Hello Again Friends!
Hope you're week is going well. If not so far, I pray it gets better!
Today's VBB guest is Roy McConnell and his book, Mind Walker brought to you by Premium Promotional Services.
About Roy McConnell
Roy McConnell is multi-published in short & novel length fiction *Thrillers That GRIP You To The End!* MIND WALKER, released September of 2009 is a suspense/thriller loaded with action, romance, and even a twist of sci-fi. McConnell was selected as a Rising Star author on the Barnes and Noble website. Mind Walker has been in the top twenty novels of the Rising Star series since publication.
About “Mind Walker”
For more than four hundred years, the males of the Ostermann family have unleashed their secret power on the world, destroying lives and amassing great fortunes. But five centuries prior, the first woman to inherit the identical gene as the males foretold that another female would be born with the same power. It was she who would stand against the madness of the Ostermann reign. No one knew when she would come…until now.
In present-day British Columbia, Wolf Ostermann rules his exotic estate with an iron fist. Ostermann has no son to continue his family legacy, so if he and his family are to maintain their economic grip on the world, Wolf must indoctrinate his reluctant daughter, Tara. Unfortunately for Wolf, Tara will have nothing to do with him anymore, and that doesn’t bode well for the tyrannical megalomaniac.
Now on the run, Tara and ex-CIA operative Chris Landry must battle for their lives as they ultimately realize the tenacious reach of her father’s powerful mind-and the evil it unleashes on all of humanity.
Bursting with raw emotion, Mind Walker combines action and suspense in a nonstop ride from the landscapes of British Columbia to the Caribbean Islands, and ends in a chilling climax in New York City.
Jo-Anne Vandermeulen Interviews Roy McConnell
1.) How long have you been writing?
I have been writing since I was twelve years old. A school friend of mind started me writing poetry. Him and I used to compete with our poetry. At the time it seemed like we were writing some brilliant stuff.
2.) What motivated you to write this electrifying thriller, “Mind Walker”?
About eight years ago I began to realize how much satisfaction I derived from writing. I thought I wanted to develop my writing further and joined a writers group and started taking workshops. It was in a workshop with a published author, who turned out to be my mentor for over a year, that I got the idea to write a book. Music had always been my inspiration for writing, so one night listening to Pink Floyd I got the first insights into Mind Walker.
3.) Who would enjoy reading “Mind Walker”?
I continue to ask myself this question. It seems that Mind Walker has a very broad audience appeal. Men and Women from ages 16 to 80 have read and enjoyed the book.
Even many who don’t normally read thrillers have told me they enjoyed it.
Mind Walker has a bit of everything. I guess that is why it has such broad appeal.
I was listening to one of Steve Berry’s podcasts the other day and I believe Mind Walker as something he describes as the wow or oooohhhh factor. When I describe the book to people I get the wow response.
4.) What’s next for Author Roy McConnell?
I am working on a sequel for Mind Walker and so far I am getting very positive feedback from my writers group on its development. I also have a third book in the works based on a character from Mind Walker.
5.) Where can viewers/followers/friends/fans interact with you?
On Facebook, GoodReads, email me from my website, Twitter, or Linkedin.
Facebook – http://bit.ly/bnYmjz
Goodreads – http://bit.ly/a3y1cN
Website – http://bit.ly/cmk7jR
Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/rjmc100
Linkedin- http://bit.ly/91shFR
6.) Would you like to add any closing thoughts today?
I always find it amazing, when I sit down to write and I think the story is going to go a certain direction, but when the thoughts and ideas start flowing freely they often form themselves much differently than I had planned.
Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this VBB brought to you by PPS!
You can find out more about Roy McConnell and his "action packed thriller!" at his website and where to purchase the books here.
Leave a comment and your name will be put in a drawing to win a copy of the book!
Good luck!
Until later...Be Blessed!
Amazon Affiliate
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Martha Rameriz
Good Morning Friends,
I THANK each and every one of you for your prayers, thoughts & kind words after my uncle's death. You are appreciated more than words can express.
Today's spotlight is returning author, Martha Ramirez with her book, The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog.
Bio: Martha Ramirez has enjoyed writing stories, poetry, and drawing since childhood. Her first children's book entitled The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog was created and inspired by the curiosity and fascination her toddler has with books. Writing continues to be her passion as she strives to create stories children will love as well as learn from. She is a reviewer for Bookpleasures and a member of the Muse Conference Board, CataNetwork Readers, American Author's Association, and CWGI (Christian Writers Group International). She has written articles for Hot Moms Club, Vision, and For Her Information (FHI) magazine. The author is looking forward to starting new projects and is excited to write in a new genre. She resides with her husband and son in Northern California where she is currently at work on a new series to her debut novel. Visit her Website at: http://www.martzbookz.com/
Fred is a friendly frog that lives in a pond he calls home. He is surrounded by many caring friends including Betsy the Butterfly, Hermit the Frog, and the well-known Mr. Flyman and his band. They pass their time singing and dancing to many favorite songs. On Fred’s seventh birthday he blows out his candles and makes a wish. To his surprise his wish is granted! Come join Fred and friends on his journey to many fabulous adventures and discover if he chooses to live in the magical place he wishes for.
The book is available at Amazon, & at Publish America at a discounted price!
Well Friends, hope you've enjoyed learning about Fred the Frog - Remember, books make GREAT gifts for children~Why not take advantage of the discounted price at Publish America and buy one for every child on your Christmas list!
Until later....take care, be Blessed and remember....when the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees.
I THANK each and every one of you for your prayers, thoughts & kind words after my uncle's death. You are appreciated more than words can express.
Today's spotlight is returning author, Martha Ramirez with her book, The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog.
Bio: Martha Ramirez has enjoyed writing stories, poetry, and drawing since childhood. Her first children's book entitled The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog was created and inspired by the curiosity and fascination her toddler has with books. Writing continues to be her passion as she strives to create stories children will love as well as learn from. She is a reviewer for Bookpleasures and a member of the Muse Conference Board, CataNetwork Readers, American Author's Association, and CWGI (Christian Writers Group International). She has written articles for Hot Moms Club, Vision, and For Her Information (FHI) magazine. The author is looking forward to starting new projects and is excited to write in a new genre. She resides with her husband and son in Northern California where she is currently at work on a new series to her debut novel. Visit her Website at: http://www.martzbookz.com/
Fred is a friendly frog that lives in a pond he calls home. He is surrounded by many caring friends including Betsy the Butterfly, Hermit the Frog, and the well-known Mr. Flyman and his band. They pass their time singing and dancing to many favorite songs. On Fred’s seventh birthday he blows out his candles and makes a wish. To his surprise his wish is granted! Come join Fred and friends on his journey to many fabulous adventures and discover if he chooses to live in the magical place he wishes for.
The book is available at Amazon, & at Publish America at a discounted price!
Well Friends, hope you've enjoyed learning about Fred the Frog - Remember, books make GREAT gifts for children~Why not take advantage of the discounted price at Publish America and buy one for every child on your Christmas list!
Until later....take care, be Blessed and remember....when the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Mid Week Blahs...
Well Friends, not much going on. My uncle passed away on Sat so this week has not been the best of weeks. Needless to say the emotional rollercoaster is taking its toll. But God is faithful and I know He will pull us through!
I'm over at Emma Lai's blog today featuring my book, Tempered Joy so if you get a chance, pop over there and leave a comment. I may surprise some lucky reader with a copy!
I'm over at Emma Lai's blog today featuring my book, Tempered Joy so if you get a chance, pop over there and leave a comment. I may surprise some lucky reader with a copy!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - JoAnn Carter
Hello Again, Friends!
I'll be over in Alexandria, Louisiana today for a book signing at Hastings Entertainment 1460 McArthur Drive so if you're in the vicinity, drop on in!
IMW, please welcome JoAnn Carter back for another edition of Saturday Spotlight with her book, By the Book.
JoAnn Carter lives in Vermont with her wonderful husband of 17 years, four children and Ginger, the best dog in the world. She enjoys being with her family & friends, writing, reading, and cooking. On the side she also writes book reviews for her local Christian radio station, THE LIGHT RADIO NETWORK.
In the past JoAnn has worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and as a substitute teacher. This year however, she is at home, to home school one of her children.
JoAnn is available for speaking engagements to book clubs, reader groups, library groups, women's ministry events, school events and church retreats. To contact her, please write jo.glenncarter@yahoo.com or visit her web-site http://home.comcast.net/~jo.glenncarter/site/
Perky 24 year old police dispatcher, Sarah Murphy, is held captive by images of her past. She doesn't trust men and is determined to hold onto her heart at all costs. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Dylan Eldredge of the Hampton Police Department believes she’s the woman God has intended for him and is equally determined to have her for his wife. Will he be able to prove he’s the man for her?
Excerpt: (c)2009 by JoAnn Carter
Sarah swiveled her chair so she could face Helen. "Now, what were we saying?"
Helen grunted and pushed her thick glasses up further on the bridge of her nose. "Independence," She remarked dryly. "Have you ever stopped to consider, being able to depend on someone other than yourself might not be such a bad thing?"
Here we go again, Sarah gritted her teeth to keep from saying something she would regret later. She picked a piece of lint off her pants. "You're right."
"I know I'm right." Helen's eyes widened as if Sarah had a temporary loss of her senses. "But in the five years we've worked together you've never agreed with me before."
"That's because you've never quite said it that way. But where man will fail, God will not. He is the only one I ever want to depend on." Sarah put her headset on and watched the monitor's black blinking cursor.
With a groan, Helen put her head into her hands and murmured, "Back to square one!"
Sarah lowered her eye lashes, "Helen, honestly, I like my life just as it is." Sarah knew the concern she saw in Helen's eyes was for her. However, she also knew men were on a whole were a problem, not a solution.
"Fine. But, I don't understand why you won't even entertain the thought of dating someone."
Sarah swatted at the finger Helen had pointed at her nose. A spurt of anger drew her chin up a notch as she wondered why, of all times, did the radios need to be quiet now? "I'm happy. Why spoil it?"
By the Book as well as JoAnn's other titles are available NOW at White Rose Publishing!
Well Friends, hope you enjoy this spotlight - stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books!
Until later take care, stay in touch, BE BLESSED and remember....the kingdom of God is within and that kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!
I'll be over in Alexandria, Louisiana today for a book signing at Hastings Entertainment 1460 McArthur Drive so if you're in the vicinity, drop on in!
IMW, please welcome JoAnn Carter back for another edition of Saturday Spotlight with her book, By the Book.
JoAnn Carter lives in Vermont with her wonderful husband of 17 years, four children and Ginger, the best dog in the world. She enjoys being with her family & friends, writing, reading, and cooking. On the side she also writes book reviews for her local Christian radio station, THE LIGHT RADIO NETWORK.
In the past JoAnn has worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and as a substitute teacher. This year however, she is at home, to home school one of her children.
JoAnn is available for speaking engagements to book clubs, reader groups, library groups, women's ministry events, school events and church retreats. To contact her, please write jo.glenncarter@yahoo.com or visit her web-site http://home.comcast.net/~jo.glenncarter/site/
Perky 24 year old police dispatcher, Sarah Murphy, is held captive by images of her past. She doesn't trust men and is determined to hold onto her heart at all costs. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Dylan Eldredge of the Hampton Police Department believes she’s the woman God has intended for him and is equally determined to have her for his wife. Will he be able to prove he’s the man for her?
Excerpt: (c)2009 by JoAnn Carter
Sarah swiveled her chair so she could face Helen. "Now, what were we saying?"
Helen grunted and pushed her thick glasses up further on the bridge of her nose. "Independence," She remarked dryly. "Have you ever stopped to consider, being able to depend on someone other than yourself might not be such a bad thing?"
Here we go again, Sarah gritted her teeth to keep from saying something she would regret later. She picked a piece of lint off her pants. "You're right."
"I know I'm right." Helen's eyes widened as if Sarah had a temporary loss of her senses. "But in the five years we've worked together you've never agreed with me before."
"That's because you've never quite said it that way. But where man will fail, God will not. He is the only one I ever want to depend on." Sarah put her headset on and watched the monitor's black blinking cursor.
With a groan, Helen put her head into her hands and murmured, "Back to square one!"
Sarah lowered her eye lashes, "Helen, honestly, I like my life just as it is." Sarah knew the concern she saw in Helen's eyes was for her. However, she also knew men were on a whole were a problem, not a solution.
"Fine. But, I don't understand why you won't even entertain the thought of dating someone."
Sarah swatted at the finger Helen had pointed at her nose. A spurt of anger drew her chin up a notch as she wondered why, of all times, did the radios need to be quiet now? "I'm happy. Why spoil it?"
By the Book as well as JoAnn's other titles are available NOW at White Rose Publishing!
Well Friends, hope you enjoy this spotlight - stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books!
Until later take care, stay in touch, BE BLESSED and remember....the kingdom of God is within and that kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Better Late than Never
Hey Friends,
Sorry I'm so late posting this week but as they say, "better late than never" LOL!
Arrived home Sunday afternoon from Daytona Beach, FL and NDA Dance & Cheer Competition - our teams from Stephen F Austin University ranked 3rd in Dance, Lg Co-Ed Cheer 1st and Small Co-Ed Cheer 2nd - I may have those two mixed up but all 3 teams ranked in the Nation's top 3!
We're proud of you, SFA!
Anyway, thought I'd be able to chill and relax for a few days - you know, catch up on things...cut grass (and now it's raining aarrgghhh!), clean house, etc.
Monday I had plans to visit a cousin of Terry's who lives out of state, we had a GREAT time. Today I sat with grandchildren who have strep virus - only 1 has symptoms - a rash. Dr. said this virus has changed so much over the years and the symptoms now vary from one child to another. Looks like I'll be there tomorrow too.
So much for a fairly restful week after traveling last week huh?
Oh well one of the perks of being home instead of having a 'real' job.
Not much changed since my last post. I did get the first round of edits back on The Gift. Editor ripped the story to shreds - in a good way! She wants to expound on the suspense - which is a great thing - I'd love to know how to build that aspect up more in a story since it tends to creep into some LOL.
Other than that, everything is moving along. Oh, the dictation didn't work out - doctor is impossible to understand - guess it's just not my cup of tea.
Guess that's all for now. Stay tuned Saturday for our spotlight on Jo Ann Carter & By the Book and if you're anywhere in the vicinity of Alexandria, LA - join me at Hastings Entertainment 1460 McArthur Drive from 2-4pm where I'll be signing copies of my books!
Hope to see you there.
Until later... Be Blessed!
Sorry I'm so late posting this week but as they say, "better late than never" LOL!
Arrived home Sunday afternoon from Daytona Beach, FL and NDA Dance & Cheer Competition - our teams from Stephen F Austin University ranked 3rd in Dance, Lg Co-Ed Cheer 1st and Small Co-Ed Cheer 2nd - I may have those two mixed up but all 3 teams ranked in the Nation's top 3!
We're proud of you, SFA!
Anyway, thought I'd be able to chill and relax for a few days - you know, catch up on things...cut grass (and now it's raining aarrgghhh!), clean house, etc.
Monday I had plans to visit a cousin of Terry's who lives out of state, we had a GREAT time. Today I sat with grandchildren who have strep virus - only 1 has symptoms - a rash. Dr. said this virus has changed so much over the years and the symptoms now vary from one child to another. Looks like I'll be there tomorrow too.
So much for a fairly restful week after traveling last week huh?
Oh well one of the perks of being home instead of having a 'real' job.
Not much changed since my last post. I did get the first round of edits back on The Gift. Editor ripped the story to shreds - in a good way! She wants to expound on the suspense - which is a great thing - I'd love to know how to build that aspect up more in a story since it tends to creep into some LOL.
Other than that, everything is moving along. Oh, the dictation didn't work out - doctor is impossible to understand - guess it's just not my cup of tea.
Guess that's all for now. Stay tuned Saturday for our spotlight on Jo Ann Carter & By the Book and if you're anywhere in the vicinity of Alexandria, LA - join me at Hastings Entertainment 1460 McArthur Drive from 2-4pm where I'll be signing copies of my books!
Hope to see you there.
Until later... Be Blessed!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Silver James
Whew what a week! I'll post on Wednesday (4/14) the results of NDA Collegic Dance & Cheer Competition but for now, please welcome to our spotlight, author Silver James and her book, Faerie Fate.
BIO: At the age of four, I lined up my stuffed animals and told them stories I made up. At thirteen, I committed my first “novel” to paper—in a black-and-white-plaid spiral notebook. “The Talisman” had a decent plot along the lines of “Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” though processed through the brain of an adolescent girl. Needless to say, it was abysmal.
I’ve been married to my best friend, who also happens to be an attorney, for twenty-five years. Our wonderful daughter is in college, majoring in museum studies and history, a love she came by honestly from her dad and me both.
Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve been a military officer’s wife, state appellate court marshal, airport rescue firefighter and forensic fire photographer, crime analyst, and technical crime scene investigator. I’ve since retired from the “real world” and live in Oklahoma. I spend my days at the computer with my two dogs, the “lolcat” who owns us all, and myriad characters all clamoring for attention. Eventually, I’ll get around to telling each of their stories.
For more information about Silver and her books, visit http://www.silverjames.com/
Blurb: If you could go back, do it over again, would you take a chance to find true love? What if you had no choice?
On her fiftieth birthday, the faerie send Rebecca Miller a thousand years into the past to find her happily ever after with Ciaran MacDermot, Chief of Clann MacDermot, the last Fenian warrior in his line. In the twenty-first century, Becca is old enough to be Ciaran’s mother. In the tenth, she’s young enough to be his bride.
The fae forgot to mention one slight stipulation. The lovers must be bound before the Festival of Light, or Becca will forever disappear into Tir Nan Óg, the faerie Land of the Ever Young. Will they discover the binding words before time runs out and they’re torn apart forever? Or will their eternal love defeat their Faerie Fate?
Without the words, history is doomed to repeat itself.
The little clock she’d received as a present on her twenty-fifth birthday whirred and chimed the time. One small, tinkling chime. Two. Finally, twelve in all. Midnight between March twentieth and March twenty-first. The vernal equinox. The day when light and dark, good and evil, love and hate all balanced on the finely tuned axis of mother earth.
Voices, strange with lilting accents, whispered somewhere in the darkness of her dream.
“She sleeps,” said a soft voice, feminine, one Becca didn’t recognize.
“Aye.” The second voice was deep, male, arrogant.
“Will she remember?”
“Nay, she’ll not.”
“How then will she know what to do?”
“She’ll know.” He sounded confident.
“What of him?”
“Aye, he’ll definitely know now. He should have known the last time, but she was too afraid, and he was too full of himself.”
“What is so different this time?” She was skeptical.
“She was young then, not matched well to him. Now, she’s no young soul. She’s had all those lives without him, the lonely nights, and the ache in her heart for all time. This time, she has courage born in the fires of suffering. She’ll know not to run from him, but to him.”
“You’re sure with the knowing of it this time?”
“And, if it doesn’t work?”
“Ciaran dies. Again.”
A sharp intake of breath came from the woman. “That cannot happen. Too much went wrong the first time.”
Faerie Fate is availalbe now in Ebook & Print from The Wild Rose Press!
Silver is offering a free book to one lucky person so leave a comment!
That wraps up another edition of Saturday Spotlight. Stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books!
Don't forget, White Rose authors are chatting over at Novel Sisterhood all day - I won't be there but if you love inpsirational romances, you'll enjoy finding about all these great authors and titles.
IMW.... take care and Be BLESSED!

I’ve been married to my best friend, who also happens to be an attorney, for twenty-five years. Our wonderful daughter is in college, majoring in museum studies and history, a love she came by honestly from her dad and me both.
Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve been a military officer’s wife, state appellate court marshal, airport rescue firefighter and forensic fire photographer, crime analyst, and technical crime scene investigator. I’ve since retired from the “real world” and live in Oklahoma. I spend my days at the computer with my two dogs, the “lolcat” who owns us all, and myriad characters all clamoring for attention. Eventually, I’ll get around to telling each of their stories.
For more information about Silver and her books, visit http://www.silverjames.com/
Blurb: If you could go back, do it over again, would you take a chance to find true love? What if you had no choice?
On her fiftieth birthday, the faerie send Rebecca Miller a thousand years into the past to find her happily ever after with Ciaran MacDermot, Chief of Clann MacDermot, the last Fenian warrior in his line. In the twenty-first century, Becca is old enough to be Ciaran’s mother. In the tenth, she’s young enough to be his bride.
The fae forgot to mention one slight stipulation. The lovers must be bound before the Festival of Light, or Becca will forever disappear into Tir Nan Óg, the faerie Land of the Ever Young. Will they discover the binding words before time runs out and they’re torn apart forever? Or will their eternal love defeat their Faerie Fate?
Without the words, history is doomed to repeat itself.
The little clock she’d received as a present on her twenty-fifth birthday whirred and chimed the time. One small, tinkling chime. Two. Finally, twelve in all. Midnight between March twentieth and March twenty-first. The vernal equinox. The day when light and dark, good and evil, love and hate all balanced on the finely tuned axis of mother earth.
Voices, strange with lilting accents, whispered somewhere in the darkness of her dream.
“She sleeps,” said a soft voice, feminine, one Becca didn’t recognize.
“Aye.” The second voice was deep, male, arrogant.
“Will she remember?”
“Nay, she’ll not.”
“How then will she know what to do?”
“She’ll know.” He sounded confident.
“What of him?”
“Aye, he’ll definitely know now. He should have known the last time, but she was too afraid, and he was too full of himself.”
“What is so different this time?” She was skeptical.
“She was young then, not matched well to him. Now, she’s no young soul. She’s had all those lives without him, the lonely nights, and the ache in her heart for all time. This time, she has courage born in the fires of suffering. She’ll know not to run from him, but to him.”
“You’re sure with the knowing of it this time?”
“And, if it doesn’t work?”
“Ciaran dies. Again.”
A sharp intake of breath came from the woman. “That cannot happen. Too much went wrong the first time.”
Faerie Fate is availalbe now in Ebook & Print from The Wild Rose Press!
Silver is offering a free book to one lucky person so leave a comment!
That wraps up another edition of Saturday Spotlight. Stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books!
Don't forget, White Rose authors are chatting over at Novel Sisterhood all day - I won't be there but if you love inpsirational romances, you'll enjoy finding about all these great authors and titles.
IMW.... take care and Be BLESSED!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Virtual Book Blast Guest - Kathy Eberly
Hi Again Friends,
Hope you made it through Easter without chocolate or boiled egg overload LOL! By the time you read this I'll be well on my way to Daytona Beach, Florida for NDA Dance & Cheer Competion to root for Stephen F. Austin's teams.
Today please welcome to my blog, PPS's 2nd Virtual Book Blast client, Kathy Eberly with her book, Stories of Encouragement Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women
Jo-Anne Vandermeulen Interviews Author Kathy Eberly
Author Kathy Eberly has proven to *Conquer All Obstacles*. Welcome my special guest for this insightful interview.
Kathy Eberly was born in a small town in Wisconsin and moved to Minnesota when she was a small child. She inherited her mother's love for reading at an early age with her Dick and Jane book by inserting different names into the titles and stories. By the sixth grade she was writing short stories to entertain herself and her friends. In high school she added poetry to her repertoire during the difficult transformation from adolescence to adulthood. She has spent most of her life in the state in Minnesota although she has also resided in Illinois and Texas, briefly. Kathy raised two sons and a daughter before she met her husband Dale; who had an adult son and an adult daughter in 2006. The two were married on Superbowl Sunday in 2007. They have three beautiful grandchildren that they love to spoil on their rural Minnesota farm whenever they can.
Though Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women is her first published work, it is Kathy's hope that you will be blessed again and again. Kathy is involved with the women's ministry at her church.
Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women (2009)
Behind every graceful demeanor, classical beauty and impressive wisdom of a woman are untold stories of struggle, faith and redemption... Kathy Eberly brings a riveting collection of empowering stories of real women and their real lives. Through vivid narration, she takes you on a journey through reminiscence and celebration of the inward beauty possessed by different women she has met in her life. From childhood to being a mother, inspiring souls have touched her heart to see face to face the challenges life has to offer. She openly shares these poignant tales for you to be comforted, inspired and fascinated.
They come in all shapes and sizes; you encounter them every day, Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women allows you to witness the remarkable stories they have to tell.
Author Kathy Eberly’s Site
How long have you been writing?
I have been writing short stories since I was about 12. I started writing short stories and then I began writing for my high school newspaper and also later working on work newsletters for the company I worked for.
What motivated you to write this inspirational book, “Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement”?
I was motivated to write Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement when a former high school principal died. While I was at his visitation, I had the opportunity to thank various teachers for the impact that they had on my life. I then realized that I had learned many lessons in life and I needed to tell the stories of those people who had taught them to me.
Would you say this book is only for Christian women?
Definitely not. I have found that people from many different walks of life are interested in reading this book and as a matter of fact, I have found that many men young and old are also enjoying it.
What’s next for Author Kathy Eberly?
When I am not working my "day job" which consists of caring for developmentally and mentally disabled individuals, I am currently working on a follow up book to Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement and am also working on a Christian romantic fiction book.
Would you like to add any closing thoughts today?
My prayer is that those who read this book might be encouraged and blessed to do whatever the Lord has for them to do no matter how large or how small it may seem.
To learn more about Kathy Eberly and her book, Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women, visit her site.
Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement can be purchased through Amazon.com, Barns & Noble.com and Books-A-Million.com - it is also available for Amazon Kindle!
Hope you've enjoyed this Virtual Book Blast brought to you by Premium Promotional Services!
Remember at PPS *You Write, We Promote!*
Unitl later.... Be Blessed!
Hope you made it through Easter without chocolate or boiled egg overload LOL! By the time you read this I'll be well on my way to Daytona Beach, Florida for NDA Dance & Cheer Competion to root for Stephen F. Austin's teams.
Today please welcome to my blog, PPS's 2nd Virtual Book Blast client, Kathy Eberly with her book, Stories of Encouragement Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women

Author Kathy Eberly has proven to *Conquer All Obstacles*. Welcome my special guest for this insightful interview.
Kathy Eberly was born in a small town in Wisconsin and moved to Minnesota when she was a small child. She inherited her mother's love for reading at an early age with her Dick and Jane book by inserting different names into the titles and stories. By the sixth grade she was writing short stories to entertain herself and her friends. In high school she added poetry to her repertoire during the difficult transformation from adolescence to adulthood. She has spent most of her life in the state in Minnesota although she has also resided in Illinois and Texas, briefly. Kathy raised two sons and a daughter before she met her husband Dale; who had an adult son and an adult daughter in 2006. The two were married on Superbowl Sunday in 2007. They have three beautiful grandchildren that they love to spoil on their rural Minnesota farm whenever they can.
Though Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women is her first published work, it is Kathy's hope that you will be blessed again and again. Kathy is involved with the women's ministry at her church.
Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women (2009)
Behind every graceful demeanor, classical beauty and impressive wisdom of a woman are untold stories of struggle, faith and redemption... Kathy Eberly brings a riveting collection of empowering stories of real women and their real lives. Through vivid narration, she takes you on a journey through reminiscence and celebration of the inward beauty possessed by different women she has met in her life. From childhood to being a mother, inspiring souls have touched her heart to see face to face the challenges life has to offer. She openly shares these poignant tales for you to be comforted, inspired and fascinated.
They come in all shapes and sizes; you encounter them every day, Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women allows you to witness the remarkable stories they have to tell.
Author Kathy Eberly’s Site
How long have you been writing?
I have been writing short stories since I was about 12. I started writing short stories and then I began writing for my high school newspaper and also later working on work newsletters for the company I worked for.
What motivated you to write this inspirational book, “Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement”?
I was motivated to write Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement when a former high school principal died. While I was at his visitation, I had the opportunity to thank various teachers for the impact that they had on my life. I then realized that I had learned many lessons in life and I needed to tell the stories of those people who had taught them to me.
Would you say this book is only for Christian women?
Definitely not. I have found that people from many different walks of life are interested in reading this book and as a matter of fact, I have found that many men young and old are also enjoying it.
What’s next for Author Kathy Eberly?
When I am not working my "day job" which consists of caring for developmentally and mentally disabled individuals, I am currently working on a follow up book to Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement and am also working on a Christian romantic fiction book.
Would you like to add any closing thoughts today?
My prayer is that those who read this book might be encouraged and blessed to do whatever the Lord has for them to do no matter how large or how small it may seem.
To learn more about Kathy Eberly and her book, Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women, visit her site.
Extraordinary Life Lessons from Ordinary Christian Women: Stories of Encouragement can be purchased through Amazon.com, Barns & Noble.com and Books-A-Million.com - it is also available for Amazon Kindle!
Hope you've enjoyed this Virtual Book Blast brought to you by Premium Promotional Services!
Remember at PPS *You Write, We Promote!*
Unitl later.... Be Blessed!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Emma Lai
Happy Easter Everyone!
Tomorrow is Resurrection (Easter) Sunday and I'll be busy with church and Easter-Egg Hunting so I thought I'd wish you all a VERY HAPPY and BLESSED Easter today.
Today's spotlight is on Emma Lai & her book, His Hope, Her Salvation.
Blurb for His Hope, Her Salvation:
Promised in marriage to an abusive oaf, Judith resolves to find out if there can be passion without love. Snatches of conversation overheard at the local inn lead her to a mysterious American merchant who might be able to satisfy her carnal curiosity and capture her heart.
Donovan, a Guardian Hunter, is on the trail of a rogue Elysian in Georgian England. As the son of the First Hunter, he long ago gave up hope of finding his heart's mate. When Judith appears in his study, his inner beast and his heart demand he answer her plea for help.
Will their passion answer their hearts' pleas, or will it wither under the threat of reality?
The voices in the taproom of the Horse and Hound deafened us as we entered. A large group of men stood packed together in the center of the room. A roar ripped through the crowd as it surged inward.
I shoved my way through the mass of sweaty bodies with Eallair following in my wake. I stopped when confronted with the scene that held the crowd enthralled.
A large, older, well-dressed gentleman gripped my mysterious guest from earlier by an elbow. He shook her and yelled, “You little whore!” He raised a hand and slapped her across the face with his open palm.
The crowd cheered as she collapsed to her knees, her shoulder wrenched as the hand on her elbow restrained her from crumbling into a heap on the floor.
The dead look in her eyes and the lack of any outward emotion testified to the regularity of similar scenes she must have suffered. With a bellow of rage, I swooped forward and scooped her to her feet just as the old man raised his hand to strike her again. Placing my body between them, I snarled, “Release her.”
Along with Emma's other titiles, His Hope, Her Salvation is available now from The Wild Rose Press!
Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this Saturday Spotlight! Remember I'm Emma's guest on April 21st ~ hope to see you there.
IMW, take care & Be Blessed!
Tomorrow is Resurrection (Easter) Sunday and I'll be busy with church and Easter-Egg Hunting so I thought I'd wish you all a VERY HAPPY and BLESSED Easter today.
Today's spotlight is on Emma Lai & her book, His Hope, Her Salvation.
Bio: Emma likes nothing more than a challenge. First,she tackled the male-dominated field of engineering. Next, she expanded her understanding of the world by studying international relations. Finally, her husband dared her to use her experience and knowledge and devote herself to writing. She accepted his challenge and has been writing ever since.
Writing keeps Emma sane. Her characters demand their stories be told and nag her incessantly until she complies. The characters are very insistent about her remaining faithful to their individual adventures. As a result, Emma writes a range of genres and levels of heat. She never knows what the next set of characters will demand! Find out more about Emma and her writing by visiting her website and/or blog.
Promised in marriage to an abusive oaf, Judith resolves to find out if there can be passion without love. Snatches of conversation overheard at the local inn lead her to a mysterious American merchant who might be able to satisfy her carnal curiosity and capture her heart.
Donovan, a Guardian Hunter, is on the trail of a rogue Elysian in Georgian England. As the son of the First Hunter, he long ago gave up hope of finding his heart's mate. When Judith appears in his study, his inner beast and his heart demand he answer her plea for help.
Will their passion answer their hearts' pleas, or will it wither under the threat of reality?
The voices in the taproom of the Horse and Hound deafened us as we entered. A large group of men stood packed together in the center of the room. A roar ripped through the crowd as it surged inward.
I shoved my way through the mass of sweaty bodies with Eallair following in my wake. I stopped when confronted with the scene that held the crowd enthralled.
A large, older, well-dressed gentleman gripped my mysterious guest from earlier by an elbow. He shook her and yelled, “You little whore!” He raised a hand and slapped her across the face with his open palm.
The crowd cheered as she collapsed to her knees, her shoulder wrenched as the hand on her elbow restrained her from crumbling into a heap on the floor.
The dead look in her eyes and the lack of any outward emotion testified to the regularity of similar scenes she must have suffered. With a bellow of rage, I swooped forward and scooped her to her feet just as the old man raised his hand to strike her again. Placing my body between them, I snarled, “Release her.”
Along with Emma's other titiles, His Hope, Her Salvation is available now from The Wild Rose Press!
Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this Saturday Spotlight! Remember I'm Emma's guest on April 21st ~ hope to see you there.
IMW, take care & Be Blessed!
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