

I do not read every book/author I spotlight or book tour I host!
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Thursday, July 31, 2014

#ThursdayThoughts: Financial Freedom & Security

Good Morning Friends!

I believe today's topic is something we all think and dream about.... Financial Freedom and Security. This is why I'd like to introduce you to my brand new business venture, MyEcon

Yeah, as if I don't have enough to do, I take on something more LOL! But, Lacresha Hayes, the woman who introduced me to this wonderful opportunity, has shown me this might be the ONE thing that really catapults me into a place where financial freedom and security aren't just words or dreams, but actual reality.

myEcon, Inc. is a privately held, debt free company based in Gwinnett County, GA, a suburb of Atlanta. The company was founded by a small group of entrepreneurs in 2005. The company operates in the multi-billion dollar Direct Sales industry. The founders' vision is to empower people to attain Personal Financial Success. The company name myEcon, is short for "my Economy”; because the founders envision each individual taking care of their Personal Economy just as governments and corporations take care of theirs. myEcon empowers its Associates to attain financial success by helping Associates earn income through a web-based business system and by teaching them financial strategies. The company currently has over 50,000 independent marketing associates and is one of the fastest growing companies in America.

This company offers tremendous opportunities for financial growth, independence, freedom and security. 

There is a Cash Back Mall where you not only save on the items you buy anyway, but get cash back every time you shop! There is the Family Shield where you receive benefits such as Free & Discounted Legal Care, Identity Theft Solutions, Tax Preparation & Audit Assistance, Financial Education & Credit Counseling and LifeEvents™ Counseling. 

Not only that, you can Book Travel, purchase Active Wear, find Health & Wellness products, and so much more! 

Take a tour of MyEcon today and take advantage of the hundreds of $$ you can save and if you'd like to join up as a Marketing Director of your own MyEcon business and get started on your path to financial freedom & security, email me and let's talk.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#TuesdayTreasure: Chris Redding & License to Nerd

Good Morning Friends!

Although this is not a Rocking Summer Romance per se' it is a romance so here goes....

Madison West appears on Peter Quincy’s doorstep as expected, when her husband, Charlie, disappears. Peter had been her husband’s best man and had promised to take care of Madison if something happened to him. Neither Madison nor Peter are what they seem, but will their lies to each other to save the world, instead fail to save them from each other?

Excerpt: "He just has to help me," she said to no one. Because no one occupied the alley.

Until a man rounded the corner.

The way the man slammed into her, she knew it wasn’t an accident.
He could have gone around her, but he didn’t. She turned to give him a good Jersey Girl dressing down, when he grabbed her arm. He jerked her close. She looked up into deep-set eyes that held no soul.

The snarky retort died on her lips.

“We want the package, Madison.”

Holy crap. How did he know her name? How did he know about the package? Her heart jumped into her throat. She yanked on her arm, looking around hoping for witnesses.

No one else walked this stretch of the sidewalk. Odd since it was lunchtime. Maybe this man made this happen. His blocking of the road meant power.

Turning back to him, she asked, “What package?”

Madison wanted to snarl at him, but she needed to play the innocent so she shuddered.

“The one your husband sent you,” in a voice that spoke of years of cigarette use.

“I don’t have any package.” Her words tumbled over themselves as he gripped her tighter. His hot, spicy breath wrinkled her nose.

“We know it arrived. You have it. We want it.”

What the hell was Charlie into? Why did he send her that package? Damn him. She would like to give Charlie a nice roundhouse kick, but she after she dealt with this asshole.

“Uh, I don’t have it.”

“Yes, you do.”

License to Nerd will be available soon! IMW, check out Chris's other title Along Came Pauly!

Chris Redding lives in New Jersey with her husband, two sons, one dog and three rabbits. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. When she isn’t writing, she works for her local hospital Her books are filled with romance, suspense and thrills.

Find out more about Chris at the places below!

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight!

Until next time...take care & God Bless!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday Spotlight: Jen J Danna & A Flame in the Wind of Death

Well Hello Again!

Today you are doubly blessed because you'll get 2 (yeah TWO!) Saturday Spotlights!

My guest author, Jen J Danna contacted me and well, I guess internet gremlins got ahold of her book info the first time around but she sent it to me again so without much further ado, please welcome a fellow Five Star author, Jen J Danna.....

A scientist specializing in infectious diseases, Jen J. Danna works as part of a dynamic research group at a cutting-edge Canadian university. However, her true passion lies in indulging her love of the mysterious through her writing. Together with her partner Ann Vanderlaan, she crafts suspenseful crime fiction with a realistic scientific edge. Their Abbott and Lowell Forensic Mysteries include DEAD, WITHOUT A STONE TO TELL IT, NO ONE SEES ME ‘TILL I FALL, and A FLAME IN THE WIND OF DEATH, with TWO PARTS BLOODY MURDER coming in 2015. Her Skeleton Keys blog has been listed as one of the top forensic blogs on the web. Jen lives near Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two daughters. You can reach her at jenjdanna@gmail.com or through her website and blog at http://www.jenjdanna.com.

Author Website and social links:
Website and blog: http://www.jenjdanna.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenjdanna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenJDanna
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/jenjdanna/

Now about Jen's book.....

Book Blurb:
At Halloween, Salem, Massachusetts is a hot spot for Witch and tourist alike. But when a murder spree begins, a cop and a scientist must team up to find the killer before a media circus unleashes, panic ensues, and more victims are killed.

Forensic anthropologist Matt Lowell and Massachusetts State Police Trooper Leigh Abbott are called in to investigate burned remains following a fire in a historic antique shop. As Matt, Leigh and their team of graduate students investigate the death, clues point to Salem’s traditional Witchcraft community. However, having dabbled in the Craft as a teenager, Leigh is skeptical that someone who has sworn an oath of good to all and harm to none would commit premeditated murder, let alone kill in such a vicious way.

A second body is found in a similar fire and the team begins to suspect that coven members are being framed. Now they must solve the murders before 100,000 tourists overrun Salem for what could be the deadliest Halloween of their lives.

Matt looked up at Kiko. “We’re going to need to do a skull reconstruction.”

“I agree,” Kiko said, “but it’s going to be a challenge. Even if we can find all the pieces, the bone is going to be calcined.”

Leigh slid in beside Matt, bracing her hand on his shoulder to lean over the body. “What happened to the head? Blunt force trauma?”

The forehead and top of the cranium were missing above the startlingly white bone rimming the eye sockets, exposing the mass of charred brain tissue. Below the eye sockets, the fleshy cheeks were burned a deep, leathery black. “Could be, but I doubt it. That’s typical fire damage.”

“The infamous exploding skull,” Bree said.

Leigh glanced from Bree to Matt. “Exploding skull?”

“People think the skull fractures like that because pressure builds up as the brain boils, causing the head to explode,” Bree explained. “Somehow they seem to forget that the skull has several natural openings that allow the steam to vent.”

“There’s actually a very simple explanation,” Matt said. “Skin burns first, then the muscle and fat underneath. In areas like the forehead, there is very little fat and muscle below the skin, so the organic components in the bone start to burn quickly. When the organic components are gone, what’s left is calcined bone—the mineral scaffold which is extremely brittle and shatters easily under any pressure.”

“Like from a water stream or the roof collapsing,” Bree supplied.

Leigh leaned closer to the body. Matt reached up to steady her as her eyes locked on the torso where it disappeared under the wardrobe. “See something?” he asked.

“There’s something buried in the chest.”

Matt stretched upward, trying to peer over the side of the corpse. “I can’t see from this angle. What is it?”

“There’s a lot of damage and the upper body is curled in on itself, but it looks like a knife.” She paused. “It’s just . . .”


Leigh remained silent for a moment, then she straightened. “Let’s wait until the body is out from under all this. We’ll see better then.”

Buy links:
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Flame-Wind-Death-Jen-Danna/dp/1432828096
Amazon.ca: http://www.amazon.ca/Flame-Wind-Death-Jen-Danna/dp/1432828096/
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-flame-in-the-wind-of-death-jen-j-danna/1116603763?ean=9781432828097

Well Friend, hope you enjoy this additional spotlight! Stay tuned next week for more Rocking Summer Romance reads on Tuesday Treasure, Thursday Thoughts and of course another Saturday Spotlight!!


#SaturdaySpotlight: Winter Madness

Good Morning friends!

My Saturday Spotlight guest was unable to make it so I thought in the heat of summer you might enjoy a little Winter Madness....

Blurb: Sienna has survived what most succumb to - the death of a spouse and child and has maintained her faith despite her troubles. William has never met anyone who actually lived out what they say they believe. Is it true love between the faithful optimist and broody pessimist or simply winter madness?

Excerpt: Her merry hazel eyes danced with humor, but she simply arched an eyebrow at him without comment and rose from her chair. She held a hand toward him. “Come on, I know what we’re going to do today.”

He couldn’t resist the lure of her joy, and grinned as he placed his hand in hers. “What are we going to do?”

“I’m going to show you the beauty and joy of life, if only for this one day.”

Hope flared in his heart that she may be the one person who could do what he considered the impossible. After all, he’d never really gotten over her. Nor did he forget how she’d touched his heart so many years ago in a way no other had since. They paused at the door to fasten their jackets and slip on caps. She took his hand again and led him across the way and two blocks down to a park on the other side of the street. The tiny wooden bridge they traversed crossed over a creek and swayed under their feet. Sienna stopped midway to their destination.

“Listen,” she urged.

He cocked his head. “What?”

“What do you hear?” He turned in the direction she looked, stood still, and tried to hear what she heard. A smile tugged at his lips when he turned to her. Her eyes were alight with joy.

“You hear it too, don’t you?”

“Tell me what you hear, Sienna.”

“Children laughing, the sounds of joy, of love, two things that make this world go around are love and joy. A child’s laughter encapsulates both.”

His heart melted another degree.

Winter Madness can be purchased at Amazon for Kindle or directly from Pelican Book Group!

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight, t's always a pleasure to share one of my own stories with you!

Until later.... take care, God Bless and Remember....when the going gets tough, the tough go dancing!

"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

#ThursdayThoughts: Serenity....

Good Morning Friends!

Well it's time for another Thursday Thoughts and to be honest, until moments ago I had no idea what I was thinking much less writing about. But I saw this on Facebook....

.... and it hit me... why not talk about serenity.

What do you consider serenity to be?

The bible teaches us about the "peace that passes understanding."  Could that be the definition of serenity?

Well personally I believe serenity is an inside job. Just like love and peace and joy and happiness...yeah all those seemingly impossible emotions.

Impossible to sustain for any length of time in this harried, stressful world.

But...what makes our lives harried and stressful?

No, it's NOT all the things we have to do...y'know places to go, people to see, etc. It's what's going on inside that makes our outward lives what they are.

So, next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a deep breath and think serene thoughts and watch things transform around you.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#TuesdayTreasure: Guest Post by E.A West @eawest

Good Morning Friends!

Although this is not part of the Rocking Summer Romance blog hop, I am so pleased to bring you a guest post by my friend and fellow Pelican Book Group author, EA West!

Like Jezebel Smith, the main character in my new YA novel DIFFERENT, I was an undiagnosed autistic child. I didn’t receive my diagnosis until I was an adult, so I spent a lot of time wondering why I never fit in and why I always felt so different from everyone else. Those feelings along with the impaired social skills that go with autism made it difficult for me to make friends... with people.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved animals. I grew up with all kinds of pets, from dogs and cats to guinea pigs and mice. While I struggled to connect with others my age, I could always count on my furry friends to love me unconditionally. They understood me, and I understood them. If I had a bad day, they made me smile. When I had exciting news I longed to share with someone, my animal friends were more than happy to listen.

Although I had a few human friends, the animals held a special place in my heart. I didn’t have to pretend with them. I could be as weird as I wanted or needed to be, and they never judged me. Even now, one of my best friends is my dog Paisley. She’s almost always by my side. If I need a hug, she’s more than willing to give it. And she’s always ready for playtime, which improves even the worst days.

Animals make great companions for anyone, but for those of us who are different for one reason or another, they can be some of the best friends we’ll ever have.

E.A. West, award-winning author of sweet and inspirational romance, is a lifelong lover of books and storytelling. In high school, she picked up her pen in a creative writing class and hasn’t laid it down yet. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, knitting, and crocheting. She lives in Indiana with her family and a small zoo of pets. Find more about EA at the following places....

Anything can happen when the rules change.

Jezebel Smith is different. She can’t talk, she doesn’t look like anyone in her family, and no matter what she does it’s always the wrong thing. God accepts her for who she is, but He’s the only one who does. Then she finds an unconscious man in her favorite cave, and her life is turned upside down. New people and new rules collide with the old, leaving Jezebel unsure of which set of rules apply to her life. When the strangers in town attempt to help her out of the nightmare she’s grown up in, it promises to change her life forever.


As they approached the house, a man stepped out of the truck, and a shaggy black and white dog followed him. The dog immediately ran toward Peter and Jezebel. It slid to a stop in front of her and gave her a thorough sniffing. She smiled and knelt to rub the dog’s head as Peter chuckled.

“I think he likes you.”

Jezebel nodded and continued to pet the dog, who licked her chin and wagged his tail. Shoving the dog’s snout away from her face, she noticed the man join them with a smile.

“Sparky, be a good boy. No licking her face.”

The dog plopped his rear end on the ground and sat panting in Jezebel’s face. She leaned away from his smelly breath and smoothed his soft fur as she studied the man before them. He had dark hair like her and wore jeans and a light blue shirt. A quick glance revealed he had green eyes, and then she focused on the dog again.

“Roger, I’d like you to meet Jezebel,” Peter said.

“Hi. I’m glad to meet you,” he said. Jezebel stood and moved closer to Peter as Roger continued. “Sparky’s already introduced himself, and I can tell he likes you. He’s a border collie, by the way, so don’t be surprised if he starts trying to herd you.”

“Let’s go on up to the house,” Peter said, and they moved in that direction.

Sparky stayed by Jezebel’s side, and she was glad for his company. She preferred animals to people because they were less confusing, and she found them comforting.

This book releases Today from Astraea Press

Well folks, hope you enjoyed this Tuesday Treasure. Stay tuned for more Thursday Thoughts, Saturday Spotlight and check back often for more Rocking Summer Romance reads!!

Until later... Take Care & God Bless!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

#SaturdaySpotlight: @StacyJuba & Twenty-Five Years Ago Today

Hello Again!

Whew what a week! I sure hope you enjoyed the International Authors' Day blog hop! Remember, if you missed out on participating, you can always check out the authors and their books on my Pinterest Board.

It is with great pleasure I bring you the first in several blog posts to come with my new friend, Stacy Juba, so without further ado...Here's Stacy.....

Stacy Juba loves to write stories about Characters at a Crossroads: individuals who are finding themselves and getting on the right life path after overcoming obstacles. Her goals are to entertain readers of all ages as well as inspire them. She has made numerous bestseller lists including GalleyCat’s Barnes & Noble Bestsellers and GalleyCat’s Mystery and Thriller Bestsellers. Stacy has written about reality TV contestants targeted by a killer, an obit writer investigating a cold case, teen psychics who control minds, twin high school hockey stars battling on the ice, and teddy bears learning to raise the U.S. flag. Browse her website for more information on her mystery, romance, and contemporary fiction books for adults, teens, and children, guest author features and resources on how to build your own “character,” and for her book/product reviews and advocacy relating to Type 1 Diabetes. Find out more about Stacy by visiting/following her at the following places!

Website, Facebook, Twitter @stacyjuba, Goodreads & Pinterest!

Now about the book....

Twenty-Five Years Ago Today: Should we dig for the truth when Pandora's Box is a coffin of buried secrets? For twenty-five years, Diana Ferguson's killer has gotten away with murder. When rookie obit writer and newsroom editorial assistant Kris Langley investigates the cold case of the artistic young cocktail waitress who was obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology, not only does she fall in love with Diana's sexy nephew, but she must also fight to stay off the obituary page herself. Get in on the secret - join thousands of readers in discovering who killed Diana Ferguson.

Cheryl came up behind Kris. Her voice sounded sad and tired. "Please don't tell my mother too much, even if you're making progress. I don't want to raise her hopes."

Kris glanced back at Irene, who hunched on the couch, turning the locket over in her hand. "I'll be careful with what I say. My aunt would've been eager, too."

"How was your cousin killed?"

"She was strangled, kidnapped by a neighbor while walking alone. We were twelve."

Cheryl heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry. I remember reading about that. It happened locally, didn't it?"


"I know you're a terrific writer. I couldn't have been happier with the business story. I'm just concerned about my mother."

"I understand," Kris said. "I won't let you down."

She trudged out to her car and brushed off her windshield. She waited behind the steering wheel as the defroster warmed the interior. Not knowing Diana's whereabouts must have tormented Irene. Kris's family had agonized over Nicole's disappearance. As one day blended into the next, Nicole had seemed further and further away.

Finding her was worse.

Kris had learned a new phrase that May, a litany that surged back into her mind, drumming to the beat of the windshield wipers. If only.

If only it hadn't rained the afternoon Nicole had disappeared.

If only she hadn't climbed into the car with Randolph Coltraine.

If only Aunt Susan had been home when Nicole called for a ride.

Kris swallowed the metallic taste in her mouth. If only I didn't trick her.

She chose the long route home, driving fast. She hadn't driven in New York and had forgotten the thrill of a climbing speedometer. Her first week back, she'd landed a speeding ticket.

Kris skidded onto the Fremont State College campus, her tires kicking up tufts of snow. She passed dorms, tennis courts and the library before parking in front of the deserted baseball field. White trees cast shapeless shadows across the broad expanse of snow.

A chunk of ice slid off the roof, hitting the front window. Kris jumped, her hand to her heart.

"No one's out there," she murmured, gazing into the woods. "Not now."

But once.

Beyond those trees, Diana had lain dead.

Police had crowded the scene, their search over.

Middle-aged reporter Dex Wagner had scribbled in his notebook.

Twenty-five years ago today.

Wow, sounds like an intriguing story! Twenty-Five Years Ago Today can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Audible and iBookstore. Find out more about the book HERE! 

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight! Stay tuned weekly for more Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and of course Saturday Spotlight.

Until later... Take care, God Bless and Remember.... Sometimes what we perceive as a disappointment is actually a divine delay. 

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

#ThursdayThoughts: Books, Books & More Books!

Good Morning Friends!

I've joined up with Debdatta Dasgupta Sahay and a bunch of other authors for an online event--the International Authors Day blog tour that began on Monday (the 14th) and will end on Friday the 18th (tomorrow). Each of the authors involved will tell you about their reading pleasure and ALL will be giving away books and other prizes so be sure and visit each blog!

Now about my reading habits....

I began reading around age four and am quick to admit I am a book junkie. At one time I owned a 6' x 6' book shelf filled to overflowing! That's been narrowed down over the years but books surround me wherever I am. I often say my TBR list is so extensive even my Kindle is getting heavy LOL!

Confession Time: Where others go on eating or drinking binges, I go on reading binges and there is no amount of purging to cure me of this addiction! 

Romance is my favorite genre of all times and with the exception of erotic, I read it extensively. Although I write Inspirational/Christian, I read across the board. Nora Roberts is my all-time-favorite author in the traditional romance market. Francine Rivers, Julie Lessman and of course my fellow Pelican Book Group authors top my list of favs in the Christian market. But that's not all!

I also read a ton of spiritual based nonfiction books. Max Lucado, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen are my favorites in traditional Christian nonfic, but Dr. Wayne Dyer & Marianne Williamson top the list of non-traditional spiritual authors, although I do enjoy Eckhart Tolle, Doreen Virtue, Neale Donald Walsch and many others. In fact, I'll read just about any author when it comes to spiritual literature.

Well now you know my deep, dark secret: I am a book-a-holic and proud of it!

My gift to one lucky person who participates in this tour and leaves a comment is a .....

The winner will be notified via email so PLEASE leave your email address in the comment!

Now Hop On to the Other Participating Blogs. Don't forget to Follow them and leave a Comment!

Blog Hop Hosts:
1. DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws (Host)  
2. DDS @ b00k r3vi3w Tours (Host)  
3. Eclectic Moods  
4. POLLY @ Polly Defies Gravity  
5. Vivienne Mathews @ Vivienne Mathews  
6. Nancy LaRonda Johnson @ Writer's Mark  
7. katiesalers@bookdevourer  
8. Daniel Thorne @ D. Thorne Books  
9. Her Ladyship's Quest  
10. Kateryna Kei@ Kateryna Kei's author's blog  
11. Stacey Joy Netzel  
12. Ruchi Singh @I Luv Fiction  
13. Crissi @ Crissi Langwell ~ Author  
14. Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner (INT)  
15. Theresa @ Theresa M Jones ~ author  
16. Elle Hill Blog  
17. Dormaineg@dormainegblog.blogspot.com  
18. Rupali @ Nayak Brothers  
19. Minerva @ Chica Loves to Read  
20. NatashaAhmed@DearRumi  
21. Author Rachelle Ayala  
22. Cinta @ Cinta's Corner  
23. Natalie G. Owens  
24. Rita @ Rita Lee Chapman ~ Author  
25. Argyle Doll@ Argyle Doll  
26. Massimo@ Author Massimo Marino  
27. My Devotional Thoughts  
28. Author J. L. Weaver  
29. Linda Huber Author  
30. Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff  
31. Lita's Book Blog  
32. Http://glasgowdragonfly.wordpress.com  
33. Sarah's Book Reviews  
34. Pamela S Thibodeaux  
35. Muriel @ Finding My Invincible Summer  
36. Author Tricia Schneider  
37. Elizabeth @ The Consulting Writer  
38. amy@amylpeterson  
39. Jan & Dhivya @ Readers' Muse  
40. Hannah @ The Book Tower  
41. Ryshia Kennie  
42. Kristen Taber, Author  
43. Teresa@RockspringsCrafts.com  
44. Lynn Sholes Author  
45. Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press  
46. HL Carpenter  
47. bob@gridleyfires  
48. Lynn Sholes  
49. Anubha @ Gateway to a Different World  
50. Jenn @ Book Reviews and Giveaways  
51. Shelly Hickman, Author  
52. Linzé @ Butterfly on a Broomstick  
53. Andrea Buginsky, Author  
54. Lynn Thompson Books  
55. Diane Rapp Quick Silver Novels  
56. http://www.plaintalkbm.com/bookaholic-fairies/  
57. Hope Christine  
58. http://pawilson.ca/is-reading-important  
59. My Inner Muse  
60. Lit Lovers Lane  
61. Isla Grey  
62. T. R. Graves, Author  
63. The Nancy Way  
64. One World, Many Questions  
65. Penny Estelle  
66. Summer Reading for Kids  
67. Kritika @ SoMany Books,So Little time  
68. Meredith Bond  
69. Jennifer Ellis - Writing  
70. Marie Lavender's Writing in the Modern Age  
71. The Art Of Storytelling  
72. Nyaran @ LifeGraduate  
73. Samuel Muggington's blog  
74. PRB @ One and a Half Minutes  
75. Ann Swann  
76. Life with Autism and Bipolar  
77. Christina McKnight  
78. Emma @ The Beauty Of Literature  
79. 6feetunderbooks.wordpress.com  
80. Phoebe Sean  
81. Margo @ Words, Words, Words  
82. Claudette Alexander  
83. Beverley Eikli Author  
84. Karl Schonborn  
85. Rebecca Moatz  
86. Jennifer Wendell  
87. Sara Hathaway  
88. SS Kuruganti @ Clouds in My Coffee  
89. Aniesha Brahma  
90. Michelle Howard  
91. SM Johnson Writes  
92. Book Fairy  
93. Mahasweta Mahasweta's Musings  
94. MJ Summers  
95. Diwakar Pokhriyal  
96. CrossAngels  
97. Pamela Beckford  
98. Jo Robinson @ africolonialstories  
99. http://involution-odyssey.com/blogscribe/  
100. Tamara Epps  
101. Janice Spina  
103. Karen-Anne@Karen-Anne'sBlog  
104. RT_writes  
105. Carol  
106. Edward M Wolfe  
107. Karen-Anne @ Karen-Anne's Blog  
108. Ankit Jaiswal  
109. Kishan Chand Swain @Levying Kishan  
110. Musing Of The Writing Life  
111. http://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2014/07/18/international-authors-day-july-18th/  
112. P.S.  
113. Lillian @ Mom With a Reading Problem  
114. Roberta Pearce@ Roberta Pearce  
115. Myra @ Pieces of Whimsy  
116. Nat's Book Nook  
117. Jamie @ Cute Peach  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Hurry! The blog hop only lasts through TOMORROW but if you miss out, you can still see who participated on my IDA Pinterest Board!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#TuesdayTreasure: #RockingSummerRomance with @DianaLRubino!

Good Morning Friends and Welcome to another spotlight in the Rocking Summer Romance blog hop!

Today my guest is Diana L Rubino with her book A Bloody Good Cruise.

A BLOODY GOOD CRUISE is a fun-filled blend of the vampire world and luxury cruises.

Romance author Mona is human. Ship’s doctor Fausto is a vampire. He can never be one of her kind, and she’s afraid to become one of his. As they sail the Mediterranean on a writers’ cruise, the couple is stalked by vampire hunters, and by Fausto’s notorious ex-wife, Lucrezia Borgia. Events force Mona and Fausto to team up with the hunters to capture Lucrezia, but where can they go from there? With Fausto’s friend and Mona’s editor vamping it up and hunters on the loose, can this bloody good cruise have a happy ending?

 Mona forced a dose of cheer through her jangly nerves. Vampire hunters wouldn’t have the balls to attack Fausto and his friends on this ship. Security was tight. “Well, you’re here, so does that mean you’ve been going out, and aren’t confined to your house any more?”

Fausto shrugged. “Almost. I couldn’t wallow in self-pity forever. And I knew seeing you would make it worthwhile.”

She smiled and gave him a genuine Italian cheek pinch. “I’ll cheer you up, faccia bella, you can count on that. You must feel safe.” She gestured at the tacky duds. “I mean, relatively speaking.”  

“Don’t let this scare you, but –” He glanced around over the rims of his shades. Uh-oh. Whenever he said “don’t let this scare you,” it scared her. “I got an ominous message at the doctor's office earlier.”

“What B” She swallowed a lump. “What kind of ominous message?”

He looked away, shaking his head. “Nothing to get alarmed about. The hunters just want me to know they’re here. After the initial jolt wore off, I said, ‘okay, I’m being stalked again.’ But I’m used to it. It doesn’t make me constantly look over my shoulder like in the old days. My family’s murder gave me a reality check. If they want me, they’ll get me. I can’t let it interfere with my work, or what little leisure time I have here. And you shouldn’t either.” He gazed at her adoringly and cupped her cheek. His hand was surprisingly warm. “But you’re still scared. All the blood’s drained out of your face, and not in a good way.”

A Bloody Good Cruise can be purchased on Amazon (Kindle)!

Find out more about Diana by visiting her website , blog or connect with her on twitter!

Stay tuned for more Rocking Summer Romance reads!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Spotlight: Jerome Brooke

Good Morning Friends,

I apologize for no Thursday Thoughts, I was too busy to think much less write. This morning I welcome Mr. Jerome Brooke, AKA Joan Barron to the spotlight......

Jerome Brooke lives in the Kingdom of Siam. He is the consort of Jira, a princess of the lost Kingdom of Nan. He has written The City of the Mirage and many other books.
Find out more by visiting his website and/or Facebook

How long have you been writing F&SF?
I have lived in the Kingdom of Siam for ten years. Most of my fiction writing has been done after I came here.
What is your style and goal?
I used to read lots of pulp fiction. I adapt that to my own work. I write shorter books that can be read as ebooks. Some of them are collections. Like the Conan or Sherlock Holmes tales, they can be read as solo stories.

Do you have a series?
One of my series is Astarte and her Dark Empire. The books are set eons in the future. The Elder Race are sons of Sol III. They sailed to the stars and seeded many worlds with life. They fostered many civilizations. They founded an empire ruled by Astarte the Divine.
Astarte has lived for eons, and rules many worlds. She is not loved by her subjects. She is the Destroyer of Worlds. In my The City of the Mirage she calls the Warrior to fight at her side. She is always at war with her rivals, other members of the Elder Race.

Blurb: The City of the Mirage is ruled by the Divine Astarte. She has called the man who comes to be called the Conqueror to her service. Astarte was born on our own world. Astarte rules a vast empire of the multiverse. Her race seeded many worlds with life over the eons. The Conqueror leads her legions to victory in a war against forces led by her brother.

Is it Dark Fantasy?
Yes. I did not want to have a hero was just like the people of today, and was politically correct. I wanted people who had values and  lives that were exotic.  Astarte and her subjects are often ruled by the desire for power, and by dark passions.
What is your day job? 
I am retired. I have served as City Attorney back home. I have also done rare book cataloging. I am the consort of Jira, a princess of the lost Kingdom of Nan. I have two kids.
Nan is 1000 kilometers from Bangkok, in the remote Highlands. It was long an independent kingdom, and still has its own royal family.

What are your current projects?
I have recently started a paranormal series. The first book is The Lover of the Voodoo Priestess. I wrote the book under the name Joan Barron.  
Also, The Empire of the Moon is a collection of the Histories of the Women of Darkness. The Prince of the Isles enters the circle of the Wise Women of the Goddess of the Moon. They promise him power, wealth and renown. They also call the goddess to come to his side. To her his soul is lost. Thus it was in the days of the sword.

List of Other Books by Jerome Brooke....
The Rainbow Bridge (Amazon)
Victory of the Divine Queen (Amazon)
The Chariots of Galbu (Amazon)
Oracle of the Coast (Amazon)
The Shield Maidens (Amazon)
Artemis the Huntress (Amazon)
Eaters of the Lotus (Amazon)
Astarte the Great Queen (Amazon)
Secrets of the Queen of Death (Amazon)
The Dark Empire (Amazon)
The Lost City of Ophir (Amazon)
Maiden of the Sun (Amazon)
The Lance of Power (Amazon)
Swords of Iron (Amazon)
The Hive Folk (Amazon)
Priestess of the Stone Circle (Amazon)
Morals of the Youth (Amazon)
We Call Thee (Amazon)
The Sins of the Sisterhood of the Lost Isles (Amazon)
The Sins of Sister Severs (Amazon)
Morgana the Queen (Amazon)
Evil and Desire (Amazon)
Queen of Wolves (Amazon)
Apis the Baboon God (Amazon)
Did Feast the Pack (Amazon)
The Dark Cult of Cybele (Amazon)
Apion the Beast Man (Amazon)
Love and Darkness (Amazon)
Mother Superior (Amazon)
The Sins of the Inspector of Morals (Amazon)
The Imperial Legions of Luxor (Amazon)

Wow, what an impressive list! Hope you enjoyed the spotlight friends!
Have a Blessed weekend!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

#TuesdayTreasure: #RockingSummerRomance with #LindaMcLaughlin AKA @LyndiLamont

Good Morning Friends and Welcome to another feature in the #RockingSummerRomance Blog hop!

 Back in April I hosted author Linda McLaughlin (AKA: Lindi Lamont) with her novel, Lady Ellinor's Escape, during the Egg-cerpt Exchange Blog hop, well today it is my pleasure to bring you another book by this multi-talented author!

But first, a little about Linda/Lindi.... 

 Linda McLaughlin grew up with a love of books and history, so it's only natural she prefers writing historical romance. She loves transporting her readers into the past where her characters learn that, in the journey of life, love is the sweetest reward. Linda also writes steamy to erotic romance under the name Lyndi Lamont, and is one half of the writing team of Lyn O'Farrell. You can find her online at http://lindalyndi.com Blog: http://lindalyndi.com/reading-room-blog/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LindaMcLaughlinAuthor Twitter: @Lyndi Lamont https://twitter.com/LyndiLamont

 Now some fun Q&A with Linda/Lindi....

 Q: Which comes first, characters or plot? 
A: Characters, always.

Q: Plotter, Panster, or somewhere in between? 
A: Somewhere in between. I’ve heard it called being a Puzzler.

Q: Among those that you’ve written, which is your favorite book and why? 
A: Rogue’s Hostage is my favorite. It’s the most personal, in a couple of ways. The first half is set in the area of Pittsburgh, PA., my home town. It’s also the book I was writing when my mother died, and when I finished, I realized that the heroine, Mara, is much like my mother. I just wish she had lived long enough to read the book.

Q: Have your characters ever taken over the story and moved it in a direction totally different than you had in mind? What did you do?
A: Sometimes that happens, and sometimes it’s a good thing. If not, I have to rein them in. Most often it’s one of the secondary characters trying to take over the book.

Q: Do you have a "must have" book for writing?
A: Every book requires different research, but my baby name books are always needed. I especially like the ones that include historical and ethnic background information.

Now about Rogue's Hostage....

Historical Romance
4 ½ stars and a Top Pick from Romantic Times!
Romantic Times Nominee—Best Small Press Romance of 2003!
2nd Place - Lorie Awards - Best Historical Romance!

Blurb: His hostage... In 1758 the Pennsylvania frontier is wild, primitive and dangerous, where safety often lies at the end of a gun. Mara Dupré's life crumbles when a French and Indian war party attacks her cabin, kills her husband, and takes her captive. Marching through the wilderness strengthens her resolve to flee, but she doesn't count on her captor teaching her the meaning of courage and the tempting call of desire. Her destiny... French lieutenant Jacques Corbeau's desire for his captive threatens what little honor he has left. But when Mara desperately offers herself to him in exchange for her freedom, he finds the strength to refuse and reclaims his lost self-respect. As the shadows of his past catch up to him, Jacques realizes that Mara, despite the odds, is the one true key to reclaiming his soul and banishing his past misdeeds forever. (Previously published by Amber Quill Press)

Purchase Links: Amazon, All Romance eBooks,Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords

Excerpt: Holding the towel to his shoulder, he walked over and stood by the bed to check on the woman, who was still in a faint. Despite her pallor, he noted that her skin was fine, her nose straight and thin. She had a lower lip just full enough to entice a man to taste it, and a stubborn chin that dared him to try. Under different circumstances….

She was perhaps not as lovely as he’d thought when he first saw her standing in the clearing—her hair, the color of corn silk, shining in the sunlight. Still, she was tall and fair, with slender curves and shapely ankles visible beneath the short skirts of a farm wife. .

And now she was a widow. He stared down at the woman and silently vowed to see that no more innocents died today. .

The woman gave a soft moan and opened her eyes. When she spotted him, she shrank back against the wall, arms folded defensively across her breast. His gut tightened. He didn’t enjoy terrifying women, but fear should make her easier to control. She had already proven unpredictable. .

Terror, stark and vivid, glittered in her eyes. "Who are you?"

"My name is Jacques Corbeau, lieutenant in the army of France. And you are my captive."

* * *

Mara inhaled sharply, panic building inside her. This couldn’t be real. It was all a bad dream. She would wake up soon and tell Emile about it, and they would laugh. And laugh and laugh and…. She swallowed the hysteria engulfing her.

"Madame, are you listening to me?"

The Frenchman’s voice, sharp and insistent, demanded her attention. "There is not much time. My companions are not patient men. We must leave soon, but first I want you to bind my shoulder. Where do you keep bandages?"

Her mouth and throat were dry when she swallowed, but she choked out an answer. "The trunk. Under the bed."

He squatted beside the bed, pulled out the trunk and rummaged through it. She watched his every move, unable to take her eyes off him, alarmed by the physical threat he represented.

He was a tall man who dominated the cabin as Emile never had, and his state of undress revealed nearly every inch of his lean and powerful form. Not only was he bare to the waist, but his breechclout and leggings failed to completely cover his thighs and buttocks. He had a wide-shouldered, rangy body and long, sinewy legs. He looked strong, virile, and infinitely dangerous.

A cold knot formed in Mara’s stomach. The French had killed her father and now her husband. What would they do to her?

She wrapped her arms around her waist. Her grandfather would say whatever happened was God’s will, but she rejected that idea. What kind of God allowed such awful things to happen?

Fearfully, she watched as the Frenchman shoved the trunk back under the bed and stood. He held out the bandages, and she froze. She couldn’t touch him, she just couldn’t.

The man’s heavy black brows drew together in a fierce frown, but his voice was without emotion. "Madame, I am all that stands between you and the men who killed your husband. I can be persuaded to act as your protector. It is to your advantage to do what I command."


Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this Rocking Summer Romance spotlight. Stay tuned next week for another on Tuesday Treasure then of course, check back for Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time.... Take care & God Bless!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday Spotlight: Maria Michaels and Harte's Peak

Good Morning!

I pray your July 4th weekend has started off with a bang and ends up Blessed, Safe & Happy!

Today is with great pleasure I bring to you a brand new Pelican Book Group Author and her debut PBG title!

When her dreams of achieving Rock and Roll Hall of Fame status were dashed, Maria Michaels tackled her first book in 2010, and now the people and voices that occupy her head refuse to leave. She no longer sings unless you count randomly bursting into song to annoy her children (and the dogs). Maria lives in northern California with her family, including two beagles, one who can say ‘hello’ and the other who can feel a pea through several pillows.

Find out more about Maria on her website/blog and follow her on Facebook. 

Vera Carrington loves her newly renovated home and her cafe, The Bean, but with a balloon mortgage looming over head and a man from her past ready to bounce on her misfortune, she may have to face the agonizing decision of keeping one and selling the other.
Deputy Sheriff, Ryan Colton, is a new man in Christ. His days as a flamboyant pro-circuit skier are behind him, but to help Vera keep her home and her business, he agrees to coach her for an upcoming open ski tournament. He even agrees to hand over the purse if he should win.

Can Vera beat the odds and win the tournament? Will Ryan save the day, or will they both learn to trust God, no matter the outcome?

Harte's Peak can be purchased at the following locations....

Pelican Book Group (print edition)

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this spotlight as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you! Stay tuned each week for more Tuesday Treasure, Thursday Thoughts and of course Saturday Spotlights!

Until later....take care & God Bless!