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Saturday, March 22, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Dianne Miley & Two of Her Crystal Falls Series!

Good Morning and Welcome,

Today's guest has been here before with her books, Roses for Rachel and Lilacs for Laura but since both have been reissued with new covers and blurbs, we're spotlighting them again along with a short note from Dianne as to why she wrote these books.

THE PRIME SUSPECT in her cheating brother-in-law's murder, Laura James fears losing everything when her hero Brett Mitchell lands his out-of-town dream job. To reconcile with her widowed sister and earn back Brett’s trust, Laura must prove her innocence. 

Who committed murder in her back yard? And will love get another chance?

Read an Excerpt HERE.

I wrote this story to share the conflicts of young love when two people have different goals and how love and faith conquers all. When both people are willing to give, compromise comes easy. There’s also a scene where a loved one is lost, and the family isn’t sure whether he had saving faith. How they handle this tragedy makes us think and feel deeply while acknowledging that God always knows best. Triumph over tragedy and relatable family conflict are overcome with love, faith, and trust in God. 

Lilacs for Laura is available at Amazon for Kindle (FREE in KU!) and Paperback.

A DEMENTED STALKER threatens widowed mother Rachel James Santos, vandalizes her home, and sabotages her work. After her husband's murder, Rachel struggles to raise her young daughters alone. She relies on the faithful kindness of coworker Elliot Truman, but how can he protect them from the mysterious lunatic? And can she risk her heart to love again? 

After writing Lilacs for Laura, I had to delve into what happened to her sister, Rachel and felt compelled to write her story. Rachel had conflicts with Laura that needed to be reconciled, and I wanted to show God working for good in her life. While Rachel endures serious difficulties in Roses for Rachel, she grows in faith, finds love, and enjoys a happy ending! 

Roses for Rachel is also available at Amazon for Kindle (FREE in KU!) and Paperback.

Dianne Miley writes to share God’s hope, love, and grace. Her Crystal Falls Series includes: Lilacs for Laura; Roses for Rachel; Violets for Vanessa; and Sunflowers for Sarita. She contributed short stories to three anthologies: A Holy City Christmas; Charleston Light; and When You Pass Through Waters. She also authored a non-fiction book, Time to Enjoy Your Blessings. All books, as well as her blog can be found on www.diannemiley.com.

When she's not writing or reading, Dianne enjoys time with family and friends. She and her husband have two married children and two adorable grandchildren. She also enjoys cooking, gardening, flower arranging, tea parties, the beach, and her wrap-around porch. She founded a nonprofit, Sanctuary of Unborn Life in Charleston, South Carolina to help pregnant women in need. She now lives near Charlotte, North Carolina. 

Find and Follow Dianne at the following SM sites...







Thank You, so much, Dianne for sharing the updated versions of your books with us. 

Friends, I hope you enjoyed Dianne's post and that you'll check back weekly for Saturday Spotlight and other special guests on my blog.

Until next time, happy reading.


Saturday, March 15, 2025

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Peggy Lovelace Ellis & An Independent Woman!

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Today's guest is brand new to our blog so please give a round of applause to Peggy Lovelace Ellis!

Thank You for joining us, Peggy, please tell us a little more about this intriguing book...

I've published contemporary stories and books, but Georgette Heyer has influenced me greatly over the years. In my opinion, she set the gold standard for novels set in the Regency era (1811-1820). I published a three-volume series in 2023 after several years of research and writing. I chose to publish all three close together because I dislike waiting for sequels! There was a first time for everything any woman has accomplished. The Regency era was the beginning of many things, so I chose to believe a woman could become financially independent in 1815. That's the basis for An Independent Woman.

The inspiration for writing this book: A distant cousin gave his lovely, petite 13-year-old daughter in marriage to a man his age, close to 50. She had been home-schooled, had no friends, and was naive to the point of childishness, but she was not mentally slow. I was appalled, but I couldn't do anything about it. So, I fought back in fiction.

OH my goondess, Peggy! That is so crazy. I'm glad you fought back in fiction. Now please give us a sneak peek into the book. LOVE this cover, by the way!

Blurb: Lady Judith Ainsley was young, but smart, when she learned of her father’s devious schemes. Despite the pain of deception and the illusion of a loving father destroyed, Lady Judith devised safeguards for her protection and independence. She had help: a dear companion, a Guardian Angel, and a Duke whom she could not decide whether to love or to hate. Lady Judith took pride in her accomplishments, unaware they threatened to crumble. More secrets are uncovered when she stumbles upon a secret cache of ill-gotten gains and draws the vengeance of foreign villains. Will she choose independence over love? And will Lady Judith forsake her pride and accept help from her enemies? Or risk dying alone?

Major Richard Chadwick is forced to leave behind his commission and the years of fighting Napoleon’s armies when he inherits the Dukedom from his deceased father—a father who refused to prepare his son for this outcome. At home, Lord Richard finds disaster, and few funds to remedy the situation. As he searches for ways to increase revenue, he uncovers a means to benefit himself while hurting the infuriating, adventurous, reckless woman he is coming to care for. However, before Lord Richard breaks the news, the lady disappears, and everything comes to a standstill while he rushes to her rescue. Will he make it in time? And if he does, will she want him after he reveals the truth?

Excerpt: Prologue

Hampshire, England, October 1801

The seven-year-old ragamuffin kicked off her half boots, laughing with delight while she wiggled her toes among dead leaves. The earthy smell rising from beneath the top layer made her nose crinkle. She sneezed and wiped her nose on her sleeve, then tucked her skirts into the top of cotton drawers and climbed the tree until she stood on a broad limb. There were many trees around, but this one had limbs near the ground. Mattie didn’t let her climb trees.

The little miss sank small teeth into a juicy red apple, delighting in the noise. Mattie would frown about that too. Eating whole apples is beneath your social position, she would say. What would she say about all the smudges on her charge’s face? The child didn’t want to know. She didn’t want a governess, but Father insisted she needed lessons Nanny couldn’t teach her, so Miss Matthews had moved into Ainsley Park.

Susanna’s scolds are different. After all, she’s an angel and whispers into her small charge’s mind.

Horse’s hooves interrupted the child’s thoughts about the ridiculous whims of her elders. Probably a groom from Ainsley Park looking for her. She didn’t want to give up these few minutes of stolen freedom. The child peeked through the leaves.

Reining his gray horse to a standstill beneath the tree, the rider reached for an apple. Not an Ainsley groom, but a young gentleman she’d never seen before. Relief bubbled into a mischievous impulse. She tossed her half-eaten apple toward him. It hit the horse, which reared, white-stockinged feet clawing the air.

The unexpected movement sent the rider backward off his mount. His brimmed hat flew in one direction, his apple in another. He scrambled to his feet and soothed the mare. “Sorry, old girl. That apple chose a bad time to separate itself from the tree.”

The girl couldn’t control her giggles, which brought the man’s frowning gaze upward. Afraid now, she lost her footing, tumbling unceremoniously toward the ground. He jumped forward and caught her. They landed in the leaves barely missing the horse’s hooves.

She rolled off him and scooted backward, staring into the prettiest face she’d seen outside her storybook about Greek gods. Glittering green eyes beneath fair curls that tumbled over his forehead stared back at her.

“Did you throw the apple?” He smoothed his face into a superior smirk. “Oh well. You’re only a little girl, not old enough to know better, but don’t throw apples at horses again, understand?”

The voice of the Greek god in her storybook must sound like his, light, not a deep rumble like her father’s voice.

“Little hoyden, your face is filthy.” He stood, hauling her up beside him. Without warning, he kissed the tip of her nose. “There, I’ll wager that’s your first kiss—also your last if you don’t wash your face.”

“My name’s Judith,” she blurted. “What’s yours?”

“Richard.” He rescued his hat from a low limb, then swung himself onto the saddle and spurred his mount.

She shouted after him, “I’ll marry you someday, even if you are prettier than I am!”

His laughter floated back until his mount’s long strides carried him from her sight.

“I will marry him,” she muttered, “or my name is not Judith Elizabeth Ainsley.”

Don’t make rash promises. They might come back and haunt you someday. Now, you must return home.

Judith trudged toward Ainsley Park. Susanna telling her what to do again.

~ *~ * ~

LOL I Love it! Now please tell us where we can find An Independent Woman and more about yourself...

The book is available at Amazon FREE in KU or $2.99 to buy. It is also available in Paperback.

As for myself, from early childhood I've dreamed of  writing stories but fiction often eluded me. However, my editing business has kept me busy for 50 years. I edit for Elk Lake Publishers and for freelance clients in fiction and nonfiction, Christian and general markets. Apparently by osmosis, I learned to write fiction and once the words started, they never stopped.You can find out more by visiting my Amazon Author Page, Goodreads page or on LinkedIn.

Thank You, SO much Peggy for sharing this incredible book with us. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Hope you enjoyed today's post friends, and that you'll check back weekly for Saturday Spotlight and watch for more exciting news coming soon!

Until next time, escape in the world of fiction.
