My scheduled guest had a new grand-baby and wasn't able to be here so I guess it's my turn. Much like last week's thoughts, it's been so long since I shared treasures with you I'm not even sure where to begin LOL!
This past weekend I went off the grid from late Thursday morning through Sunday afternoon and let me tell you, it was wonderful!
Which brings me to today's treasure: Silence
We live in a world full of noise...traffic, news (mostly bad), people, advertisements, and the list goes on and on..... So much that many people don't know how to enjoy the silence.
There are those who sleep with the television on, and those who turn it on the minute they wake up in the morning. For others it's a radio.
I'll admit I sometimes like to turn on a guided meditation which helps me to unwind and go to sleep with something positive to counteract the negativity of the day. But mostly, I love to lay in the silence and let it seep into my very soul, relax my body and mind and drift into dreamland.
There are many days I sit in silence for moments or even hours at a time, especially when I travel. This gives me the space to connect with my soul, to pray for others and to listen to the still small voice of God.
I've read many times in various books that if people would make a daily habit of listing 3 things they are grateful for, pray for 3 people they are in disagreement or at odds with and then sit still for 5 minutes, they'd have much more productive days and healthier lives!
There are numerous health benefits to meditation but most people feel they can't squeeze thirty minutes of silence into their day. The good news is you don't have to! Even 5 minute breaks are beneficial. It's not about the way you sit or where you are either. Just make a point to get quiet as often as you can.
So, how would one incorporate moments of silence into his/her day?
Start small!
Instead of drinking your morning coffee or tea on the run, get up fifteen minutes early and savor it in the quiet of early dawn.
Even if it means gazing at a picture immerse yourself in nature. Engage your senses and really get into this....imagine the scent of flowers, the beauty of a deep forest, the vastness of a mountain range or the quiet whisper of waves on the beach.
Listen to a CD of soft music, waves, birds or other soothing sounds while you sip your morning brew.
Set a timer for 3 or 5 minutes if you have to, take deep breaths and just let the thoughts flow from your mind. Repeat the mantra "silence" if you have to but take the time to just breathe and be. As you get into the habit of doing this, you'll find you crave the experience even more.
Keep a journal next to you. Not everyone is a writer, but you'll be amazed at the ideas that flow when the mind is quiet and the heart open.
Take mini breaks throughout the day and practice being silent. Go to the restroom if you have to, but get away from the madness of your duties, thoughts and fears as often as you can.
Here's a pretty picture for you to gaze upon in a few moments of silence while you're here.....
These are just a few ideas on how to incorporate silence into your day. Try it, I guarantee if you stick with the program for thirty days, you'll notice a huge difference in your life.
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.