Hello Again Friends!
Please welcome Leah StJames for a special spotlight for her debut release, Surrender to Sanctuary published by The Wild Rose Press June 25th!
Author Bio: Leah's fascination with all things written began when she picked up her first Dr. Seuss book, and she has rarely been seen without a novel close at hand since. Although she's held many positions over the years, from office manager to transcript editor, writing is her passion, and after devouring every romance novel in the local library, she decided to put some of the ever-present words in her head to paper. During the course of her experimentations, she discovered that she enjoys delving into the deepest of human emotions--love and hate, bravery and cowardice, joy and despair--and how we, as human beings, relate to each other. Her greatest hope is to touch her readers' hearts and help them experience the joy that only love can bring.
Married with two grown sons, Leah is a native of the beautiful Central Jersey Shore but now enjoys the peace and quiet of Virginia's Hampton Roads.
Visit Leah at http://www.leahstjames.com/
Some doors aren't meant to be opened. . . .
A young woman is brutally murdered, her body dropped into the sea and carried by the tides onto the beach at a federal park at the Jersey Shore. Hometown investigators believe the woman simply partied too hard and fell overboard, but FBI Agents David Owens and Anna Parker know better.
David and Anna trace the victim's path from a local adult club to a dangerous and shadowed world that forces them under cover, into performances that awaken their own desires, and draw them closer to the killer. Soon they are racing against a clock set by an unknown enemy, compelled to carry out a plan that not only jeopardizes their lives, but tests their very beliefs, and their newfound love.
Shaking, she didn't realize she'd started crying until she heard the knock on her door, then David speaking.
“Anna?” He knocked again.
Swiping her fingers under her eyes, she scrambled off the bed and opened the door. He was wearing jean shorts but no shirt, and his eyes went on instant alert, skimming efficiently up and down her body as if looking for damage. Across the hall his door was open, and she could hear his TV on low, one of the political talk shows.
“What's wrong?” He pushed past her to look into her room.
“Then why are you crying?”
“I was reviewing the file.”
“See something we missed earlier?”
He moved back in front of her, still assessing her condition, and reached his hand forward, touching her shoulder. Just a feather touch that lasted only seconds before his hand fell back to his side, leaving an aching void behind.
“No. It just got to me.” She shook her head and asked, “Is there something you need?”
“I was going to ask if you wanted to go over the file together, make a plan for the meeting. But I think not. You should get some sleep.”
She shrugged and fought back another wave of angry tears. “I'm not sure I can.”
Her remark was met with silence; he just tilted his head and looked at her with those eyes that saw too much.
“Promise me one thing,” she finally said, breaking the quiet.
He tipped his head, telling her to continue.
“Promise me you'll do everything you can to get this monster.”
~~Wow - sounds like a GREAT first novel! Surrender to Sanctuary is available now from The Wild Rose Press so get your copy today!
Well friends, hope you enjoyed this special spotlight. Not much new news for me...oh yeah! Got a release date for In His Sight - July 23rd! More on that later....IMW, stay tuned for our Saturday Spotlight.
Until Later.... Take care & be BLESSED!
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Tracy Krauss
Good Morning Friends!
Please welcome to today's spotlight Tracy Krauss with her book, And the Beat goes On.
Tracy Krauss grew up in Saskatchewan and has written numerous stories, plays and novels. She received her bachelor of education in Saskatoon and has lived in several interesting spots in northern Canada with her husband and four children. Krauss is a high school teacher of English, drama and art, and lives in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia. And the Beat Goes On is the sequel to her book Play it Again. She is currently working on three other books.
Find out more about Tracy by visiting her book blog or personal blog.

Canadian archaeologist Mark Graham digs up the remains of a pterodactyl, found carefully buried next to a set of gigantic human bones. What could his finding mean? Was there a race of giant humans who existed near the time of the dinosaurs? Or is the find a carefully planned hoax?
One theory speculates the existence of a race of giants, believed to have descended from both men and gods. The race is called Nephilim, and scientists scurry to find the truth behind the bones.
As sinister forces enter the picture and Graham is deceived by friends and colleagues, he struggles to safeguard the bones and his reputation so he can learn the mystery behind the Nephilim.
And the Beat Goes On is available now at Amazon.com!
Well Friends, thanks for stopping by again to check out our Saturday Spotlight. Check back weekly for more great authors and their books!
Until later... Be Blessed!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Home Again - for a day or two...
UPDATE: No Surgery for Karson - he and his sister have STREPT again - aarrgghh!! ~ Prayers appreciated. ~ THANKS, Friends!
Hey Friends,
I'm beginning to feel like Willie Nelson...."On the road again." LOL!
I left Bandera on Monday and drove home (7hrs) and will head back tomorrow (Thursday) after my granson's eye surgery (prayers appreciated).
I wanted to have an enlightening post for you today - unfortunately there's not much to say except I'm busy, busy as usual LOL!
Oh, good news~just finished proofing the galley of In His Sight - sent changes to my editor this morning - should get a release date soon! However, you can PRE-ORDER your copy today!
Well Friends, that's about all for now. Next week I'll be back at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch and will work through July so if you've need of a vacation - C'mon out and see us!
Hey Friends,
I'm beginning to feel like Willie Nelson...."On the road again." LOL!
I left Bandera on Monday and drove home (7hrs) and will head back tomorrow (Thursday) after my granson's eye surgery (prayers appreciated).
I wanted to have an enlightening post for you today - unfortunately there's not much to say except I'm busy, busy as usual LOL!

Also, Tempered Dreams is now available on Amazon Kindle Tempered Fire & Tempered Joy should be available soon.
More good news ~ JoAnne @ Premium Promotional Services is offering a GREAT Summer Promo Deal ~You get a LOT of promo for a little cash! Get details HERE. *NOTE* regular price is $49.99 SUMMER SPECIAL is $35.00!
Well Friends, that's about all for now. Next week I'll be back at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch and will work through July so if you've need of a vacation - C'mon out and see us!
Until later...take care & be Blessed!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Rebecca Vickery!
Good Morning Friends,
Please welcome to our spotlight, Rebecca Vickery with her book, Surviving with Love.
Bio: Rebecca J. Vickery has been married to the same very patient man for 34 years and has one son and three wonderful grandchildren. She began reading and writing at an early age and thought she had died and gone to Heaven when she started school and found the library with all those wonderful books to read. Since then it has been her dream to entertain and inform others with the written word.
Blurb: Surviving With Love
Sparks fly when Stacey Parker meets ex-military hostage rescuer, Cord McConnell. She soon wonders if they will survive their assignment in the wilderness without killing each other.
Cord McConnell felt someone step from the woods. He wasn’t prepared for the sight of a young female with a wild mane of strawberry blond curls who claimed to be his tracker.
“I won’t wait on you if you fall behind and I don’t like whiners. I’m in charge and you do exactly as I say, regardless. Understand?”
“I won’t wait on you if you fall behind either, and whining is for dogs. You’re welcome to be in charge and I’ll follow orders when I agree with them,” She walked from the clearing without waiting to see what this macho jerk in charge would do next.
Surviving with Love is available in Ebook & Print - find it at Smashwords, Amazon/Kindle, Amazon/Print, Barnes & Noble
Find out more about Rebecca by visiting her website, Romance with a Twist, or her blogs: http://www.rebeccajvickery.blogspot.com/ OR http://booksbyrebecca.wordpress.com/
Well friends, hope you enjoyed this spotlight. Stay tuned for another great author and his or her book next week!
Until later...Be Blessed!
Please welcome to our spotlight, Rebecca Vickery with her book, Surviving with Love.
Bio: Rebecca J. Vickery has been married to the same very patient man for 34 years and has one son and three wonderful grandchildren. She began reading and writing at an early age and thought she had died and gone to Heaven when she started school and found the library with all those wonderful books to read. Since then it has been her dream to entertain and inform others with the written word.
Blurb: Surviving With Love
Sparks fly when Stacey Parker meets ex-military hostage rescuer, Cord McConnell. She soon wonders if they will survive their assignment in the wilderness without killing each other.
Cord McConnell felt someone step from the woods. He wasn’t prepared for the sight of a young female with a wild mane of strawberry blond curls who claimed to be his tracker.
“I won’t wait on you if you fall behind and I don’t like whiners. I’m in charge and you do exactly as I say, regardless. Understand?”
“I won’t wait on you if you fall behind either, and whining is for dogs. You’re welcome to be in charge and I’ll follow orders when I agree with them,” She walked from the clearing without waiting to see what this macho jerk in charge would do next.
Surviving with Love is available in Ebook & Print - find it at Smashwords, Amazon/Kindle, Amazon/Print, Barnes & Noble
Find out more about Rebecca by visiting her website, Romance with a Twist, or her blogs: http://www.rebeccajvickery.blogspot.com/ OR http://booksbyrebecca.wordpress.com/
Well friends, hope you enjoyed this spotlight. Stay tuned for another great author and his or her book next week!
Until later...Be Blessed!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ranch Update
Howdy Friends!
Okay here's what you've all been waiting for - an update from the beautiful Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, TX.
Been up here about 3 weeks and I'm lovin every minute of it. The work is not difficult, but after sitting behind a desk for 20+ yrs - I must say the physical exertion is exhilrating and exhausting.
As you can see the view up here is breathtaking....
Okay here's what you've all been waiting for - an update from the beautiful Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, TX.
Been up here about 3 weeks and I'm lovin every minute of it. The work is not difficult, but after sitting behind a desk for 20+ yrs - I must say the physical exertion is exhilrating and exhausting.
The swimming pool is great after a long day of cleaning or cooking. But horseback riding is the most fun!
As you can see the view up here is breathtaking....
Is it any wonder I feel closer to God?
Well Friends, that's a quick update. I'll be here through July so I'll post another update soon.
IMW, take care, stay in touch and remember....the kingdom of God is within.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Jon Guenther
Good Morning!
Today please welcome to our spotlight, Jon Guenther with his book, Soul Runner.
Jon Guenther is the author of more than 30 action-adventure novels, and has written for series that have sold millions of copies worldwide! His experiences as a soldier, firefighter and paramedic—coupled with his expertise in martial arts and military history—lend tremendous credibility to his novels. Mr. Guenther and his family make their home on a high-desert ranch in central New Mexico. Find out more by visiting the author’s web site at http://guenfire.com/.
Blurb: A secret organization. . .
One heroic man of God. . .
One courageous woman of faith. . .
And 10 million persecuted Christians.
The year is 1988. As a former Hasidic Jew raised in the Bronx, Dr. Abram Aronsfeld is no stranger to trouble.
Now the secret organization called ARK is sending him into Communist-controlled Romania to rescue the beautiful Ileana Tarus, a Christian gypsy who possesses information critical to ARK’s intelligence operations. Spearheading the subjugation of her people is the evil Drago Profis, an industrial despot backed by the current regime.
When Bram realizes that it’s not just Ileana but her whole village that needs rescuing, the two will embark on a perilous adventure from which only their foolhardy courage and Almighty God can save them all!
Sounds like an intriguing adventure!
Hope you enjoyed this week's edition of Saturday Spotlight - stay tuned next week for another great author with his/her book.
Until later....take care & Be Blessed!
Today please welcome to our spotlight, Jon Guenther with his book, Soul Runner.
Jon Guenther is the author of more than 30 action-adventure novels, and has written for series that have sold millions of copies worldwide! His experiences as a soldier, firefighter and paramedic—coupled with his expertise in martial arts and military history—lend tremendous credibility to his novels. Mr. Guenther and his family make their home on a high-desert ranch in central New Mexico. Find out more by visiting the author’s web site at http://guenfire.com/.
Blurb: A secret organization. . .
One heroic man of God. . .
One courageous woman of faith. . .
And 10 million persecuted Christians.
The year is 1988. As a former Hasidic Jew raised in the Bronx, Dr. Abram Aronsfeld is no stranger to trouble.
Now the secret organization called ARK is sending him into Communist-controlled Romania to rescue the beautiful Ileana Tarus, a Christian gypsy who possesses information critical to ARK’s intelligence operations. Spearheading the subjugation of her people is the evil Drago Profis, an industrial despot backed by the current regime.
When Bram realizes that it’s not just Ileana but her whole village that needs rescuing, the two will embark on a perilous adventure from which only their foolhardy courage and Almighty God can save them all!
Sounds like an intriguing adventure!
Hope you enjoyed this week's edition of Saturday Spotlight - stay tuned next week for another great author with his/her book.
Until later....take care & Be Blessed!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Special Spotlight - Tanya Hanson!
Hello Again from Bandera, TX!
I know I promised you a blog post from the Silver Spur and I'll get to it - Promise! But today I wanted to share with you a special spotlight.
Tanya Hanson writes historical western romances and is one of the fillies at Petticoats and Pistols. I've known Tanya only through the internet until The Wild Rose Press "Saddle Up & Write" Retreat - where we met face to face!
Tanya's book, Hearts Crossing Ranch was the runner up in White Rose Press's Hearts Crossing contest - and although she didn't win the contest, she was offered a contract - and thus, her FIRST contemporary inspirational romace hit the virtual shelves on June 4th!
So without much further ado, here's Tanya......
Tanya Hanson lives on California’s central coast and enjoys travel with her firefighter hubby. Next up is a wagon train trip around the Tetons, hence the inspiration for Heart Crossing Ranch’s setting. Her career as a high school American Lit teacher helped with insights for Kenn Martin, hero of the story.
Multi-published in mainstream Western historical romance, she began to seriously consider inspirational romance during her husband’s near-fatal illness two years ago. Grateful to the Lord for her guy’s return to full health, she also lauds Him for the “Hearts Crossing Contest” which gave her the opportunity to combine her love of the West with Christian themes. Sincere thanks go to editor and artist Nicola Martinez for the beautiful cover design and for acquiring Tanya’s contest runner-up. When she’s not plotting stories about Kenn’s seven siblings, she’s busy spoiling her three-year old grandson, the newest love of her life. Find out more about Tanya and her books at her website: http://www.tanyahanson.com/
A beautiful city slicker and a rugged cowboy…The perfect Wild West adventure.
Cowboy Kenn Martin bears the guilt for allowing a coach to ruin his younger brother’s bright athletic future. Feeling unworthy of any happiness, he’s lost his faith in relationships and in God. When he meets Christy Forrest, he begins to hope for redemption but soon learns his past mistakes aren't something she'll easily forgive.
On the Colorado wagon train adventure planned by her late father, landscape designer Christy Forrest seeks to find peace in the nature she loves. However, she can't let go of her anger at the drunk driver who killed her dad—or the woman who did nothing to stop the man from driving. Falling for Kenn Martin begins to lighten her heart…until she realizes the handsome cowboy carries heavy a burden all his own—a burden she’s not sure she can accept.
Excerpt: “ Have you thought about staying on?” Kenn asked.
She fought for the correct reply, not wanting to sound eager. Or reluctant. Both emotions scrambled together in her heart. “I can’t deny I’m intrigued. But there’s my job. And my mom.”
“Do you think she’s worried about you? Our no cell phone rule, I mean.”
“Sure.” Christy shrugged, her throat tightening. She hadn’t given Mom much thought for a while, and guilt washed over her. “She worries about everything. And it confuses me so much. She’s supposed to be this strong Christian woman, yet she can’t seem to trust God’s will at all.”
Kenn sighed, long and loud. “I think I’ve learned faith isn’t some pinnacle you reach where you get to stay forever. There are hills and valleys all over the place.”
His quick glance stopped her heart before he looked away, as if ready to bare his soul. For a flash, she wondered if he was about to reveal to her the load Kelley had hinted at.
Christy’s voice was soft. “You think you’ll ever reach the pinnacle again? Once you land in a valley?” For some reason, today had her feeling the valley of the shadows might be a thing of the past. Or at least she was on her way upward. It wasn’t mere coincidence or habit, was it, which had her beseech God at the moment she needed Him?
“I don’t know.” Kenn’s forlorn voice touched her heart as their gazes traveled the shoreline to land on Bragg, who was busy showing Mitchell how to cast a fly rod. Maybe God had led her here to Hearts Crossing to find her own peace and to help Kennedy Martin regain his faith.
Wow, can't wait to read this one! Tanya is having a contest on her Hearts Crossing Ranch blog so run over there and see what's going on!
Well Friends, hope you enjoy this special spotlight - check back Saturday for our weekly spotlight.
Until later....Be Blessed!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday Spotlight - Anne Patrick
Good Morning and welcome to our first Saturday Spotlight from Bandera, Texas!
Today's spotlight is author Anne Patrick with her book, Ties That Bind
Anne Patrick, author of ‘Sweet’ Edge of Your Seat Romantic Suspense, has penned more than a dozen novels. She’s a confessed suspense junkie with a bad habit of mixing chocolate and diet colas when writing which can, and often does, lead to mayhem. Anne has an alter ego by the name of Kinzie Monroe, who writes Inspirational Romance. Anne, you might say, is the dark side of Kinzie. Anne’s books may be darker in subject matter, but they all carry messages of hope and faith.
When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling to other countries to experience new cultures. She loves hearing from her readers and can be contacted through her website: http://www.annepatrick.weebly.com/ or blog: http://www.suspensebyanne.blogspot.com/
Sheriff Austin Garrett enlists the help of FBI profiler, Jo McDaniels, to help him solve a string of murders plaguing his community. Unlike most profilers Jo has an unusual gift that allows her to get to know the victims better than anyone else. She not only feels their emotions; she feels their pain. But the last time she relied on her physic ability it almost cost her career as well as her sanity. As the case progresses and the body count rises they soon realize that Jo’s sanity isn’t all that is at risk. She has become the killer’s ultimate kill.
Austin watched as the beautiful young agent examined the body. He waited for her to flinch or to show some facial reaction to the horrific sight, but none came. How could she not be affected by what she saw? More than half a dozen men so far had lost a meal at one time or another over the course of the last two weeks, including him, yet she knelt there, her eyes fixed on the body as if it were someone merely sleeping. Curious as to what she found so fascinating, he crept further down the incline, using the cover of the trees to obscure his location. Judging from the puzzled expression on the face of the ME.s assistant, he seemed just as intrigued by the woman’s behavior as he stood quietly to one side, his eyes leveled on her.
After several seconds, the agent slid the sheet back to reveal the length of the victim.
Then leaning over the body she appeared to be checking the ankles for any signs of ligature marks. Had she asked, he could have told her there weren’t any on either the ankles or the wrists. Decapitation was the only visible sign of injury on all of the victims. He watched as she moved to the feet and toes, taking note of how careful she was not to touch the body. Not that it mattered, he suspected, like the others, the body would reveal no trace evidence or finger prints that would lead them to the killer.
“Sheriff, could I see you a minute,” Jo asked.
He stepped out into the open just as she turned, still squatting next to the body. “Find something?”
“Actually it’s something you’d already found.” She carefully lifted the woman’s hand.
“The finger nails. You mentioned in your report that you suspected they’d been clipped to eliminate trace evidence.”
“Yeah. So?”
“So what if he did it so as to obscure their identities as well?”
“How’s getting rid of their nails going to hinder the identity process?”
“Not so much their physical identity, but the lifestyle they led,” she answered. Taking the
Woman’s hand, Jo held it so that he could view the tips of the fingers. “When I first reviewed the file you sent, I suspected these women were prostitutes and that’s why they hadn’t been reported missing. But what if they aren’t? Notice how the cuticles are trimmed but the polish has been removed. This woman has had regular manicures.”
“If these women are likely to be missed, then why haven’t they been reported missing?”
“I’ve been giving that some thought,” Jo said and carefully replaced the woman’s hand.
She then turned, her elbows resting on her knees, and gazed up at him, “What if they aren’t missing yet?”
“A vacation or a business trip?”
She shrugged her shoulder. “Could be.”
He grinned. “Thanks, Jo.” The corner of her mouth came up, as did one eyebrow, and he realized what he’d just done. “Or would you rather I call you Special Agent McDaniels? I’d hate to get my ass kicked by a girl.”
The smile that followed was like a ray of sunshine after a day’s downpour. “Jo is fine.” Then just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, as her gaze returned to the headless corpse.
Whew! Sounds like an intriguing read!
Ties That Bind is available in Ebook from Awe-Struck Publishing and will be available in print
come July!
Well Friends, that wraps up another edition of Saturday Spotlight. I have a wagon load of stuff to tell you about my experiences here in Bandera so check back often!
Until later....take care & Be BLESSED!
Today's spotlight is author Anne Patrick with her book, Ties That Bind
Anne Patrick, author of ‘Sweet’ Edge of Your Seat Romantic Suspense, has penned more than a dozen novels. She’s a confessed suspense junkie with a bad habit of mixing chocolate and diet colas when writing which can, and often does, lead to mayhem. Anne has an alter ego by the name of Kinzie Monroe, who writes Inspirational Romance. Anne, you might say, is the dark side of Kinzie. Anne’s books may be darker in subject matter, but they all carry messages of hope and faith.
When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling to other countries to experience new cultures. She loves hearing from her readers and can be contacted through her website: http://www.annepatrick.weebly.com/ or blog: http://www.suspensebyanne.blogspot.com/
Sheriff Austin Garrett enlists the help of FBI profiler, Jo McDaniels, to help him solve a string of murders plaguing his community. Unlike most profilers Jo has an unusual gift that allows her to get to know the victims better than anyone else. She not only feels their emotions; she feels their pain. But the last time she relied on her physic ability it almost cost her career as well as her sanity. As the case progresses and the body count rises they soon realize that Jo’s sanity isn’t all that is at risk. She has become the killer’s ultimate kill.
Austin watched as the beautiful young agent examined the body. He waited for her to flinch or to show some facial reaction to the horrific sight, but none came. How could she not be affected by what she saw? More than half a dozen men so far had lost a meal at one time or another over the course of the last two weeks, including him, yet she knelt there, her eyes fixed on the body as if it were someone merely sleeping. Curious as to what she found so fascinating, he crept further down the incline, using the cover of the trees to obscure his location. Judging from the puzzled expression on the face of the ME.s assistant, he seemed just as intrigued by the woman’s behavior as he stood quietly to one side, his eyes leveled on her.
After several seconds, the agent slid the sheet back to reveal the length of the victim.
Then leaning over the body she appeared to be checking the ankles for any signs of ligature marks. Had she asked, he could have told her there weren’t any on either the ankles or the wrists. Decapitation was the only visible sign of injury on all of the victims. He watched as she moved to the feet and toes, taking note of how careful she was not to touch the body. Not that it mattered, he suspected, like the others, the body would reveal no trace evidence or finger prints that would lead them to the killer.
“Sheriff, could I see you a minute,” Jo asked.
He stepped out into the open just as she turned, still squatting next to the body. “Find something?”
“Actually it’s something you’d already found.” She carefully lifted the woman’s hand.
“The finger nails. You mentioned in your report that you suspected they’d been clipped to eliminate trace evidence.”
“Yeah. So?”
“So what if he did it so as to obscure their identities as well?”
“How’s getting rid of their nails going to hinder the identity process?”
“Not so much their physical identity, but the lifestyle they led,” she answered. Taking the
Woman’s hand, Jo held it so that he could view the tips of the fingers. “When I first reviewed the file you sent, I suspected these women were prostitutes and that’s why they hadn’t been reported missing. But what if they aren’t? Notice how the cuticles are trimmed but the polish has been removed. This woman has had regular manicures.”
“If these women are likely to be missed, then why haven’t they been reported missing?”
“I’ve been giving that some thought,” Jo said and carefully replaced the woman’s hand.
She then turned, her elbows resting on her knees, and gazed up at him, “What if they aren’t missing yet?”
“A vacation or a business trip?”
She shrugged her shoulder. “Could be.”
He grinned. “Thanks, Jo.” The corner of her mouth came up, as did one eyebrow, and he realized what he’d just done. “Or would you rather I call you Special Agent McDaniels? I’d hate to get my ass kicked by a girl.”
The smile that followed was like a ray of sunshine after a day’s downpour. “Jo is fine.” Then just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, as her gaze returned to the headless corpse.
Whew! Sounds like an intriguing read!
Ties That Bind is available in Ebook from Awe-Struck Publishing and will be available in print
come July!
Well Friends, that wraps up another edition of Saturday Spotlight. I have a wagon load of stuff to tell you about my experiences here in Bandera so check back often!
Until later....take care & Be BLESSED!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shoulda Been a Cowgirl!
Hello Friends,
Well, I've either made it to heaven or jumped off the deep end into insanity - I'll let YOU decide which LOL!
As you may well know, I attended The Wild Rose Press's Saddle Up & Write Retreat 4/30-5/1 at the beautiful Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, TX. As I mentioned in a previous post, Bandera has always held a piece of my heart. I visited there often as a child with my grandparents and my Tempered Series is set in Bandera.
Anyway, I felt more alive in those 3 days than I've felt in months! Now instead of a piece of my heart, Bandera owns a huge chunk.
Until later....take care & Be BLESSED! and remember, the Tempered Series is now available for Kindle for only $1.99 each! (well at least 2 of them - the rest will be up ASAHP)
Well, I've either made it to heaven or jumped off the deep end into insanity - I'll let YOU decide which LOL!
As you may well know, I attended The Wild Rose Press's Saddle Up & Write Retreat 4/30-5/1 at the beautiful Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, TX. As I mentioned in a previous post, Bandera has always held a piece of my heart. I visited there often as a child with my grandparents and my Tempered Series is set in Bandera.
Anyway, I felt more alive in those 3 days than I've felt in months! Now instead of a piece of my heart, Bandera owns a huge chunk.
So, after returning home I contacted the ranch manager, filled out an application for a summer position and here I am! once again at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch!
I'll be working through June and July, maybe longer....well that is if you call, serving guests, cleaning, food prep, and horseback riding work LOL!
Personally I think it'll be loads of fun too.
One thing I'm certain of, God is in this place~I see/feel Him everywhere...in the beautiful hills, those gorgeous sunrises & sunsets.
Now, I know He is all around me every minute and every where I go, but this place is so peaceful, so beautiful and I'm hoping to REALLY connect with Him in a deeper, more intimate way and praying He will reveal His purpose for my life. After all, for 20 yrs. Terry/my marriage was my purpose. Now that's gone. Over. Kaput. Finished. and many days I feel as though I'm floundering - treading water with no REAL purpose.
I brought my camera and will be posting right here occasionally to fill you in on the details of my experience, so hang around or just check back often.
Until later....take care & Be BLESSED! and remember, the Tempered Series is now available for Kindle for only $1.99 each! (well at least 2 of them - the rest will be up ASAHP)
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