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Friday, March 28, 2008

Reviewers "Top Pick" @ Night Owl Romance!

Well Friends I'm honored and humbled yet again.....

My latest release, A Hero for Jessica, has received "Reviewer's Top Pick" award from Gail @ Night Owl Romance and is already on the "Current Best Seller" list for TWRP's Inspirational line!

Read the review here!

Thank You, Gail!

Thank YOU, God.

Until later remember....You are somebody's hero!
Get your copy of A Hero for Jessica today!

"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Life & Times of A Writer

Hello Friends!

Here’s hoping your Easter weekend was Happy and BLESSED!

If you read my post, A Day in the Life of This Writer, you got a glimpse of my daily schedule. I guess you could say this post is an extension of that one.

Every author is encouraged, no-expected, to promote themselves and their work. “People buy authors!” is a favorite saying of Suzanne James, the Owner of Enspiren Press.

Some may wonder how to go about promoting oneself. Interviews, guest blogging, and chats are just a few of the means by which I do this. But, once scheduled, how do you let people know what’s happening?

Although I post information in different ways, this question has haunted me. Even if I announce to my different groups, MySpace, Shoutlife and other venues, it is virtually impossible to let everyone know!

Well, I may have come up with a little better, somewhat more efficient means to let people know what’s happening and where I’ll be.

Today, I want to share with you my new Schedule of Events.

Posted at my on the right just below Other Places You Can Find Me, is a list of interviews, guest blogs, and other events happening in my writing career at sites that may interest you….not just because I’m there LOL! but because these are interesting places to visit.

Well friends, that’s about all for now!

Until later…take care, God Bless and remember….YOU Are somebody’s hero.
A Hero for Jessica available March 26th from The Wild Rose Press!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Remembering my First Love

Hello Dear Friends,

The bible talks often about not forgetting God and all of His benefits and warns us to return to our first love. This advice should be applied to all areas of your life. I bet you’re wondering where this blog post is going. No, I’m not about to preach you a sermon, LOL, but I am going to share something that I learned this past weekend with you.

Ever been overwhelmed by some chore or project?

That’s exactly what happened to me this past weekend. I attended yet another chat on promotion and it seems that the more I know or learn about the art of promotion, the more there is to learn—and every bit of it is imperative if I want to become ‘famous’ in the eyes of book buyers/sellers. Piled on top of that, I just received the edits back on my 4th Tempered book and my editor informed me that she would be done with the 2nd round of edits on The Visionary within a week or two.

Although all knowledge is valuable, all that information compiled with my existing commitments became overwhelming. So overwhelming in fact that I had a headache, the thought of doing anything was exhausting, and I seriously considered tearing up my ‘to do’ list and canceling everything I had planned for the year!

Thankfully that was a fleeting thought-though the headache and exhaustion lasted all day Saturday and into Sunday, which left me incapable of accomplishing hardly anything. But the incident brought to light another time when I felt overwhelmed by the promotion aspect and the Holy Spirit gently reminded me that I’d prayed for God to move my books and that the frustration and sense of being overwhelmed was an indication that I had gotten off into works of the flesh. That thought quickly rolled into another…

Forget not your first love.

Although that exhortation in the bible means Jesus, this instance reminded me that my first love is writing. I realized that not only had I forgotten my first love – writing, I’d been neglecting my relationship with Him in a super-human effort to promote myself into ‘famous’ status.

So I’ve made a decision. I’m returning to my first love, writing (in this case, editing) and then when I’m done with my edits, I’ll get back to promoting and work on that ‘to do’ list. After all, like many of you, my time is limited….a couple of hours in the morning, a couple in the evening and a few on weekends and I must be a good steward of my time by not ignoring the loved ones in my life including my First Love.

Especially my First Love!

So if my blog posts are sporadic and irregular, you know why.

Friday I’ll be at Love Romance Café Yahoo loop for a chat @ 7pm CST and on Saturday I’m guest blogging at Petticoats & Pistols. Hope to see you there!

Until later take care, Have a BLESSED and Happy Easter! and remember….forget not the Lord your God and all His benefits.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”

PS: Don’t forget, my short story A Hero for Jessica will be available on Wednesday, March 26th from The Wild Rose Press!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Featured Author Day @ REO Cancelled!

Hello Friends!

In my previous post I announced that I would be at Romance Excerpts Only Yahoo Loop on Thursday, March 13.

Unfortunately we've had a death in the family so I WILL NOT be there!

I will, however be with TWRP authors @ Talking Two Lips on Saturday.

Hope to see you there!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blog Fest Over, New Contest Underway!

Hello Friends!

Well Ginger Simpson’s Blog Fest is over, but it’s not too late to win! I have five posts at Ginger’s Blog and on each one I promise one lucky person who comments a FREE pdf of one of my books. So run over there, read, and comment – in fact, don’t just read my posts, read every post and your sure to find new books for your TBR pile!

If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that The Wild Rose Press is spotlighting a particular line each month with contests, prizes and all sorts of things. Well, March is White Rose month and TWRP is celebrating with a Jelly Bean Hunt. Check it out; it’s sure to be loads of fun!

On Thursday, I’ll be at Romance Excerpts Only Yahoo Loop and on Saturday, TWRP authors will be at Talking Two Lips Yahoo Loop all day!

Just a reminder: A Hero for Jessica will be released on March 26th!

Well Friends, not much else going on…until next time take care, be BLESSED and remember…Jesus is the reason for EVERY season!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Day in the Life of This Writer

Everyone tells us writers that readers want to know more than your books; they want to know about your life. So here’s an example of my weekday:

4 am – Get up, make coffee, check email then work on edits, new story or promotion.

7:30 am – Take shower, get dressed and leave house by 8.

8:00 am – 6:00 pm work 8 of those 10 hours at my day job as an Insurance Sales Producer, the other hour is traveling time and of course one hour for lunch (about my only real time to relax!)

6 – 8 or 9 pm Write, edit, promote – take an occasional night off to watch a movie with hubby or read.

Weekends – basically follow above procedures except during 8am – 6pm in lieu of going off to work, I spend the majority of those hours writing, editing or promoting.

I do, however, take time off to spend with hubby and/or granddaughter and when the occasion arises, extended family.

Oh, of course, I take time to attend church services on a semi-regular basis. Prayer time? Unceasingly with occasional spurts during my day for longer conversations with the Lord (hello-I get an hour for lunch). :-)

Is this crazy or what!?

If you know anything about me, you'll know that I’ve been writing for more than 25 years and for that entire time, this has been my routine (even when writing in 5-subject notebooks). The exception was when I worked different shifts at a local hospital…during those years (when on evening shift), I wrote from about 7:30 am until 1pm then got ready in order to be to work @ 2:30.

About the only time I really take a break is when we go off on vacation…and then I still manage to at least check email at least once-a-day.

I’ve often considered purchasing a laptop, however knowing myself so well, if I did, I’d NEVER rest and probably end up a divorced recluse LOL!

Why do we writers put ourselves through this?

As with most authors, that answer is multi-faceted. Though “with an edge,” I write inspirational, therefore I write to glorify God and to get His message of love, hope, faith, trust and forgiveness to a hurting world. But no matter for what other reasons an author may write, they all boil down to one main focus: You – Dear Readers!

So the next time you pick up a book from your favorite author….realize what goes into that story (besides our heart and soul).

Writers, I’d like to hear more about your day!

Readers leave a comment and one lucky person will win a pdf (your choice) of any of my titles!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life, & Success?

Hey Friends!
You may think this is an odd title for a blog, but you’ll know what it’s all about in just a minute!

Today, I’m hosting Dr. Joe Capista and his book, What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life & Success? as part of a virtual blog tour in conjunction with a major Amazon campaign.
Now you may be wondering why on earth a romance writer would be hosting a book tour by a dentist about success. Well, this book has tons of information on how to be successful in business and after all, writing is a business. With chapters that focus on Success, Business, Sales and Marketing and Credibility in business, how can one go wrong?

If these topics weren’t incentive enough, he also has chapters that focus on Dreams and Goals, Achievement, Inner Peace, Spiritual Insights, and Balance and if you know anything at all about me, you’ll know these topics are right up my alley!

What’s even more interesting, is that Dr. Capista will be doing a FREE “by invitation only” teleseminar for readers who purchase the book through amazon!

So now you know why this romance author is hosting Dr. Capista on his virtual book tour!

On another note....my friend Ginger Simpson is hosting a Blog Fest on her blog with over 25 authors posting including Yours Truly. Check it out!

Until later, Be BLESSED and remember....success lies within!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello Friends!
Have you ever thought about the way that music is threaded throughout your life? While getting ready for vaction last week, the words, "I'm leavin on a jet plane" played over and over in my mind and led to more thoughts about all the songs that relate to a certain time or event in my life....The song that played the first time I danced with the man who became my husband, the song I sang all day the day my granddaughter was born, the songs my children loved as babies and would sing in those sweet, angelic voices. :-)

Music is an intricate part of life for many writers. Sometimes a song will spark an idea for a story or novel and some authors write while listening to music. I can't do this though, because I either get too caught up in the song to write or too caught up in the story and the music is just a distraction. But for some, they must have music to stimulate their muse.

What about you...what songs are on the soundtrack of your life? I'd love to know!

Author Spotlight: On Wednesday I'll be spotlighting Dr. Joe Capista and his book What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life & Success? This can benefit all business people including writers!

Until next week remember.....God has given you the power to create wealth!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Well, here I am trying to learn yet another way to post regularly to more than one blog.

 Hope it works!
