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Saturday, March 1, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on @JoRichardson & Blind Spot!

Good Morning and Welcome!

Back in 2021 we featured this book by Jo Richardson but since it's been updated with bonus content and beautiful chapter pages, we're featuring it again. Take it away, Jo, and tell us why you wrote Blind Spot...

Life is messy. I like to write about the mess and make something good come out of it.

I guess you could say the story was born out of my annoyance with an old episode of the TV shos, Medium. I cooked this guy up and couldn't get him out of my head, but then I found, I couldn't get her out of my head either. And here we are. I think it's special because neither of them are really saving each other... they're both saving themselves. 

And I love that.

I love it too, Jo. Give us more please...

Blurb: Sydney Fallon has spent her entire life seeing things before they happen.

Tucker Chase is no exception.

He’s not looking for any new friends when he rolls into town. He's not looking for anything but a way to escape his past.

But how do you stay out of someone's life when you see it flashing before your eyes on a daily basis? 

Excerpt: It’s not a long drive to pretty much anywhere in Madisonville, so we get to Ian’s in no time. And when I put the Beetle in park, I notice another car there already.

Another car that doesn’t belong.

Another car that probably belongs to a squatter or worse, some low life thief, trying to break into Ian's place and trash it or something.

I get out of the Beetle and wave for Joshua to stay back while I find the heaviest piece of wood I can, then head down the side dock.

I’m slow and careful not to make too much noise.

The small, one-story boathouse might not look like much to a lot of people, but to Ian, it holds a lot of fond memories. I'll be damned if I’m gonna let some jerk ruin his things.

I creep along the boarded walkway, and soon enough, I spot the owner of the car on the back deck. I catch my breath a little when I see him. He doesn’t seem like he’s in much of a hurry. He’s simply standing there, his back to me, looking out onto the old Tchefuncte River.

His thick, dark hair is a mess; his clothes are in complete disarray. His hands are stuffed into his pockets as he stands, feet apart like a soldier at ease.

If he wasn’t a burglar, I might consider him...cute.

Good God, Sydney.

I can’t help but let down my guard for a minute as I watch him. He looks like he’s pondering something. I want to peek around at the expression on his face to see if it reflects what I’m feeling. Then I remember why he’s here.

Probably wondering how quickly he can get down the river and over to New Orleans.

There are plenty of lowlifes who use the winding rivers by Madisonville and the surrounding towns as a convenient waterway escape after conducting who knows what kinds of illegal business in New Orleans.

I step closer and lift the piece of driftwood over my head, ready to knock him out if I have to.

When I hit a creaky board, I freeze.

The man spins around.

He takes one look at me and his brow knits together into a scowl. Like he’s angry with me for interrupting him. And his plans for ransacking Ian’s place.

"What the hell?" he mutters.

I decide I better not waste any more time thinking.

I swing the wood down at his head, but he catches it mid-strike. He looks like he’s about to laugh except for the fact that he’s so irritated.

I yank at my weapon, trying to get it out of his grasp so I can take another swipe at him, but he holds on tightly.

Then the silence between us is broken.

"Can I help you?" he growls. "I mean, you know, other than giving you a head to swing at?"

"Can you help me?" I pull again, to no avail. "You're the one on private property!"

"Yeah, I know. Mine."

"Yours?” HA! “Liar! This place happens to belong to a very good friend of mine." 

I’m still tugging as hard as I can at the piece of wood. And he’s still scowling at me. 

"A good friend of yours, huh?" 

Why. Won’t. He. Let. Go!

"Yes, Ian Hedder, as a matter of..." I pull again. "...fact, and I've already called the police, by the way."

"Good," he tells me. Then he lets go of the wood.

As he lets go, I’m giving it my all, and suddenly, I’m flying backwards, off the dock, into the chilly, muddy river's water with a scream.

The water is freezing.

I come up for air.

“Holy shit!”

WOW what an excerpt! Thanks for sharing. Where can we find the book?

Blind Spot  is available at Amazon for Kindle, in Paperback version, and in Hardcover.

Great! Now tell us a little about you...

I am a ... 
> FanAddict
-> Superhero geek
-> Mystery aficionado
-> Twisted sense of humor
-> Paranormally fascinated
-> Broken in oh, so many ways
-> Graduate of the world renowned Sarcasm Academy
-> Believer that love is perfectly imperfect

You can find/follow/connect with me on my Website, Facebook, and Amazon. Sign up to receive my newsletter HERE.


We wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with Blind Spot and all future books.

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight friends and that you'll come by weekly for another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time keep reading.



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for having me Pamela! Happy weekend!

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

You are so very welcome! Thank YOU for sharing your wonderful book with us!

Liz Flaherty said...

Good luck with your release!