Hope your Easter is Blessed & Happy!
Today's spotlight is fellow TWRP author, LM Gonzales and her book, Too Late for Romance.

L. M. Gonzalez lives in South Texas with her two sons. She obtained a degree in Business Administration because her dad advised her to "get a trade". However, in 1976 she wrote her first story and has continued writing stories since then. In 2001 she joined Romance Writers of America and her local chapter. This was the year that she decided to pursue publication of her stories. L. M. loves to write stories about Latinas, their lives and their loves, as well as about motherhood and single parenting.
BLURB: ROSES BLOOM. Gloria Amaya wants her rose garden to flourish. She hires a gardener to help her. When she meets Matt, thoughts of her dying rose bushes wilt to the ground. Immediately attracted to him, she kisses him and melts.
LOVE BLOSSOMS. Matt Cerda knows everything about gardens as he has been working with plants, flowers and other green living things since he was a little boy. However, when he meets Gloria, he realizes that hers is one garden that needs more than a little tender loving care. And the lady could use it, too.
Matters are complicated when her sons and his daughters get in an uproar with Matt and Gloria in the middle of it. Health issues, job insecurities and phobias cause more difficulties for the couple. Can Gloria and Matt weed through all this baggage and allow their love to blossom?
Excerpt: Gloria watched his smooth brown throat. “Do you want another one? Though I don't think you should drink it so fast,” Gloria could have bitten her tongue out for sounding like a mother hen.
“No, thanks. Maybe later.” Matt's dark chocolate eyes twinkled at her, as if he knew her thoughts and strolled back to labor in her yard. He turned to look at her. “So, did she die?”
“No, I divorced her, or, I divorced her son, my ex.”
“Ah.” Matt smiled and went back to work.
What did that smile mean, Gloria wondered? And “Ah”. What did that mean?
She busied herself in the kitchen, getting the chicken ready. Where was Gordy? Surely, taking a class off his schedule didn't take so long. Did it? Well, he had said the line to see the counselor was long.
Once she put the chicken in the oven to bake, Gloria grabbed a novel she had been trying to finish reading. The author wrote long boring speeches about the universe and the duties of a woman. She was ready to throw the book against the nearest wall. Still, she hated to stop reading a book before she finished it. However boring the book might have been in parts, soon, engrossed in it, she almost missed Matt's knock.
“Gloria?” Matt called and rapped on the patio door again.
She jumped to her feet, laying the book on the coffee table. Without thinking, her hands went up to smooth her hair and gather it up more tightly in the gold clip she wore. She opened the door and stepped outside.
“So, what do you want to do about these roses? Mow ‘em down, too?” Matt asked.
LM Gonzales....Writing stories by and about Latinas and their lives and loves.
Well that wraps it up for another Saturday Spotlight!
Until later...take care and God Bless!