I’ve been married to my best friend, who also happens to be an attorney, for twenty-five years. Our wonderful daughter is in college, majoring in museum studies and history, a love she came by honestly from her dad and me both.
Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve been a military officer’s wife, state appellate court marshal, airport rescue firefighter and forensic fire photographer, crime analyst, and technical crime scene investigator. I’ve since retired from the “real world” and live in Oklahoma. I spend my days at the computer with my two dogs, the “lolcat” who owns us all, and myriad characters all clamoring for attention. Eventually, I’ll get around to telling each of their stories.
For more information about Silver and her books, visit http://www.silverjames.com/
Blurb: If you could go back, do it over again, would you take a chance to find true love? What if you had no choice?
On her fiftieth birthday, the faerie send Rebecca Miller a thousand years into the past to find her happily ever after with Ciaran MacDermot, Chief of Clann MacDermot, the last Fenian warrior in his line. In the twenty-first century, Becca is old enough to be Ciaran’s mother. In the tenth, she’s young enough to be his bride.
The fae forgot to mention one slight stipulation. The lovers must be bound before the Festival of Light, or Becca will forever disappear into Tir Nan Óg, the faerie Land of the Ever Young. Will they discover the binding words before time runs out and they’re torn apart forever? Or will their eternal love defeat their Faerie Fate?
Without the words, history is doomed to repeat itself.
The little clock she’d received as a present on her twenty-fifth birthday whirred and chimed the time. One small, tinkling chime. Two. Finally, twelve in all. Midnight between March twentieth and March twenty-first. The vernal equinox. The day when light and dark, good and evil, love and hate all balanced on the finely tuned axis of mother earth.
Voices, strange with lilting accents, whispered somewhere in the darkness of her dream.
“She sleeps,” said a soft voice, feminine, one Becca didn’t recognize.
“Aye.” The second voice was deep, male, arrogant.
“Will she remember?”
“Nay, she’ll not.”
“How then will she know what to do?”
“She’ll know.” He sounded confident.
“What of him?”
“Aye, he’ll definitely know now. He should have known the last time, but she was too afraid, and he was too full of himself.”
“What is so different this time?” She was skeptical.
“She was young then, not matched well to him. Now, she’s no young soul. She’s had all those lives without him, the lonely nights, and the ache in her heart for all time. This time, she has courage born in the fires of suffering. She’ll know not to run from him, but to him.”
“You’re sure with the knowing of it this time?”
“And, if it doesn’t work?”
“Ciaran dies. Again.”
A sharp intake of breath came from the woman. “That cannot happen. Too much went wrong the first time.”
Faerie Fate is availalbe now in Ebook & Print from The Wild Rose Press!
Silver is offering a free book to one lucky person so leave a comment!
That wraps up another edition of Saturday Spotlight. Stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books!
Don't forget, White Rose authors are chatting over at Novel Sisterhood all day - I won't be there but if you love inpsirational romances, you'll enjoy finding about all these great authors and titles.
IMW.... take care and Be BLESSED!
Good morning, Pamela! Thank you so much for the Saturday Spotlight. It's a pleasure to be here.
Great excerpt, Silver. I really like the twist of the heroine starting out with a tad more life experience behind her. Nice...
Hi, Clover! Thanks. Watching Becca come to terms with her "old brain" in a "young body" was a lot of fun, and created much friction. :D
Oh my gosh, it sounds wonderful! I love their "voices"!
But with all your experience, Silver, I'm amazed you don't write romantic suspense. Someday if I ever get around to writing mine would you be willing to be a reference for me?
Silver, you are an amazing author! I loved the excerpt.
Hi, Donna B. I'd be happy to read your RomSusp and give you a reference. :D
I do write some romantic suspense, but even so, there's a touch of magic in them. I have hopes those books will all make it to publication sooner than later.
Thanks for dropping by!
Awwww, Mary. You're gonna make me blush! Speaking of being a terrific author, I take my hat off to you, lady. Just sayin'! Thanks for dropping by. :D
Hey Silver, I'm BAAACCCKKK!!!! Just got back from chapter meeting,which was very informative.
I finished FF last night...er, early this morning...and it was AWESOME!!! I love Becca and Ciaran. Your secondary characters are all great. I feel Niall and Siobhan might need a story of their own...hint. I cried and I laughed, and I shouted out loud, I yelled and screamed too, which kinda scared the boys on dorm....LOL!!!! I will check back later. I just wanted to drop in and show you some love.
Peace and love,
Paula R.
Awwww, Paula! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book, even if you scared the boys in your dorm. LOL And thank you for the email! Talk to you soon!
You are very welcome Silver. Lovin' this ride you are on. I have to get more copies of this book for my friends too.
Peace and love,
Paula R.
And the winner of a copy of FAERIE FATE, as picked by my random.org generator is....
....Clover! I'll be in touch to get your details.
Pamela, thank you for hosting me today and thank you, everyone, for coming to visit!
Sorry I missed the party - was on the road but thank you all for stopping by to support Silver & thank you Silver for being my guest!
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