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Saturday, March 11, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on.... Me

Good Morning Friends,

My scheduled guest was unable to be here today so, instead of tossing someone into the spotlight unaware and unprepared, I decided to take today to visit with you myself.

When I started writing years and years ago, my intention was simply to write the kind of romance I love to read....strong, alpha male heroes and strong, yet gentle, sensitive and, maybe just a little delicate, heroines. Well, even if she thought herself strong, the man in her life appreciated and understood she still needed his strength and protection.

So very different from the stories of today where the female is just as tough and .... I don't know, capable is the word that comes to mind.....as the man.

That was my plan.

But God had another agenda, one I discovered the day I recommitted my life to Him and asked to write something that gave Him glory.

Many people are not thrilled with my "Inspirational with an Edge" writing, saying that you can't have that much sensuality and "gritty realism" or characters that get angry and curse or attempt suicide in a 'Christian' novel. Which is why I don't claim to write Christian, but Inspirational fiction.

Even though I love to read a clean, chaste, Christian romance, it's just not what I write.

So for those authors and readers who prefer traditional Christian books, I ask your forgiveness and grace if you've been dissatisfied with my books.

And for those of you who would like to read something different than trad CF, yet do not want today's versions of traditional romance, I invite you to give my books a try.

In fact, one lucky person who leaves a comment will get the Ebook of their choice of my titles (self-pubbed OR PBG)!

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time, take care and God bless.

PS: sign up to receive my newsletter and get a FREE story!


LoRee Peery said...

Hi, Pam. We're human. God called each and every one of us to walk a different path, to reach different people. People whom He chooses we come in contact with. So, I'd love to read another of your books!

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Thanks LoRee! I enjoy your books very much too!
Good luck and God's blessings

Tanya Hanson said...

Hi Pam, first off, you do not need to apologize or ask forgiveness for being you! People--even Christians, feel desire before that magic moment of his wedding ring slipping on your finger. People drink alcoholic beverages and it isn't a sin-- Jesus's first mieacle was making wine, and people with fertility issues seek medical science. None of this interferes with one's faith in the Saviour. Some of the Christian, even inspirational, rules are leading to the demise of the genre. Readers are tired of judgemental themes. My first romances all had love scenes--and the couples were married. When one was reissued, a reviewer had the nerve to state I was unChristian! Anyway, I admire and enjoy your edgy stories because they are REAL.

Robin Bayne said...

It's good to spotlight yourself sometimes!

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Aww...Thanks Tanya, the love and support of my peers in the Inspirational market is a blessing!

Yeah, Robin...might turn out to be a fun thing LOL!

Thank you BOTH for stopping by!
Good luck and God's blessings to each of you

Alicia Dean said...

Wonderful post. And, I agree with the others, no need to apologize. What you write is 'real' and they are things that Christians do and deal with. If we were all perfect, there would be nothing to be forgiven for, right? :) Keep writing those awesome books!

Unknown said...

I love to read wholesome fiction that is still realistic. It's hard to show grace without showing sin.

Linda McLaughlin said...

Pam, I think it's great that you put real issues and sensuality in your books. Good luck with your career.

Jacqueline Seewald said...


You're discussing an important issue that romance writers must contend with. My own romances are varied. I am not offended if there are sensual passages in a romance novel as long as they are appropriate to that particular work. Very often a novel requires a more mature sensuality.

The last two novels of mine for adults published were very different in style and sensuality. DARK MOON RISING is a Southern Gothic which is sensual in nature. Very appropriate to this particular novel. THE INHERITANCE is a romantic mystery novel that has two romances but I felt sex scenes were neither appropriate nor necessary. Romance and mystery were equally weighted. I actually took criticism from Publishers Weekly for that. They stated that readers who want a "spicier novel" should look elsewhere. I think a novel can be great with or without sex scenes. It's the author's call as to what is appropriate to a particular work.

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Thank you so much Alicia, Linda and "Unknown" for your comments and encouragement!

I agree, Jacquie, that sensuality, sex and other elements are wonderful when it is important to the story, not just for market value. PW shouldn't criticize for something like that if the overall story is well developed.

Thank you ALL for stopping by and leaving a comment. Good luck and God's blessings to you ALL.

jacque said...

This is awesome and helps us learn more about you and your beliefs.