Good Morning,
We're certainly feeling the Christmas weather here in SW Louisiana. As promised, we're doing all Christmas till Christmas (actually through New Years but whose counting, right? LOL!). Today's guest is not new to us. She has been in our spotlight, shared words, thoughts and treasures with us so please welcome Carol James back to share something about Christmas.....
Waiting for Christmas
“How much longer?”
In the days leading up to Christmas, my mother heard this question so many times, she was probably sick of it. Through the eyes of a child, those few days between the end of school and Christmas was an eternity.
Every morning, I would go downstairs and turn on the Christmas tree lights. I’d double-check all the packages underneath to make certain they were arranged with the larger ones in the back and the smaller ones in front. I’d confirm all the name tags were visible so we’d be ready when Christmas finally arrived.
As carols played in the background, I’d remove the delicate characters from the nativity set, dust them off, and then replace them one at a time, careful to position the small statues so each one’s gaze fell on the Christ Child. As an illustration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, I’d make certain some of the animals were grazing unafraid close to the manger.
Finally, I’d turn on the soft ivory bulb in the back of the little stable and blanket the scene with a warm, welcoming glow. And all was done. All was ready. And then I would wait. Until the next day. When I’d start my preparations all over again.
“How much longer?”
How many times the Israelites must have asked that question in the hundreds of years between the promise of the Messiah and His coming. Did they prepare their hearts and lives daily for His impending arrival?
I’m sure some did. But in the space between a promise and its fulfillment, God may seem silent. And keeping a sense of expectation can be difficult, if not impossible.
“How much longer?”
How many times have you asked yourself that question? You have a dream, a desire, a ministry God has placed in your heart. Yet you feel caught in those years between Malachi and Matthew. And God seems silent.
Know this, time spent waiting on God is never wasted. He has a reason for the silence. Use the time to prepare. Whatever your dream, study, practice, and learn to be the best “whatever” you can be.
My mother was wise. She’d call me into the kitchen and put me to work helping decorate the Christmas cookies we gave our friends and neighbors as gifts. She knew the best way to wait was to work.
So decorate your cookies, dust off your nativity, and arrange your packages, because your Christmas is coming.
Carol James is an author of Redemptive Romance. She lives in a small town outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Jim, and a perky Jack Russell "Terrorist," Zoe.
Having always loved intriguing stories with happy endings, she was moved to begin writing to encourage others as she'd been encouraged by the works of other authors of inspirational fiction.
You can connect with Carol at:
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Novelist Olivia St. Madeleine is intrigued by a handsome and mysterious stranger she sees when she’s Christmas shopping. Who exactly is he, and what is his story?
Gabriel Winter definitely has a story. One he's been running from for years. He’s renovating a house next door to a friendly and persuasive grandmother, who is, unbeknownst to him, Olivia's Nana.
Through Nana’s insistence, Liv helps Gabe wallpaper and paint, and in return Gabe fulfills one of Liv’s secret childhood dreams.
But past hurts and secrets threaten to drive them apart rather than draw them together.
they find the courage to share their secrets with each other and with God, and
allow Him to redeem Christmas?
Pam, thanks so much for letting me visit your blog and letting me share.
Many, many times I forget my own mantra -- "Wait on the Lord". With how much I say it, you'd think I would remember it for myself. Thank you for the post. I needed to hear that today.
Kara, I think we all need to hear that! Not only at Christmas, but all year long!
Sounds like a lovely Christmas story! Good luck with it.
Jennifer W, thanks so much.
Hi, Carol. Thanks for sharing and have a Merry Christmas🎄
Carol, I love this post. SO much. This is what we should be doing, waiting on the Lord for the fulfillment of our dreams. What a beautiful devotional thought, thanks.
DV, thanks for your comment. Have a Merry Christmas, too.
Thanks so much for your comment. That means a lot to me. I’m really glad you enjoyed the post.
wonderful post! I do like your comments that time spent waiting on God is never wasted!
wishing you continued good luck with your book.
What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing!
Barbara, thanks. But I must confess, I’m preaching to myself. LOL
Alina, thanks for your kind words.
Congrats, Carol. Perfect for the holidays.
Thanks, Jacqueline. Have a Merry Christmas.
Oh, the waiting places of life. Good to see you here Carol.
Thanks for stopping by.
The anticipation is often an important part of the experience.
Mary, yes. You are so right.
So sweet
Thanks for stopping by. I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Wonderful post. Wise, inspirational words. And your book sounds fabulous. Congrats and best wishes!
Alicia, thanks for your encouraging words. Thanks for stopping by.
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