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Thursday, February 15, 2018

#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings

Good Morning,

Well it may be afternoon wherever you are but it's still morning here in SW Louisiana!

Busy this year as Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday all rolled into a few short days. Of course Mardi Gras is the day before Ash Wednesday each year, but I don't think I've ever experienced Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday on the same day.

Makes me wonder....what did all those people who gave up chocolate or sweets do?

Do we accept our gifts? Do we eat them and pray for forgiveness?

Perhaps we looked ahead and told our loved ones No Candy (or whatever) for Valentine's Day this year!

I'm not making light of anything here, for some, Lent is a very serious issue.

Which begs the question....WHY are you giving up anything? Is it out of habit OR do you truly do so as a form of sacrifice, taking that time or money you'd normally spend and giving it to a charitable cause.

Is your Lenten practice a heart-felt thing or just an obligation you feel guilty if you don't adhere to?

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

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