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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Contract!

Well Friends, who couldn't use some good news in the midst of a hurricane?

The Wild Rose Press has sent me a contract for my short story, Winter Madness!

Now as soon as the mail service is restored here in SW Louisiana, I'll get it out.

As I mentioned in my last post, hubby and I decided to ride out the storm at home. Although we did receive some wind and rain, we sustained no damage.

We'll get out and about to check on the homes of our family members who did evacuate.

For those who think staying home is not the wisest choice, let me assure you we watched the storm very closely and had everything prepared to grab and run should Gustav had shifted more west and strengthened.

Although we were prepared, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe we were also Divinely Protected.

On another note, my Friend Victoria Pitts-Caine has spotlighted me over on her blog. Check it out!

I'll be spotlighting Vicki later this month, so check back!

Until later remember....Under the shadow of His wings is protection and safety.

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