Vibrations are high here in SW Louisiana as we keep an eye on TS Gustav which appears to be headed our way.
I can't help but pray, Dear God, not another Rita!
Now you may ask, Who is Rita?
It seems EVERYONE knows about Hurricane Katrina and the devestation, but what many don't realize is that one short month after Katrina, Hurricane Rita slammed into my area. We were forced to evacuate, had no power for weeks, trees down all over, whole communities gone - washed away! Very few escaped damage of some degree including me and my family.
Am I afraid?
Not a bit. My trust is in the Lord and my confidence in a simple mantra - We ARE divinely protected!
Am I prepared?
You betcha!
I'll keep you posted as I can.
Until later remember....The prayers of a righteous man avails much so pray with me...."We are divinely protected!"
Thanks friends!
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Criticism and Ridicule
I’m sure my views on the Law of Attraction and The Secret will start a firestorm of criticism and ridicule, but before you get off on a tangent, Dear Reader, please understand – I LOVE the Lord, Jesus with all of my heart, mind, and soul!
I BELIEVE in His teachings.
I Believe in One God, the Father, the Almighty…..
I Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ….
I Believe the Bible which says that one day ‘every knee shall bow’ unto Him!
But I also believe that Faith is a heart issue and that God gave us a brain to think and to reason, to understand, and to seek for truth and enlightenment.
So, please believe me when I say these posts on the Law of Attraction and The Secret are just that…seeking and searching from a desire to understand God and His truths, His universe and the universal laws He put in place on a deeper level.
I’m not out to start a verbal war with anyone and I will not participate in conversations of an inflammatory nature. If I’m damned for my thoughts and opinions…well, so be it.
I’ll see you in heaven some day but until then remember….judge not lest ye be judged. :-)
I BELIEVE in His teachings.
I Believe in One God, the Father, the Almighty…..
I Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ….
I Believe the Bible which says that one day ‘every knee shall bow’ unto Him!
But I also believe that Faith is a heart issue and that God gave us a brain to think and to reason, to understand, and to seek for truth and enlightenment.
So, please believe me when I say these posts on the Law of Attraction and The Secret are just that…seeking and searching from a desire to understand God and His truths, His universe and the universal laws He put in place on a deeper level.
I’m not out to start a verbal war with anyone and I will not participate in conversations of an inflammatory nature. If I’m damned for my thoughts and opinions…well, so be it.
I’ll see you in heaven some day but until then remember….judge not lest ye be judged. :-)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Power of Prayer or the Law of Attraction?
We’ve been experiencing a lot of rain lately here in SW Louisiana which makes traveling to and from work so tedious that leaving for lunch is all but wishful thinking. Since I began my new job, I’ve been going to the library a block or so away from my place of employment to work on edits for my upcoming release, The Visionary. A few days ago I sat at the table in the break room and prayed that the rain would stop long enough for me to get to the library.
The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you’ll get. So I focused on the rain stopping, leaving work and driving to the library.
Guess what?
Yep, the rain stopped!
I ran out to my car, drove to the library and went in without a single drop of rain to mar the trip LOL!
Once inside, I chose a computer station with a direct view out the door of the building. I could see my car from where I sat. At one point, I glanced over and it was raining again.
When it came close to time for me to leave, I prayed again and visualized returning to work without getting wet.
Sure enough, the rain stopped long enough for that to happen.
Now I’m thinking “this is amazing!”
We all know that Jesus calmed the storm and said that whatever things He’s done, we can do. So I ask you….the power of prayer or the law of attraction? As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe they are one and the same.
You decide.
Until later remember…. Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them (Mark 11:24).
The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you’ll get. So I focused on the rain stopping, leaving work and driving to the library.
Guess what?
Yep, the rain stopped!
I ran out to my car, drove to the library and went in without a single drop of rain to mar the trip LOL!
Once inside, I chose a computer station with a direct view out the door of the building. I could see my car from where I sat. At one point, I glanced over and it was raining again.
When it came close to time for me to leave, I prayed again and visualized returning to work without getting wet.
Sure enough, the rain stopped long enough for that to happen.
Now I’m thinking “this is amazing!”
We all know that Jesus calmed the storm and said that whatever things He’s done, we can do. So I ask you….the power of prayer or the law of attraction? As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe they are one and the same.
You decide.
Until later remember…. Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them (Mark 11:24).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Author Spotlight - Michelle Sutton!
Hi Friends,
As promised, I'm spotlighting my friend Michelle Sutton and her book It's Not About Me.
Michelle lives in Arizona with her husband and 2 sons. A woman after my own heart, Michelle's tagline is Edgy Inspirational Author. She is a member of ACFW and the editor in chief of Christian Fiction Online Magazine. You can find out more about Michelle by visiting her website or blog. Now on to the book!
It's Not About Me is a young adult novel that is reviewed as right on target for todays teens.
Here's the Blurb: Annie has it all. She's attractive, graduated with honors, was accepted at the college of her choice, has supportive parents, good friends, and a steady boyfriend who loves her. One night when an unexpected visitor appears, Annie's safe world is destroyed. As she tries to recover the pieces of her broken life, a war ensues between two brothers who both claim to have her best interests at heart. But who will Annie choose? Or will she decide to turn her life in a different direction?
Here's an Excerpt from the Prologue:
Ever have something happen to you that was so awful you wish you could go back and erase the memory? I did. But in a strange way I’m glad it happened. Not because I enjoyed the nightmares or the pain, but because it changed me and made me a stronger person.
On the inside.
I always thought life was about me. That behaving and being a good person were all I needed to do to be happy. But now I realize all I did was try to please other people, to make them happy. I’m not sure why I felt compelled never to let anyone down. What happened to me that horrible night forced everything into perspective. I learned something about myself that wasn’t so pretty.
It’s not about me.
It's Not About Me sounds like a wonderful YA novel. The book is available now from Sheaf House, just in time for those teens on your Christmas list!
Read reviews and endorsements for It's Not About Me Here!
Read Chapter One Here!
Until later, take care and God BLESS!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
As promised, I'm spotlighting my friend Michelle Sutton and her book It's Not About Me.

It's Not About Me is a young adult novel that is reviewed as right on target for todays teens.
Here's the Blurb: Annie has it all. She's attractive, graduated with honors, was accepted at the college of her choice, has supportive parents, good friends, and a steady boyfriend who loves her. One night when an unexpected visitor appears, Annie's safe world is destroyed. As she tries to recover the pieces of her broken life, a war ensues between two brothers who both claim to have her best interests at heart. But who will Annie choose? Or will she decide to turn her life in a different direction?
Here's an Excerpt from the Prologue:
Ever have something happen to you that was so awful you wish you could go back and erase the memory? I did. But in a strange way I’m glad it happened. Not because I enjoyed the nightmares or the pain, but because it changed me and made me a stronger person.
On the inside.
I always thought life was about me. That behaving and being a good person were all I needed to do to be happy. But now I realize all I did was try to please other people, to make them happy. I’m not sure why I felt compelled never to let anyone down. What happened to me that horrible night forced everything into perspective. I learned something about myself that wasn’t so pretty.
It’s not about me.

Read reviews and endorsements for It's Not About Me Here!
Read Chapter One Here!
Until later, take care and God BLESS!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Monday, August 18, 2008
No Accountability?
A very dear friend of mine who is a deeply spiritual person read The Secret and made a comment that she would never recommend this book to a new Christian because there is no accountability.
She feels that the book promotes thinking and visualizing through 'the universe' without any emphasis on being accountable to God or anyone for your thoughts and actions.
However, when I read The Secret, the author talks a lot about "you can't harm another with your thoughts or intentions (well you can BUT) those same thoughts and intentions will come back into your life in the form of negative things."
Kinda like the proverb, "whatever you sow you shall reap."
So let me ask you, is there accountabilty?
You decide. :-)
Thursday I'll be spotlighting author Michelle Sutton and her book, It's Not About Me.
Until later remember....sow joy and joy will abound in your life!
Tempered Joy book 4 in the Tempered series is available now!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
She feels that the book promotes thinking and visualizing through 'the universe' without any emphasis on being accountable to God or anyone for your thoughts and actions.
However, when I read The Secret, the author talks a lot about "you can't harm another with your thoughts or intentions (well you can BUT) those same thoughts and intentions will come back into your life in the form of negative things."
Kinda like the proverb, "whatever you sow you shall reap."
So let me ask you, is there accountabilty?
You decide. :-)
Thursday I'll be spotlighting author Michelle Sutton and her book, It's Not About Me.
Until later remember....sow joy and joy will abound in your life!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
And the WINNER is......
Melanie Gordon!
Melanie's comment on my Interview @ Time with Tannia has won her an autographed copy of the entire Tempered series!
I'd like to THANK each and EVERY person who took the time to read the interview and to comment.
Currently on her site, Tannia is the one being interviewed - She had folks send her an interview question and posted them so that newcomers could get to know HER a little better. She is giving away a copy of her book, The Window To My Soul; My Walk With Jesus to one lucky person who leaves a comment on her run over there and check her out!
Until later....take care, God Bless and CONGRATULATIONS MELANIE!
Melanie's comment on my Interview @ Time with Tannia has won her an autographed copy of the entire Tempered series!
I'd like to THANK each and EVERY person who took the time to read the interview and to comment.
Currently on her site, Tannia is the one being interviewed - She had folks send her an interview question and posted them so that newcomers could get to know HER a little better. She is giving away a copy of her book, The Window To My Soul; My Walk With Jesus to one lucky person who leaves a comment on her run over there and check her out!
Until later....take care, God Bless and CONGRATULATIONS MELANIE!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Faith & Writing
My friend, Shonell Bacon (aka: Chicklitgurrl) has a new blog in which readers and writers talk about writing and its relation to various topics.
This month at All the Blog'a a Page, various authors are talking about Faith and Writing.
I'm there too!
Check it out!
Thanks Friends,
This month at All the Blog'a a Page, various authors are talking about Faith and Writing.
I'm there too!
Check it out!
Thanks Friends,
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Faith in Action or the Law of Attraction?
As I study the LOA I’m reminded of instances in my life and the lives of others I know that reflect this principle in action. Now, before I ever heard of The Secret, I believed – and still believe- that these events were a result of faith in action. After all, the Bible says , “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
However since my introduction to The Secret I began to wonder….are Faith in Action and the Law of Attraction one and the same?
You decide…..
A secret to The Secret is to feel happy now – In 2003 my daughter phoned to announce that she was pregnant. After a moment of surprised shock I thought… “Oh, a little girl.” Now I must say this was more than a mere thought, but something I felt to the depths of my being and now, my Angel Girl is 4yrs old.
Visualization is the key – In 2004 hubby and I had to make one of the toughest decisions a pet owner has to make – at the advice of our veterinarian, we had our beloved Princess euthanized. She was 14 ½ yrs old and suffered from internal tumors that blocked her digestive system and colon. The vet felt that at her age and the severity of her condition, she would not survive surgery. After about a year, my husband and I talked often of getting another dog, however issues like house training a puppy and finding one that would be a good pet to be around our grandchildren and great nieces/nephews, served as a deterrent. During those conversations I would always tell him that I wanted a German Shepard. “Not a big, bulky cop dog, but a slick, slender, female,” I’d say in an attempt to describe the vision in my mind. One morning in 2006 I headed out for my usual walk when I heard a still, small, Voice urge me to “go to the track.” Quick to listen and obey that Voice, I took off. When I arrived there she was, running loose. I brought her home, hubby found who the owners were and they gave her to us! Best news of all – she was housebroken and had been raised around children!
Ask, Believe and Receive – My mother-in-law is a devout lady, a good woman with strong beliefs. At one point in her life she believed she would win “Cash Quest” one of the many options available in the Louisiana Lottery. Not a huge gambler, she simply thought of the few $$ a week as a little fun and guess what? You’re right – she won!
These are just a few instances of events that have happened in my life and the lives of people I know. I’ll share a few more with you in a later post.
Until then….take care, God Bless and remember…Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve (W Clement Stone) OR in other words…As a man thinks in his heart, so he is! (Proverbs 23:7)
However since my introduction to The Secret I began to wonder….are Faith in Action and the Law of Attraction one and the same?
You decide…..
A secret to The Secret is to feel happy now – In 2003 my daughter phoned to announce that she was pregnant. After a moment of surprised shock I thought… “Oh, a little girl.” Now I must say this was more than a mere thought, but something I felt to the depths of my being and now, my Angel Girl is 4yrs old.
Visualization is the key – In 2004 hubby and I had to make one of the toughest decisions a pet owner has to make – at the advice of our veterinarian, we had our beloved Princess euthanized. She was 14 ½ yrs old and suffered from internal tumors that blocked her digestive system and colon. The vet felt that at her age and the severity of her condition, she would not survive surgery. After about a year, my husband and I talked often of getting another dog, however issues like house training a puppy and finding one that would be a good pet to be around our grandchildren and great nieces/nephews, served as a deterrent. During those conversations I would always tell him that I wanted a German Shepard. “Not a big, bulky cop dog, but a slick, slender, female,” I’d say in an attempt to describe the vision in my mind. One morning in 2006 I headed out for my usual walk when I heard a still, small, Voice urge me to “go to the track.” Quick to listen and obey that Voice, I took off. When I arrived there she was, running loose. I brought her home, hubby found who the owners were and they gave her to us! Best news of all – she was housebroken and had been raised around children!
Ask, Believe and Receive – My mother-in-law is a devout lady, a good woman with strong beliefs. At one point in her life she believed she would win “Cash Quest” one of the many options available in the Louisiana Lottery. Not a huge gambler, she simply thought of the few $$ a week as a little fun and guess what? You’re right – she won!
These are just a few instances of events that have happened in my life and the lives of people I know. I’ll share a few more with you in a later post.
Until then….take care, God Bless and remember…Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve (W Clement Stone) OR in other words…As a man thinks in his heart, so he is! (Proverbs 23:7)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Law of Attraction
I considered beginning a new blog for LOA posts but decided against it. This is my place to share with you, Dear Friends, and frankly I don't have time for yet another blog. Anyway, on to the subject of this post.
In an earlier post I mentioned the fact that I loved THE SECRET and felt that it was fully backed by Scripture. Today I'm going to explore that a little deeper here with you. This will be the first of hopefully many posts where we can open our hearts and minds to TRUTH...biblical, spiritual, universal.
Many people feel that you can't belive in God, the Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit and, yet, adhere to the teachings of THE SECRET also.
IMHO that is limiting yourself and your potential and I am radical enough in my faith to be open to THE SECRET and secure enough in my relationship with Christ to see the similarities between the Law of Attraction and THE BIBLE.
On a basic level, THE SECRET teaches that we are the creator of our lives and our destiny through our thoughts and feelings. A favorite Minister of God's Word, Joyce Meyer has commented "we can be powerful or pitiful" and the difference is evident in our lives by our circumstances or "fruit."
God said, "today I put before you blessing and cursing, life and death, therefore, choose life."
Proverbs says, "as a man thinks in his heart, therefore he is."
Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
So I wonder...if we create or cocreate our lives by our thoughts and words isn't it true that what we say and feel on the deepest of levels will become our reality?
Just a thought!
Until later take care, God BLESS and remember....out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks - what's in your heart?
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
In an earlier post I mentioned the fact that I loved THE SECRET and felt that it was fully backed by Scripture. Today I'm going to explore that a little deeper here with you. This will be the first of hopefully many posts where we can open our hearts and minds to TRUTH...biblical, spiritual, universal.
Many people feel that you can't belive in God, the Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit and, yet, adhere to the teachings of THE SECRET also.
IMHO that is limiting yourself and your potential and I am radical enough in my faith to be open to THE SECRET and secure enough in my relationship with Christ to see the similarities between the Law of Attraction and THE BIBLE.
On a basic level, THE SECRET teaches that we are the creator of our lives and our destiny through our thoughts and feelings. A favorite Minister of God's Word, Joyce Meyer has commented "we can be powerful or pitiful" and the difference is evident in our lives by our circumstances or "fruit."
God said, "today I put before you blessing and cursing, life and death, therefore, choose life."
Proverbs says, "as a man thinks in his heart, therefore he is."
Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
So I wonder...if we create or cocreate our lives by our thoughts and words isn't it true that what we say and feel on the deepest of levels will become our reality?
Just a thought!
Until later take care, God BLESS and remember....out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks - what's in your heart?
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Contest Over!
Hi Friends,
Well yesterday, August 5th was the last day to post a comment on my inteview @ Time with Tannia.
Stay tuned to see who won an entire autographed set of the Tempered series!
Until later....take care, God BLESS and is what you make can choose to be sad or joyous...choose JOY!
Well yesterday, August 5th was the last day to post a comment on my inteview @ Time with Tannia.
Stay tuned to see who won an entire autographed set of the Tempered series!
Until later....take care, God BLESS and is what you make can choose to be sad or joyous...choose JOY!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
Hello Friends,
The last few posts have been about my interview and the contest I'm hosting, but today I'd like to share with you pieces of my heart.
First, some GOOD NEWS! My short story, Review of Love has been accepted by The Wild Rose Press as a FREE READ. I have no release date or anything yet, so stay tuned.
The scripture reference for Review of Love is Matthew 7:1-2 where Jesus warns us, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged."
This brings to mind a special friend of mine who is going to bat against homelessness in America, though quite frankly, she is one-step away from being homeless herself.
Many of us judge the homeless in our area as addicts, lazy, etc when in truth, many are just like us who get down on their luck and can't seem to climb their way back up. Some are homeless due to loss of jobs or income.
If TRUTH be known, had hubby and I not had the foresight to accept the offer of Credit Life/Disablity insurance on our house note, we just might be homeless ourselves!
So take a moment and read more about her experiences, the documentary she filmed called "The Invisible America" and the book she hopes to write at her blog Twenty4One and see if we can end homlessness in America.
Until later take care, God BLESS and remember...judge not lest ye be judged.
The last few posts have been about my interview and the contest I'm hosting, but today I'd like to share with you pieces of my heart.
First, some GOOD NEWS! My short story, Review of Love has been accepted by The Wild Rose Press as a FREE READ. I have no release date or anything yet, so stay tuned.
The scripture reference for Review of Love is Matthew 7:1-2 where Jesus warns us, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged."
This brings to mind a special friend of mine who is going to bat against homelessness in America, though quite frankly, she is one-step away from being homeless herself.
Many of us judge the homeless in our area as addicts, lazy, etc when in truth, many are just like us who get down on their luck and can't seem to climb their way back up. Some are homeless due to loss of jobs or income.
If TRUTH be known, had hubby and I not had the foresight to accept the offer of Credit Life/Disablity insurance on our house note, we just might be homeless ourselves!
So take a moment and read more about her experiences, the documentary she filmed called "The Invisible America" and the book she hopes to write at her blog Twenty4One and see if we can end homlessness in America.
Until later take care, God BLESS and remember...judge not lest ye be judged.
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