to read more excerpts!
For more information on Cat Muldoon and her books, visit her Website, MySpace or email her at:Cat@CatMuldoon.com
I'd like to thank Cat for stopping by today....watch later this month when I'll be hosting another author on tour (you'll have to check back to see who it is LOL!)
Until later...may the fire of Christ illuminate your life!

Book 3 in 5-Part series...available now in Ebook & Print!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
New Contract -- Signed, Sealed & Delivered!
Hi Friends!
It's official! I signed a contract last night for my Womens' Fiction novel, The Visionary with Enspiren Press!
Here's the blurb......
A visionary is someone who sees into the future, Taylor Forrestier sees into the past but only as it pertains to her work. Hailed by Architectural Digest and Architectural Review as “a visionary with an instinct for beauty and an eye for the unique” Taylor Forrestier is undoubtedly a brilliant architect and gifted designer. But she and her twin brother share more than a successful business. The twins share a childhood wrought with lies and deceit and the kind of abuse that’s disgustingly prevalent in today’s society. Can the love of God and the awesome healing power of His grace and mercy free the twins from their past and open their hearts to the good plan and the future He has for their lives?
Find out in…The Visionary...Coming in 2008 from Enspiren Press!
Remember...tomorrow I'll be Spotlighting Cat Muldoon and her fantasy novel Rue the Day!
Until later....take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....without a vision the people perish....
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
It's official! I signed a contract last night for my Womens' Fiction novel, The Visionary with Enspiren Press!
Here's the blurb......
A visionary is someone who sees into the future, Taylor Forrestier sees into the past but only as it pertains to her work. Hailed by Architectural Digest and Architectural Review as “a visionary with an instinct for beauty and an eye for the unique” Taylor Forrestier is undoubtedly a brilliant architect and gifted designer. But she and her twin brother share more than a successful business. The twins share a childhood wrought with lies and deceit and the kind of abuse that’s disgustingly prevalent in today’s society. Can the love of God and the awesome healing power of His grace and mercy free the twins from their past and open their hearts to the good plan and the future He has for their lives?
Find out in…The Visionary...Coming in 2008 from Enspiren Press!
Remember...tomorrow I'll be Spotlighting Cat Muldoon and her fantasy novel Rue the Day!
Until later....take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....without a vision the people perish....
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Author Spotlight!
Hey Folks,
If you've been following my posts here or at Pamela's Ponderings, you'll note that I've mentioned that I'd be hosting an Author Spotlight for authors whose books are on tour...virtual book tour that is.
Well, this week I'm happy to introduce you to Cat Muldoon and her book, Rue the Day, a fantasy.
Cat Muldoon sharpens her claws and her wit daily. Her varied interests include singing, teaching, cooking, archery, and mythology. Naturally, she loves reading and writing as well.
Most of her stories are romance, paranormal, futuristic, science fiction, fantasy, and suspense. But with Cat, you never know what she'll dream up next. She does, literally, dream up stories at times. She has a couple of humorous horror stories looking for a home, but is finding that people who want the stuffing scared out of them don't want quirky people or funny bits in their tales.
She also converses with her characters, which is one reason they are so lively. You won't find any cardboard cut-outs in her stories. This makes for interesting times if one of them is out of sorts and she, being of optimistic nature, thinks they need to get an attitude adjustment and move on with life.
The cast of her first novel Rue the Day: The Undercover Heir, Book 1 are quite anxious for her to get on and write the second in the series, all except for Aislinn, who isn't looking forward to some of the things that will happen to her, and the two or three men who…OOPS! Talking out of turn -- That's for another day.
Cat's favorite stories are those that captivate you and keep you in suspense. She enjoys romance stories IF they are interesting tales with strong, well-developed characters and twisty plots.
She's not taken to gushy romance scenes but will acquiesce under the duress of her characters if necessary. She also realizes that people know what parts go where, so she isn't inclined to graphic scenes either. It is more fun to tantalize and involve all the senses.
And yes, Cat adores felines. She has two of them. Feel free to Email her at Cat@CatMuldoon.com or visit her on MySpace at www.MySpace.com/CatMuldoon
Cat also has a page on Author's Den where readers can read and review her work!
So, stop back this Thursday (Dec. 6th) and read an excerpt from Cat's book, Rue the Day!
See you then!
If you've been following my posts here or at Pamela's Ponderings, you'll note that I've mentioned that I'd be hosting an Author Spotlight for authors whose books are on tour...virtual book tour that is.
Well, this week I'm happy to introduce you to Cat Muldoon and her book, Rue the Day, a fantasy.
Cat Muldoon sharpens her claws and her wit daily. Her varied interests include singing, teaching, cooking, archery, and mythology. Naturally, she loves reading and writing as well.
Most of her stories are romance, paranormal, futuristic, science fiction, fantasy, and suspense. But with Cat, you never know what she'll dream up next. She does, literally, dream up stories at times. She has a couple of humorous horror stories looking for a home, but is finding that people who want the stuffing scared out of them don't want quirky people or funny bits in their tales.
She also converses with her characters, which is one reason they are so lively. You won't find any cardboard cut-outs in her stories. This makes for interesting times if one of them is out of sorts and she, being of optimistic nature, thinks they need to get an attitude adjustment and move on with life.
The cast of her first novel Rue the Day: The Undercover Heir, Book 1 are quite anxious for her to get on and write the second in the series, all except for Aislinn, who isn't looking forward to some of the things that will happen to her, and the two or three men who…OOPS! Talking out of turn -- That's for another day.
Cat's favorite stories are those that captivate you and keep you in suspense. She enjoys romance stories IF they are interesting tales with strong, well-developed characters and twisty plots.
She's not taken to gushy romance scenes but will acquiesce under the duress of her characters if necessary. She also realizes that people know what parts go where, so she isn't inclined to graphic scenes either. It is more fun to tantalize and involve all the senses.
And yes, Cat adores felines. She has two of them. Feel free to Email her at Cat@CatMuldoon.com or visit her on MySpace at www.MySpace.com/CatMuldoon
Cat also has a page on Author's Den where readers can read and review her work!
So, stop back this Thursday (Dec. 6th) and read an excerpt from Cat's book, Rue the Day!
See you then!
Monday, December 3, 2007
5 Angels for Cathy's Angel!
Hello Friends!
Available NOW from The Wild Rose Press!
Just had to drop in and let everyone know that my short story, Cathy's Angel has received a 5-Angel review from Fallen Angel Reviews!
Marlene said...."Pamela S. Thibodeaux has written a fast-paced, contemporary short story whose characters are both realistic and inspirational...."
Read the entire review here.
Until later remember....there ARE Angels among us! Available Now from The Wild Rose Press!

"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tremendous Thursday!
Hello Friends,
Tempered Hearts....Available NOW! in Ebook & Print
I didn't get a chance to actually post yesterday (Wonderful Wednesday--yep still working on the perception thing by allocating new, positive labels to things)--anyway, although I didn't post, you can see I've been busy!
I've added a list of Friends Websites as well as a Blogroll to this page. I've also added a list of other places you can find me on the 'Net.
Not much else going on...still working on several projects...a script for The Inheritance, a short story, oh, and a few ebooks I plan to self-publish.
One is finished and it is titled: Simple Promotional Tools for Every Author and I've put it up here for easy purchase!
That's about all for now....until later...take care, stay in touch (your comments are appreciated!), God Bless and remember....let your heart always be tempered before the Lord!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Terrific Tuesday!
Hi Folks,
Yep, changing my perception again and determined to improve my life in doing so. :-)
As we all know, not all great authors are born...some are made. Effective promotion is part of what makes them.
Knowing this, I've put together a short ebook titled: Simple Promotional Tools for Every Author and will be posting info here on how to purchase this informative product.
Also, as I mentioned yesterday, I will begin hosting authors on virtual book tour, so stay tuned!
Oh and one more thing...I've joined up with a group of White Rose authors to promote ourselves and our titles. Check out our blog White Roses in Bloom!
Well, that's about it for today...until later...take care, stay in touch, God bless and rememer...delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires (dreams) in your heart!
Tempered Dreams Available Now in Ebook & Print!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Yep, changing my perception again and determined to improve my life in doing so. :-)
As we all know, not all great authors are born...some are made. Effective promotion is part of what makes them.
Knowing this, I've put together a short ebook titled: Simple Promotional Tools for Every Author and will be posting info here on how to purchase this informative product.
Also, as I mentioned yesterday, I will begin hosting authors on virtual book tour, so stay tuned!
Oh and one more thing...I've joined up with a group of White Rose authors to promote ourselves and our titles. Check out our blog White Roses in Bloom!
Well, that's about it for today...until later...take care, stay in touch, God bless and rememer...delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires (dreams) in your heart!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, November 26, 2007
Marvelous Monday! (changing my perception)
Hello Friends!
If you've read my last Monday post, you'll see that I'm doing my best to change my perception and get away from those same ole labels.
I hope each and every one of you had a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
As you may know, in May, my book Tempered Dreams went on a virtual book tour. Well, beginning in December, I will be hosting authors on tour, so check back regularly and see what's happening.
Well, hope you're having a 'Marvelous' Monday!
Until later...take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....God has set YOU apart for an inheritance!
The Inheritance Available Now! In Ebook & Print
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
If you've read my last Monday post, you'll see that I'm doing my best to change my perception and get away from those same ole labels.
I hope each and every one of you had a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
As you may know, in May, my book Tempered Dreams went on a virtual book tour. Well, beginning in December, I will be hosting authors on tour, so check back regularly and see what's happening.
Well, hope you're having a 'Marvelous' Monday!
Until later...take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....God has set YOU apart for an inheritance!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Poem for You!
A day set aside for grateful hearts
To express gratitude to God for gifts He imparts.
Since His mercies are new every morning, Dear
Shouldn’t we Thank Him each day of the year?
When you gather with family and those you love
Please remember to give Thanks and Praise to God above.
Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever! (1 Chron. 16:34)
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
To express gratitude to God for gifts He imparts.
Since His mercies are new every morning, Dear
Shouldn’t we Thank Him each day of the year?
When you gather with family and those you love
Please remember to give Thanks and Praise to God above.
Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever! (1 Chron. 16:34)
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Interview Up!
Hello Friends,
Just wanted to drop by and let you all know that I have a new interview up at Beyond the Books!
Check it out and PLEASE feel free to leave a comment!
Until later remember....in ALL things give HIM thanks and praise!
Pamela S Thibodeaux"Inspirational with an Edge!
Just wanted to drop by and let you all know that I have a new interview up at Beyond the Books!
Check it out and PLEASE feel free to leave a comment!
Until later remember....in ALL things give HIM thanks and praise!
Pamela S Thibodeaux"Inspirational with an Edge!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Love Romances Cafe - Chat tonight!
Hello Friends,
Well made it through Monday, LOL! Now on to today, Tuesday....haven't heard any negative labels put on this particular day but I'm sure there are plenty. ;-)
Why is it that we allow ourselves to get caught up in the craziness of labeling when we should be grateful for every day?
I'm not sure who said it, but some wise soul made this comment...."yesterday is past, tomorrow is future, today is a gift; that's why it's called 'the present'.....well, that may not be an exact quote, but you know what I mean.
God gives us each day to enjoy....so let's be thankful for the blessings in our lives! Someone said that if you take a few minutes each day and write down 5 things that you're thankful for you'll have less reasons to be sad, depressed, aggrivated, etc. So, I'm going to do that...right here and now: I'm so happy and grateful for.....
1) My husband, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, extended family and friends (like you!)
2) My home, job, co-workers, vehicles.
3) Finances....although it sometimes 'appears' that we lack, I am grateful that my bills are paid, we have food in the freezer and cubbards, and gas in the car!
4) My health and the health of those I love -- although we may have our share of problems I'm grateful for each and every day we live and breathe!
5) Last but certainly not least....Salvation...my salvation and the salvation of my entire family...for the promise of God is that if I would be saved (and I am!) my entire household will be (and are!) saved...in biblical days the household included family/servants/friends/everyone in your life.....And that, my dear Friends, means YOU!
Tonight I'll be chatting at Love Romances Cafe at 7pm cst. This is a loop chat....hope to see you there!
Until later remember to keep your heart Tempered before the Lord!
Tempered Hearts --book 1 in 5-part series Available NOW in Ebook and Print!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Well made it through Monday, LOL! Now on to today, Tuesday....haven't heard any negative labels put on this particular day but I'm sure there are plenty. ;-)
Why is it that we allow ourselves to get caught up in the craziness of labeling when we should be grateful for every day?
I'm not sure who said it, but some wise soul made this comment...."yesterday is past, tomorrow is future, today is a gift; that's why it's called 'the present'.....well, that may not be an exact quote, but you know what I mean.
God gives us each day to enjoy....so let's be thankful for the blessings in our lives! Someone said that if you take a few minutes each day and write down 5 things that you're thankful for you'll have less reasons to be sad, depressed, aggrivated, etc. So, I'm going to do that...right here and now: I'm so happy and grateful for.....
1) My husband, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, extended family and friends (like you!)
2) My home, job, co-workers, vehicles.
3) Finances....although it sometimes 'appears' that we lack, I am grateful that my bills are paid, we have food in the freezer and cubbards, and gas in the car!
4) My health and the health of those I love -- although we may have our share of problems I'm grateful for each and every day we live and breathe!
5) Last but certainly not least....Salvation...my salvation and the salvation of my entire family...for the promise of God is that if I would be saved (and I am!) my entire household will be (and are!) saved...in biblical days the household included family/servants/friends/everyone in your life.....And that, my dear Friends, means YOU!
Tonight I'll be chatting at Love Romances Cafe at 7pm cst. This is a loop chat....hope to see you there!
Until later remember to keep your heart Tempered before the Lord!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Monday!
Monday usually gets a bad rap...we hear of 'Monday blues,' 'Manic Monday' and all sorts of other things that make Monday morning worse than it acutally is.
Since this is Thanksgiving week, I've decided to be thankful for this particular Monday and hopefully--I'll remember to remain so when next Monday rolls around LOL.
Well, not much else going on in my world today. I'm working on a short story that seems to flow when it wants to instead of when I want it to...but hey, when it flows (like this morning) it flows very well. :-)
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to be dropping by here more often so hopefully you--my faithful friends--can keep up with what's happening in my life.
So, until next time..., take care, stay in touch, God Bless, and remember....in ALL things give HIM praise!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Since this is Thanksgiving week, I've decided to be thankful for this particular Monday and hopefully--I'll remember to remain so when next Monday rolls around LOL.
Well, not much else going on in my world today. I'm working on a short story that seems to flow when it wants to instead of when I want it to...but hey, when it flows (like this morning) it flows very well. :-)
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to be dropping by here more often so hopefully you--my faithful friends--can keep up with what's happening in my life.
So, until next time..., take care, stay in touch, God Bless, and remember....in ALL things give HIM praise!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just Playing Around!
Hello Friends,
As you can see I've been playing around with my blog. I'm going to be posting here much more often so thought I'd update the look a bit.
What do you think?
Looking forward to your comments!
Pamela S Thibodeaux (aka: PamT)
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
As you can see I've been playing around with my blog. I'm going to be posting here much more often so thought I'd update the look a bit.
What do you think?
Looking forward to your comments!
Pamela S Thibodeaux (aka: PamT)
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Interview @ Coffee Time Romance!
Hi Folks,
Recently I had the priviledge of being interviewed for Coffee Time Romance....read it here!
Also, don't forget, my White Rosette, Cathy's Angel is available NOW at The Wild Rose Press!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Recently I had the priviledge of being interviewed for Coffee Time Romance....read it here!
Also, don't forget, my White Rosette, Cathy's Angel is available NOW at The Wild Rose Press!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
4 Flutes for Cathy's Angel!
Hey Friends,
Cathy's Angel has received a great review from Coctail Reviews! Read it here!
Until later remember....there ARE Angels among us!
Cathy's Angel available NOW from The Wild Rose Press!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Cathy's Angel Released TODAY!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Listen to my Interview!
Hi Friends!
Recently I had the privelege of being interviewed by Yvonne Perry who owns/operates Write On! Creative Writing Services and Writer's in the Sky Blog, Newsletter and Podcast.
To listen to the interview, click here!
Until later remember....when the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Recently I had the privelege of being interviewed by Yvonne Perry who owns/operates Write On! Creative Writing Services and Writer's in the Sky Blog, Newsletter and Podcast.
To listen to the interview, click here!
Until later remember....when the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Coming Soon! From The Wild Rose Press - Cathy's Angel & Choices!
Good news!
Two of my short stories have been accepted for publication at The Wild Rose Press as Rosettes!
Below are the blurbs and the covers....WOW!
Best-selling novelist and songwriter Camie Rogers has penned numerous accounts of the secret love she holds in her heart. Country-Music Superstar Kip Allen has changed from the shy, humble boy, to the epitome of “star.” Can the two rediscover each other after one night of his Home is where the Heart is Tour? Find out in Choices
Single mom Cathy Johnson is tired of running her life alone…what she needs is a well-trained angel to help out. Jared Soileau gave up the dream of having a family when he discovered he is sterile. Can a confirmed bachelor and the mother of four find love amid normal daily chaos? Find out in Cathy's Angel.
Until later, take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....God has set you apart for an Inheritance!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Pink Heart Society
Do you LOVE category romance?
If so, The Pink Heart Society is the place for you!
This is a reader group who absolutely loves category romance and are proud of it. They have a yahoo loop and and a blogspot where they do reviews and have all sorts of things going on daily for readers.
Check 'em out!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Available Now in Ebook and Print!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Pamela's Ponderings & Preview the Book
In my last post I said that due to time constraints, I would be posting regulary at Pamela's Ponderings, however there is something going on over there that I'm not sure about, but my last few posts have not been updated.
I know that Tina (owner/moderator) was revamping everything about The Romance Readers Room so maybe that's the whole deal, but I've decided that until things get going again over there, I'm going to be blogging here!
My last post at PP was to tell everyone about a new way to find books!
Preview the Book is a new venue where book lovers can preview new artists via book trailers and maybe pick up a new favorite or two!
So, if you're looking to find new authors, run over and check 'em out!
Until later....take care, stay in touch and remember....teaching your children to read helps them develop good imaginations!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
In my last post I said that due to time constraints, I would be posting regulary at Pamela's Ponderings, however there is something going on over there that I'm not sure about, but my last few posts have not been updated.
I know that Tina (owner/moderator) was revamping everything about The Romance Readers Room so maybe that's the whole deal, but I've decided that until things get going again over there, I'm going to be blogging here!
My last post at PP was to tell everyone about a new way to find books!
Preview the Book is a new venue where book lovers can preview new artists via book trailers and maybe pick up a new favorite or two!
So, if you're looking to find new authors, run over and check 'em out!
Until later....take care, stay in touch and remember....teaching your children to read helps them develop good imaginations!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Too Many Irons in the Fire
Hello Folks,
If you read my post June 4 on getting organized again, you'll note that I still haven't been able to post here more than occasionally.
Don't despair! I'm not LOL.
After months of working and stressing over my plans to get and stay ORGANIZED when it comes to regular promotion, I've finally come to the conclusion that with my crazy, rollercoaster life it is virtually impossible.
So I've made a decision that I've been toying with for quite a while.
Since Pamela's Ponderings @ The Romance Reader's Daily Blog is my longest-standing blog to date, I will continue to update that one weekly.
I may pop in here from time-to-time, but it will be irregular...so, if you've a mind, check back occasionaly. However, if you really want to know what's going on with me and my books...check Pamela's Ponderings!
Until later...take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....if you've been praying about something and yet, still stressing, consider this....are you trusting Him or not?
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Available Now at a bookstore near YOU~ or your favorite online source...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Attention Ebook Lovers- Tempered series available now!
Hello Friends,
Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that the Tempered series is now available in electronic format through ComStar and they are on sale thru July!

Come join me Friday, June 22nd @ 6pm CST at The Romance Bistro Yahoo Loop or Saturday, June 23 from 11-3 cst @ Love Romance Cafe Yahoo Loop or from 4-5pm cst @ NovelSpotters chat room
Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that the Tempered series is now available in electronic format through ComStar and they are on sale thru July!

Also, I'm chatting this weekend to celebrate the print release of The Inheritance from The Wild Rose Press!

Hope to see you there!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Inheritance #1!

It was such a blessing to find that
The Inheritance is #1 on the "Current Bestseller" list at The Wild Rose Press in the White Rose line!

Thank You readers!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, June 4, 2007
Getting Organized - Again!

Hello Dear Friends,
I am trying - again- to get organized enough to post at least once-a-week to my different blogs. As you may know I have 4 other blogs: Pamela's Ponderings, Amazon Plog, Inspired Author-where I am the topic editor for Indi Novels - though I haven't had time to post any articles yet :-( and MySpace.
I've seriously considered cutting down to 3 blogs, but not sure yet. Thought I'd try again to post one-a-day to the 5 I have and if that doesn't work, then I'll narrow the scope to only 3. Anyway, enough rambling LOL!
Just wanted to share with you all that my single-title novel, The Inheritance, published by The Wild Rose Press received a 5-HEART Review from The Romance Studio!
Well, that's about it for now. If this getting/staying organized works, I'll see you again next week. If not, then I'll be posting to this blog more often.
Until later remember....God will not ask of you what He does not equip you to do!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm Looking For Ebook Readers!

Hello Folks,
In a blog post for Enspiren Press, the subject was covered on Who Buys Ebooks...though interesting, I'm wondering...
Where Do I Find Ebook Readers?
I'm not talking about devices, I'm talking about people!
So, I'm cross posting this to all of my blogs searching for answers and asking you ebook readers out there to contact me at: pthib-7@centurytel.net & let me know how e-authors can find you and let you know about our books.
IMW, If you LOVE ebooks, check out my latest release The Inhertiance - Available NOW from The Wild Rose Press!
Until later remember, a picture is worth a thousand words but a story lives on and on and on!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Tempered Dreams on Tour - Virtual Book Tour That Is!

Hello Again,
Since my last post introduced to you my novel, The Inheritance, published by The Wild Rose Press, I guess this post should tell you about my novel, Tempered Dreams - book 2 in the 5-part series published by Com Star Media.
Tempered Dreams revolves around Dr. Scott Hensley (introduced in Tempered Hearts -book 1) and Katrina Simmons. He has built a wall around his heart since the death of his wife and parents. She is a battered wife when they meet. Can their faith be strengthened and dreams renewed?
Tempered Dreams is on tour NOW (virtual book tour that is) and for the entire month of May!
As you can see from the tour schedule, there are several open dates, so if you'd like to host me on your blog one or two days this month, please email, Dorothy Thompson and set it up or you can simply email me and I'll let Dorothy know.
Until later remember when you dream, dream BIG because all of heaven is dreaming with you!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
Inspirational with an Edge!
Attention Romance Readers & Ebook Lovers!

Hi Folks!
In my last post, I promised to give you information on my books. So, here I am. :-)
Since this blog was instigated for The Wild Rose Press, let me begin by telling you about my novel, The Inheritance that is available NOW! in Ebook format.
The Print version will be available June 22nd.
The Inheritance is about the chance we all long for...the chance to start over.
Widowed at 39 and suffering from empty nest syndrome, Rebecca Sinclair has no idea what God has in store for her future. Will an inheritance in the wine country of New York give her life new purpose and encourage her to love again?
US Postal carrier Raymond Jacobey has been in love with the little widow since the first time he laid eyes on her. Can he overcome his shyness and insecurity to win her heart or will he lose her to her inheritance?
Find out as we follow Rebecca and Ray on a romantic journey that leads them from the vastness of Washington State to the awesome beauty of the Finger Lakes Region of New York.
Well, one down, 4 to go LOL.
Until next time remember...God has set you apart for an Inheritance (Acts 20)
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Hello Folks!
I started this blog because I had to have a user account in order to post to The Wild Rose Press' blog, but I've decided to utilize it as another of my personal places to hang out :-)
First, let me tell you a little more about myself. My name is Pamela S Thibodeaux. I am a housewife, mother, grandmother, writer and licensed sales producer in the insurance industry. I am also the CoFounder, President & Treasurer of Bayou Writers' Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non fiction, my writing has been tagged as "Inspirational with an Edge!" and reviewed as "steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message."
I'll tell you more about my published books in future posts, so stay tuned or, if you just can't wait, visit my website LOL!
Until next time remember...When the going get tough, the tough go to God.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
Inspirational with an Edge!
Check out my other blogs:
Writing Up
Pamela's Ponderings @ The Romance Readers Room
Pam's Blog @ Inspired Author
Read My Articles!
I started this blog because I had to have a user account in order to post to The Wild Rose Press' blog, but I've decided to utilize it as another of my personal places to hang out :-)
First, let me tell you a little more about myself. My name is Pamela S Thibodeaux. I am a housewife, mother, grandmother, writer and licensed sales producer in the insurance industry. I am also the CoFounder, President & Treasurer of Bayou Writers' Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non fiction, my writing has been tagged as "Inspirational with an Edge!" and reviewed as "steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message."
I'll tell you more about my published books in future posts, so stay tuned or, if you just can't wait, visit my website LOL!
Until next time remember...When the going get tough, the tough go to God.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
Inspirational with an Edge!
Check out my other blogs:
Writing Up
Pamela's Ponderings @ The Romance Readers Room
Pam's Blog @ Inspired Author
Read My Articles!
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