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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Welcomes @LoreePeery LoRee Peery!

Good Morning Friends and Welcome!

It's been a crazy, full week for me and the running won't stop until after Memorial Day, therefore I'm only going to give you a brief rundown before letting LoRee take over the blog today.

Sunday I went to my great-niece's birthday/graduation party, Monday went to my granddaughter's awards ceremony, Tuesday granddaughter's graduation ceremony. This morning I'm attending my grandson's awards ceremony. Tomorrow I'm going to the Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Service for Iowa PD to honor Terry then going to my great-niece's graduation that evening. Friday I get a day of rest. Saturday is Bayou Writer's group meeting and my granddaughter's graduation party then on Sunday or Monday I'm going to Sam Rayburn Lake for a few days, driving back on Thursday for grandson's birthday on Friday (27th) then back to the lake until Sunday (30th) after which I'll go to my daughter's house for a few days since they will be out of town. 

Yeah...I'm exhausted just thinking about it, but don't worry, Saturday Spotlight will still go on and this week's guest is Barbara Britton so even if I'm crazy busy, y'all stop by and browse.

Now, onto our guest.... Take it away LoRee....

Worship through Verse

Most of us hear the word worship and think of singing during a church service. Not particularly so. We don’t need a location to seek the Lord. Worship happens anywhere that involves spirit and truth.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks (John 4:23 NIV).

“In spirit,” means submission of the human spirit, according to verse 24, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” In order to worship the One True God, a person must have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Once we repent and acknowledge our need for a Savior, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thus, we are able to worship in spirit and in truth.

As His children, God is with us in the Spirit no matter what time of day or night we call on Him. By worshiping Him through reading the truth of His Word, the Bible, He works through me. I can’t write a thing that honors Him unless I admit I need His help.

No “me, me, me”
  But Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
    He’s worthy of all …

All my love
  All my energy
    All my worship.

My last visit here on a Wednesday, I talked about a journal of modern-day verse that I penned, “Worship through Verse.” I cherish the pictures of my volume on coffee tables I’ve seen where loved ones worship in their living rooms or at their kitchen tables, using those verses as a devotional to supplement worship.
In other words, we can worship anywhere and at any time, as long as we worship in the Spirit and in truth.

Psalm 95:5-6
The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Country Worship

God’s breath on the breeze
Kisses my soul, my spirit

Dirt beneath my feet
Reminds me God made Adam

The heavenly sky above me
Is where Jesus will appear

The songs of earth and sky
Made by God’s holy breath

My soul soars in praise
What an awesome God is He

I thank God I’m a country girl
Where I’m free to sing out loud

Heart and breath on the breeze
Heart and voice free to worship.

Psalm 100:2 reads: Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Nebraska country girl LoRee Peery writes fiction that hopefully appeals to adult readers who enjoy stories written from a Christian perspective, focusing on the romance. These include novels and novellas for women and men in the Contemporary, Romance, Historical, Time Travel, and Mystery/Suspense categories. She writes of redeeming grace with a sense of place. Her Frivolities Series launched her releases, and the book based on her father’s unsolved homicide, Touches of Time, was a personal relief. She is who she is by the grace of God: Christian, country girl, wife, mother, grandmother and great-, sister, friend, and author. Connect with LoRee: www.loreepeery.com 

Find her publications at Pelican Book Group http://tinyurl.com/kwz9enk 

LoRee's novel, Touches of Time is based on her father's unsolved murder of April, 1975. LoRee fictionalized the story, and solved the cold case on paper. Get your copy HERE and check out LoRee's previous posts HERE.

Wow, what lovely verse you've shared with us, LoRee! We certainly thank you and wish you the best of luck and God's blessings as you continue penning words of praise and worship to our Lord!

Hope you enjoyed the post, friends. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter (which goes out tomorrow, do so because I'm doing something special for my subscribers.

Until next time take care a be blessed!



Liz Flaherty said...

I always laugh because one of my favorite worship times is when I'm at the church changing the sign out front (my job because I live closest). It's challenging to find scripture or other inspirational words to fit into the number of letters that will fit. It's God and the box of letters and me, and a lot of praying gets done.

D. V. STONE said...

Thank you for sharing. My pastor says worship is constant and we enter in or out of it. D.

Barbara Britton said...

Hi LoRee. I appreciate you sharing from the heart.

LoRee Peery said...

I always enjoy visiting your cyber place, Pam. And gracious, I needed a deep breath after reading your busyness. This can be a crazy time of year. All the more important to worship from the heart wherever we are.
Thank you all for reading, and a big thanks to those who leave comments.

Barbara Bettis said...

Pam, just reading you May activities wore me out :) I can only imagine how you must feel. But every one of those events is precious and you couldn't miss a one! Travel carefully.

LoRee, thank you for the beautiful verses. Worship is in our hearts--at any time and all times. I wish you all the best with your book, and condolences on the real story behind it.

Carol James said...

LoRee, thanks for sharing. One of my favorite worship times is walking my dog in our city park. I'm away from everything except God and His creation (and the dog...who is part of His creation).

LoRee Peery said...

Barbara Bettis, bless you for commenting on the real story. God works in His time. Upon publication, the angst over not knowing left my soul.
Carol, oh I hope dogs will be with us in heaven as part of the new creations.

Alina K. Field said...

"Pray and work" is my motto when I'm cleaning the house or working in the garden. Lovely post!

And Pam, wow! So many blessings in your life. Exhausting, true, but wonderful!

Mary Preston said...

I did enjoy the post thank you.

Kara O'Neal said...

Enjoyed the post!

LoRee Peery said...

Alina, Mary, and Kara, thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Jacqueline Seewald said...

Good blog! Congrats on your novel as well.

LoRee Peery said...

Thanks for visiting this Thursday, Jacqueline.