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Thursday, October 30, 2008

More than a Review Spot

Hello Friends!

You know I like to introduce to you places where readers and writers connect. Well I've discovered a couple more.

Today I'd like to introduce (or re-introduce) Simply Romance Reviews.

SRR has been listed in the "Areas of Interest for Authors" here on the blog, but they have continued to grow so much I thought I'd fill you in!

Along with their blog, SRR now has a yahoo loop called - SRR Authors and Readers Connect. This loop will regularly host authors from different publishing companies as well as regular posts.

SRR also has a new message board, The Tea Room!

So if you're ever in the mood for romance, visit theSimply Romance Reviews sites and see what they have to offer!

I'll be guest blogging on the SRR blog in December, so stay tuned for details.

Until later...take care, God Bless and remember to stop and count your blessings - you'll be amazed at how fortunate you are.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (TM)

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