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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday Thoughts: Waiting.....

Waiting.....something we can all relate to. But how do you keep the faith when waiting seems to take so much energy?!

The word Patience comes to mind and of course that is followed by.... I want patience and I want it now!

I told you this post would sometimes be random ramblings LOL!

Seriously though...for the last 8 days my family has been waiting on some medical test results.... waiting... we were told these things take a "couple" of days.


How can we keep our peace and trust and faith when what should take a couple or few drags into 7 or 8 or more?

The bible tells us that "now" faith is.... 

One way to cultivate patience is to stay focused in the "now."

I know, I know....easier said than done but try! Every time your mind wanders into the 'what if' or 'when' or past or future...take a deep breath and gently pull your thoughts back into the present moment and while you're at it say a quick prayer or affirmation.

Can't say this solves all problems -- yet. But it sure helps with the waiting!

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 

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