In 1992, multiple sclerosis prevented him from working, but David did not allow the fact that he is legally blind from the MS to stop him from going back to school at forty years old and pursuing a successful college career with a minor in English, which is how I met him where he enrolled in a class I teach in British literature.
David told me, "Everyday I can wake up and see a reflection in the mirror is going to be a pretty good day! If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have saved more money and took better care of myself."
I was impressed by the way David surmounted the difficulties MS and his blindness caused, and I am proud that he has now tried his hand at novels--successfully!" noted Dr. Carol Wood, a Retired English Professor from McNeese State University.
David's four children are Phillip "Flip", the late great Kenzie Golden-Roden (February 26,1979-February 7, 2006), the late great Aaron (August 10, 1982 -November 14, 2004), and of course Jake! He has two grandsons, too: Coy and Dawson.
David said, "I love my kids very much and in such a tumultuous world we live in today, I am proud of the way my children have turned out to be successful adults. I hope, and pray my grandchildren do as well."
David has authored 5 books - My Prodigal Brother, Shanghaied in New Orleans, Slumber in Sioux City, Tied up in Tonawanda and Ignorant in Idaho. All of his books are not a series but an on-going saga. They are about, Garrett Stone, a prominent ranch owner in Monntana who has a care-free foot-loose brother John who is constantly getting into misdemeaner type trouble throughout the country. Garrett has to travel to rescue his brther every time.
The 6 foot-four- inch, blue-eyed, and broad shouldered cowboy falls in love with a beautiful black-haired waitress named Becky. Her aunt has had a stroke , so she, her mom, and her son have to travel the country to find specialists doctors to treat her aunt. Somehow, she always manages to beat Garrett to where he has to go to bail out his brother. The two want-a-be lovers try their best to nurture a long-term relationship but to no avail.
Each book is independantly written, so you do not have to read them in order to enjoy them. They are written in the early 1890s but each on has a "hook". Something is chronologically out of order, and it is up to the reader to find it!
David will be traveling to Boise, ID July 31 - August 2nd to do book signings on a holiday train where a Wild West skit will be performed. The signings start at 2:30.
What an inspiration! If you're a fan of western's please check out David's website and find out how/where to purchase his books.
David may not be able to comment because he is on the road to Idaho, but I'm sure he'd appreciate your words of encouragement either here or email him at: davidwgolden@juno.com
Until later....Be Blessed!