Good Morning and Happy Halloween!
Nothing spooky going on here on our blog....only GREAT news! In case you haven't noticed the sidebar....two great things. First a rafflecopter contest to win a Kindle Fire and notification that Keri's Christmas Wish is a finalist in OKRWA's 2017 IDA contest!
Although today's guest was mentioned on the blog several years ago, he is actually new to being featured and to many of you here.
William D. Burt is the award-winning author of the seven-title Christian allegorical “King of the Trees” series. Two of his titles (out of three submitted) were finalists in the 2014 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest: “The King of the Trees” and “The Golden Wood.”
“The King of the Trees” subsequently won the 2014 Silver Medal in the category of “Christian Fantasy.”
All seven of Burt’s series titles have been awarded five stars by Readers’ Favorite reviewers. He was also a 2013 finalist in The Authors "50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading" competition.
Volume I in his new Creation Seekers series, “The Lake Lights” is William Burt’s first foray into the realm of science fiction. The plot deals with the investigation of an unusual lake phenomenon in Oregon as well as the discovery of a world-changing invention that helps prevent a nuclear disaster.
As an Assistant Professor in the Special Education Department at Western Oregon University, Burt served as a successful grant-writer and program coordinator. He holds a B.S. in English from Lewis and Clark College and an M.S. from Western Oregon University in Deaf Education. Burt has been an RID-certified sign-language interpreter with over forty years’ experience. His interests include reading, foreign languages and mycology. He is married with two grown children and two grandchildren.
Although I treasure my wife and son, at the moment, my daughter (pictured) is a special blessing to us all. She spent eight years teaching kindergarten but has always wanted children of her own. After three early-term miscarriages (one of which nearly killed her), she was told that her uterus is malformed and that she would never be able to carry a child to term. Determined to prove her doctor wrong, she is now pregnant again and in her tenth week (as of 9/16)—this time without complications. In the photo, my daughter has just had her hair cut after letting it grow for about four years to fulfill a vow. She had told God she wouldn’t cut her hair until she could have a child. Since only 3-5% of pregnancies at this stage end in miscarriage, she decided the time had come to donate her locks to a worthy cause.
OH Wow, William, how wonderful! Keep us posted on that baby and give your daughter a hug for us.
Find out more about William and his books at his Website. The Lakelights is available at Amazon in Print and for Kindle!
Hope you enjoyed today's post, friends and that you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
#SaturdaySpotlight is on Terry Palmer and his brand new Christmas Book!
Good Morning Friends,
Today's guest has shared treasures and thoughts with us before but today Terry Palmer is giving us a sneak peek into his brand new Christmas book!
Do you remember the times of old when time was slower and friendships longer? Do you also remember the old Christmas stories with those beautiful full size color plates? Then you’re in for a treat, because we brought all of that back into the digital age just in time for your Christmas.
Your kids will love the poem/story as you turn from one beautiful color illustration to the next. The elves up here at the North Pole are excited too, because every time the kids have you read this book, A Night To Remember, they feel more Christmas cheer.
A Night To Remember will first be available during our launch week of November 6th. Plan now to add, A Night To Remember to your Christmas shopping list. Do you know of a little boy or girl who needs a bit of Christmas cheer? Why not plan to buy one for them also? There’s plenty of Christmas cheer to go around.
Today's guest has shared treasures and thoughts with us before but today Terry Palmer is giving us a sneak peek into his brand new Christmas book!
Do you remember the times of old when time was slower and friendships longer? Do you also remember the old Christmas stories with those beautiful full size color plates? Then you’re in for a treat, because we brought all of that back into the digital age just in time for your Christmas.
Your kids will love the poem/story as you turn from one beautiful color illustration to the next. The elves up here at the North Pole are excited too, because every time the kids have you read this book, A Night To Remember, they feel more Christmas cheer.
A Night To Remember will first be available during our launch week of November 6th. Plan now to add, A Night To Remember to your Christmas shopping list. Do you know of a little boy or girl who needs a bit of Christmas cheer? Why not plan to buy one for them also? There’s plenty of Christmas cheer to go around.
A Night To Remember Blurb:
What might happen if Santa had a night so awful that he lost his focus, lost his voice, and lost his temper? When it happens, the entire Christmas village is thrown into fear and anxiety. Who will step up and save the day? Mrs. Santa has resources at her command but the greatest one is – can you guess? Her kiss of love. Her kiss of love is what saves Christmas including Santa from himself.
Oh wow, Terry, A Night to Remember sounds like a wonderful read!
Terry Palmer lives with his wife, Leann, in Rosemount, Minnesota, where he is mostly retired and loves to write his novels and devotionals. Find out more by visiting his Blog and connecting with him on Facebook
You can find his latest title for free at this link in INKITT.
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time take care and God bless.
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time take care and God bless.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
#ThursdayThoughts with Kryssie Fortune
Good Morning and Welcome!
Well, it's the last Thursday in October. I can't believe it either! I guess time really does fly, whether you're having fun or not. I must say though, it's been an exciting, adventurous ride for me.
Today's guest has visited us before. Although this excerpt is PG, be aware that Kryssie Fortune writes EROTIC romance and use discernment when checking out her books.
Take it away Kryssie.....
Each friendship offers something totally unique — and irreplaceable. Each friendship ultimately makes us who we are.
We all know, a true friend is hard to find. So when you do find one, hang on tight! It also doesn't hurt to let your best friends know every now and then just how much they mean to you.
This doesn’t just apply to people to but writers and their books.
I want my readers to love my heroes, identify with my heroines, and feel like they’ve found new friends.
Let me tell you about my latest book release – Submission, Secrets, and the Soldier.
It’s Book 4 in my Heroes of Westhorpe Ridge series, and like the previous three, it’s a
stand-alone HEA romance.
Well, it's the last Thursday in October. I can't believe it either! I guess time really does fly, whether you're having fun or not. I must say though, it's been an exciting, adventurous ride for me.
Today's guest has visited us before. Although this excerpt is PG, be aware that Kryssie Fortune writes EROTIC romance and use discernment when checking out her books.
Take it away Kryssie.....
Hero or Sitting Duck? Or Both?
“We don’t need a list of rights and wrongs, tables of dos and don’ts: we need books, time, and silence. Thou shalt not is soon forgotten, but Once upon a time lasts forever.” — Philip Pullman
We all know, a true friend is hard to find. So when you do find one, hang on tight! It also doesn't hurt to let your best friends know every now and then just how much they mean to you.
This doesn’t just apply to people to but writers and their books.
I want my readers to love my heroes, identify with my heroines, and feel like they’ve found new friends.
Let me tell you about my latest book release – Submission, Secrets, and the Soldier.
It’s Book 4 in my Heroes of Westhorpe Ridge series, and like the previous three, it’s a
stand-alone HEA romance.
Luke Roberts, a former army mechanic, has a new sub. She's shy and inexperienced, but willing. As he teaches her about sensation play, she fears he'll really hurt her and screams her safewords at him. Her reaction causes Luke to have a flashback. Although he's clawing his way back to normal, he suffers from PTSD. Determined to get well, he contacts a PTSD specialist in Westhorpe Ridge.
Kathryn Johnson has visited a BDSM club three times. When she hooks up with Luke Roberts, he unintentionally terrifies her. She swears off spankings and goes home to Westhorpe Ridge. The last person she expects to see there is Luke Roberts.
Circumstances force them to share an apartment. Can Luke protect her when danger threatens? Or is she just a temporary sub in residence?
Excerpt PG – for an adult book
Inside the dump truck’s hopper, Kathryn screamed as the car sped toward them. “Farlaise. Straight ahead. We’re sitting ducks.”
Luke gritted his teeth and opened the throttle. The dump truck sped up. Solid, but not superfast, it trundled along the road. A brick outhouse came to mind as he headed directly for Farlaise’s car. This was one game of chicken Luke meant to win. Even if he took a bullet, he’d hold his course and keep Kathryn safe. “So, junior leaguer, how’s your pitching?”
She tried for a smile, but it turned into a grimace. “I had one of the team’s lowest earned run averages.”
Luke kept the throttle open wide. The chugging of the engine grew louder, but he’d told her the dump truck had a top speed of less than thirty miles an hour. The wind made it feel faster.
He took a deep breath and yelled, “Hooah. Balls-to-the-wall time. Our dump truck will pulverize their front end. When you’re near enough, lob one of your Molotov things in their direction. Anything to keep them off-balance since I might as well have a target on my chest sitting up here.”
She barely heard him over the engine noise. Adrenaline shot through her. She shivered with a mix of exhilaration, panic, and determination. Protecting Luke mattered more than her safety. Her fear level rose right along with her blood pressure. She could hear her heart race, but she’d keep the driver distracted. No way would she let Farlaise and his henchman hurt Luke.
Kathryn peered out the hopper. The henchman had his gun pointed directly at Luke. No way, buster.
Kryssie is never seen without her kindle. She reads everything and
anything she can get her hands on. When she discovered hot, sexy reads, she
felt like she’d found her home. The only books she hates are the ones that end
with a cliff hanger or have unhappy endings.
Kryssie tries to set her stories in places she’s explored.
Hopefully, it adds color to her writing. Anything can spark a story idea.
Sometimes she takes liberties though. The North Yorkshire town of Whitby is one
of her favorite places. To keep the details of her imaginary town, Westhorpe
Ridge consistent, she mentally shunted Whitby over the Atlantic and renamed it
Westhorpe Ridge.
When not writing, Kryssie loves to walk on the beach of home town,
Bridlington, or potter in her garden. Popping down to London to see her family
is her favorite thing to do.
Kryssie currently has thirteen books on general release along with
a boxed e-book of the first three Westhorpe Ridge stories. All her stories are
M/ F or M/M/F. All are edited by publishing houses in either the UK or the USA.
While her stories sizzle with sex, plot comes before bed. Life’s always an
adventure going on in Kryssie’s world.
Kryssie loves to hear from readers. Here are her social media
links: Facebook Twitter Blog Website Or you can email her direct on
Before I sign off, I'd like to say a few words about EROTIC romance authors/books.....
Some people may judge me for featuring authors who write these books and that's OK. That's their choice. Others may wonder why, since I write Inspirational, would I even feature EROTIC romance authors and their books on my blog. Why not stick with Christian/Inspirational authors?
Here's why: Yes, I am a Christian but I am also an author and I know the effort it takes to write and promote a book, any book, and I appreciate the work all writers put into theirs. Therefore, I don't judge what my author pals write. I only seek to help them promote. Heaven knows I've been judged enough over my "steamy, gritty, sensual" Inspirational work! I hope you, my reader friends understand and even though you may not read EROTIC or any type of sensual books, you'll support my guests' hard work and drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Thanks Friends, I knew I could count on you!
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
#TuesdayTreasures 10 Things I Treasure
Good Morning Friends,
My scheduled guest could not be here today so I'm improvising.
In all of the spiritual growth books I've read, the authors are adamant about the power of gratitude and listing people, places, things we're grateful for.
Today I'm listing 10 things I'm not only grateful for, but I treasure....

The Family I was born into.....
And the one created for me by love.....
Those that have come forth from mine......and my honey....
I treasure mountains, and oceans, waterfalls and lakes, flowers and trees, beautiful sunsets, Bandera, TX and the Silver Spur Guest Ranch...
Guess you could just say I treasure LIFE.
Would love to know what you treasure!
Until next time, treasure every moment because we're not guaranteed the next one.
Something to think about!
My scheduled guest could not be here today so I'm improvising.
In all of the spiritual growth books I've read, the authors are adamant about the power of gratitude and listing people, places, things we're grateful for.
Today I'm listing 10 things I'm not only grateful for, but I treasure....

The Family I was born into.....
And the one created for me by love.....
Those that have come forth from mine......and my honey....
Places I've been, people I've met, friends (too many to count!)
I treasure mountains, and oceans, waterfalls and lakes, flowers and trees, beautiful sunsets, Bandera, TX and the Silver Spur Guest Ranch...
Guess you could just say I treasure LIFE.
Would love to know what you treasure!
Until next time, treasure every moment because we're not guaranteed the next one.
Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"™
PS: Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
#SaturdaySpotlight is on Mistletoe, Snow and Suspense
Good Morning Friends!
Today I'd like to take a moment to share with you, Mistletoe, Snow and Suspense which includes my very own novella, Keri's Christmas Wish.....
Acclaimed Christian authors come together in this irresistible collection of Christmas novels and novellas filled with suspense, romance, and intrigue.
by Lillian Duncan
Zoe Adams has a secret—one that’s worth killing for!
As the country’s most infamous PK (preacher’s kid), Zoe chose to rebel against her famous father and his beliefs. Instead, she lived the party lifestyle with the rich and famous of Hollywood until she disappeared after witnessing a crime. After more than three years of running and hiding, all she wants is to go home for Christmas but knows that can never happen—if she wants to stay alive.
Ex-FBI agent, Marco Bernstein traded his gun in for a Bible. His path crosses with Zoe’s in a most unusual way. When he recognizes her, he makes a promise to get her home for Christmas but someone else is just as determined to make sure Zoe never gets home alive so keeping that promise turns out to be more difficult than Marco ever imagined—and even more dangerous!
by V. B. Tenery
In the season of Love, Peace and Joy, a chance meeting with a young woman in a supermarket sets Detective Cole Allen on an urgent quest to save the lives of three young women.
It will take the combined skill and dedication of the Twin Falls Homicide Bureau, and a helping hand from God, to locate and end the nightmare of the helpless victims.
by V. B. Tenery
Some secrets just won’t stay buried.
A construction site provides a horrific discovery when a worker uncovers the skeleton of a small child wrapped in a sleeping bag. Police Chief Matt Foley links the murder to another cold case, the hit-and-run death of Attorney Josh Bradford.
The long-suppressed memory of the young victim’s childhood friend, Sara Bradford may hold the key to both crimes. But Matt has mixed emotions about Sara—his prime suspect in her husband’s murder.
Matt soon discovers the twenty-five-year-old mystery has the power to stretch across decades to kill again.
by Pamela S Thibodeaux
For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas so much she seldom enjoys the holiday. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?
A devout Christian at heart, Jeremy Hinton, a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Energy Medicine Practitioner has studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens the life of the woman he loves, will all of his faith and training be for naught?
Find out in Keri’s Christmas Wish
By Mary Vee
Samantha Windermere, a successful marketing intern, is lured by her parents to leave a hectic Chicago life for one relaxing week in the Windermere/Tucker family-share lodge. She arrives in a Rocky Mountain blizzard before anyone else and is scared when the family enemy walks through the door.
The generation-old disagreement between the Windermeres and Tuckers over a priceless antique toy sparks when Sam’s parents arrive a few hours late and find Hank. A family Christmas just can’t be celebrated with one of them on the grounds.
Sam’s boss calls with an emergency from the Chicago office to the archaic lodge landline. She must attend a meeting tomorrow evening or her money-making account will be given to her rival. With no cell phone coverage or Internet at the lodge, city girl Sam must ask family enemy and mountain man, Hank, to guide her through white-out conditions to find an Internet connection.
Blizzards, avalanches, bear attacks, snowmobile accidents, and deadlines become minor concerns when Hank’s parents arrive unexpectedly, igniting the toy train feud and exploding any chance for Peace on Earth.
Oh, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity. Psalm 133:1 KJV
The entire collection is only 99 cents on Amazon and will be available for a limited time so grab your copy today.
Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time take care and God Bless.
Today I'd like to take a moment to share with you, Mistletoe, Snow and Suspense which includes my very own novella, Keri's Christmas Wish.....
Acclaimed Christian authors come together in this irresistible collection of Christmas novels and novellas filled with suspense, romance, and intrigue.
by Lillian Duncan
Zoe Adams has a secret—one that’s worth killing for!
As the country’s most infamous PK (preacher’s kid), Zoe chose to rebel against her famous father and his beliefs. Instead, she lived the party lifestyle with the rich and famous of Hollywood until she disappeared after witnessing a crime. After more than three years of running and hiding, all she wants is to go home for Christmas but knows that can never happen—if she wants to stay alive.
Ex-FBI agent, Marco Bernstein traded his gun in for a Bible. His path crosses with Zoe’s in a most unusual way. When he recognizes her, he makes a promise to get her home for Christmas but someone else is just as determined to make sure Zoe never gets home alive so keeping that promise turns out to be more difficult than Marco ever imagined—and even more dangerous!
by V. B. Tenery
In the season of Love, Peace and Joy, a chance meeting with a young woman in a supermarket sets Detective Cole Allen on an urgent quest to save the lives of three young women.
It will take the combined skill and dedication of the Twin Falls Homicide Bureau, and a helping hand from God, to locate and end the nightmare of the helpless victims.
by V. B. Tenery
Some secrets just won’t stay buried.
A construction site provides a horrific discovery when a worker uncovers the skeleton of a small child wrapped in a sleeping bag. Police Chief Matt Foley links the murder to another cold case, the hit-and-run death of Attorney Josh Bradford.
The long-suppressed memory of the young victim’s childhood friend, Sara Bradford may hold the key to both crimes. But Matt has mixed emotions about Sara—his prime suspect in her husband’s murder.
Matt soon discovers the twenty-five-year-old mystery has the power to stretch across decades to kill again.
by Pamela S Thibodeaux
For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas so much she seldom enjoys the holiday. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?
A devout Christian at heart, Jeremy Hinton, a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Energy Medicine Practitioner has studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens the life of the woman he loves, will all of his faith and training be for naught?
Find out in Keri’s Christmas Wish
By Mary Vee
Samantha Windermere, a successful marketing intern, is lured by her parents to leave a hectic Chicago life for one relaxing week in the Windermere/Tucker family-share lodge. She arrives in a Rocky Mountain blizzard before anyone else and is scared when the family enemy walks through the door.
The generation-old disagreement between the Windermeres and Tuckers over a priceless antique toy sparks when Sam’s parents arrive a few hours late and find Hank. A family Christmas just can’t be celebrated with one of them on the grounds.
Sam’s boss calls with an emergency from the Chicago office to the archaic lodge landline. She must attend a meeting tomorrow evening or her money-making account will be given to her rival. With no cell phone coverage or Internet at the lodge, city girl Sam must ask family enemy and mountain man, Hank, to guide her through white-out conditions to find an Internet connection.
Blizzards, avalanches, bear attacks, snowmobile accidents, and deadlines become minor concerns when Hank’s parents arrive unexpectedly, igniting the toy train feud and exploding any chance for Peace on Earth.
Oh, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity. Psalm 133:1 KJV
Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time take care and God Bless.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings on Living an Authentic Spiritual Life
Good Morning Friends!
Today is a New Moon and that means new beginnings.
Jesus came so that He could make all things new. The Bible says when we accept Him, we are new creatures and we all know that God's mercies are new every morning.
We learn the Lord's prayer at an early age, but how often do we pray it out of obligation or just mumble the words instead of feeling the heart of them?
In fact, how often do we do that with every prayer about any situation?
While in meditation this morning I had this thought: I want to shine so bright that when people look at me they have to put their sun glasses on!
Shouldn't we all desire that?
We get so wrapped up in this physical life that we believe we're earthly beings having an occasional spiritual experience instead of the other way around.
We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience!
So how can we live an authentic spiritual life while here on earth?
The first and most important step is to decide to live, move, and act from that place of pure positive energy within you - live, love, think and breathe from your spirit or the place within you where the Holy Spirit resides.
Once you've decided to do so, ask for help. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Angels, Spirit Guides, loved ones who've passed over, are all there to guide us! Ask for their assistance. If you're afraid of meeting up with negative or evil spirits, ask Archangel Michael to protect your prayer time.
Meditate daily (or as often as possible). Don't get wrapped up in the woo woo of this. Meditation is much more simple than we make it out to be. Get comfortable, get quiet and focus on your breathing. Long, slow, deep breaths. If you have to, mentally repeat breathe in, breathe out or something else (Peace and Love, Joy and Happiness, etc.) Do this a few times then try to focus without using words.
When a thought comes into your mind, if it's a worrisome one - mentally say to yourself, "we'll think about that later, let's just sit quiet for now" and then go back to your deep breathing. If the thought is a good one, rejoice, get excited and happy and be grateful for it, but then - let it go and return to focusing on your breath.
The purpose of meditation is to clear and quiet your mind so that God can speak to you. And you'll know when He does. 10 or 15 minutes a day is easy to do and sufficient to produce tremendous results.
Last but certainly not least, become aware of how you're feeling in any given moment/situation. Ask yourself often throughout the day "How am I feeling?" "What am I thinking?"
Your emotions are a sure-fire indicator if you're living from your spiritual being (which is pure love, joy, peace, happiness, wholeness, etc., etc.) or from your natural man (which is worry, anger, frustration, etc.)
By becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings, we can choose better ones by - well, choosing - to focus on the love and light within us and others, and to let go and let God deal with the things we can't control - which is actually everything but ourselves and our own thoughts and emotions!
Does doing these things guarantee you'll never have a bad day or experience?
Of course not. After all, we live in a world where chaos has become the order of the day. What it does mean though, is by living from your spirit, you'll be able to navigate this life so much better and be a shining light for others to help them along their paths as well.
This picture says it all.....
Something to think about!
Today is a New Moon and that means new beginnings.
Jesus came so that He could make all things new. The Bible says when we accept Him, we are new creatures and we all know that God's mercies are new every morning.
We learn the Lord's prayer at an early age, but how often do we pray it out of obligation or just mumble the words instead of feeling the heart of them?
In fact, how often do we do that with every prayer about any situation?
While in meditation this morning I had this thought: I want to shine so bright that when people look at me they have to put their sun glasses on!
Shouldn't we all desire that?
We get so wrapped up in this physical life that we believe we're earthly beings having an occasional spiritual experience instead of the other way around.
We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience!
So how can we live an authentic spiritual life while here on earth?
The first and most important step is to decide to live, move, and act from that place of pure positive energy within you - live, love, think and breathe from your spirit or the place within you where the Holy Spirit resides.
Once you've decided to do so, ask for help. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Angels, Spirit Guides, loved ones who've passed over, are all there to guide us! Ask for their assistance. If you're afraid of meeting up with negative or evil spirits, ask Archangel Michael to protect your prayer time.
Meditate daily (or as often as possible). Don't get wrapped up in the woo woo of this. Meditation is much more simple than we make it out to be. Get comfortable, get quiet and focus on your breathing. Long, slow, deep breaths. If you have to, mentally repeat breathe in, breathe out or something else (Peace and Love, Joy and Happiness, etc.) Do this a few times then try to focus without using words.
When a thought comes into your mind, if it's a worrisome one - mentally say to yourself, "we'll think about that later, let's just sit quiet for now" and then go back to your deep breathing. If the thought is a good one, rejoice, get excited and happy and be grateful for it, but then - let it go and return to focusing on your breath.
The purpose of meditation is to clear and quiet your mind so that God can speak to you. And you'll know when He does. 10 or 15 minutes a day is easy to do and sufficient to produce tremendous results.
Last but certainly not least, become aware of how you're feeling in any given moment/situation. Ask yourself often throughout the day "How am I feeling?" "What am I thinking?"
Your emotions are a sure-fire indicator if you're living from your spiritual being (which is pure love, joy, peace, happiness, wholeness, etc., etc.) or from your natural man (which is worry, anger, frustration, etc.)
By becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings, we can choose better ones by - well, choosing - to focus on the love and light within us and others, and to let go and let God deal with the things we can't control - which is actually everything but ourselves and our own thoughts and emotions!
Does doing these things guarantee you'll never have a bad day or experience?
Of course not. After all, we live in a world where chaos has become the order of the day. What it does mean though, is by living from your spirit, you'll be able to navigate this life so much better and be a shining light for others to help them along their paths as well.
This picture says it all.....
![]() |
Thank You, Alvar Astulez, creator of this lovely graphic! |
"Inspirational with an Edge!"™
Hope you enjoyed today's random ramblings and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Hope you enjoyed today's random ramblings and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Cindy Woodsmall
Good Morning Friends,
Well we finally got some cooler weather here in SW Louisiana! Not sure how long it's going to last but we're sure happy to have it. Feels like Fall LOL!
It is with great pleasure I bring you today's guest, Tyndale author, Cindy Woodsmall. Cindy is new to our blog so please give her a great, big, warm welcome....
Well we finally got some cooler weather here in SW Louisiana! Not sure how long it's going to last but we're sure happy to have it. Feels like Fall LOL!
It is with great pleasure I bring you today's guest, Tyndale author, Cindy Woodsmall. Cindy is new to our blog so please give her a great, big, warm welcome....
Cindy Woodsmall is an award-winning New York Times and
CBA best-selling author who has written 20 works of fiction,
including her most recent series, Amish of Summer Grove. Her connection
with the Amish community has been widely featured in national media outlets,
including ABC’s Nightline.
The Wall
Street Journal listed Woodsmall as one of the top three most popular
authors of Amish fiction.
RT Book
recently presented her with a Career Achievement Award and gave her latest
release, Gathering the Threads, a Top Pick review.
and her husband reside near the foothills of the North Georgia Mountains.
Learn more
about Woodsmall and her books at She is also active on Facebook (@authorcindywoodsmall).
So nice to meet you, Cindy! I'm excited to know what you treasure....
Isn’t it funny sometimes when we look back over life’s
events and it seems as if time has moved in Fast Forward mode?
I have experienced that numerous times, and my writing
career is one that’s flown by in many ways. A few months ago I was honored to
receive Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. But usually it doesn’t feel as
if I’ve been writing nearly that
My first book was published in 2006, but writing it and connecting
with editors happened before then.
If we stepped back to 2004, we’d see that very few people
had a smart phone, we backed up our files using “floppy disks,” and a fledgling
writer named Cindy met a woman who would change her life: an editor named
Shannon Marchese.
I’d had a story idea that had been on my heart for years, and that idea later became the Sisters of the Quilt series. But at the time, no one wanted to publish Amish stories. Beverly Lewis was the only writer of Amish fiction at the time, and most publishers felt the market couldn’t support two writers of Amish stories.
I met Shannon, an acquisitions editor for WaterBrook Press, an imprint of Random House, at a writers conference. She read the first few chapters of my manuscript and asked to see the rest. Soon enough I was under contract, and before the book was released, I flew to Colorado for an event. While there Shannon gifted me with something special, a book by Lois Lenski called Shoo-Fly Girl.
This treasured book was published in 1963, and it shares the daily life of a young Amish girl, named Suzanna, nicknamed Shoo-Fly.
The author, who’d written several juvenile fiction regional books, had taken the time to be authentic with each aspect of Amish living. The book includes precious illustrations and a yummy recipe seen below.
Shoo-Fly Pie
1 cup flour
2/3 cup of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of butter (not melted)
Use fork to create a crumb/crumble mix. Set aside.
1 cup of dark molasses
¾ cup of boiling water
1 teaspoon of soda
1 beaten egg
Mix with half of the crumbs, do not beat
Pour into a pie shell and cover with the remaining crumbs
Bake for eleven minutes at 375˚ and bake for another thirty minutes at 350˚
Above is an image of
the recipe as seen the book Shoo-Fly Girl
What are some of your childhood books that “hold up” when
you read them today?
Oh wow, what a treasure, Cindy and that pie sounds delicious! I haven't read any childhood favorites lately, might have to though.
Thanks so much for sharing with us today. Now please tell us a little about your new book, Gathering the Threads....
Finally back in the Old Order Amish world she loves, will Ariana's new perspectives draw her family closer together---or completely rip them apart?
After months away in the Englisch world, Ariana Brenneman is overjoyed to be in the Old Order Amish home where she was raised. Yet her excitement is mixed with an unexpected apprehension as she reconciles all she's learned from her biological parents with the uncompromising teachings of her Plain community. Although her childhood friend, ex-Amish Quill Schlabach, hopes to help her navigate her new role amongst her people, Ariana's Daed doesn't understand why his sweet daughter is suddenly questioning his authority.
What will happen if she sows seeds of unrest and rebellion in the entire family?
Meanwhile, Skylar Nash has finally found her place among the large Brenneman family, but Ariana's arrival threatens to unravel Skylar's new identity---and her sobriety. Both Ariana and Skylar must discover the true cords that bind a family and community together and grasp tight the One who holds their authentic identities close to His heart.
Readers can learn more about Gathering the Threads and purchase a copy HERE.
Sounds like a lovely book, Cindy and we wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with it.
Hope you enjoyed today's post friends and that you'll check back each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
#SaturdaySpotlight is on Veronica Lynch & Caper Magic
Good Morning Friends,
Wow...can you believe October is nearly half over already? Can't say that I'm not ready for cooler weather, but I mean, seriously, where did August and September go?
Although I've known her through a promo group I belong to, I'm pretty sure, today's guest is new to the blog so please welcome Veronica Lynch with her new book, Caper Magic!
Legal nurse consultant, victim advocate, sexual assault nurse
examiner Veronica Lynch--and her alter ego--Kat Henry Doran, has been there and
done that--many times over. She often travels to the shores of Lake Ontario and
the Saint Lawrence River to the historic Adirondack and Catskill Mountains for
settings in her books which feature strong characters who stand for the less
thans in this world. Over the years, she has been called many things, not
all of them flattering. The name she treasures most is Nana to the four
brightest lights in her life: Meredith and Ashlin, Owen and Kieran.
Wow...can you believe October is nearly half over already? Can't say that I'm not ready for cooler weather, but I mean, seriously, where did August and September go?
Although I've known her through a promo group I belong to, I'm pretty sure, today's guest is new to the blog so please welcome Veronica Lynch with her new book, Caper Magic!
P.I. Nick Forrester comes to
Cape Brendan ostensibly to assist with Caper Madness, a month long celebration
of everything Halloween. In reality he is tracking a woman on the run. Within
days he is confronted by Annunciata Doyle, a vivid reminder of a pain-filled
After retreating to Cape
Brendan in defeat and humiliation, Nunie Doyle's only hope was to make the best
of forced retirement. There, in this quaint tourist town on the shores of Lake
Ontario, she has earned the love and respect of new friends and neighbors—and
now puts her talent for helping women to use.
With the mutual goal of
making Caper Madness the best ever, Nick and Nunie fight tooth and nail on the
personal level, each discovering a new side to the other, sides that make them
consider making drastic changes for the rest of their lives.
This attraction: complete
madness—or sheer magic?
Hank let out a holler just before a huge toothy grin spanned
the borders of his gaunt cheeks. “Top o' the marnin' to ye, Missus!” he cackled
to someone exiting the front door of the stone cottage next door.
Taking the concrete steps to the sidewalk in two lithe moves,
a woman in a slinky dress the color of ripe tomatoes glanced their way and
responded in a distinct Irish brogue. “And the ass end of the day to ye, Mistur
Intrigued by rich tone of her voice, Nick craned his neck and
found one of the witches from yesterday's parade—minus the droopy velvet
hat—passing within steps of Hank's porch. A bulging garment bag hung over one
arm; she looked headed in the direction of the pier at the end of Vincentian
Lane. Damned if right then a wind didn't jump up off the lake and mold the
filmy length of scarlet against each curve of her body. Long black hair—and
there seemed to be a good ten pounds of it—flowed over her shoulders, caressing
her body like a lover as she marched toward Dingle Pier. As his heart bumped
into a trip hammer beat, Nick reminded himself to breathe.
“Ferget yer broom, Missus?” Hank called out to her retreating
“In the repair shop,” she replied over one shoulder, winging
that glorious onyx hair away from lips painted to match her dress. “Gettin'
fitted with a couple of those fancy turbo boosters, it is.”
Hank chuckled, then went back to his coffee. “Turbo boosters.
That Nunie Doyle; sure is a pistol.”
An invisible fist reached down to grab Nick's gut in a vise.
As recognition flared, long buried rage took a slow crawling path up his
Wow..sounds like a great book, Veronica! Tell us a little about yourself....and where we can get a copy of Caper Magic.

For more information on Kat and Veronica, go to:
Twitter: @VLynchAuthor
Hope you enjoyed today's post friends and that you'll drop by weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
PS: Veronica is giving away this hand-crafted item in a Halloween theme to one lucky visitor, so leave a comment!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
#ThursdayThoughts with Mike Befeler
Good Morning!
Last month I introduced you to a brand new to me author, Mike Befeler, who shared with us how he treasures GeezerLit Mysteries.
Today Mike is sharing more thoughts on this subject.....
Examples of Geezer-lit Mysteries
I enjoy writing and reading geezer-lit mysteries. These are books that feature older characters. Since many readers are older, they also like reading about older people and not just young ‘uns. My six book Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series and my most recent book, Death of a Scam Artist, are geezer-lit.
I use geezer-lit in an affectionate not derogatory manner and use it to include both geezers and geezerettes.
There are many outstanding examples of geezer-lit mysteries. One of the most famous examples, of course, is Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. Everyone assumed that this little old lady couldn’t be that with it, and she always proved them wrong.
One of my favorite contemporary geezer-lit mystery protagonists is Gladdy Gold in Rita Lakin’s series that takes place in Florida. Gladdy and her gang of older people solve mysteries while getting into all kinds of trouble. Since I write humor, I also appreciate Rita’s sense of humor.
Another example of humorous geezer-lit is Parnell Hall’s Puzzle Lady Series featuring Cora Felton, an older gun-toting, ball of fire. Cora has a gig writing crossword puzzles, although she really can’t write them.
Others to consider include: Donald Bain’s Jessica Fletcher in the Murder She Wrote Series, M. C Beaton’s Agatha Raisin, Peter Abresch’s Elderhostel Mysteries featuring Jim Dandy and Dodee Swisher, Rita Mae Brown’s Sister Jane Arnold, Nora Charles’s Kate Kennedy, Colin Cotterill’s Dr. Siri Paboun, Colin Dexter’s Chief Inspector Morse, Naomi Hirahara’s Mas Arai, and Cynthia Riggs’s 92-year-old Victoria Trumbull.
This will get you started with some wonderful older characters in geezer-lit mysteries.
Mike is past-president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America. He holds a Master’s degree from UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree from Stanford. He grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, and now lives in Lakewood, California with his wife, Wendy.
Find out more about Mike by visiting the 'About' page on his website and connecting with him at the following locations:
Friends, you can pick up a copy of Mike's book at Amazon (Kindle) and B&N.
Hope you enjoyed today's thoughts about GeezerLit books, and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Last month I introduced you to a brand new to me author, Mike Befeler, who shared with us how he treasures GeezerLit Mysteries.
Today Mike is sharing more thoughts on this subject.....
Examples of Geezer-lit Mysteries
I enjoy writing and reading geezer-lit mysteries. These are books that feature older characters. Since many readers are older, they also like reading about older people and not just young ‘uns. My six book Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series and my most recent book, Death of a Scam Artist, are geezer-lit.
I use geezer-lit in an affectionate not derogatory manner and use it to include both geezers and geezerettes.
There are many outstanding examples of geezer-lit mysteries. One of the most famous examples, of course, is Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. Everyone assumed that this little old lady couldn’t be that with it, and she always proved them wrong.
One of my favorite contemporary geezer-lit mystery protagonists is Gladdy Gold in Rita Lakin’s series that takes place in Florida. Gladdy and her gang of older people solve mysteries while getting into all kinds of trouble. Since I write humor, I also appreciate Rita’s sense of humor.
Another example of humorous geezer-lit is Parnell Hall’s Puzzle Lady Series featuring Cora Felton, an older gun-toting, ball of fire. Cora has a gig writing crossword puzzles, although she really can’t write them.
Others to consider include: Donald Bain’s Jessica Fletcher in the Murder She Wrote Series, M. C Beaton’s Agatha Raisin, Peter Abresch’s Elderhostel Mysteries featuring Jim Dandy and Dodee Swisher, Rita Mae Brown’s Sister Jane Arnold, Nora Charles’s Kate Kennedy, Colin Cotterill’s Dr. Siri Paboun, Colin Dexter’s Chief Inspector Morse, Naomi Hirahara’s Mas Arai, and Cynthia Riggs’s 92-year-old Victoria Trumbull.
This will get you started with some wonderful older characters in geezer-lit mysteries.

Find out more about Mike by visiting the 'About' page on his website and connecting with him at the following locations:
Friends, you can pick up a copy of Mike's book at Amazon (Kindle) and B&N.
Hope you enjoyed today's thoughts about GeezerLit books, and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
#TuesdayTreasures Curtis Insurance
Good Morning,
I've shared with you so many people, places and things I treasure, but I'm not sure I've ever told you about my boss and job at Curtis Insurance of Louisiana.
I've worked in the Insurance Industry before but always in a 9-5 position.
Not this time. I'd known the owners of Curtis Insurance for years and when we talked about me going to work for them, I confessed how much I love my freedom to travel and the flexibility of working from home.
He graciously offered me to work part-time, flexible. My hours are my own and if I want to take a 2 month vacation, travelling, that's fine too! I just go back to work when I get home.
Another great thing about my job is that writing is part of it. Of course it's all industry related, but hey, writing is writing! Right?
So if you get a chance check out our blog. You might find something interesting or important you need to speak with your own insurance agent about.
And, if you're in SW LA and need insurance of pretty much any kind, give us a call. We'd be happy to help you out!
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
I've shared with you so many people, places and things I treasure, but I'm not sure I've ever told you about my boss and job at Curtis Insurance of Louisiana.
Not this time. I'd known the owners of Curtis Insurance for years and when we talked about me going to work for them, I confessed how much I love my freedom to travel and the flexibility of working from home.
He graciously offered me to work part-time, flexible. My hours are my own and if I want to take a 2 month vacation, travelling, that's fine too! I just go back to work when I get home.
Another great thing about my job is that writing is part of it. Of course it's all industry related, but hey, writing is writing! Right?
So if you get a chance check out our blog. You might find something interesting or important you need to speak with your own insurance agent about.
And, if you're in SW LA and need insurance of pretty much any kind, give us a call. We'd be happy to help you out!
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
#SaturdaySpotlight is on Paula Mowery & A Lamp Unto Her Feet!
Good Morning!
Today's guest, fellow PBG author, Paula Mowery has visited with us before. Today she returns with a brand new release, so please give her a great big warm welcome!
Kenzie Murrah has lost the guiding voice of her Nana Nita just when she needs it most. She’s graduating mid-year with her early childhood degree, but her parents expect her to join the family chiropractic business. In her Bible, Nana explains how God’s Word can guide Kenzie, but there’s doubt on Kenzie’s part, until the highlighted verses begin to follow her life much too closely.
Trevor Wallen escaped an embarrassing and reputation smearing incident to become a police officer in the small Tennessee town. He strives to do his best to follow Christian principles but longs for God to bring someone into his life with those same morals and values.
Kenzie and Trevor share an attraction for one another that grows into more until a tragedy threatens to end everything. Kenzie begins to shy away from reading the next scripture passage, for fear of what may happen.
Will Kenzie learn she can trust God’s Word? Will Kenzie and Trevor get the chance for a happily ever after despite the dangers of his occupation?
Paula did not provide an excerpt, but you can look inside the book at Amazon!
Today's guest, fellow PBG author, Paula Mowery has visited with us before. Today she returns with a brand new release, so please give her a great big warm welcome!
Kenzie Murrah has lost the guiding voice of her Nana Nita just when she needs it most. She’s graduating mid-year with her early childhood degree, but her parents expect her to join the family chiropractic business. In her Bible, Nana explains how God’s Word can guide Kenzie, but there’s doubt on Kenzie’s part, until the highlighted verses begin to follow her life much too closely.
Trevor Wallen escaped an embarrassing and reputation smearing incident to become a police officer in the small Tennessee town. He strives to do his best to follow Christian principles but longs for God to bring someone into his life with those same morals and values.
Kenzie and Trevor share an attraction for one another that grows into more until a tragedy threatens to end everything. Kenzie begins to shy away from reading the next scripture passage, for fear of what may happen.
Will Kenzie learn she can trust God’s Word? Will Kenzie and Trevor get the chance for a happily ever after despite the dangers of his occupation?
Paula did not provide an excerpt, but you can look inside the book at Amazon!
Paula is a pastor’s wife, mom to a college student, author,
acquiring editor, and speaker. No matter the hat she wears, she strives to
honor God’s plan even if it means going out on a limb and leaving comfort
zones. Reviewers have characterized her writing as “thundering with emotion.”
Her book, Be The Blessing, won the 2014 Selah Award in the novella category.
Paula enjoys reading and reviewing Christian fiction, writing Christian romance
and devotionals, and helping other authors realize their dream of publication.
Learn more about Paula and find other places to link with
her on her blog at
Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings on Spiritual Growth
Good Morning Friends!
I pray your week is going exceptionally well and that you are blessed in every area of your life. I've been pondering lately about faith vs fear, surrender vs struggle, and trusting vs trying.
Regardless of our religious orientation, upbringing or belief, we all deal with issues that cause us to doubt our faith. We say we believe, we say we trust, and there's no doubt we do, but...
What are we believing and in what or whom do we trust?
We say we trust God, yet we worry over every little thing instead of surrendering it all to Him and trusting His divine wisdom, divine love and divine timing.
We say we believe in His promises, yet, because of the voices around and in us, we constantly switch from belief to doubt.
We say we have faith, yet we fear so many things.... death, poverty, illness.
Is it any wonder out lives are a mess?!?
I came across this meme and thought it fit perfectly with today's message...
But how do we do this? How do we tap into the power within us and rise above our situations and struggles?
Transformation on any level begins in the mind. The bible says we should not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2) Of course this means we should meditate on God's promises outlined in the Bible, yet so many of us focus on just the opposite!
I've said this before and I'll say it until it resonates strongly within me and with everyone who reads my blog: As a man thinks in his heart, therefore he IS. (Prov. 23:7)
We should strive to turn every negative, fearful, doubtful thought into its exact opposite.
Instead of focusing on our sickness, ponder His promise of healing. Instead of ruminating on our lack, meditate on His promises of provision and prosperity.
If you know me, you know I love learning new spiritual practices that enable me to do just this. One of the things I've found that truly resonates with me is the book, The Power of I Am by Joel Osteen and many other books by spiritual teachers: Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay are just a few.
Another is the teachings of Abraham through Esther Hicks. She/they talk about releasing resistance to our good.
Isn't that what faith is all about? Surrendering, releasing, trusting?
Surrender our thoughts for God's. Release all fears and doubts to the Holy Spirit and the Angels for healing and purifying. Let go of our ideas of how and when He should answer our prayers and let Him guide us, every moment of every day in each situation!
Trust that He always has our best interests and highest good in mind.
After all, Jesus said He came so that we would have life and have it in abundance.
Why do we insist on thinking the opposite of His word?
Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™
I hope you gained even a tiny bit of spiritual growth from my random ramblings and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
I pray your week is going exceptionally well and that you are blessed in every area of your life. I've been pondering lately about faith vs fear, surrender vs struggle, and trusting vs trying.
Regardless of our religious orientation, upbringing or belief, we all deal with issues that cause us to doubt our faith. We say we believe, we say we trust, and there's no doubt we do, but...
What are we believing and in what or whom do we trust?
We say we trust God, yet we worry over every little thing instead of surrendering it all to Him and trusting His divine wisdom, divine love and divine timing.
We say we believe in His promises, yet, because of the voices around and in us, we constantly switch from belief to doubt.
We say we have faith, yet we fear so many things.... death, poverty, illness.
Is it any wonder out lives are a mess?!?
I came across this meme and thought it fit perfectly with today's message...
But how do we do this? How do we tap into the power within us and rise above our situations and struggles?
Transformation on any level begins in the mind. The bible says we should not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2) Of course this means we should meditate on God's promises outlined in the Bible, yet so many of us focus on just the opposite!
I've said this before and I'll say it until it resonates strongly within me and with everyone who reads my blog: As a man thinks in his heart, therefore he IS. (Prov. 23:7)
We should strive to turn every negative, fearful, doubtful thought into its exact opposite.
Instead of focusing on our sickness, ponder His promise of healing. Instead of ruminating on our lack, meditate on His promises of provision and prosperity.
If you know me, you know I love learning new spiritual practices that enable me to do just this. One of the things I've found that truly resonates with me is the book, The Power of I Am by Joel Osteen and many other books by spiritual teachers: Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay are just a few.
Another is the teachings of Abraham through Esther Hicks. She/they talk about releasing resistance to our good.
Isn't that what faith is all about? Surrendering, releasing, trusting?
Surrender our thoughts for God's. Release all fears and doubts to the Holy Spirit and the Angels for healing and purifying. Let go of our ideas of how and when He should answer our prayers and let Him guide us, every moment of every day in each situation!
Trust that He always has our best interests and highest good in mind.
After all, Jesus said He came so that we would have life and have it in abundance.
Why do we insist on thinking the opposite of His word?
Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™
I hope you gained even a tiny bit of spiritual growth from my random ramblings and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
#TuesdayTreasures Multi-Author Book Signings/Conventions
Good Morning Friends!
Well, here we are in October! Football is underway, Halloween is drawing near. Our hearts go out to the folks in Las Vegas for the tragic event over this past weekend. I ask that you join me in uplifting the families and friends affected and sending love, light, prayers and healing energy to the city.
Also, I'd like to bring to your attention an upcoming event.... Love N. Vegas held October 27-29 is one of the most prominent book signing conventions, bringing the most influential authors together in one location!
So what should you do/bring if you're one of the honored guests?
Here are a few ideas....
*Promo Items: Book Marks, Pens, Magnets, small notebooks with your book cover glued to the front. People love free stuff and even if they don't buy that day, many times they'll purchase something later or pass your information on to someone they suspect will love your work.
*Candy Dish: Filled with an assortment of wrapped or packaged candy.
*Books! Be sure you have several copies of your title(s).
*Wear Comfortable Clothing. You don't have to be sloppy but neither do you need to be uncomfortable.
*Make Eye Contact and Initiate Conversation: People love to know more about you and your book(s), be prepared to talk to them! Don't hide in a corner or spend so much time talking to your neighbors that you ignore the reading public.
*Get the name/address of everyone who buys your book(s): Ask their permission to be added to your email/newsletter list. This is your readership!
*Give away a copy or two of your book(s): Have people sign up for the drawing. Let them know by doing so, they'll be added to your email/newsletter list unless they opt out (make sure there is a place on the form for them to do so).
*Most Importantly have fun! Being a part of one of these is truly a treasure to remember!
These are just a few ideas to help you have a wonderful and successful event. For more information visit Love N. Vegas website and for travel/lodging arrangements check out Las Vegas travel deals page for the best flight and hotel packages!
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Don't forget, the blog tour and rafflecopter giveaway for The Inheritance is going on now! Be sure and drop by each stop and enter to win!
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Well, here we are in October! Football is underway, Halloween is drawing near. Our hearts go out to the folks in Las Vegas for the tragic event over this past weekend. I ask that you join me in uplifting the families and friends affected and sending love, light, prayers and healing energy to the city.
Also, I'd like to bring to your attention an upcoming event.... Love N. Vegas held October 27-29 is one of the most prominent book signing conventions, bringing the most influential authors together in one location!
So what should you do/bring if you're one of the honored guests?
Here are a few ideas....
*Promo Items: Book Marks, Pens, Magnets, small notebooks with your book cover glued to the front. People love free stuff and even if they don't buy that day, many times they'll purchase something later or pass your information on to someone they suspect will love your work.
*Candy Dish: Filled with an assortment of wrapped or packaged candy.
*Books! Be sure you have several copies of your title(s).
*Wear Comfortable Clothing. You don't have to be sloppy but neither do you need to be uncomfortable.
*Make Eye Contact and Initiate Conversation: People love to know more about you and your book(s), be prepared to talk to them! Don't hide in a corner or spend so much time talking to your neighbors that you ignore the reading public.
*Get the name/address of everyone who buys your book(s): Ask their permission to be added to your email/newsletter list. This is your readership!
*Give away a copy or two of your book(s): Have people sign up for the drawing. Let them know by doing so, they'll be added to your email/newsletter list unless they opt out (make sure there is a place on the form for them to do so).
*Most Importantly have fun! Being a part of one of these is truly a treasure to remember!
These are just a few ideas to help you have a wonderful and successful event. For more information visit Love N. Vegas website and for travel/lodging arrangements check out Las Vegas travel deals page for the best flight and hotel packages!
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Don't forget, the blog tour and rafflecopter giveaway for The Inheritance is going on now! Be sure and drop by each stop and enter to win!
Until next time, take care and God bless.
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