

I do not read every book/author I spotlight or book tour I host!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coming Soon! From The Wild Rose Press - Cathy's Angel & Choices!

Good news!

Two of my short stories have been accepted for publication at The Wild Rose Press as Rosettes!

Below are the blurbs and the covers....WOW!

Best-selling novelist and songwriter Camie Rogers has penned numerous accounts of the secret love she holds in her heart. Country-Music Superstar Kip Allen has changed from the shy, humble boy, to the epitome of “star.” Can the two rediscover each other after one night of his Home is where the Heart is Tour? Find out in Choices

Single mom Cathy Johnson is tired of running her life alone…what she needs is a well-trained angel to help out. Jared Soileau gave up the dream of having a family when he discovered he is sterile. Can a confirmed bachelor and the mother of four find love amid normal daily chaos? Find out in Cathy's Angel.

Until later, take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember....God has set you apart for an Inheritance!

The Inheritance, available NOW! in Ebook and Print from The Wild Rose Press!
And don't forget my 'Tempered' series available NOW! in Ebook and Print from Com Star Media!

"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Pink Heart Society

Do you LOVE category romance?

If so, The Pink Heart Society is the place for you!

This is a reader group who absolutely loves category romance and are proud of it. They have a yahoo loop and and a blogspot where they do reviews and have all sorts of things going on daily for readers.

Check 'em out!

"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Available Now in Ebook and Print!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pamela's Ponderings & Preview the Book


In my last post I said that due to time constraints, I would be posting regulary at Pamela's Ponderings, however there is something going on over there that I'm not sure about, but my last few posts have not been updated.

I know that Tina (owner/moderator) was revamping everything about The Romance Readers Room so maybe that's the whole deal, but I've decided that until things get going again over there, I'm going to be blogging here!

My last post at PP was to tell everyone about a new way to find books!

Preview the Book is a new venue where book lovers can preview new artists via book trailers and maybe pick up a new favorite or two!

So, if you're looking to find new authors, run over and check 'em out!

Until later....take care, stay in touch and remember....teaching your children to read helps them develop good imaginations!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"