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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Gail Kittleson

Good Morning Friends,

On July 7th I introduced you to Gail Kittleson when she shared some thoughts with us. Well today, Gail is back to share something she treasures.....

Words constitute a treasure for me. Long before people understood depression, Emily Dickinson had a lot to do with my survival as a very gloomy teen. 

How can you memorize poems like…… 

“Hope is the thing
that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune without the words,
and never minds at all”

….without sensing light at the end of your tunnel, however long and arduous it may seem? 

Isaiah and Jeremiah have always offered me such incredible encouragement. Simple phrases like “Fear not, I am with you ...” 
“I have called you by name ...” 
“In all their affliction he was afflicted ...” 
“A future and a hope” held my attention. I clung to them, filled my mind and heart with them, and prayed they were true. 
One day during college, I discovered the Desiderata. Oh my! 

“Be yourself...do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Through marriage, parenthood, grand-parenting, and transitioning from writing instructor to greeting card creator to memoir writer and workshop facilitator, and now to women’s fiction author, powerful words have accompanied me all the way, through thick and thin.  

“A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Perfect for so many situations. Thank you, Eleanor. I’ll never outgrow my need for quotes. 

Wow, Gail, like you many of us treasure words and inspirational quotes!

Gail's latest book, In Times like These can be found at Amazon.

Gail Kittleson taught college expository writing and ESL. She now writes women’s fiction and facilitates writing workshops and women’s retreats. She and her husband enjoy family in northern Iowa, and the Arizona Ponderosa forest in winter.

WhiteFire Publishing released Gail’s memoir,Catching Up With Daylight, in 2013, and her debut women’s historical fiction, In This Together (Wild Rose Press/Vintage Imprint) released in 2015. She also contributed to the Little Cab Press 2015 Christmas Anthology,
The first novel of her World War II series released recently (In Times Like These), and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas will release the sequel in February, 2017. You can count on Gail’s heroines to make do with what life hands them, and to overcome great odds.
Find out more about Gail by visiting her WebsiteFacebook PageAmazon Author Page and following her on Twitter!
Well Friends, I hope you enjoyed today's treasures and I hope you drob by weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless


Gail Kittleson said...

Pam, thanks so much for having me come today. Always a joy to consider WORDS!

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the post. I really enjoy Gail's books.

Susan Coryell said...

What would writers do without WORDS? Weird thought! Thanks for a thoughtful post.

Unknown said...

Great post, words are so powerful we must use them wisely. Good to get to know Gail a little better.

Alicia Dean said...

Love these quotes! Enjoyed your post. Best wishes!

Kara O'Neal said...

Jeremiah always comforts me. Thank you so much for the post.

MJ Schiller said...

The Desiderata has one of my favorite quotes, the child of the universe part. So beautiful! Words are magical! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Gail Kittleson said...

I seem to have forgotten momentarily how to reply to each of you here. But MJ, the child of the universe part really touched me, too.

Kara, Jeremiah has SO much comfort for us, doesn't he? I'd love to meet him some day.

Thanks for stopping in , Alicia and Maggie.

Amen about words, Susan! And Ann, you dear heart, so good to see your comment here, too. Bless you all!