I can't even explain how happy I am to share today's guest! New to me and our blog, Emily Conrad is also new to Pelican Book Group and Justice is her debut novel. So please give her a huge welcome!
Take it away Emily....
My sister lived and worked in China for a few years, and toward the end of her time there, I made it over for a visit, not realizing the impact the trip would have on me.
The night I arrived in Beijing, rain washed the smog from the air, resulting in blue skies for the rest of my visit—a rarity according to my sister. Still, air quality was an issue as evidenced by the people who went about their business in face masks.
The writer in me was intrigued. What would it be like to develop a friendship with someone, never having seen half of their face because every time they left the house, they wore a mask? How special would it be when you finally got to see their smile?
At the time I was writing Justice. Set in a small city in Wisconsin, the novel wasn’t conducive to including a face mask. I could, however, have a character hide something about herself in the name of protecting herself.
Brooklyn, the heroine in Justice, is a rape survivor. Jake, the hero, has long admired her long, blonde hair. So, what if she wore it up every single day in an attempt to protect what she’s come to see as a vulnerability? What would get her to let her hair down again? And how special would it be to Jake when she did?
This element became an important part of Brooklyn’s journey.
I have the trip to China to thank for it. I also have that trip to thank for contributing to my and my husband’s decision to host a high-school-aged Chinese exchange student long-term. Travel really does impact our lives!
Have you been on a trip that impacted your life in a lasting way? Where did you go, and how did the journey change you or how you see the world?
Wow, Emily what a wonderful thing! Thanks for sharing. Isn't it amazing how parts of our life end up in our novels? I can attest to that in most of mine.
Emily Conrad lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two
rescue dogs. She loves Jesus and enjoys road trips to the mountains, crafting
stories, and drinking coffee. (It’s no coincidence her debut novel is set
mostly in a coffee shop!)
She offers free short stories on her website www.emilyconradauthor.com and
loves to connect with readers on social media.

Her debut novel, Justice can be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Jake thought he was meant to marry Brooklyn, but now she's
pregnant, and he had nothing to do with it. Brooklyn can’t bring herself to
name the father as she wrestles with questions about what her pregnancy means and
how it will affect her relationship with Jake. If Harold Keen, the man who owns
the bookstore across from Jake's coffee shop, has anything to do with it, the
baby will ruin them both.
(I absolutely LOVE this cover!)
Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, take care and God bless.
Sounds like a very intriguing story. Thanks for sharing.
This reads like a very interesting novel. Congrats, Emily, on your debut as a novelist. I wouldn't mind traveling to China myself.
I love hearing how a story comes together and this instance was fascinating. What an intriguing book!
Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today, Pam! You've been such an encouragement!
KJ - Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy Justice if you check it out!
Jacqueline- If you get the chance to visit China, take it! The trip was so worthwhile!
Raquel - I'm so grateful to the depth this trip added to Brooklyn's character! She wouldn't be as intriguing without it! :)
I loved your post and how you got the idea of your story. Just the part of why she won't let down her hair is pretty powerful. I've been to several places throughout the country and world, and I like to draw on those places. It's nice to know how a place feels before you right about it. Gives you a better sense of smells and air, etc. Thank you for the post!
Emily, thanks for sharing such a great story, I agree. Travel can have a profound impact on our lives. My trips to England inspired my initial decision to write British mysteries and continues to be a wonderful muse for my writing. I hope Justice blesses all who read it. Cheers
It is, indeed, amazing what the writer's mind picks up--especially through travel. I get to spend a coupe of months in Hawaii each winter visiting kids and grands. SOME day Hawaiian Aloha will emerge in one of my books, I am sure. Thanks for an intriguing post!
Hi Kara, How wonderful that you've been able to travel! It really does make a difference when trying to write. Thanks for stopping by!
Marilyn, Trips to England would definitely be inspiring! Fun that you were able to use that travel for your mysteries! I was there once, but only for a couple of days. There's so much to see!
Well, Susan... I admit I'm jealous! Hawaii? Wow, yes, I hope you do use that in a book! It would make a wonderful vacation for those of us who have never been there!
The story sounds very interesting! Best of luck with it.
Thank you, Alina!
Thanks for posting this. Like a very interesting novel.
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Am I too late?? Just learned about Emily and her book....would love to be entered for the giveaway. I am an avid reader, and the book sounds great. Best wishes on your writing, Emily!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for your interest in Justice! Unfortunately, I don't have any giveaways going right now, however the book is on sale for $3.99 from Christianbook.com if you're interested: https://www.christianbook.com/justice-ebook-emily-conrad/9781522300465/pd/95849EB Their ebook format is a little different, so just check to make sure it's compatible with your device before ordering. I hope you enjoy it if you check it out!
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