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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures The sound of silence....

Good Morning Friends!

My scheduled guest had a new grand-baby and wasn't able to be here so I guess it's my turn. Much like last week's thoughts, it's been so long since I shared treasures with you I'm not even sure where to begin LOL!

This past weekend I went off the grid from late Thursday morning through Sunday afternoon and let me tell you, it was wonderful!

Which brings me to today's treasure: Silence

We live in a world full of noise...traffic, news (mostly bad), people, advertisements, and the list goes on and on..... So much that many people don't know how to enjoy the silence.

There are those who sleep with the television on, and those who turn it on the minute they wake up in the morning. For others it's a radio.

I'll admit I sometimes like to turn on a guided meditation which helps me to unwind and go to sleep with something positive to counteract the negativity of the day. But mostly, I love to lay in the silence and let it seep into my very soul, relax my body and mind and drift into dreamland.

There are many days I sit in silence for moments or even hours at a time, especially when I travel. This gives me the space to connect with my soul, to pray for others and to listen to the still small voice of God.

I've read many times in various books that if people would make a daily habit of listing 3 things they are grateful for, pray for 3 people they are in disagreement or at odds with and then sit still for 5 minutes, they'd have much more productive days and healthier lives!

There are numerous health benefits to meditation but most people feel they can't squeeze thirty minutes of silence into their day. The good news is you don't have to! Even 5 minute breaks are beneficial. It's not about the way you sit or where you are either. Just make a point to get quiet as often as you can.

So, how would one incorporate moments of silence into his/her day?

Start small!

Instead of drinking your morning coffee or tea on the run, get up fifteen minutes early and savor it in the quiet of early dawn.

Even if it means gazing at a picture immerse yourself in nature. Engage your senses and really get into this....imagine the scent of flowers, the beauty of a deep forest, the vastness of a mountain range or the quiet whisper of waves on the beach.

Listen to a CD of soft music, waves, birds or other soothing sounds while you sip your morning brew.

Set a timer for 3 or 5 minutes if you have to, take deep breaths and just let the thoughts flow from your mind. Repeat the mantra "silence" if you have to but take the time to just breathe and be. As you get into the habit of doing this, you'll find you crave the experience even more.

Keep a journal next to you. Not everyone is a writer, but you'll be amazed at the ideas that flow when the mind is quiet and the heart open.

Take mini breaks throughout the day and practice being silent. Go to the restroom if you have to, but get away from the madness of your duties, thoughts and fears as often as you can.

Here's a pretty picture for you to gaze upon in a few moments of silence while you're here.....

These are just a few ideas on how to incorporate silence into your day. Try it, I guarantee if you stick with the program for thirty days, you'll notice a huge difference in your life.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Lisa Lloyd & Chasing Famous!

Hello Again and Welcome to the last Saturday Spotlight in May!

Yeah I know, it goes without saying that time flies by when you're having fun. Sometimes we may not feel like we're having much fun but, usually, if you stop a while and meditate, you can always find something to smile about and be grateful for.

That's my philosophy anyway.

Today's guest is brought to us by Litfuse Publicity and is new to me so please give Lisa Lloyd a great big old Southern Welcome! Let's find out a little about her then we'll check out her new book, Chasing Famous.....

Lisa Lloyd is a charismatic speaker and writer, dedicated to helping women break free of the lies that convince us we don't have a purpose, when in fact God has created us to herald His fame. She reminds women of who we are in Christ, and no matter what the world tells us, God wants to use our past mistakes, our current talents, and our future choices for His glory. Each year, Lloyd is the keynote at women's conferences and mom's groups across the country, being uniquely vulnerable in her communication, vision casting through stories, and bringing her listeners continuously back to the truths of Scripture.

Lloyd graduated from Southern Methodist University with a BFA in theater. She met her husband, Markus, when they were performing on stage together at Dallas Theater Center in the musical, Guys and Dolls. A few of her acting credits include What Would You Do?, Prison Break, The Young and the Restless, and The Bold and the Beautiful. She has performed for many theaters. You might see her on current commercials or on billboards in the Dallas area.  
The Lloyds live in McKinney, TX, and have two sons.

Keep up with Lisa Lloyd's speaking schedule, read her blog, and more by visiting www.lisalloyd.org, following her on Facebook (LisaJLloyd), or via Twitter (@LisaJLloyd).

Lisa Lloyd helps readers live the life they've always auditioned for. 

Seattle: Life can be compared to a series of auditions. Regardless of who we are, we are constantly auditioning for a part: to be the most loving spouse, attentive parent or amazing employee. It is human nature to want to be loved, affirmed and accepted. Whether it is conscious or not, all these desires focus inwardly. In Chasing Famous: Living the Life You've Always Auditioned For (New Hope Press/April 3, 2017/ISBN: 978-1-62591-517-7/$14.99), Lisa Lloyd helps readers shift the focus outwardly and back on God and His glory.

Lloyd, a professional actress who readily admits she is the most self-centered person she knows, provides practical and often-humorous examples of scriptural truth that will help readers discover the role God created for them. It's a role they don't have to audition for because it's one in which they have already been cast.

"In an audition, I'm hoping to be enough - pretty, quirky, talented, funny and fashionable, enough - to be the one chosen," Lloyd shares. "In life, I'm constantly walking around hoping the people making the decisions will like me, choose me, approve me, select me. I want to be enough for them. However it's only when we realize we've already been selected by God that we find peace. Then we can live a life of security, knowing our job is not to be selected but to point people still seeking approval to the One who gives it unconditionally."

Chasing Famous challenges readers to take an honest look at where they're seeking fulfillment, examine their own self-seeking propensities and wrestle with the messy questions of Why am I here? What does God really want from me? Is there more to life than this? Once these issues have been mastered, readers will discover how turning the spotlight on God frees them to live their lives as God intended.

Written with the theme of the audition carried throughout, Chasing Famous uses terms from "the business" to relate to everyday circumstances. The unique structure adds richness and depth to Lloyd's own testimony as she reveals why every person was created to make God famous. "The Bible is clear," Lloyd offers. "God wants to use the story of our lives to radiate His fame. He doesn't point His finger at our mistakes and screw-ups. Rather He points us to the stage so we can share with the world how truly glorious He is."

Lloyd encourages readers to abandon the pain of comparison to leave their own unique stamp on the world and break free from the guilt and shame of the past to embrace God's unconditional love. Ultimately she hopes to empower readers to step bravely into the role God has for them: to stand center stage and proclaim His renown to all who will listen.

View the book trailer for Chasing Famous and learn more about Lisa Lloyd at chasingfamousbook.com, on Facebook (LisaJLloyd), and via Twitter (@LisaJLloyd).

Advance Praise

"After a speaking event, I asked two young girls what they dreamed of doing one day. They both said they dreamed of 'being famous.' My heart sank. This desire for fame is an ageless epidemic perpetuated by a deep desire to be valued, needed, important. Lisa speaks right to the heart of this epidemic in a creative and engaging way through both personal reflection and God's Word. I am so thankful God made it clear to Lisa that this is her purpose . . . to use the story God has written in her life to bring Him fame."

~ Jenn Sprinkle, cofounder of The Well Studio

"The overwhelming need for validation drives the performer in every single one of us! 'See me, love me, affirm me,' is our constant cry on social media, at church on Sundays, even as we send our Christmas cards out each sacred December. Whether you're a stage actress or a stay-at-home-mom, Lisa Lloyd carries us all along on her journey in the spotlight so that we might learn to purposefully live our lives turning that same beam of light on Jesus. After all, He is the Light of the World . . . and all the world's His stage! Packed full of Scripture truth and resonating examples of biblical characters who lived their unique stories for such a time as this, Chasing Famous inspires each reader to offer up their own personal narrative for God's ultimate glory! Inspiring, challenging, and such an important read for each of us living in this digital age that lauds applause on Christian fame."

~ Wendy Speake, actress, speaker, and author of Life Creative and Triggers

To request a review copy of Chasing Famous, to schedule an interview with Lisa Lloyd, or for more information, please contact Audra Jennings, audra@litfusegroup.com.

Sounds like a great book, Lisa, thanks for shining in our spotlight today and thank you, friends for stopping by!

Hope you will join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts, and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings on Excellence

Good Morning Friends!

It's been so long since I share my thoughts with you I'm not even sure where to begin, LOL!

My mind has been in a whirlwind the last few weeks. Along with my normal routine of work, I'm editing a book that is very intense in nature and extensive in work.

This brings me to my topic of today: Excellence

Most of us are taught the value in striving for excellence in all areas of our lives. In school, we're encouraged to do our best and get the best grades. In work, we strive to be the best employee, do the best job and move up the ladder. As authors we're up against a lot of competition so it's driven into us to write a great novel, use an experienced and efficient editor.

Excellence, excellence, excellence in everything!

But what about our prayer life and faith walk?

The Bible exhorts us to walk in integrity, which is another way of saying excellence.

Don't you know there are times when I know I'm not doing that? Oh, I don't mean I'm lying or stealing or cheating, but I know in my spirit that my thoughts are not as pure as they can be and/or my heart is not focused on the good things of God, but the not-so-good things of the world. I'm not looking at (or for) the best in people, but dwelling on the worst.

The law of attraction states that what you focus on, you attract into your life. EX: if I'm focusing on something negative in my life or in someone else's personality, I'll attract more of that to me.

The Bible teaches us that as a man thinks therefore he is and that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

You can almost bet your bottom dollar if we're thinking negative thoughts, negative words are spewing out of our mouth!

So what can I/You/We do about this?

Philippians 4:8 tells us, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

I've found that when I recognize my heart, mind and/or mouth are not in alignment with what God says about my or someone else's life, I have the power to change that simply by thinking and speaking excellent thoughts and words! I ask God, Jesus and the angels to help me shift my perspective so I can focus on the good in that person or situation.

Try it, it works!

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

PS: Monday is Memorial Day, please take a moment to THANK a soldier and pray for those who have died defending our nation.

I hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

#TuesdayTreasure Red Nose Day

Good Morning Friends!

I've wondered what Red Nose Day was all about. Hate to admit I haven't paid too much attention to the commercials. So when Grace Hill Media asked if I could feature this event, I said yes, so here's some information about Red Nose Day.....

As we near the start of summer and think about vacations and time off with families there are others who are not nearly as fortunate to enjoy those luxuries. On May 25th NBC television will air Red Nose Day, a live telecast aimed at ending child poverty.

Red Nose Day is unique in that multiple charitable organizations will benefit from the three hour live program that night. The event is all about coming together, to have fun, and make a difference for kids in need.  The goal is to end child poverty, here in the U.S. and around the world -- one nose at a time.

The fundraiser began in 1988 by U.K. director, Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral) and recently started in the U.S. Red Nose Day raised over $36 million in 2016, and over $23   million the previous year, totaling over $60 million in its first two years in the US.
The two charities among many others that will benefit from Red Nose Day are Covenant House and charity: water.  These are just one of many organizations that everyday work tirelessly to make a difference here at home in the U.S. and around the world. What’s staggering with the statistics is that this is happening right here in the U.S.

We’ve learned from Red Nose Day charities that:

  • 1 out of 5 young people live in poverty.

  • Every Year, More Than 2 Million Kids in America Will Face a Period of Homelessness.
  • 57% of homeless kids spend at least one day every month without food.
It’s heartbreaking with regards to the homeless kids and youth as it puts them in such danger of human traffickers – something I know so many of our churches and organizations fight against.  We have an opportunity to make a difference and keep some of these kids away from the streets.
We hope you will consider taking the time to help those in need and checking out both ministries and finding a way however big or small to support them. We’re called to help those in need and we often forget that although we are fortunate to live in a country that provides us with a lot – there are many children right in front of us who struggle to even get a meal a day. We hope you’ll think about ways you can help our youth and even join in on the fun and put on a Red Nose and post to your social channels with the hashtag: #rednoseday

Red Noses are available at all Walgreen locations.  For those wanting to do something fun and get involved, stop by Walgreens and buy a red nose.

We do believe that if we can all raise awareness about this issue – we can all end child poverty one nose at a time!

Wow, learn something new every day! I'm not sure a red nose is something to treasure but the concept behind it certainly is!

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Delia Latham & TWO of her Paradise Pines books!

Good Morning Friends!

Last month we got a sneak peek into Delia Latham's Hearts Haven book, Oh Baby! Today it is a great pleasure to welcome her back with two more recent releases, Spring Raine and Summer Dreams - both in her Paradise Pines series......

An uncharacteristic, last-minute decision to do something "wild and crazy" before entering the stressful world of forensic science sends Raine Presley to Cambria, California. Against a cloud of disapproval from her slightly manipulative, over-protective parents, she signs a seasonal lease at the beautiful Paradise Pines Lodge...and winds up over her head in life and love.

Declan Keller's just minding his own business—literally—when Raine drops into his world and turns it upside down. He's far too busy carving beautiful shapes out of chunks of wood to be babysitting a gal from Pasadena. Even so, his father’s promise to an old friend obligates him, despite a looming deadline that could make or break his career in the art world. He’s praying for anything but Raine when she comes along.

Neither Declan nor Raine is prepared for the seemingly divine influence of Paradise Pines—and Miss Angelina Love. A mysterious lady who may or may not own the lodge, Miss Angie possesses an amazing talent for mending ruffled feathers, spouting proverbs, and somehow bending even the most determined of hearts to the power of love.

The Getaway Of A Lifetime...Kinda.

Summer Callihan isn't in Cambria for the beach or the ocean or the pine-scented air around Paradise Pines Lodge. She's there as a companion to her flighty cousin, Deah--with the understanding that they will have separate agendas the entire time. Summer just wants to be left alone to dream up the romance novels she writes under a pseudonym.

A Real-life Hero Who Rivals a Romance Novel...Really!

But never in Summer's wildest writer's imagination does she dream of being caught in an undertow and almost drowning, only to be rescued by a wealthy artist. And when Logan Bullard proves hard to shake, Summer fears for her heart--especially when Deah sets her sights on Logan.

A Cupid to pull it all together...?

But at Paradise Pines Lodge, what's meant to be has a way of happening...at the best time and in the best way. Miss Angelina Love--who may or may not own the place--has an "in" with Heaven's own "department of romance." And she's determined to see Summer and Logan together.

Spring Raine and Summer Dreams (as well as Delia's other titles) can be picked up at great prices at Pelican Book Group and Amazon.com!

DELIA LATHAM is a born-and-bred California gal, raised in a wide spot in the road called Weedpatch and currently living in East Texas with her husband, Johnny. She enjoys multiple roles as Christian wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, but especially loves being a princess daughter to the King of Kings. She has a "thing" for Dr. Pepper, and loves to hear from her readers.

Contact her through her website or send an e-mail to delia@delialatham.net. Find her also at the following online locations:

Chirp & Chatter (Blog)
Amazon Author Page

*Note from Pam* Delia is also an incredible cover artist and editor. Check out Heaven's Touch Designs.

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll return each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts Guest post by Judy Ann Davis

Good Morning Friends!

Well May is just marching right along isn't it? 

Today's guest has been featured once before here on our blog but please give a great big welcome to Judy Ann Davis!

Although the rose has always been my favorite flower, it is also the flower of June, my birth month. Growing up on a farm in northeastern Pennsylvania, I cherished the intoxicating fragrance of the antique rose bushes growing around the stonewall foundations of old razed houses on our property where early settlers lived, but later moved westward for reasons unknown. Every June, like a birthday present from the earth and heaven above, it was a delight to see the many bushes, growing wild, bursting into riotous pink blossoms, and spreading over an entire knoll of our pasture.

Old roses, also called “old-fashioned roses,” “heirloom roses,” “antique roses” and “old garden roses” are those plants introduced in America prior to 1867. Although there are hundreds of old rose varieties, they are best known for their hardiness and fragrance.

The oldest rose planted today was in existence some 2,000 years before the birth of Christ. It migrated from Persia (Iran) through Turkey to France and finally into England Later, clippings of these old garden roses were often hand-carried to America by early immigrants from Europe.

In my novel, Four White Roses, I chose to have the heroine try to save the last white Austrian rose that the hero’s great-grandmother brought with her stateside just prior to World War I.

Sometimes writers don’t know where they get ideas for writing a novel. Sometimes thoughts and ideas just pop into our heads. To be honest, only when I started writing Four White Roses did mental sparks erupt—and I was able to draw an eerie connection to my own life. I have actually saved the last old roses bushes planted on my family farm and dating back to the 1800s.

Luckily, I took cuttings after my husband and I were married. With the passing of my parents, the rose bushes eventually died out, probably succumbing to harsh winters, the elements and wildlife, and lack of nourishment and care. Now, more than ever, I find it humbling when I realize I possess the very same roses planted by the hands of our first settlers. And, the lineage is still alive for over a hundred and fifty years.

Ralph Waldo Emerson best reflects my feelings about these beautiful flowers with those prickly thorns:
             “There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.”

Wow Judy, I don't remember that quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson but it really made me think of my devotional Love is a Rose that parallels the love of God and the Christian life to the words of the song, The Rose. Thanks for sharing your sentiments on roses with us! Now tell us a little more about Four White Roses and yourself.....

When widower Rich Redman returns to Pennsylvania with his young daughter to sell his deceased grandmother’s house, he discovers Grandmother Gertie’s final request was for him to find a missing relative and a stash of WWI jewels.

Torrie Larson, single mom, is trying to make her landscape center and flower arranging business succeed while attempting to save the lineage of a rare white rose brought from Austria in the 1900s.

Together, the rich Texas lawyer and poor landscape owner team up to rescue the last rose and fulfill a dead woman’s wishes. But in their search to discover answers to the mysteries plaguing them, will Rich and Torrie also discover love in each other’s arms? Or will a meddling ghost, a pompous banker, and an elusive stray cat get in their way?

BUY LINK for Four White Roses:   https://www.amazon.com/Four-White-Roses-Judy-Davis-ebook/dp/B06XPBKY7F/      

Judy Ann Davis began her career in writing as a copy and continuity writer for radio and television in Scranton, PA. She holds a degree in Journalism and Communications and has written for industry and education throughout her career.

Over a dozen of her short stories have appeared in various literary and small magazines and anthologies, and have received numerous awards. She has written four novels to date, one novella, and an anthology of short stories.

When Judy Ann is not behind a computer, you can find her looking for anything humorous to make her laugh or swinging a golf club where the chuckles are

She is a member of Pennwriters, Inc. and Romance Writers of America, and divides her time between Central Pennsylvania and New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

Visit her on:
Facebook: Judy Ann Davis Author https://www.facebook.com/JudyAnnDavisAuthor/
Twitter: JudyAnnDavis4   https://twitter.com/JudyAnnDavis4
Author Page:

Other Judy Ann Davis titles
Thanks again Judy!

And Thank YOU dear friends for dropping by. I hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll visit each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures with Vicki Batman

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Treasures!

Today I'm excited to bring a brand new-to-me and our blog author to share treasures with us.

There are so many things and people in life I treasure. Handsome, the gifts he has given me like a great life together and sparkly pieces. My boys. The ruby ring which once belonged to my mom who passed almost two years ago.

When our children were young, we visited Handsome’s family. On the property was a mama cat with two kittens. Our big cat had crossed the bridge, and the boys were having a blast playing with the babies. “Can we have them, Mom? Please???” I looked at Handsome; he looked at me. We brought both home-a short hair gray, Romper, and a brown fluffy tabby, Scooter.

Once, I overheard a friend of the boys say “let’s play with the pretty one,” meaning Romper. I picked up Scoo and said, “You’re mine.” And she was for 23 years. After Romper passed at seventeen, I knew each day with Scoo would be a treasure.

She liked to be carried against a shoulder, would make a fussy face, would smack my cheek to wake me up, and when that didn’t work, would nibble my nose. She was sweet.

Sadly, she woke up one day and couldn’t move her back legs. At 23, we knew her time had come. Putting her to sleep gave me great anguish. We all miss her.....

Wow Vicki, I can definitely identify with your treasure as I'm sure many of us can. Thank you so much for sharing with us! Tell us a little about yourself and your writing.....

I write romantic comedy! And am so lucky to have my story, “Raving  Beauty” be a part of the Just You and Me boxed set. Here’s a fun blurb: 

What if the love of your life was in front of you all along?

It began innocently with a few margaritas… Kelly Stinson is persuaded to represent Yahoo! Ranch Steakhouse in the Chamber of Commerce’s beauty contest. After an unexpected swan dive off stage, her heart goes pitter patter over the orthopedic surgeon who repaired her ripped up ankle.

Daniel Ackerman has always had the hots for his twin sister’s best friend. Much to his dismay, her doctor has taken notice of the dark-haired beauty and invaded his territory. That’s about to change when he moves in to help Kelly recover physically and open her eyes to what’s been in front of her all along.

Preorder Just You and Me featuring “Raving Beauty” at:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XCZWL6N
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/just-you-and-me…/1125868014 
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/just-you-and-me
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1210908031 

Sounds like a great bunch of stories, doesn't it? Here's more about Vicki....

Award-winning and Amazon best-selling author, Vicki Batman, has sold many romantic comedy works to the True magazines, several publishers, and most recently, two romantic comedy mysteries to The Wild Rose Press. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and several writing groups. An avid Jazzerciser. Handbag lover. Mahjong player. Yoga practitioner. Movie fan. Book devourer. Chocaholic. Best Mom ever. And adores Handsome Hubby. Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking "What if??"

Find Vicki at:
Website: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com/p/more-about-me.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vicki-Batman-sassy-writer-of-sexy-and-funny-fiction-133506590074451/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VickiBatman/ 
Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/author/vickibatman
Email: vlmbatman@hotmail.com

Thank you so much for joining Vicki and me today. I hope you'll stop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Kryssie Fortune and Desire, Deceit and the Doctor

Good Morning Friends,

Today's guest, Kryssie Fortune has shared thoughts and the spotlight before, so please welcome her back with her newest release, Desire, Deceit and the Doctor....

**Remember Friends, even though this excerpt isn't too racy, Kryssie writes erotic romance**

Twelve years ago, Mandy Devlin moved away from her friends and family--under threat. If she returned in the next ten years or told anyone who fathered her baby, her boyfriend’s great-aunt would bankrupt her family. She’s a single mom who dreams of her lost love and a good spanking. When she’s finally free to return to Westhorpe Ridge, the last person she expects to see is Adam--the man she loved and lost so long ago.

Dr. Adam Montgomery doesn’t know he has a son. Thanks to his great-aunt’s will, he has nine months to find a bride or he loses Montgomery Hall and the fifteen million dollars she left him. Although he seduces Mandy on his first night home, he still believes she betrayed him twelve years ago. No way would he marry a woman like her.

As Valentine’s Day looms, someone tries to kill Mandy. Is Adam trying to get rid of her? Or can Mandy trust him to protect her and her son?

Excerpt: Adam opened it, fresh from the shower. His close-cropped black curls lay in damp bristles against his scalp. A drop of water ran down his chest, and she struggled not to lean in and lick it. Barefoot and bare chested, wearing only his jeans, he looked…edible. 

Part of her wanted to lean into his chest and let him hold her, but she still fumed over the way he’d paid her for last night’s pleasure. Her gaze fixed on the wound in his shoulder. Puckered and red, it looked as though it wanted to bleed rather than let the crisscross of butterfly stitches hold it shut. She wanted to check the exit wound too, but he lifted a sardonic eyebrow. “Yes?” 

Damn him for being so beautiful and masculine, every inch the wounded warrior home from the wars. Refusing to fall deeper under his spell, she yanked the wad of bills from her pocket and flung it in his face. The bills fluttered to the floor at his feet. “Keep your stinking payoff, and keep away from me and Ben.” 

Startled, he stepped back, but a smile flashed briefly over his lips. Worried she’d do something stupid like apologize, Mandy stalked out the garden and slammed the white-painted gate behind her. 

Ignoring the money, Adam chased after her. “Mandy, wait. I didn’t mean what you think. I figured as a single mom, you could use the money.” 

She stopped and turned like a dervish, her fists curled tight. He’d shamed her at their senior prom, but she refused to give him any power over her again. She blinked, surprised he’d come so close. He towered over and invaded her personal space. 

Making no effort to lower her voice, she shoved at his chest. “Let’s see. You bully my son, then drag me into your bed without even a thought of a condom. Finally, you leave me an insulting note and two hundred dollars in cash. Well, keep your payoff, pal. Just tell me you haven’t got AIDS or something.” 

She’d have stormed off, but he grabbed her wrist. “Wait. Last night, I should have used protection. Damn it, woman, I shouldn’t have slept with you at all. For the record, I’m HIV and everything else free. Besides, since you haven’t a faithful bone in your body, I should be asking you the same. No wonder your kid’s father walked away.” 

Too furious to think straight, Mandy slapped his cheek. The unexpected blow made him stagger. With a toss of her red mane, Mandy stalked away. Head high, she marched through the small town’s streets, her proud stare a challenge to anyone who looked her way. 

Wow, Kryssie...sounds like a story full of fireworks of every kind! Where can readers purchase Desire, Deceit and the Doctor?

Loose id         http://bit.ly/2kTGqp5  
Kobo                http://bit.ly/2kH27b8
Amazon UK     http://amzn.to/2lPNv9N
Amazon USA   http://amzn.to/2kJbtmK

GREAT! Now let's find out more about you....

Kryssie Fortune writes the sort of hot sexy books she loves to read. If she can sneak a dragon into her paranormal books she will. Her paranormal heroes are muscular werewolves, arrogant Fae or BDSM loving dragons. 

Kryssie likes her contemporary heroes ex-military and dominant. Her heroines are kick ass females who can hold their own against whatever life - or Kryssie - throws at them.

Her books are all stand alone, even when they’re part of a series. Plot always comes before sex, but when her heroines and heroes get together, the sex is explosive and explicit

Find and follow Kryssie at the following locations...

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight. 

Until next time take care and God Bless.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts Guest post by Peggy A Borel

Good Morning Friends!

It is with great pleasure I host Bayou Writers Group author and friend, Peggy A Borel. In 2013 I shared some note cards Peggy created on my Tuesday Treasures post not long after Peggy shared our spotlight with her book, Teach Me A, B, C!

Today Peggy shares some thoughts with us....

Everyone loves finding hidden treasure! At least I do, don’t you? The sun shines a bit brighter when you find that crumpled five dollar bill in the pocket of your freshly washed jeans. Your smile is a bit brighter when a piece of jewelry you bought at the local yard sale is, upon closer examination, made of gold. And how would you feel today if you opened your mailbox and discovered an unexpected refund check waiting for you that would pay off all your bills?

These are nice treasures for sure, but the bigger rewards for me are the ones that cannot be held in my hand. It is the ones that blossom in my heart. As an author and artist, my goal in life is to always aspire to inspire.

A couple of years ago, God encouraged me to write and illustrate Teach Me! ABC. This is a colorful and fun children’s book that teaches not only the alphabet but also upper and lower case letters, alliteration, and beginning punctuation. My reward for creating this book is not how many I sell. My treasure is watching little smiles grow as giggles fill a room when I read, “Ellie Elephant examines eyeglasses.”

Recently, there was one youngster who purchased my book, and she watched with amazement as I autographed the inside cover for her. She said, “I never saw anyone write in a book before!”

I smiled and responded, “Maybe one day you’ll write a story, and you can autograph your book.”

Her smile blossomed, and I could see her mind contemplating that very idea. One day soon I am sure she will outgrow my book, but I pray that the seed planted that day in her mind will continue to grow throughout her life.

I have also been blessed to bring other author’s books to life with my watercolor pencils. As I read each story and talk with the writer, a picture forms in my mind for each illustration. But before the first stroke of my pencil adds color to the clean, white paper, I take a deep breath and pray with all my heart that God guides my hand. For what is created will bring to life the author’s words and must be just right. When the final stroke of color is placed, I know I will receive payment as per our agreement, but the bigger prize for me is seeing the excitement in the author’s eyes as they see their words brought to life in my drawings.

This last year, I blew the dust off an old manuscript that I had given up on. God whispered to me, “It is time!” After rereading each yellowed and ragged page, I shook my head in defeat, almost tossed it back on the shelf. The novel needed to be totally rewritten. However, that constant whisper would not leave me alone so one day I booted up the computer and started editing page one.

I am glad I listened and finished this book because recently a box was delivered to my home. Inside were copies of my book, Tempest Roars, a fictional story that is filled with inspiration, hope, and yes, a bit of romance. My payment is not how many people purchase this book. My gift is knowing God will use this novel and the bible verse at the end of each chapter to inspire and uplift others as they journey through life on the bayou with Abby Lee and Tad West, even when the tempest roars!

Hidden jewels are everywhere. We just have to look for them. My prayer today is that you find time to sift through your day to discover the seeds of smiles God has planted in your life, and remember always aspire to inspire!

Don't you just LOVE, Love, love this  ,..."Always aspire to inspire".... ? ?  I do! Thank you, Peggy for sharing your thoughts with us! 

Peggy A. Borel, author and artist, resides in Westlake, Louisiana, with her husband. When she is not chronicling the lives of fictional characters within her imagination or standing before an easel with paintbrush in hand, she enjoys spending time with her grown children and young grandsons.  

She is a graduate of Thomas College, Waterville, Maine, and has attended many art and writing classes offered by McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana.  She enjoys participating in artist workshops at the Gallery by the Lake.  She also studied liberal art at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Illinois, and was awarded a degree in General Studies. 

Peggy is a member of several local author and artist groups.  She has written and illustrated Teach Me! ABC, a colorful and fun book for young children along with a companion workbook.  Recently, she published Tempest Roars, a fictional book for women filled with inspiration, hope and love.  As well as her own work, she is a successful illustrator for other authors.

Needless to say, this author and artist loves her job!

Tempest Roars is available in Ebook and Print; Teach ME! ABC is available at Amazon and directly through Peggy at: peggyaborel@gmail.com 

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Cynthia Ruchti

Hello Again!

I pray your weekend was blessed.

Today's guest has shared treasures with us before so please welcome author Cynthi Ruchti back to our blog....

Little Treasures

When I watch HGTV renovations, I’m drawn to the minimalist décor ideas—crisp, clean, open shelves with lots of white space. What I live with—on the other hand—is a mix of minimalist and collector.

The little treasures I collect are either related to sweet memories with family, or they relate to the books I write. I try to find at least one iconic item to remind me of the process my heart went through when writing each book, some heart connection to the story or the research trip or the setting.

On a narrow wall between the front door and the largest window in my office, I’ve hung sketches and photos and artwork representing books already written or still in progress. A stone stagecoach inn from Cedarburg, WI, the setting for the novella collection, Cedar Creek Seasons. Next to it, a photograph-turned-notecard of the woolen mill along Cedar Creek. Above it, a page from a calendar, representing one of my early novels—When the Morning Glory Blooms. In the middle, a gift from a friend—an image of Door County cherries after an ice storm (from the novella collection, A Door County Christmas). The sketch above the cherries is of a stone cottage on historic Shake Rag street in Mineral Point, WI, the setting of a book yet to be birthed. Tucked above that is a notecard made from a friend’s photograph of the area around Madeline Island, WI—the setting of As Waters Gone By.

Along the low window ledge next to my desk is a collection of small treasures that either remind me of friends or of other books. Because I write stories-hemmed-in-hope, readers or friends will often send me hope reminders, like the bookmark in this image. Tucked behind the rock (it’s as close to granite countertops as I’ll ever get) is a small wooden canoe, a reminder of my debut novel—They Almost Always Come Home.

The Sea Glass Hunter’s book was a gift from my sister after we’d spent a week beachcombing and came home without a single discovery. In front of the book are two pieces of sea glass I found on a subsequent trip—both of them white, and poignant reminders of a book proposal now under consideration. The little ceramic building is a yarn shop, part of my lit Christmas village collection and a reminder of “Maybe Us,” my story in the Cedar Creek Seasons novella.

On the ledge just beneath the etched glass in that same window is another collection, which includes morning glory seeds reminiscent of
When the Morning Glory Blooms, a notecard with a watercolor image of the Oceanside, California waterfront which was the setting for All My Belongings, a photo of my Marine dad holding a Korean orphan during the Korean conflict which helped inform my writing in When the Morning Glory Blooms.

The “Hope lives here” chalkboard showed up in a meaningful scene in As Waters Gone By. I’m getting ready to add a photo of the stunning boardwalk along the shore in Algoma, WI—the setting for Restoring Christmas, and a picture of the ancient walking bridge in Stillwater, MN—the setting for An Endless Christmas. The musical note ribbon is a reminder of the book Song of Silence.

And the hearts of handmade paper embedded with flower seeds reminds me of my newest release—A Fragile Hope.

A Fragile Hope
Hope grows when seeds are planted—even in the muddy middle of life.

Josiah Chamberlain’s life’s work revolves around repairing other people’s marriages. When his own is threatened by his wife’s unexplained distance, and then threatened further when she’s unexpectedly plunged into an unending fog, Josiah finds his expertise, quick wit and clever quips are no match for a relationship that is clearly broken.

Feeling betrayed, confused, and ill-equipped for a crisis this crippling, he reexamines everything he knows about the fragility of hope and the strength of his faith and love. Love seems to have failed him. Will what’s left of his faith fail him, too? Or will it be the one thing that holds him together and sears through the impenetrable wall that separates them?

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories hemmed in hope through her novels, novellas, nonfiction books, articles and devotionals.

Her latest release is the novel A Fragile Hope. One of Ruchti’s greatest joys is helping other writers grow in their craft. To that end, she has with the Write-to-Publish conference and American Christian Fiction Writers. She and her husband live in the heart of Wisconsin. Learn more at www.cynthiaruchti.com.

Thank you so much, Cynthia for sharing your treasures with us!

I certainly hope you, friends, enjoyed today's post as much as I did and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God bless.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on VB Tenery & David Arp with Against the Odds!

Good Morning Friends and Welcome!

It's been a while since VB Tenery visited so it is a great pleasure to welcome her back! Today she brings along her co-author, David Arp and gives us a peek into their book, Against the Odds. Take it away VB....

It was the mother of all bad days.

The date, September 11, 2012. The place, Benghazi, Libya.
While a brave band of warrior’s fight for their lives in the consulate and CIA annex, outside, a Mossad Agent, a missionary, and a Mississippi giant fight a different battle.

Caught between terrorist and an enraged Russian arms dealer, they must complete the mission and manage to stay alive until they can escape or the cavalry arrives.

Never assume things can’t get worse.  

The Black Pearl Yacht
Off the Coast of Libya

Sam Roberts stood in the cabin’s doorway watching Sergei Cherkesov adjust his tie. Considered by most women to be handsome with his high cheekbones and the dark coloring of his Slavic ancestors. Tall, broad shouldered with perfect white teeth, which flashed often when he was in a good mood.
The most despicable man Sam Roberts had ever encountered.
Hired six months ago as the Russian’s personal bodyguard, Sam was charged with keeping the slimy rat alive.
 “I won’t need you tonight, my friend. I’ve persuaded the lovely Miss Winter Merton to come aboard the yacht. I’ve been trying to lure her here for weeks.” The Russian spoke in a slightly accented voice then smiled at his reflection in the mirror, smoothing his straight, dark hair with a brush. “This will be a memorable evening, and I don’t want any interruptions.”
Tension tightened Sam’s chest, and he had to work to keep his voice calm. “If this is the missionary you’ve been telling me about, I wouldn’t make any long-range plans.”
The big Russian laughed. “Don’t worry about me. There are ways to persuade an unwilling lady.”
Great . . . Just great.
Sam was one week away from completing his job as Cherkesov’s bodyguard and getting off this wretched ship. Sam clamped his mouth closed on a quick retort then left the cabin before he did something that would jeopardize his mission.

Wow, sounds like another winner, VB! Where can we get a copy?
Against the Odds can be purchased at Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback.

Great now let's find out a little more about you and David....

Award willing author V. B. Tenery lives with her family in East Texas. Her passion is writing novels with shinning characters, settings, and plots so exciting readers can’t put them down and they come away feeling delighted with the reading experience—honoring God in the process. Not content to stay in one genre, her novels range from contemporary suspense and supernatural suspense, to an upcoming historical suspense set in WWII England. When not writing she enjoys reading, hiking, and tube-floating down rivers in the beautiful Texas Hill Country

Website: www.vbtenery.com

 David was born in Arizona and raised in Texas where he began a career in the oil and gas drilling industry soon after graduating high school. Since then, he’s traveled the world to places like Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Malaysia, India, China, Mauritius, and Namibia.
He discovered his love for writing while working for Aramco, drilling wells throughout Saudi Arabia. He even learned to speak decent, albeit Texas accent-laced, Arabic.
Today, David splits his life evenly between his wife of 30 years, Karen, at home in Colorado and a deep-water drilling rig on the Gulf of Mexico.

Blog: Take a Walk in the Patch https://davearp.wordpress.com

So nice to meet you David and it's wonderful to have you back, VB! Thanks for joining us and good luck & God's blessings with your book!

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight friends and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings on the Weather....

Good Morning!

I pray you all survived the storms that have passed through lately. We had a cold front come through on Sat/Sun and another yesterday. With that, lots and lots of rain...thunder, lightning, the works.

Now I'm not a fan of cold weather at all, especially in May for crying out loud!

However, we haven't had enough 'winter' to cool the Gulf waters which means hurricane season could be a doozy.

So as much as we may not like freezing in May, (okay not freezing by normal standards but anything below 70 is freezing to me LOL!) I'm hoping/praying/believing this is God's way of putting a hedge of protection around us to prevent a terrible hurricane season.

But what do I know?

I'm not even sure this front is enough to cool the Gulf waters!

Isn't that what faith is all about though? Believing in something you don't know and evidence of things unseen?

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

Hope you enjoyed today's random ramblings and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care, God Bless and here's a couple of bright sunny pics to warm your soul....