Even though I may be hosting a guest each week, I try to say a few words about what's going on in my life at the time also. On Saturday, I mentioned I was at my son's house since TX had opened the LA borders. Well, our state is entering phase 1 of reopening but to tell you the truth, I'm not overly anxious to be around crowds just yet. I am looking forward to camping though (the State and National parks/campgrounds have been closed - which never made sense to me - they could have easily monitored them - but that's a whole other post LOL!)
ANYWAY, as our country begins to ease up on Covid19 restrictions, I pray you'll continue to be safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Enough about that... Our guest today has visited often over the years but it has been a while so please give LoRee Peery a huge shout-out: WELCOME LoRee!
Often the question, “What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?” comes up during a Q and A interview.
My quirk changes with each story. Every single time, I overuse a phrase or specific word during the course of a writing project. What’s interesting is that it’s usually a different word or phrase than I’ve redundantly used before.
Writers have a list of what we call weasel words, often a form of the passive “to be.” Mine have been going to, just, instead, sure, such. In the case of Repurposed, the word was looked, which happens to be a verb.
I just sigh once I see what I’ve used over and over. In my recently finished Christmas novella, I discovered that I used “it” way too much, so I went through the story and plugged in the nouns the pronoun represented.
Uh oh. “It was” popped up in Repurposed. (Thank you, extra pair of eyes!) What was? Sigh. How passive is that?
I try to remember to pray, but often I jump right in where I left off the day before and realize later what those nuisance words are. Other eyes on my work are vital because different things jump out to different people. Still, I’ll find words in the galleys or a finished project that were overused. It’s easy to sit in my study chair and feel embarrassed. But writers need humility. We keep learning as we persevere.
BIO: Nebraska country girl LoRee Peery writes fiction that hopefully appeals to adult readers who enjoy stories written from a Christian perspective, focusing on the romance. These include novels and novellas for women and men in the Contemporary, Romance, Historical, Time Travel, and Mystery/Suspense categories. She writes of redeeming grace with a sense of place. Her Frivolities Series and the book based on her father’s unsolved homicide, Touches of Time, are available on Amazon. She is who she is by the grace of God: Christian, country girl, wife, mother, grandmother and great-, sister, friend, and author. Connect with LoRee through these links: www.loreepeery.com
Find her publications at Pelican http://tinyurl.com/kwz9enk
And Amazon https://www.amazon.com/LoRee-Peery/e/B004UAGL2W/ref
Repurposed can be found at Amazon. Check out this great blurb!

Talia Ashby is a perfectionistic data analyst who, on occasion, sees her “fat” self when she looks in the mirror. As a svelte former obese girl, she reunites with her secret teen crush, now a pastor in the church she attends.
Cooper Valiant is dazzled upon meeting a high school friend he doesn’t immediately recognize due to her drastic weight loss. Since his sister had an eating disorder, he’d often felt empathy toward Talia as classmates teased and bullied her. In his pastorate position, he asks her to help girls in the youth group come to grips with body-image.
While working with the girls, Talia's recollections of youthful hurts stir up past insecurities. She must reassess her spiritual journey, and what bothers her in the present.
Added to the mix are her reawakened emotions toward the man who once came to her rescue. Will their joint journey include a personal relationship?
THANKS LoRee for sharing with us today. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new book!
Hope you enjoyed today's post, friends and that you'll check back weekly for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight. Until next time, take care and God bless.
Ugh, I have words I over use too. It's especially irksome with pronouns. Best wishes for your books.
D. V.
Sounds like a great story, LoRee!!! Blessings!
I'm a night owl rather than an early bird, so I'm a bit late to the party. Thank you so much, Pam, for allowing me to visit today.
My mother's favorite number was 13. She was born on October 13th. My son Clark was born on May 13th, so Happy 45th Birthday, son!
D.V. and Dana, thanks for reading the post and leaving comments. I wish you a wonderful Wednesday.
Thanks for sharing your weasel words and the great blurb about your book. It sounds like an inspirational story.
I so enjoyed your blog post. I, too, use a word over-and-over. When my critique partners point them out, it's so sad! I just want to kick myself.
Can't wait to read your book.
Hi, Gail. Thanks for your comment. I've been told all ages of women, from teen to grandmother, should read the story.
Susan, I had to look you up because I didn't recognize your name. Sure enough, we're Facebook friends. One thing about writing is that no matter how careful we may be, we all need other eyes on our words.
Hi LoRee,
I'm with you on prayer. I do a lot of it when I'm writing. I enjoy your stories. Blessings on your writing journey.
I agree about overusing certain words. I tend to be an adverb person. That's what makes editors so valuable--as you say, an extra set of eyes.
I also have different 'nuisance words' for each manuscript, or sometimes each scene. Funny how it's so difficult to catch them when we read our own work. Your book sounds great, and I love the cover. Congrats and best wishes!
Thanks for sharing LoRee. I've enjoyed your books. I'm definitely an adverb girl. Critique partners and groups are such blessing to us as writers. Those other sets of eyes are so important.Best wishes for great success with this new book.
Thank you all for your time and kind words!
Barbara, I wish you well and commented on Patti Shene's blog. Goodness, you're over 50? I could be your mother.
Jacqueline, are yours -ly adverbs? Those are the easiest to search for. A good synonym finder for a strong verb is priceless.
Alicia, talented Delia Latham designed my cover. She usually gives me choices but this one resonated with us both immediately.
Carol, I've enjoyed your writing as well. It doesn't matter our weaknesses, we will continue to see them, thanks in part to those other eyes, and hopefully grow as long as we're on the writing journey.
Yes! I do the same thing. Mine are looked, smile, relief, and joy. Oh, and gaze. Ugh! It's so annoying.
We writers all have our quirks. It's so hard not being perfect, lol! Congratulations on the book!
Kara, rather than be annoyed, laugh at yourself. Gaze is much better than disembodied eyes.
Alina (I have a granddaughter Alaina), perfection will never be achieved, and thanks for your good wishes.
I love how fluid your writing is. Thanks for your thoughtful words. I learned the word "perfectionistic" today from reading this post :)
Keep up the great work.
Words With Friends Solver
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