Today's guest is the lady who came up with the Eggcerpt Exchange promo idea, Tina Gayle.
Tina has been a guest on our blog numerous times but it is always a great pleasure to welcome her back.

What I treasure most....
My family means the world to me. They are my inspiration and the reason behind almost everything I do.
Being from a family of all girls, I learned how much women depend on women. It was my inspiration for writing the Executive Wives Club Series. Each woman is struggling with what is happening in her life. With the help of her friends, she weathers the storms and comes out better in the end.
BIO: Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the
world of books.
After years of working in the business world doing a variety of jobs, she decided to try her hand at writing and hope to incorporate the joy of being a woman into her books.
After years of working in the business world doing a variety of jobs, she decided to try her hand at writing and hope to incorporate the joy of being a woman into her books.
Married thirty years, she and her husband love to travel and play golf. She can’t wait to do more of both.
Read the first chapter of any of her books by visiting her
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Brie Sullivan has a new baby girl and there are a million
things to do, but Brie doesn’t have the energy to keep up. Why? She’s still
grieving for her husband and suffering from baby blues, but she won’t let that
stop her. She’s come up with the answer--find a new husband to be the father of
her kids.
Jason Clark has been doing everything he can to help Brie.
He loves her but can he accept her proposal of marriage knowing she’s not
thinking clearly about the future?
Comments from Reviews for IT Exec’s Baby (2nd book of the Executive Wives Club series)
“IT Exec’s Baby is almost a
love story in reverse. The marriage comes first, then the sex, and finally the
love - at least from Brie's point of view. It is tender and poignant at times,
and full of strong descriptive passages.”
“What I
love about series books. Every book gives you more about the characters that
you've fallen in love with during the first book.”
“IT Exec’s Baby is a riveting
story of a woman with numerous problems.”
With the warmth of the sun
beating down on her head and the sound of her children’s laughter ringing in
her ears, Brie spread her arms and spun in a circle.
She raised her voice and called
to her kids as she walked to the railing of the upper deck. “You better find a
good hiding place because ready or not here I come.”
With Isabella down for a nap,
Brie drew in a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air and the freedom from being
stuck inside the house. The kids had convinced her to play with them outside.
She loved the easy game of hide-and-go-seek. Glancing over the rail, she
scanned the backyard, searching for Ethan’s and Allison’s young forms.
A giggle sounded from below the
Brie stepped down a few stairs
to search the patio below. Still unable to catch a glimpse of her children, she
continued down the staircase, listening for sounds that might give her a clue
to their whereabouts.
Not seeing either one of them,
she hugged the back wall and silently slipped to the corner of the house that
had concrete steps, which led to the front yard.
Determined to catch one of her
kids heading for home-base, Brie refrained from peeking around the corner. The
squeak of a tennis shoe alerted her to someone’s arrival.
Ready to grab them the minute
they rounded the corner, Brie stayed out of sight. A shadow fell across the
patio, and Allison’s young form raced past.
Jumping out to grab her, Brie
touched her daughter’s shoulder.
Allison’s wail of surprise
vibrated off the bottom of the deck and pierced through Brie’s brain.
Undeterred by the noise, she caught her daughter’s arm and spun her around.
“I got you.”
“No,” Allison screamed again.
Read the 1st chapter at
Purchase at Amazon
Pick up Tina’s Free Read
Hope you enjoyed today's Eggcerpt Exchange and that you'll drop by each week and check out Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.