Thanks for joining me & Tina Gayle today with another Egg-Cerpt Exchange of her book, Youthful Temptations.
First, a little about Tina in her own words......
Growing up, I didn't know what I wanted to be. Once when someone asked me about my dream job, I said I wanted to be a pretender. That's why writing is the perfect job for me, because it allows me the flexablity to become a new person in every book.When not writing, I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling around the country. I haven't hit every state yet, but hoping to some day.
Find out more about Tina and her books by visiting her website!

Vaughn is thrilled to find a woman who doesn’t want children. He offers Linda a job so he can spend his days with her. Now, if he could only convince her to forget their age difference and enjoy the nights in his arms.
Excerpt: "Damn it, why can’t he ever be home when I need him?" She turned and glared at Vaughn. "Who are you, and what do you want? I’m telling you, I’m not in the mood to put up with anything at the moment."
The light streaming through the patio doors showed the angry set of her mouth and the heated look in her eyes. The red flush of her face displayed her irritation. He wondered if it’d deepen to the same crimson shade when she was excited. A faint light flashed.. She snapped her cell phone shut indicating she’d been trying to call someone.
Not surprised by her reaction to him interrupting her, Vaughn raised his hands to show her he meant no harm. "Can’t say I blame you with the way Philip treated you. He can be a real prick at times, especially if you’re balking at his current pet project."
"And exactly why does he hanker for a wife and a child?" She pointed her cell phone at Vaughn’s chest. "Because I’ll tell you, marrying a woman just to produce kids is a really bad idea."
"I couldn’t agree with you more." Vaughn stepped forward and held out his hand. He craved her touch and the sensation of the fast beat of her pulse against his fingers. "By the way, I’m Vaughn Reagan. Philip introduced us at the start of the evening."
Her forehead wrinkled, and she tilted her head slightly to the right.
Vaughn added Philip’s earlier description. "I’m the computer nerd who works at home and never gets out."
"Oh, yeah, shows you what a total idiot he is." She shifted her phone to her other hand.
She closed her cold fingers around his, and their palms touched briefly. The image of her hand stroking other parts of his body teased his mind with erotic possibilities. He released his grip and reminded himself to take it slow. Six months marked a long enough dry spell to suffer without a date.
"My son is working on his degree in computer science," she added and slipped her hand from his. "And even though he doesn’t travel much, he’s brilliant.. He surfs the Net and learns all sorts of useful facts. Knows more about the world than anyone I’ve ever met."
"Yes, well, the Web can be a lonely place. Chat rooms and cybersex don’t provide much of a physical connection." His words registered. At the same time, she jerked back with a shocked look on her face. "I mean . . ."
She shook her head, her full lips quirking into a grin. "I know what you mean." Her gaze shifted to the people still inside the house. "But sometimes I think companionship is overrated."
"No, there are jerks everywhere." He crowded closer and pointed to her phone. "But I can’t blame you for wanting to leave. Bill and Karen are nice neighbors, but some of their friends are less than polite."
"So you live around here, too?"
"Next door." He pointed over her right shoulder. She turned, and her arm brushed his shirt.
A sweet fragrance tickled his senses, almost the same scent as fresh-baked cookies. He drew in a deeper breath and identified the alluring scent.
Vanilla. His mouth watered for a taste.
She glanced back over her shoulder. The sexy pose plunged his heart into overdrive. "That really is close."
"Yes, and it provides an easy way to escape the boring company of fools." He forced himself to step around her and held out his hand. "Why don’t you run away with me?"
Her hair caught by the wind blew across her face and blocked his ability to read her expression.
She shoved the silky auburn strands out of her eyes and frowned. "That’s not a very good idea. I don’t even know you."
"Yes, but are you sure you’d like to return to the party?" He read the answer on her face. The light from the sliding glass door lit the frown forming on her lips and the subtle narrowing of her eyes.
The notion of her going home with him caused excitement to race through him, and he tried to remember if the place appeared presentable.
"No, but if forced to choose between the devil I know and the devil I don’t . . ." She strolled forward and laid her hands in his. "I guess you win."
"Good, you won’t regret it."
Whew! Hot, hot! Youthful Temptations, ISBN: 978-1-935348-54-2 is available for purchase now at Amira Press.
If you have a minute run over to White Roses in Bloom Blog and check out the special guests on virtual book tour over there today!
Well that's about it for today, Friends. We're four days away from Resurrection Sunday, Lent is nearly over and Easter is right around the corner - I have one question for you.... It's Easter, what have you done?
Hope to see you Saturday for our Spotlight on Emma Lai!
Until later, take care & Be Blessed!