Hello Friends,
Today I have a very special guest with a very special book which is on virtual tour from
Kathy Carlton Willis Communications.
Award-winning author Kathi Macias has written almost 30 books, including
Beyond Me, How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I'm Surrounded by Loose Cannons?, the best-selling devotional
A Moment a Day, and the popular "Matthews" mystery novels. She has written commentary for Thomas Nelson's Spirit-Filled Life Bible (Student Edition) and was part of the devotional writing team for Zondervan's New Women's Devotional Bible. She has ghostwritten for several prominent individuals including Josh McDowell. Kathi has won many awards, including the Angel Award from Excellence in Media, fiction awards from the San Diego Christian Writers Guild, and the grand prize in an international writing contest. A mother and grandmother, Kathi and her husband, Al, call California home.
About Mothers of the Bible: (Homeland, CA) - If you've ever wished for a real live interview from an experienced mother found in God's Word, you'll be thrilled with the message of Kathi Macias' new book, Mothers of the Bible Speak to Mothers of Today. Thankfully the trials, heartaches and transitions mothers face are not new to this generation. Traveling back in time with Eve, Hannah, Sarah, Mary and others, readers will recognize the common struggles that still plague our world today.
This hardback gift book gently calls women to study the lives of biblical moms who were challenged with their own set of circumstances. From fear to insecurities, heartbreak to disappointments -- Kathi's words capture the heart of every woman with hope and encouragement to become the mother God wants them to be. After studying these fifteen biblical mothers, readers will have a solid example of biblical parenting. At the end of each chapter, mothers will find a special place for prayer and application.
A Note from the Author: As a wife, mother, grandmother--and yes, even a great-grandmother to two-year-old Isaiah--you'd think I'd have this "mom" thing wired by now, wouldn't you? Surprise! We never get too old to learn, and what I learned in my study of Mothers of the Bible has enriched nearly every area and relationship of my life. God loves mothers. We were His idea, after all! And His purpose for our lives as mothers unfolds in beauty and meaning as we listen to the words of the mothers of the Bible....
Excerpt I can think of no more awesome an experience than the birth of my first child. At the young and naïve age of eighteen, it was the most joyous, as well as the most terrifying thing that had ever happened to me. It was as if I were experiencing love for the very first time as I gazed at that precious little life that had been entrusted to me by God. And I thought, What in the world do I do now? How do I care for him? How do I make sure I'm doing everything right? What if--God forbid--I do something wrong?
Now, two more sons, nine grandchildren, and nearly four decades later, I smile at the memory, knowing those babies weren't quite as fragile as I'd once imagined. But I can't help but wonder how much more challenging and overwhelming motherhood must have been for Eve, who was not only the first woman but also the first mother. What can women today learn about mothering from studying the life of this exiled Garden dweller who had no role model to imitate, no how-to-be-a-good-mom books to read? Quite a bit, I believe. Let's take a look.
Eve, whose name means "life giver," was the only woman ever to become a mother without first having had a mother of her own. In fact, not only did Eve not have a mother, she also had no sisters, aunts, grandmothers, or girlfriends to turn to for advice. In short, she had no role models and no one with whom to compare notes.
She had Adam, of course, who, like her, had been made in the image of God. She had the greatest assortment of pets anyone could ever imagine. And, of course, she had her relationship with God. But as we know from the creation account in Genesis, all of Eve's relationships changed because of sin.
How alone she must have felt once those relationships were no longer perfect. And how frightened and overwhelmed she must have been when her two oldest sons, Cain and Abel, were born, thrusting her into an entirely new realm of responsibility. I am quite sure that more than once throughout the ensuing years she heard God's words echoing in her mind: "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children" (Genesis 3:16). By the time Eve's children were grown and she had experienced the horror of her oldest son murdering his younger brother, she must have realized that the truth of God's words tying together pain and motherhood didn't stop at childbirth. The same is true for mothers today, as we will see as we look at Eve's life...as well as the lives of other mothers of the Bible, who will speak to us from centuries past.
What a lovely book!
Hope you've enjoyed this special guest. Stay tuned for more guests in the future and be sure and stop by for my Saturday Spotlight where I host a different author every week!
Until later.....
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" TM