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Sunday, April 27, 2008

I've Been Tagged - Again!

This time by my friend Debbie Wallace!

The rules:
a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Six Random Things About Me:
I LOVE to dance!
I LOVE horses and seldom miss the Triple Crown Races
Hubby and I have a HOUSEBOAT on the bayou where we go to escape
I LOVE to travel
I CRY at weddings as often as I cry at funerals
I also WRITE some poetry and devotionals

Who I'm Tagging - I hope they don't mind LOL!
Judy Leger
Jessica Ferguson
Kim Smith
Allie Boniface
Ariana Dupre
Bess McBride

Well friends, we'll see who likes to play tag. :-)

Until later...take care, God BLESS! and remember...playing games with your children/grandchildren will keep you young so...TAG YOU'RE IT!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Interview!

Hey Friends,

My friend and fellow author, Allie Boniface has interviewed me for her "Writer's Wednesday" feature and posted it on her blog! “Allie’s Musings.”

Check it out.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

T-Shirt Promotion?

Hi Folks!

We all know that promotion is a HUGE part of an author’s career. Well, how’s this for a promotion tactic?

I had a T-shirt made and on the front it says:
Do You Like to Read? followed by:
Ask Me About My Books!

On the back is my name, tagline, the cover of all of my titles, website and blog address.

I also made mini-flyers to carry with me. The front had: Romantic Novels by Pamela S Thibodeaux Available Now in a bookstore near you or Online @ Amazon.com!
Beneath this I put the cover of each novel, its ISBN# and my tagline.

On the back it said: Romantic Short Stories by Pamela S Thibodeaux
Available Now @ TheWildRosePress.com
with a picture of each cover and the title beneath it.

I realized after I’d trimmed them out that I forgot to put my website on the flyer so I printed that on a bunch of return address labels and stuck one on each (yeah, I’ve corrected that LOL!)

Did these promotions tactics work? I never had anyone actually tap me on the shoulder and ask about my books so I don’t know. But it was fun to wear.

Guess time will tell.

I passed out the flyers all along the way to and from LA to FL as well as while in FL and now the rest are on my desk at work and I had them out at every opportunity.

The point is whether or not you know right away if your efforts work, promotion is important and we must all find a way to continually get the word out about our books. More importantly, promotion should be fun and provide the opening to talk about your work.

I know these may not be unique ideas, but thought I’d share them with you anyway.

Readers, I'd love to know what promotion method has hooked you!
Writers, I'd love to know what promotion method has worked best for you.
Come share your stories with us!

Upcoming Events: This week I’ll be at Love Romance Café on Thursday, the 24th @ 7pm CST. I’ll also be joining fellow TWRP authors on FAR Chatter’s loop that same day.

Beginning April 27th I’ll be the guest moderator for TWRP Reader Loop for the week.
Hope to see you there!

Where Readers and Writers Connect: Many of you may already know this, but Romantic Times is THE magazine for book reviews. Well RT has a whole slew of message boards/forums where readers and writers can interact with numerous discussion topics. Check it out!

Until later….take care, God BLESS and remember….If you don’t “talk up” your books, no one else will either!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Author Spotlight - Tracey H Kitts!

I first met Tracey when we befriended each other on MySpace. After that, we asked each other to participate in a guest blog for one another.

I hope you enjoy this peek into the writing world of my new friend who invites you to "take a walk on the wild side" with her.

Tracey's latest release, RED, has received high praise from places like Romance Junkies. It is available now through New Concepts as an Ebook and will be released in print in August!
Here is the blurb:
Lilith Mercury is a werewolf Hunter who is not exactly human. Marco Barak is an alpha werewolf looking to change people’s perceptions of his kind, and snag a new alpha female in the process. After a passionate encounter in his club one night, Lilith can no longer deny her attraction to the wolfman. Her job is to kill him, but it breaks her heart to think of causing him harm. Once The Wizard Council agrees to hear Marco’s proposal for the enactment of the werewolf code, things might change, not only for werewolves, but for Lilith. Soon they will both discover that anything worth having is worth fighting for.

So, if you'd like to take a walk on the wild side or a taste of forbidden fruit, visit the website of Tracey H Kitts and get one of her books! You'll help support a great cause (St. Judes' Children's Hospital) if you do.

Until later take care, God BLESS! and remember....God is love and he who dwells in love, dwells in God (1 John 4:16)

"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Does 2nd Place Make One Any LESS A Champion?

Hi Friends!

If you read my last post you’d know that on the 9th I headed out for a 13-14 hr drive (one way) to Daytona, Florida for the NDA 2008 National Dance/Cheer Championships. My son is a dance/drill team coach for Stephen F Austin University in Nacogdoches, TX as well as a choreographer and his team competed as they do every year. We scored 3rd place in prelims and moved into 2nd place in finals. As a choreographer he is allowed to design routines for colleges outside of his division – which he does regularly and one such team won the Innovative Choreography Award!

So I ask you, does being 2nd place make them any less champions?

Not in my book! :-)

So now it’s back to real life and daily obligations both at work and in my writing career.

Thursday, I’ll be spotlighting author Tracey H Kitts and her book Red, so drop back by and see what this talented author has to offer!

Where Authors and Readers Connect: As you know, when I find new places for authors to promote and readers to find new writers, I try and share that information with you. Well today I’d like to tell you about Cheryl’s Book Nook. Cheryl is a reviewer for Fallen Angel Reviews but this is her personal site. She recently posted reviews for some of my titles. The others are soon to follow. She has also invited me to do a ‘guest blog’ and interview, so check her site often!

Well folks, that’s about all for now.

Until later….take care and God BLESS!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pot Luck Post

Hi Friends!

Ever attend an event where the food served was termed “pot luck” where everyone brings a covered dish and/or dessert?

I love these as you never know what you’ll try that’s new, but you can always rest assured you’ll get something delicious!

Well I’ve titled this post, Potluck because so much has happened since the last time I shared with you that I figured it would be easier to report the events all at once… a virtual smorgasbord of news!

Now, where do I start? LOL!

On a personal note…Easter was BEAUTIFUL but quiet. We put new flooring in my bedroom (we’re stripping out all carpet and installing vinyl flooring throughout the house-finishing my bedroom got us to the half-way point) anyway, this made the weekend less eventful as we didn’t have company nor did we go very far. Of course we did bring our Angel Girl a basket and visit with her for a while. J All-in-all we had a great weekend.

On the professional side….finished round one edits for my 4th Tempered novel; proofreader has done her stint and now I’ll make one more run through the book then it’s off to layout – Yay! Still waiting on the cover but that’s in the works and I’ll share it with you as soon as I can.

I also received my 2nd round of edits for The Visionary and will begin working through that novel as soon as I send the other manuscript off.

My short story, A Hero for Jessica was released March 26th and has already received good reviews including a Reviewers Top Pick from Night Owl Romance!

April 9th I’m off to Daytona Beach, FL for the NDA Cheer & Dance Championship to root for SFA pom/dance/drillteam which is coached by my son! So please, say a prayer for a safe trip and a national title or two. J

Oh, one more newsflash! Next week I’ll be spotlighting author Tracey H Kitts and her book Red on my personal blog so if you get a chance, run over and see what she has to offer!

Well, that’s about all for now Friends!

Until later take care, God BLESS and remember….You reap what you sow, therefore if you sow love, peace, joy and wealth then love, peace, joy and wealth will abound in your life!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”