Back in March I shared a website with you that features art from school children and the fact that my granddaughter's teacher had uploaded some of her artwork there. Well this site, does so many great things with the kid's artwork as fundraisers for the school so I purchased 3 Christmas ornaments, 1 each of Bryann's prujects.
Also, as with many of your children, my grandson, Karson (Bryanna's little brother) was in his first Christmas program. Here are some pics from it....

I'm sure you feel the way I do and know items like these are treasures to behold.
Well Friends, I pray your Christmas is Merry and Blessed!
Until later....take care, God Bless and remember....Sometimes what we think of as a disappointment is actually a divine delay.
Something to think about...
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™
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