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Saturday, December 28, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Hanna Park & Mary Christmas!

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Saturday Spotlight and our All Christmas thru Christmas feature where we'r sharing Christmas book through mid January.

Today's guest has never appeared here on our blog so please give Hannah Park a huge round of applause!

Tell us a little about yourself, Hannah.

I began my writing career in the pre-dawn of a winter morning while my husband snored like a train. We could call my husband the catalyst. If it weren’t for him, I would never have gone to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, feed the cat, and sit on the loveseat in front of the fire. It was there, in those moments of wondrous quiet, that I did something I had never thought possible. I opened my laptop, and while the coffee went cold, I wrote a story. My husband had no idea that these sojourns to the loveseat in front of the fire would become a daily occurrence, that writing would become an obsession, but the cat knew. She knows everything.

I write stories that make you laugh, make you cry, and make you love. Thank you, friends, for reading!

In the beginning, there was an empty page.

I am a writer who lives in Muskoka, Canada, with a husband who snores, a hungry cat, and an almost perfect canine––he’s an adorable little shit.

LOL! Hannah, aren't most of our pets?!

Now tell us about your book, Mary Christmas...

Mary Christmas is a steamy/erotica romance set in Forest Falls where second chances come wrapped in Holiday magic!

BLURB: I saw her through the melee of holiday shoppers, decked out in an ugly Christmas sweater with an elf hat atop her strawberry curls. Her emerald eyes sparkled. Her smile dazzled. Mary Christmas, the girl who stole my boyish heart and years later sent the man packing. I vowed there and then to rekindle the fire in her heart.

I could have married Christopher Northbrook. When he popped the question, I hadn’t said no—I didn't say yes. Like my father and grandfather, I was charged with keeping the Christmas secret safe. Leaving Forest Falls was out of the question. So, I watched the love of my life walk away. Now he’s back, a handsome widower with twin boys in tow. Fa La La La La.

EXCERPT: Whatever our past relationship, it was just that—in the past. I tugged gently on Tinsel’s lead, returning her to my side. The need to fill my mind with anything else overwhelmed my thoughts.

The line moved quickly beneath the triangular marquee jutting out over the sidewalk, hundreds of white lightbulbs flickering in random sequence. I took a moment to admire the glowing movie posters adorning the brick facade. Once a venue for vaudeville performances, the historic theater preserved its century-old allure with its eye-catching art deco decor. I rifled through my wallet for the entrance fee.

“Hi, Mary. I wondered if we’d see you tonight.” Trent stood behind the glassed-in ticket booth, jutting onto the sidewalk. He handed me a ticket stub. “The gang’s all here.”

“I almost didn’t, but here I am.” I smiled, walking through the glass doors, greeted by the intoxicating aroma of hot buttered popcorn.

“Mary! There you are,” Aredhel, who looked spectacular as usual, wore a cherry red halterneck mesh playsuit, the ruched front floating to her upper thighs. Eye-catching, to say the least. Her arms were loaded with three extra-large buckets of golden popcorn and a cardboard tray filled with three cream sodas.

I smiled. Aredhel knew me too well.

“JoJo saved our seats, front row center.” She strode through the swinging doors, giving the well-dressed usher an appraising glance.

He reacted as most men did in Aredhel’s presence—staring longingly in her direction.

“Let me help you.” I relieved Aredhel of the three popcorn buckets and stepped down a sloping aisle flanked by rows of plush seats and crimson-draped walls.

“Hey, you made it.” Jojo jumped from her chair, relieving me of the soda pop.

“You look nice.” I smiled, admiring the form-fitting and fringed sweater dress landing mid-thigh. “I love the color,” I commented on the rich chocolate shade.

“Thanks, Miranda’s is having a sale. You have to go.” She slurped soda through her straw. “Oh, and look at these boots. I found them at Here and There.” She twisted sideways, showing off knee-high winter-white leather boots.

“Spill the tea, girl. Who was the hottie?” Aredhel’s melodic voice rang out as the lights blinked and dimmed, the feature film flashing across the silver screen. She hadn’t been in town long enough to know the man who held my heart.

“A hottie? What hottie?” JoJo tossed popcorn into her mouth, her brown eyes wide behind her thick plastic frames. JoJo knew. Oh yeah, she knew the whole sordid tale.

“Christopher.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes against the flashing screen and the blaring soundtrack. “Christopher’s back.”

My voice cracked. His name. His face. Everything about him played havoc with my shattered heart.

OH my.... Great excerpt, Hannah, THANKS for sharing. Where can we find Mary Christmas?

PERFECT! Can you share the inspiration behind Mary Christmas?

I wanted to write a holiday romance that blends the magic and myth of Christmas with the charm of a contemporary setting. The town of Forest Falls, inspired by the rugged beauty of the Canadian North, serves as the perfect backdrop. Mary Christmas is far from your typical holiday romance.

THANKS again, Hannah for sharing your book with us. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with it!

Hope you enjoyed today's post friends and that you'll check back weekly for more great authors and their books on Saturday Spotlight.

Until next week, take care and God bless.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Kara O'Neal & The Christmas Bride!


Good Morning and Welcome Back to another edition of Saturday Spotlight where we're featuring Christmas books through Jan 11th!

Today it is my pleasure to bring Kara O'Neal back with her historical romance, The Christmas Bride.

Take it away, Kara....

When I wrote MR. PIERCE’S HERO, I fell in love with Alfred Taylor. He is a secondary character in the story and returns to Pike’s Run to help his sister with her troubles. He’s quite formidable, and his reasons for being gone so long made my heart ache for him.

So…I had to give him a happy beginning. And that happens in THE CHRISTMAS BRIDE.

I dedicated THE CHRISTMAS BRIDE to my grandparents. The heroine, Truly Cunningham, reminds me a little of my grandmother, and my grandma and grandpa got married on Christmas Day. (It was the only day my grandpa didn’t have to work.)

This was a lovely, short story that gives two very lonely and sorrowful people hope during one of the most joyous times of the year. Alfred and Truly are wonderful characters and tugged consistently on my heart strings. You’ll love them!

BLURB: Truly Cunningham flees after her fiancé jilts her for her sister. With nowhere to go, she ends up in Pike’s Run, Texas, hiding in the town’s opulent Royal Hotel. As she nurses her pain, finding no comfort in the Christmas season, she is slowly running out of funds. She must find a way to support herself or return to Dallas where her sister is the wife Truly had planned to be.

Alfred Taylor, manager of the Royal Hotel, hates Christmas. The decorations. The celebrations. The presents. All of it. And he must help the Ladies’ Auxiliary put on the Christmas Eve social. The only bright spot is the presence of a new guest, Truly Cunningham. She is beautiful, mysterious, and warming parts of his heart he thought dead.

When Truly asks for a position in his hotel as hostess of the establishment, Alfred immediately hires her. Which becomes dangerous. He can’t stay away from her, and even worse, wants to spill his secrets. Will he lose his one chance at happiness, or will Christmas finally give him the hope it promises?

EXCERPT: When Truly reached the foyer of the hotel, people hastened about, all with things to do and places to go. She had no such joy. Pain pressed on her breast, making it difficult to breathe. At what point would the knife in her back and heart stop twisting?

She blinked, clearing away threatening, hated, vile tears. No more. Never again.

Before entering the dining room, her gaze caught on Alfred Taylor. He stood at the desk, his head bowed over a ledger. His suit coat molded to his broad shoulders. His vest hugged his torso. His brown beard couldn’t hide the angled jawline.

He was a gorgeous man.

When he looked up, she averted her eyes and quickened her steps. What did his handsomeness matter? Henry had been attractive. Beautiful, really. Which had been one of the problems.

A waitress led Truly to her usual table near the French doors that led to one of the verandahs. The fire blazed in the hearth near the entrance, brass sconces hung from the white, oak paneling, linen covered all the tables, while china and crystal gleamed in the light streaming through the many exits to the luxurious porch.

Truly didn’t need to see a menu, but she took one anyway. Did the employees of the Royal Hotel wonder why she, a single female with no escort, was still here? Did Mr. Taylor wonder?

She hoped not. But…if he did, would he pry? Would he tell her she needed to move on? How long could someone stay in a hotel?

Pike’s Run had a boardinghouse, but she’d been so comfortable she hadn’t wanted to move. And she felt hidden here. There was so much activity she got lost in the shuffle. Well, rather, she hoped she got lost.

After ordering oatmeal, biscuits and coffee, Truly sat with her hands folded in her lap.

A man approached her table. He doffed his hat and smiled. “Ma’am, may I keep you company?”

She opened her mouth to refuse, but before she could, Mr. Taylor appeared.


The gentleman frowned. “What is it?”

Mr. Taylor jerked his head toward the foyer. “I’ve got some information to pass along to you.”

With an irritated expression, Mr. McClain excused himself and strode toward the exit.

Before following his guest, Mr. Taylor locked gazes with Truly. A gentle light shone from his warm, brown eyes. He gave her a polite nod.

Surprise moved through her as he left. Had he interfered only to protect her from whoever Mr. McClain was? Perhaps his heart was as perfect as his face and form.

But she wouldn’t determine the answer. Because it didn’t matter.

Kara O’Neal is an award-winning author of over thirty historical romances. Humor, family, love, and romance take center stage in her novels, and her characters have been touted as “real, complex, and down-to-earth”. Her books are available in print and ebook.

When not writing, she’s a teacher, but she’s always a mother to three talented children, and the wife of a man quite worthy of being called “hero”.

Telling stories is her passion, and she does so with memorable characters and unique plots certain to keep you reading late into the night! Visit Kara O’Neal at www.karaoneal.com.

Find and Follow Kare at the links below...

Sounds like a book you wouldn't want to miss and at only $.99¢ it's a steal! Get your copy today at Amazon or other online retailers.

Thank you SO much, Kara for sharing your book with us today.

Friends, you can check out Kara's previous posts by searching the blog, she's got a ton of wonderful books for historical romance lovers!

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll check back weekly for another great Christmas Romance and in 2025 for more Saturday Spotlights!

Until next time take care and God Bless.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Wendy Kendall & Snow Kiss Cookies to Die For

It's been a while since she's visited our blog or been in the spotlight so please offer a warm Welcome to Wendy Kendall!

Tell us about your book....

What an exciting book to write –

My In Purse-Suit mystery series is such a fun one to write because it’s not just about my cozy mystery amateur sleuth, Katherine Watson. This series is about the community of Bayside, Washington. My imagination is alive with stories about the different people living in Bayside. I love introducing readers to different characters entanglements and adventures in this Seattle suburb right on Puget Sound, with its own ferry dock.

The allure of the holidays drew me into a romantic tale, but I wasn’t willing to give up the mystery and so with great enthusiasm I delved into the romantic suspense genre.

So much about the holidays is for the children. Readers enjoy meeting the delightful first graders at Bayside Elementary during their last few days before holiday break, along with their personable teacher and staff.

Often the holidays are a romantic time discovering true love, sometimes there are proposals. Oh how romantic watching Desiree and Leo together, and their Saturday night date is pure and dreamy love. A delight to write!

The mystery surrounding the holidays is exciting. People are looking everywhere for clues to gifts and to events. Here's a mystery you can solve, if you follow the clues. Desiree has several suspects to consider, including romantic Leo.

The holidays are delicious, and so is this mystery because it includes the original recipe for the fabulous Snow Kiss Cookies. One of my sons is a gourmet chef and he created this incredible recipe. We had such a fun time together taste-testing versions until we hit on this perfectly delectable taste. In this story, Desiree reveals the Legend of the Snow Kiss Cookies, as told by her grandmother, straight from the heart.

SOUNDS Delicious (pun intended LOL!) Give us more...

Blurb: This holiday season Desiree, teacher at Bayside's elementary school began a fun Secret Santa game for her first grade class. Danger hits when each day when a Secret Someone leaves creepy gifts addressed to Desiree in her classroom. The gift giver threatens to reveal who they are soon. Time is ticking before school is out for the holidays, and Desiree's threatening stalker may strike with deadly force. Among several suspects, is her romantic new love, Leo who is on the school's maintenance staff. While the children learn the wonderful lesson of kindness in giving, Desiree is on the edge of her seat. Who is threatening her? Is romantic Leo The One, or The Stalker?

Excerpt: Leo parked across the street from her building and kissed her good night. Desiree got her keys out and reached for her holly heart wreath. She brushed against his arm.

            “Thank you for a wonderful evening. Don’t bother getting out. I’m just going to run across the street and right into my apartment. I can’t wait to see you again.” She gave him a kiss and got out.

He stood next to his car. She blew him another kiss as she crossed. She was conscious of him watching her. She looked back, and Leo had started after her. The sound of an engine, then a car picked up speed. She looked to her right and saw a black sedan with its headlights off coming at her. She ran to the curb and onto the grass. She turned back to see Leo running out of the way. He dove over the curb and rolled onto the grass too. The car screeched tires as it skidded around the corner and out of sight.

            Leo got up and took her hand. “Are you okay?”

            “I think so. I didn’t even see him until... Are you okay?”

            He brushed off his tux. “I just hope there’s no rips or grass stains on the rental.” He looked up at her and grinned. “I’ll walk you to your place.” He stooped to pick up the heart wreath she’d dropped and handed it to her. “Crazy nut. Wish I’d got his license plate. Probably drinking.”

            Dez wasn’t sure. Had it been intentional? Was someone after her? There was one person she knew had a black sedan.

            On the drive to work Monday morning, Dez noticed all black sedans. There’d been no threatening texts since Friday. The only others had been the most romantic treasures from Leo. She’d relished and responded to those. She drove into the parking lot and focused on her morning ahead. Her students would be excited before the break, plus the tantalizing secret Santa fun would need to be managed.

            She walked down the hallway conscious of the click of her pumps on the linoleum and the swish of her tan khaki pants. Her colorful winter sweater offset the bland slacks. Dez hoped to run into Leo first thing, to say good morning. It was just as well she hadn’t since she was late. She opened her class door and got right to work setting up for the day. The shared door with Madeline’s room stood ajar. On the wall, there was an extra stocking. It had glitter all over it, sparkling stars, and her name Dez. She took it off the hook. There was something inside. John swung the adjoining door wide open and walked in carrying a box. Madeline followed.

            “Oh wait, here’s one more.” She slipped a smaller box on top of what he was carrying. She looked at Desiree. “Good morning. John, let me know if I can help with anything else. Glad I was in early for you.”

            John said good morning to Dez. “I’m getting ready for the reading group lesson for Thursday.” He thanked Madeline and walked over to his desk.

            Voices and laughter echoed as students came in from the hallway. Peter and Jack rushed up to Dez and said together, “Cool stocking.”

            She put the stocking back on its hook. “Good morning. Please put your secret Santa cards on my desk, and then take your seats.”

            Madeline said, “An admirer? Is that really appropriate at school?” She walked through to her room, closing the door behind her.

            Dez reminded herself to get with Principal Milner today about how she’d caught Madeline. She considered what Madeline had said. An admirer? Maybe the stocking was from Leo. It was a very busy morning. Dez was happy that John’s mood had improved, and he was trying to engage with the kids. She’d still have to ask him about his actions on the schoolyard Friday. She shuddered remembering that stare he’d given her across the parking lot. He took the class out for recess.

            Dez made a beeline for her stocking. Her excitement matched her students’ as she took down her stocking and reached inside. She pulled out the cardboard, and her heartbeat sped up. One look and her heartbeat pounded.

            The card was a picture of Santa in his sleigh with reindeer. Her smile faded seeing a cut out photo of her face pasted on the drawn figure next to Santa. Where did that picture come from? The caption read: Secret Santa may sleigh you if you’re not a good girl No signature.

            A secret and creepy Santa. Would Leo give her this? There was a bump in the toe of the stocking. She shook it upside down over the counter and a sprig of holly with berries fell out. From Saturday night’s heart wreath? Dez looked around, including out the windows. Was anyone watching? The idea of someone putting up a stocking with her name was odd enough, but with this inside?

            She rushed across the room and stuffed it all in her desk drawer. She texted Katherine to please set up time for her to talk with Jason after school. A cop's perspective might help. She put down her phone and prepared the children’s cards for the stockings. She was absorbed in her work when her phone vibrated. Relieved to hear back from Katherine so soon, she looked. It was from the anonymous sender.

            Her hand shook as she clicked on it and read. How did you like your card? 

OH my goodness, Wendy what an exciting Excerpt! Where can we find Snow Kiss Cookies to Die For?

Amazon, B&N, GoodReads and BookBub

PERFECT! Now tells a little more about you and how we can get in touch...

The result of my passion for purses, mystery and romance is the intriguing In Purse-Suit Mysteries published by The Wild Rose Press. Kat Out of theBag introduces Katherine Watson purse designer/sleuth, also published by Harlequin.  As Katherine moves from designer bags to body bags, she's uncovering clues to a murder. The prequel, Purse-StachioMakes A Splash delves into a chilling cold case.

Finalist for Best Romantic Suspense at Killer Nashville, Snow Kiss Cookies To Die For creates a tangle of mystery and love, raising suspicions about a teacher's romantic new sweetheart. A summer romance read that will keep you on the edge of your beach towel, Cherry Shakes In The Park blends danger, divas, and frothy delights. And ribbons of love run through the holiday season romance, Heartof Christmas Cookies and Dreams.

I enjoy investigating the Pacific Northwest life, and leave a trail of my own clues as a blogger, YouTube podcaster, speaker, and syndicated columnist.

Find and Follow me at the Social Media Links below:

Website – WendyWritesBooks.com

Facebook – WendyKendallMysteries

Twitter - @wendywrites1

Instagram – wendyekendall

Wonderful, Wendy! Certainly wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings with ALL of your books!

Thanks for dropping by friends, I hope you'll do so again and see each of our All Christmas thru Christmas features and then stay tuned for more Saturday Spotlights in 2025!

Until next time, happy reading.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Laura Strickland & The Secret of the Solstice Cakes


Today on our All Christmas thru Christmas, we welcome Laura Strickland and her brand new release!

Tell us, Laura, what made you write this The Secret of the Solstice Cakes?

I’ve always been fascinated with the ancient past, especially that of the British Isles. To me, it seems a mystical time and place inhabited by folk perhaps just a bit larger than life. But these were real people with hopes, dreams, faults, and longings. How did they celebrate their holy days? This little story takes place long before Christmas ever reached the shores of England. But as you will see, the sentiment is something with which our hearts can identify.

Blurb: Omens are not good at the end of AD 59 for the Dumnonii tribe in southern Britannia. There’s war in the east, and the harvest has failed again. To improve the outlook, widower Chief Allaed agrees to remarry, to the first woman of the tribe to bring him a sprig of the holy mistletoe on Solstice morning.

Catti, daughter of the high druid, has long admired Allaed from afar. Mistletoe being scarce this year, she plans a clever substitution. But when her father finds a measure of mistletoe, Catti’s favored sister demands it, determined to be first to Allaed’s door.

Can a secret kept between two hearts endure, and save their very way of life?


“Never wed a holy man,” Mother had told Catti with her rueful smile. Catti had no intention of it. Even if she had, so far the opportunity had not arisen.

And she had no time to think of such things as marriage. With the grain carefully set aside, she had other chores to do. The rest of Father’s supper to prepare and the hearth to sweep.

By rights, at least some of those duties should fall on Remi, she being barely a year the younger. But Remi chose her tasks most carefully, went where she fancied, and did fairly much what she pleased.

She also, apparently, came home bearing secrets.

Catti stifled a sigh. She might remonstrate with her sister and ask her for help getting the supper. A waste of time though, for Remi would drag her feet and make pretty excuses. Far easier to just let her say whatever she wished and get on with it.

So she gazed into her sister’s mischievous blue eyes and said, “You might as well tell me. Although, you know very well, secrets are not meant for sharing.”

“Aye, but they are.” Remi’s face glowed with enjoyment. “They would not be secrets, if they did not beg telling. Besides, I’m telling only you.” 

Only me, Catti thought with a stab of consternation. Aye, was that not the way of it? Only she did the work around Father’s house and kept the slightly-mad cycle of their days flowing. Only she wove cloth and scrubbed and—and ground the grain, while Remi flitted and made merry. She, Catti, was the steady one, the practical one.

The plain one.

Why deny the truth of it? Two sisters, nothing alike. Remi had taken after Mother, with her golden curls, bright eyes, and infectious smile. Catti, rather unfortunately, looked like Father, with brown hair, mist-gray eyes, and a nose that everyone said denoted character.

It never seemed to occur to anyone that at times Catti did not want character. She wanted to dance upon dainty feet, to sing merrily. To have all the young men of the tribe follow her with longing.


Sounds yummy (pun intended) LOL! Where can we get a copy of The Secret of the Solstice Cakes?

Amazon USAmazon Canada; Amazon UK; Amazon Australia; B&N and iTunes.

Wonderful! Tell us a little about yourself...

Multi award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk or something in between. Married and the parent of one grown daughter, Laura has also been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs, and is intensely interested in animal welfare. Her love of dogs, and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura's mantra is Lore, Legend, Love, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Folks can find, follow and connect with Laura at the following places...

Author Web site: www.laurastricklandbooks.com

Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000002632317

Author Amazon page:  http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Strickland/e/B001KHSACW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/760146.Laura_Strickland

Author Twitter:  Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/laurastricklandauthor/

BookBub author page https://www.bookbub.com/authors/laura-strickland

Thanks Laura! Here's wishing you much success with The Secret of the Solstice Cakes and a very, merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Tena Stetler & Meringue Snowflake Magic!


Good Morning and Welcome to our 2nd edition of "All Christmas thru Christmas 2024!"

Today we're featuring Meringue Snowflake Magic by Tena Stetler. Take it away Tena...


After being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Wynter Dahl finds herself with a new name and new home. Whisked into the Witness Protection program she finds herself in the Podunk town of Raven’s Hollow, Colorado. She has more than one secret to keep and is not sure who she can trust, though the deputy sheriff is hard to resist. 

Braydon “Blaze” Nightwing, owns Dragon Fire Pizza and takes his job as deputy sheriff seriously. He means to protect his town and its residents, including the mysterious newcomer. He rescues her after a tumble and finds himself in over his head. He senses she’s more than she seems but so is he. 

When her cover is blown and her life is in danger it will take the whole town to save her and their annual holiday festival and cookie contest. What is Christmas without a little magic?

The wind had changed direction, and the pretty ice crystals were like tiny needles buffeting her face. She looked up and down Main Street and saw only one stoplight. Finally, she turned around and walked backward for a few yards. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see her street. She started to turn around, her foot slipped on the curb and arms flailing, down she went with a thud. Clutching her precious box of goodies in front of her, they were safe. However, the mug of hot chocolate popped the lid and sent hot chocolate in all directions, including all over her brand new bright-colored parka and the sidewalk. When she tried to get up, each foot went in a different direction, then down she went again. Getting to her knees, she crawled to the sidewalk, carefully got to her feet, and tried to brush the wet snow off. The damp material stuck to her. She began to shiver as the wind whipped around her.

“Hey lady, you all right?” A man stopped his SUV in the middle of the road and jumped out. “That was quite a spill you took.” He smiled wide, picking up her mug and lid. “But I see your goodies from Candi’s place are still intact. Let me give you a ride. You’re going to freeze as wet as your clothes are.” He held out his hand. “Braydon Nightwing, but everyone calls me Blaze. I own the pizza place a few blocks down the way.” 

When she reached for his hand, her arm shook. Her teeth chattered as she tried to say her name. “Wynterrr.”

“It’s warm in my SUV. Please tell me where you’re going. I’ll get you there.” He pried her fingers from the box, helped her over to the vehicle, and opened the passenger door. Warm air rushed out of the SUV, caressing her face.

Please don’t let him be a serial killer. Slowly, she reached behind her and patted her waistband. Shit. Why didn’t I bring my weapon? Getting in a car with a stranger wasn’t smart. But the warmth emanating from the vehicle was inviting. Death by serial killer or freeze. She crawled into the SUV and huddled in front of the heater vents.


Oh Wow! Sounds like a thrilling read. How did you come up with the idea?

I wanted to write a fun, exciting Christmas Cookie book for the holidays. As I thought about it, a unique small town came to mine with quirky characters. The town of Raven's Hollow was born. Yet, when I finished the book and submitted it, I knew I wasn't done with Raven's Hollow or its people. With Spring headed our way, my imagination took off along with the characters and Raven's Hollow Spring Magic was born. An ancient Jelly Bean machine is involved along with a missing witch and time travel. What could be more fun? If you have a chance check it out too.


Wonderful! Where can Meringue Snowflake Magic be found?

Amazon; B&N; Kobo; Ibooks; and other online retailers found HERE.

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors. 

Find/Follow Tena at the following Social Media Links:

Hope you enjoyed Tena's post and that you'll check back weekly for another edition of Saturday Spotlight and All Christmas thru Christmas 2024.

Until next time take care and God bless.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

#SaturdaySpotlight All Christmas thru Christmas 2024


I've considered reinstating the Saturday Spotlight feature here for quite a while now and what better time to do so than Christmas?! 

So, every Saturday through early-mid Jan., I'll be sharing great Christmas books with you, beginning with my very own, Keri's Christmas Wish.

Controversy and Inconsistencies are thieves of holiday joy for Keri...is there any hope for a happy holiday season?

For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas—especially with the controversy over the time of Jesus’s birth. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?

Jeremy Hinton thinks Keri is a highly intelligent, deeply emotional, and intensely complex woman and he’s as fascinated by her aversion to Christmas as he is of the woman herself. A devout Christian at heart, he’s studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens her life, will all of his faith and training be for naught?

Fans of near death experiences will enjoy this woman’s mystical journey into spiritual Truth.

Excerpt: She awoke in another dimension. Keri had no idea if she was in Heaven, but neither did she fear Hell. Her surroundings were reminiscent of a dense forest at dusk. Shadows danced against a sunset where brilliant colors bled from the sky. A light shone in the distance but as she moved toward it, Keri felt as though she plowed through molasses. Unease pricked her skin. The sound of water drew her deeper into the woods until she stood at the base of a vast waterfall and rapids so swift she dared not attempt to cross the river.

The light grew stronger, brighter. Beckoning.

I need to get to the light.

* * * *

I am 100% panster so when I sat at the computer with one scene in mind, Keri scrolling through her newsfeed and grumbling “bah humbug” over the ‘Christmas in July’ propaganda, I had absolutely NO idea where the story was going or what would happen. 

I was introduced to Energy Medicine a several years ago and find the whole concept of healing the body – or actually the body healing itself by correcting energy imbalance–fascinating. Along with EM, I’ve discovered the power of positive thoughts and prayers (see: You can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay). Add to that, my belief in the afterlife and the books & movies affirming those beliefs, and well, this story practically wrote itself. 

What is still amazing for me is that Keri’s Christmas Wish (published in 2016) was the first romantic story I wrote in its entirety after my husband passed away in 2009. Oh, I had things published that were already in the works, but other than a couple NF pieces, it was the first thing written from start to finish. 

Thankfully, I’m in a much better place emotionally and other books/novellas/stories have and will continue to follow.

Keri's Christmas Wish finaled in OKRWA's 2017 IDA (International Digital Awards) contest and is available @Amazon in Print, Audio and Kindle and through other Online Retailers (Kobo, Apple, B&N, etc) HERE: https://books2read.com/KerisChristmasWish

Hope you enjoyed this peek into Keri's Christmas Wish and that you'll drop by each week for another edition of Saturday Spotlight.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tempered Journey now in #audiobook !!


My Amazing narrator, Lia Frederick has done it again and now Tempered Journey is available in #audiobook format!

Get your copy today on Audible for only 99cents (with 3 month trial) OR email (pam@pamelathibodeaux.com) me for a FREE code in return for a review! 

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

#Audiobook #sale


If you LOVE Audio Books, Amazon has ALL of my audiobook titles on sale for only 99cents with Audible Membership!

Check 'em out HERE!

"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Circles of Fate now available in Audio!

WooHoo! Circles of Fate is available NOW in Audio

I love my narrator, Lia Frederick. She does a wonderful job on all my books but this one was AMAZING!

Get your copy today OR email me for a FREE code in return for a review! 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Travel Blog!

 In my Feb post, I mentioned I'd started a new spiritual blog, Rainbows, Potholes and Nuggets of Gold, and was contemplating a travel blog. 

Well, Bathroom Blues is up and running! Check it out by clicking on the icon below.

I am in the process of sorting out many pictures from my vacation last month and will be posting regularly on Bathroom Blues. 

I hope you'll follow my travels as in September I'll be heading to the UK for 10 days visiting England & Ireland!

THANKS & God Bless!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Woohoo! A Hint of Romance is Available NOW on Amazon!


*Note: Some of these stories were previously published by White Rose Publishing/Pelican Book Group - All Rights Reverted to Author. Some were published in personal newsletter to a limited audience. Others have never been published.*

Whether married or looking for another chance at romance, love is always in the air for these couples…

Twin Flames: Will twins Ray and Raelee MacFarland get a second chance at love after her husband runs off with his wife?

Like a Rock: Will Macey and Jerry’s love survive midlife crisis and empty nest syndrome?   

The Big Catch: Will Karla come to love fishing as much as Jeff or will his passion for a rod and reel tangle up their relationship?

A Hero for Jessica: Will a “champion” lawyer and the author of romantic suspense find love written in their future?    

In His Sight: Can the relationship between a teacher with the gift of prophecy and a single mother on the run from her deranged ex-husband withstand the tragedy lurking on the horizon?

Review of Love: Can two people who clash over what each perceives as professional writing suspend their judgmental attitudes and find true love?

Paper Roses: Will a homecoming tradition give Patti Howard a chance at love with her son’s football coach?

Journey’s End: Will Ellie’s dream of seeing the world come true with a new man or will she be resigned to staying put and living vicariously through her granddaughter?

Soul Mates: Will Jolie and her soul mate reconnect once again, or will she live another lifetime without him?   

Available on AMAZON in eBook and Print! FREE in KU for a limited time!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I've Started a New Blog...

Good Afternoon,

In Jan 2023 I decided to take a break from promoting....myself and fellow authors. Frankly I was so burned out with the promotional aspect of writing I just didn't see the benefit of it for me or those I hosted here. 

I took a break from writing too. Until August when Tempered Journey flowed onto the pages with rapid intensity and great joy.

Besides that, my heart was wanting me to go in a whole other direction. (Read on for more on this!)

So you can see, I haven't completely stopped writing or publishing.

I still have numerous projects in the works....In 2022 I received the rights back for The Inheritance and Love in Season from Pelican Book Group. The Inheritance was reissued last year and is available at Amazon in Ebook, Print and Audio.


I've taken the eight stories from Love in Season and put them, along with others, into two different collections. A Hint of Romance and A Hint of Holiday Romance will be published this year. 

Well, at least one will be LOL!

Now on to the purpose of this post....

For years I've thought about writing a book or two based on all of the things I've learned on my spiritual/self improvement journey throughout my life. I've also considered starting a YouTube channel with this information. 

Alas, I know nothing about making YouTube videos and am not comfortable in front of the camera so until I am ready to face and overcome those obstacles, I've started a new blog which is hosted on my website.

Rainbows, Potholes and Nuggest of Gold Gleaned Along Life's Journey

Hopefully you'll check it out.

I've also reinstated my Life Coaching and am doing monthly events at Edgemont Healing Center in Lake Charles.

I'm also considering (and have been for a while) a travel blog. I'll keep you posted on that. AND, I am thinking about reviving this blog to once again spotlight authors and artists and their projects. I'll let you know about that too.

So, stay tuned and until next time....

Take Care & God Bless and THANK YOU for your continued love, support and understanding.
