

I do not read every book/author I spotlight or book tour I host!
Readers, Please research and use wisdom before buying

Amazon Affiliate

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.*

Be a Guest & Promote Your Work on My Blog

I LOVE hosting Authors and Artists and helping to promote their work!

I Offer Five Options...

Saturday Spotlight ~ Weekly ~ FREE! This feature fills up fast so email me at: pam@pamelathibodeaux.com and reserve your spot. 

*If you'd like your spotlight to be promoted daily for the entire week (or longer) see the offer below to increase exposure.

Announce Your New ArtworkPreOrders, New Releases and Special Sales on Teaser Tuesday: $15.00 

Bring Love to your Backlist or Older Products on Throwback Thursday: $15.00 

*Dedicated Pages for Tuesday and Thursday posts! 

Featured Book/Product Sidebar Ads:

TOP: $25.00 (1 week); $45.00 (2 weeks); $75.00 (1 month) 

CENTER: $15.00 (1 week); $25.00 (2 weeks); $55 (1 month)

BOTTOM: $10.00 (1 week); $18.00 (2 weeks); $30 (1 month)

Be My EXCLUSIVE Featured Author/Artist with your own page for 1 month: $25.00; 2 months $45; 3 months (MAX) $65


*All Posts and Sidebar Ads are promoted on their scheduled day to my Social Media Platforms (Facebook x 2, Instagram, Threads, Pinterest and Twitter(X) as well as shared with my personal promo groups for extra exposure. 

Featured Author/Artist Page is promoted weekly.

**Authors/Artists are encouraged to help promote their posts and to drop by and interact with visitors. Giveaways are optional and greatly appreciated.

*Increase your SM Exposure to Daily While Featured for only $10 per week! (Tues/Thur/Sat)

My blog currently gets over 30K hits per month. Prices subject to change once we reach 50K hits.

Email me today at: pam@pamelathibodeaux.com to reserve your dates.

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