
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes Darcy Flynn @darcyflynn

Good Morning and Welcome to the final Wednesday post for 2020!

If you're like me, you are so glad to see this year end and you're hoping/praying for a better 2021. As promised, we will continue spotlighting Christmas stories through Jan 2nd and today is no exception.

Darcy Flynn has visited before so please welcome her back with some Christmas memories and The Prince's Fake Fiancee' ...

Pamela, thank you so much for having me on your blog today to share one of my favorite Christmas memories. 

Growing up, Christmas for me and my family was always on Christmas Eve. Each year, my father would take my older brothers and I out to see the lights—the old fashion, multi-colored ones, and the anticipation of what was to come was simply magical. An hour later we’d arrive home to find that Santa had come and gone! And there, under the tree were all of our toys.

For years, I wondered how in the world Santa could possibly know we’d be out looking at the lights at the very moment he’d arrive.  LOL!  Then, on Christmas morning we’d leave around 4 am to drive from New Orleans to Albany, Georgia. After sleeping for most of the drive, I’d wake up a few hours before we arrived at my grandparent’s house. I adored my grandmother and with my cousins a short block away, I couldn’t think of any other place else I’d rather be on Christmas Day! I’ll always treasure those magic years!

No nonsense, Samantha Keller loves her job at Colfax Security Agency. The no-frills environment is the perfect compliment to her simple hair cut and no makeup lifestyle. After living in the shadows of her glamorous but hateful stepsister for so many years, Samantha’s quite content to be unnoticed and overlooked.

When she discovers her latest assignment is to guard a popular playboy prince, she’s anything but elated. Even worse, when she finally meets him, she learns her job has nothing to do with protection.

Prince Marcus de Blecourt of Sterlyn is looking forward to visiting New York on what could be his last trip abroad as a single man. But he hasn’t given up his freedom yet. This trip could be the perfect opportunity to thwart the family’s ‘arrangements’ with Lady Pricilla Rothschild.

Prince Marcus is anything but impressed with the unattractive woman from a security firm who arrives as his escort. Unless he can turn her into a super model overnight, it will take a minor miracle to pull off his plan. But when he learns who’s responsible for the setup, he’s even more determined to succeed. He decides to turn the tables, only to find the tables have indeed already turned…but on him.

About the Author

Award-Winning Author Darcy Flynn, is known for her heartwarming, sweet contemporary romances. Her refreshing storylines, irritatingly handsome heroes and feisty heroines will delight and entertain you from the first page to the last. Miss Flynn’s heroes and heroines have a tangible chemistry that is entertaining, humorous and competitive.

Darcy lives with her husband and a menagerie of other living creatures on her horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee. She stargazes on warm summer nights and occasionally indulges in afternoon tea.

Although, published in the Christian non-fiction market under her real name, Joy Griffin Dent, it was the empty nest that turned her to writing romantic fiction. Proving that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

Follow Darcy on…



Amazon Author Page:


What lovely Christmas memories, Darcy. I'm sure many of us can relate. I know I can! Thank you for sharing. Good luck and God's blessings for a Prosperous New Year!

Hope you enjoyed Darcy's visit as much as I did, friends. Leave a comment for your chance to win the final gift card for 2020!

Until next time, take care, be safe (especially in your New Year celebrations) and God bless.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Maxine Douglas @MaxineDouglas & Road Angel!

 Good Morning!

I pray your Christmas was merry and bright. Today we continue spotlighting Christmas books on the blog and will do so through next weekend. Our guest today has shared words with us before so let's welcome Maxine Douglas back with Road Angel.

Two lives hang in the balance of life, death, and desire…can Cyn convince Lee life is worth living?

Truck driver Lee Thomas believes his life is over after the ghost of his wife who died three years ago steps in front of him and jack-knives his truck on a snowy Wisconsin road on his way home.

Cyn Bedford, an angel, must convince him to fight for his life. She’s broken an angel rule and has fallen in love with her charge.

Can Cyn truly be Lee’s Road Angel for life?


I’m not even sure where I am at the moment. All the road signs are obscured by snow, and I can’t make out any city lights. For all I know, there’s a power outage in the area. Even the CB has been quiet for a while. Everyone in their right mind is off the road and asleep in their bunks. Everyone except me.

Licking my dry lips, I reach for the water bottle just as a shadow bursts through the snow. “Whoa!” Grabbing the wheel with both hands, I brace for impact.

Shaking when none comes, I suck in a breath as the tail end of a deer disappears into the shadowy storm. “Stupid, fricking deer! Holy crap! If I wasn’t awake before, I sure as hell am now.”

As the snow swirls in the glow of the headlights, I figure several inches have fallen on top of what may have been tire marks in the road. I don’t even want to think when it was plowed last. At this rate, I probably won’t see one until tomorrow.

The wind howls continuously around the cab of the tractor and bangs against the doors. With each new gust, the trailer slides slightly, giving in to the force. The blowing wind sings a wolf melody, the howling tune mournful—a beautiful yet deadly blizzard accompanied by the music of the wind—Mother Nature’s way of easing the cruelty she sometimes gives so freely.

Snow like this can play tricks on a man’s vision. Even knowing this, when I see a figure in the middle of the road, reaction takes over reasoning. White and flowing, it moves toward me, and then silver-blue eyes bore into my soul, making me yearn for sweet oblivion. In that swift moment, I swerve, my mind screaming out the name of the woman who left my world three years before.


* * * *

Guardian Angel Third Class Cynamon Bedford watches in horror from her snow-packed seat perched near the gates of Heaven the crash the phantom causes. The cherry-red semi-truck’s tires screech to grab solid ground. Metal crashes and crunches as the truck slides on its side across the road. The screeching tears at her heart; the driver, Lee Thomas, has a slim chance of making it.

The crumpled mass of cherry red, a deadly contrast to the snow, lays in an L shape down the slope between the road and a line of trees. The cab faces the way it has just come from, cheery Christmas music fading in and out, a maudlin contrast. The windshield shattered, glass is scattered across the snow drifts. Snow quickly blankets the wreck.

There is nothing she can do. Helpless, she sits and watches as another life slowly disappears from Earth. “If only they understood how precious their time is, maybe the mortals wouldn’t be so careless with the gift.” One silvery tear makes a slow trek down her cheek as she feels the dying man’s pain.

“Come now, Cyn, truly you can’t be shedding a tear for one mortal after all these years of watching them.” Abraham, the Supervisory Angel assigned to keep Cyn in check, chuckles as he approaches.

“The man was only trying to get home to his family.” She swipes at the tear and tucks her emotions away. “His motivations were pure. If it wasn’t for the phantom coming at him, he’d still be making his way to the next stop for the night.”




Maxine Douglas first began writing in the early 1970s while in high school. She took every creative writing course offered at the time and focused her energy for many years after that on poetry.  It wasn't until a dear friend's sister revealed she was about to become a published author that jumpstarted Maxine into getting the ball rolling; she finished her first manuscript in a month's time.

Maxine Douglas and her late husband moved to Oklahoma in 2010 from Wisconsin. Since then Maxine has rekindled her childhood love of westerns. They have four children, two grand-daughters, a great granddaughter scheduled to arrive this January, and a grey tabby named Simon. And many friends now considered Oklahoma family.

One of the things Maxine has learned over the years is that you can never stop dreaming and reaching for the stars. Sooner or later you touch one and it'll bring you more happiness than you can ever imagine. Maxine feels lucky, and blessed, that over the years she's been able to reach out and touch the stars--and she's still reaching.

Maxine loves to hear from her readers. So, come on by and say “Hello”; she would love to hear from you.

You can catch her on:

Reader Book Club:

Fan Group:

Twitter:  @MaxineDouglas





Wow...sounds like another great book, Maxine! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new release and writing career.

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight, Friends and you'll stop back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes Erin Stevenson & A New Hope for Christmas!

Good Morning,

Today's guest is brand new to our blog so please welcome Erin Stevenson with her Christmas novella, A New Hope for Christmas, part of Pelican Book Group's Christmas Extravaganza!

This Christmas, Two Lost and Broken Families Need Restoration.

Sam Jarrett was just starting to explore spiritual things when his world was shattered. Now, he's completely turned his back on God. Laura Preston is a devoted believer, leaning heavily on her faith to get her through each tortured day.

Two Chance Meetings Spark a Friendship and a Glimmer of Hope.

Sam battles God's prodding through Laura's gentle, caring spirit. When another tragedy strikes on Christmas Eve, Sam is sure that God has completely deserted him. Laura tries to show Sam that God loves him and has been there all the time, but how can Sam trust when he has no faith?

A New Hope for Christmas is a story of restored faith in a God who never leaves us, even when we can't see or feel Him near.

Read an excerpt of A New Hope for Christmas and get your copy from Pelican Book Group or Amazon!

Now, let's find out a little more about Erin!

Hi. My name is Erin and I’m a prayer warrior.

I love to pray. I’ve always loved to pray, since I met Jesus at the age of 15 and asked him into my heart. I guess I love to pray because it’s just talking with my Best Friend, Jesus. So I always look for opportunities to pray for and with people. 

But for a long time, I struggled with prayer, because I didn’t understand it. Let me share two things that hampered my prayer life:

1)      Someone asks me on Monday to pray for their husband’s surgery on Thursday. I send up a ‘pre-prayer’ then, but when the hour of his surgery rolls around on Thursday…I’m busy with something else, or maybe I just forget. And when he doesn’t come through surgery well, I wonder if it was because of my neglect. 

2)      I see a request on social media to pray for a child who is in critical condition. Hundreds are praying, thousands! But the child doesn’t survive. I prayed for him often. Did I not pray enough? But if I pray more and someone still dies, and my prayers couldn’t change the outcome, then WHY SHOULD I PRAY?

Entire books have been written about prayer, and I could write a VERY long blog on this, but I’ll just tell you one lesson that I learned when I asked God to help me figure this out. Regardless of the outcome of a situation I’ve prayed for, my prayers are a comfort to the one who I’m praying for and/or the one who requested the prayer and assure them that they are not alone. I’ve been on the flip side when I’ve needed prayer. No matter the outcome, I am blessed and encouraged just by knowing that someone is on their knees in the valley with me.

Even in a pandemic, I can still connect with people by praying for them. A while back I posted on my social media, “Raise your hand if I can pray for you today.” I made it clear that I didn’t want or need to know any details, I just wanted to pray. Over a hundred people responded! Many said they were so blessed by this. Believe me, I got the blessing!

I invite you to do what I often do, ask God, “who needs my prayers today?” You will be amazed at the names He will bring to your mind, and if you let that person know (sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t), you will be amazed at their response!  

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  I Thes. 5:16-18

Erin's Bio: Writing is like breathing to Erin. Stories are running through her mind during most of her waking hours, and by the time she sits down at the computer, the words flow and time ceases to exist. 

Erin was raised in Illinois and has lived in many places in the U.S., including on both coasts, but is a Midwest girl at heart. She spent many years as an educator from pre-school through college levels, and currently works in training and internal communications for a global corporation.

When she’s not writing, Erin loves spending time with her children and grandchildren, and playing in the garden (which equates to mostly pulling weeds) at her central Iowa home. Her secret indulgence is plain M&Ms.

Find out more about Erin and her books by visiting her Website.

Connect with Erin on Social Media! Facebook: ESQwrites
Twitter: @ESQwrites and Instagram: ESQwrites

Thank you SO Much Erin for sharing your love of prayer with us. I know I can relate! Wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings.

Thanks for stopping by friends and supporting Erin. Hope to see you for Saturday Spotlight where we feature another Christmas book.

Meanwhile, wishing each and every one of YOU and YOUR a very Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 19, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Izzy James @chevyhull and MAX: A Yorktown Christmas Time-Travel Novella

Good Morning,

Well, we've made it through mid-December and are now in the homestretch with Christmas only 6 days away. Today our all Christmas till Christmas blog feature continues with Elizabeth Hull (AKA: Izzy James). Elizabeth visited us in October with The Shopkeeper's Widow. so please welcome her with Max: A Yorktown Christmas Time-Travel Novella. 

Despite being blindingly handsome, Max was cruelly arrogant. He knows he earned the curse that’s kept him trapped in his conservatory for 250 years. Years that tested his character. 

Music therapist, Olivia Woods, doesn’t consider herself worthy of love. Injured and scarred from the accident that killed her parents, she stays in the shadows of life. Her work at the nursing home keeps her busy while she nervously prepares for her upcoming piano recital on Christmas Eve in historic Yorktown. Using a quiet, historic house seems perfect, until he appears. Scared at first, Olivia soon learns to trust Max. Little by little he draws out the beauty within her until she shines with confidence.

However, Max’s days are numbered. Soon he’ll be whisked back to the past to right the final wrong. 

Is there a way back to Olivia and the love he’s started to feel or has he just been sentenced to an afterlife of despair in the past without her?

Present Day

Ballard House 

Yorktown, Virginia

Olivia Woods inserted the huge blacksmith-wrought house key and stepped into Ballard House just in time to escape flurries of large wet snowflakes emitted from large granite cloud formations. A crack of lightning followed by an explosion of thunder brought her to the eighteen-light window facing the street. Well that put the kabosh on practicing piano today. Her little car wasn’t made to toboggan and Yorktown didn’t have snow equipment. The good news? The wet snow melted as it touched the street. She couldn’t risk her ankle on a patch of ice. Another crack exploded directly overhead. She grabbed the window to steady herself. Fingertips matched to her fingertips a hand took shape on the other side of the glass. 

A tingle began in her head and tendrilled through her body and extremities. 

A mere shade at first, he solidified before her eyes. 

A man. 

She pulled her hand back to her chest and stood mesmerized. Where had he come from?

Her spirit called to heaven, Lord Jesus, protect me.

Glowing blue-green eyes pierced her.  Jaw-length dark hair framed his chiseled face. He wore the voluminous white shirt of a docent.

In a flash he moved toward the door.

She ran in slow motion to reach the latch. 

He stopped on the other side of the old screened door. “I have no wish to harm ye.”

She flipped the eye-hook inwardly rolling her eyes at the “safety feature”. 

“Ye can see me.” An Elizabethan accent shaped the words. Wonder filled his countenance. 

“Why? Are you a ghost or something?”

Eyes cast down to the slatted porch, “No one has seen me in—many years.”

“Are you or are you not a ghost?” Or worse? A mist of questions filled her mind. He couldn’t be an angel because he didn’t tower over her and inspire great fear like she’d read of Gabriel. For the same reason she didn’t think he was a demon either, but they could be charming and deceptive. No, it was the plain ole ordinary fear of strangers making her heart beat like a bass drum. 

“Well, I have never died if that is yer meaning.”

Clever response, but she wasn’t fooled. Devil spirits couldn’t die. “Can you die?”

“I always thought so. Certainly my ancestors have all died, but I might be a special case.” A half smile softened his chiseled features.

Not only did he sound like Masterpiece Theatre, he looked like her dream of a tragic eighteenth century hero. Masculine. Masterful. Snow frosted his dark hair. Sleeves bloomed from a hand-embroidered waistcoat which hugged his form to black breeches buckled below the knee above white stockings. Silver buckles twinkled from his shoes. He didn’t charm her, but he did interest her.

“What makes you so special?”

“Tis a long tale meant for a roaring fire on a winter night and full tankard of ale.”

Olivia glanced beyond him to the road still only wet with snow. Shocks of pale orange lightning lit the thunderous clouds. She looked down long enough to see her wrist watch. She couldn’t decipher its face. 

“Well, I’d best be going. So if you will move, please.” She waved him off to the side and stepped onto the porch. 

“Will ye come back?”

“I don’t know.” Of course she would come back, the Christmas Open-Town  was in three weeks and she was stationed here to demonstrate and play the antique piano. 

“Before ye leave may I know the name of the lady to whom I have been speaking?”

Oh, he was charming alright, positively swoony.

“I’ll start, shall I?” He cleared his throat and took a step back. “May I introduce myself? Maxwell Ballard at your service.” He bowed and extended his hand. 

She felt her mouth fall open. “Maxwell Ballard of Ballard House?”

He placed his hand on his chest. “Maxwell Ballard of Pearl Hall, Yorktown, Virginia Colony.”

It couldn’t be. Maxwell Ballard had gone missing Christmas 1769.

“You’re missing.”

The blue-green eyes lit with mischief. “I’m,” he patted his chest with both hands, “right here. And you are?”

She stuck out her hand. “Olivia Woods.”

He stepped closer to take her hand which was nearly twice the size of her own. 

“Y’re freezing.” He added his other hand to encase the hand he still held. “Would ye care come inside? To warm yerself before embarking on yer journey?”

Izzy James is the pen name of Elizabeth Chevalier Hull. 

Izzy grew up on the Chesapeake Bay in coastal Virginia. Izzy still lives in coastal Virginia with her fabulous husband in a house brimming with books. She writes contemporary and historical romance. Connect with Elizabeth/Izzy through her Website:, Facebook: www.Facebook/IzzyJamesAuthor  and on Twitter @chevyhull

Get your copy of MAX: A Yorktown Christmas Time-Travel Novella at Amazon

Thank you for dropping by Izzy and sharing your Christmas book with us. Good luck and God's blessings to you and yours and with all of your work!

Hope you enjoyed the post, friends and that you'll check back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes LoRee Peery @LoreePeery with her Christmas book!

Good Morning!

Boy it's been cold and dreary these last several days here in SW Louisiana. Definitely Winter weather UGH. I am not fond of cold, wet, dreary at all but as the Bible says there is a season for every purpose under heaven so we must learn to, if not enjoy, appreciate every season.

Today's guest is not new to us. LoRee Peery has been a pretty regular guest for years so please welcome her back with her latest Christmas book, A Cup of Christmas Kindness.....

A Cup of Christmas Kindness…

We’ve heard it for months, what a year 2020 has been. I’m no exception in feeling that way, but rather than looking down on the past months, I count them as blessings. There is always good in the bad. I love the song “Turn Your eyes Upon Jesus” because it works! Rather than focus on the problem, if I focus on faith, the unexplainable peace of the Lord floods my soul.

My “rough” year was focused on my shoulder issues. A broken acromion bone and reverse joint replacement involved two surgeries and months of an immobilized right arm. That didn’t keep my left hand from learning how to write (scribble). I was downhearted because pain prevented me from zeroing in on my work of fiction. It kept stalling.

Toward the end of July during the wee hours that pain kept me awake, instead of picking up my Kindle I reached for my Bible. Old Testament promises, especially in the Psalms, comforted my hurts. Something miraculous happened along with the solace I received. I picked up pen and notebook. Nonfiction praise flowed from my heart through my fingertips onto the page.

Jeremiah 30:17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord.


You are the God Who Heals


Thank You for getting

Me through another day


I’ve been on auto pilot

Trying to make it without


Falling to pieces tears are close

But I haven’t given in


Six months I’ve lived

With a broken bone that won’t heal


I get done what You’d have me do

According to Your plan


Thank You, Lord, for getting

Me through another day.



You are the God Who heals.


It was normal to think of why I was pouring out such words. I wrote a line or two about the pain or trouble that prevented sleep. Then before I knew it praise and songs filled my soul. I called them lamentations or psalms. As of this writing, I’ve penned around 250 (numbers have never been my thing).

Job 11:7-8 “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above—what can you do? They are deeper than the depths below—what can you know?


God’s Always Got It

No matter what,

God’s always got it

Physical pain?

God’s always got it


Mental fatigue?

God’s always got it


Stress over sin?

God’s always got it


Lost souls of children,

God’s always got it


The country’s unrest,

God’s always got it


The tasks before me,

God’s always got it


Whatever I face,

God’s always got it.


All praise and glory belong to Jesus, my King, for whatever He does through me. I wish Pam and all readers here the blessed hope and peace that can only come from why we celebrate Christmas and Easter.

Thank you So Much, LoRee! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new release and a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

Violet Steele returns to her parents' home in small-town Nebraska to pay off school loans. But her first social activity is the celebration of life for a woman she'd dreamt would someday be her mother-in-law.

Heath Banfield is haunted by memories of Violet leaving him in their youth. He ended up with a woman who never wanted motherhood, and he's become bitter and hard when it comes to love and trust. Now he's dealing with his mother's death. In her absence, he needs an after-school caregiver for his daughter. When Violet offers to tend for the eight-year-old, he's not sure he can handle her act of kindness.

Violet is still in love with Heath, and helping him through his grief and caring for his delightful daughter is a welcome opportunity. But Heath is wary, and she'll have to muster every ounce of kindness she has.

Will Violet's deliberate holiday deeds lead to romance, or will Heath's hurt deepen his bitterness?

Author Bio: Nebraska country girl LoRee Peery writes fiction that hopefully appeals to adult readers who enjoy stories written from a Christian perspective, focusing on the romance. These include novels and novellas for women and men in the Contemporary, Romance, Historical, Time Travel, and Mystery/Suspense categories. She writes of redeeming grace with a sense of place. Her Frivolities Series and the book based on her father’s unsolved homicide, Touches of Time, are available on Amazon. She is who she is by the grace of God: Christian, country girl, wife, mother, grandmother and great-, sister, friend, and author. Connect with LoRee:

Find her publications at Pelican

And Amazon

Get your copy of A Cup of Christmas Kindness at Amazon, B&N and Pelican Book Group.

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll check back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time stay warm and God Bless.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Stacey Weeks @WriterSWeeks & Mistletoe Movie Star

Good Morning!

Well Christmas is officially less than two weeks away. I'm not even ready but hey, ready or not, here comes Santa Claus LOL!

Today's guest is not new to our blog so please welcome Stacey Weeks back with her Christmas story, Mistletoe Movie Star. Take it away Stacey....

Mistletoe Meadows is built around the magic of Christmas. As jingling sleighs cart rosy-cheeked lovers around the Mistletoe Mile, Charlene’s holiday dream is more complicated than photoshopped perfection. She proposes a compassion ministry initiative called the Gingerbread House but struggles to convince the town that their need for a homeless shelter is real.

Famous for his made for television holiday movies, Jonas longs for a happily-ever-after that isn’t as neat and tidy as his unrealistic films. Partnering with Char to champion her ministry invigorates him with a new purpose and provides an excuse to spend time with the girl he never forgot. But when they embrace three young sisters fighting to stay together while living on the streets, their project becomes deeply personal.

Together, they prove to a town reluctant to see anything other than holiday perfection that the greatest gift of the season isn’t found under a tree.

“Kittens sound like fun.” Jonas winked at her. 

Beth yanked off the lid. “Look how little they are.” 

Small gasps and yelps rolled through the press. They collectively leapt back.

A quick bark of laughter escaped Char as she reached in and pulled out a baby skunk. Its folds of skin layered over the petite frame, and one tiny eye slit wiggled as if it wanted to open and see who dared to disturb its rest. 

The cameras started snapping again, but from a distance. 

“They don’t spray until they are older,” Char swallowed a chuckle. She turned the baby animal to face the reporters. 

Quick, high-pitched laughter waved through the crowd. 

“What, no skunks in L.A.?” Char smirked. 

Suzy and Nat trotted up, breathing hard. “They’re not kittens,” Suzy panted, extending a weak arm in warning. 

“And she wants to name them.” Nat collapsed to her knees beside her younger sister. 

“Suzy said I couldn’t.” Beth thrust out her chin. 

“That’s because they’re skunks.” Suzy fisted her hands on her hips. “And if you name them, you’ll want to keep them. We can’t keep skunks.” 

Char swayed forward until she was eyeball to eyeball with Beth. “Names are important. I think every creature should have a name. It lets us know someone knows us and loves us. I’d be honored if you would name the kits.” 


“That’s what you call a baby skunk.”

Beth turned to Suzy. “They are almost kittens. They’re kits.”

What people are saying about Mistletoe Movie Star:

“The reader becomes cocooned in the friendly welcome from the town of Mistletoe. It is a town with a social conscience and a heart for the homeless … I adored the story.” Julia Wilson Christian Bookaholic

“Mistletoe Movie Star is a wonderful read that will put you in the holiday spirit.” Carol James

“This is a heartwarming tale ... a cute ending, too!” Katy Eeten

Mistletoe Movie Star is part of Pelican Book Group's Christmas Extravaganza and can be found at PBG or Amazon.  Find links to all of Stacey’s books here:

Stacey is a ministry wife, mother of two teens and one tween, and a sipper of hot tea with honey. She loves to open the Word of God and share the hope of Christ with women. She is a multi-award-winning author, the primary home-educator of her children, and a frequent conference speaker. Her messages have been described as rich in the truths of Scripture, gospel-infused, and life-changing. Stacey is currently working on a graduate certificate in women’s ministry with Heritage College and Seminary. Sign up to Stacey’s newsfeed and receive the free short story 12 Days Under the Mistletoe: James has 12 days to win Wendy’s heart.

Find and Connect with Stacey on her website or Social Media at the following locations:

Great excerpt, Stacey. Wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new book!

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight as much as I did, friends and that you'll come back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends with Carol James @CarolJames

Good Morning,

We're certainly feeling the Christmas weather here in SW Louisiana. As promised, we're doing all Christmas till Christmas (actually through New Years but whose counting, right? LOL!). Today's guest is not new to us. She has been in our spotlight, shared words, thoughts and treasures with us so please welcome Carol James back to share something about Christmas.....

Waiting for Christmas

“How much longer?”
    In the days leading up to Christmas, my mother heard this question so many times, she was probably sick of it. Through the eyes of a child, those few days between the end of school and Christmas was an eternity. 
    Every morning, I would go downstairs and turn on the Christmas tree lights. I’d double-check all the packages underneath to make certain they were arranged with the larger ones in the back and the smaller ones in front. I’d confirm all the name tags were visible so we’d be ready when Christmas finally arrived.
    As carols played in the background, I’d remove the delicate characters from the nativity set, dust them off, and then replace them one at a time, careful to position the small statues so each one’s gaze fell on the Christ Child. As an illustration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, I’d make certain some of the animals were grazing unafraid close to the manger. 
    Finally, I’d turn on the soft ivory bulb in the back of the little stable and blanket the scene with a warm, welcoming glow. And all was done. All was ready. And then I would wait. Until the next day. When I’d start my preparations all over again.
“How much longer?” 
    How many times the Israelites must have asked that question in the hundreds of years between the promise of the Messiah and His coming. Did they prepare their hearts and lives daily for His impending arrival? 
    I’m sure some did. But in the space between a promise and its fulfillment, God may seem silent. And keeping a sense of expectation can be difficult, if not impossible.

 “How much longer?”
    How many times have you asked yourself that question? You have a dream, a desire, a ministry God has placed in your heart. Yet you feel caught in those years between Malachi and Matthew. And God seems silent. 
    Know this, time spent waiting on God is never wasted. He has a reason for the silence. Use the time to prepare. Whatever your dream, study, practice, and learn to be the best “whatever” you can be.
    My mother was wise. She’d call me into the kitchen and put me to work helping decorate the Christmas cookies we gave our friends and neighbors as gifts. She knew the best way to wait was to work.
    So decorate your cookies, dust off your nativity, and arrange your packages, because your Christmas is coming.

Carol James is an author of Redemptive Romance. She lives in a small town outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Jim, and a perky Jack Russell "Terrorist," Zoe.

Having always loved intriguing stories with happy endings, she was moved to begin writing to encourage others as she'd been encouraged by the works of other authors of inspirational fiction. 
You can connect with Carol at: 

Novelist Olivia St. Madeleine is intrigued by a handsome and mysterious stranger she sees when she’s Christmas shopping. Who exactly is he, and what is his story?

Gabriel Winter definitely has a story. One he's been running from for years. He’s renovating a house next door to a friendly and persuasive grandmother, who is, unbeknownst to him, Olivia's Nana.

Through Nana’s insistence, Liv helps Gabe wallpaper and paint, and in return Gabe fulfills one of Liv’s secret childhood dreams.

But past hurts and secrets threaten to drive them apart rather than draw them together.

Will they find the courage to share their secrets with each other and with God, and allow Him to redeem Christmas?

Redeeming Christmas is part of Pelican Book Group's 2020 Christmas Extravaganza and is available at PBG, Amazon and B&N!

Thanks for sharing your lovely Christmas memories with us, Carol. Good luck and God's blessings with your new book!

Hope you enjoyed the post friends and that you'll check back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God bless.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Clare Revell & Three of her Christmas Books

Good Morning!

Clare is no stranger to our blog. She's been here numerous times and today she shares three (yeah 3!!) brand new Christmas novellas. Take it away Clare....

It Started With A Typo…

While working from home, accountant Carlyle Stevenson is told by his boss to contact a client ASAP by video call, and berate her for not filing her accounts for the last several months—long before social distancing began. Since the request is urgent, Carlyle fires off the email, and sits and waits for her to answer. Only thing is he’s sent the invite to the wrong person.

    Being stuck at home is nothing new for candle maker Kristen Lawson, as she usually works out of her garage or kitchen. She’s in the middle of making a new batch of candles for her online business, when she receives the email marked urgent. Even though it’s not her accountancy firms she clicks the link and begins the call.

    What begins as an honest mistake blossoms into something more, but can a socially distanced relationship ever really get off the ground?

Read an excerpt and get your copy at Amazon.

You’d better watch out. You’d better not cry. Santa Claus is going to die.

DCI Boaz Matthias isn’t a Christmas person. He never has been. Not since he discovered the truth when he was seven. Christmas is a lie and a con and nothing is ever going to change his mind. Being given a temporary six week assignment isn’t helping his mood either—as it means Christmas with the family. Only good thing is the accidental meeting of someone he thinks he could grow very fond of.

On the other hand, DC Isabel York on the other hand loves Christmas. So much so that she decorates her desk with lights, tinsel, and a novelty advent calendar. When her boss is called away, his replacement is the last person she’s expecting to see—her fledgling boyfriend.

In the middle of a nasty case, Isabel is nevertheless determined to show Boaz the real meaning of Christmas. Problem is work and pleasure just doesn’t mix—at least not according to him.

Read an excerpt and get a copy at Amazon.

Needing a change of pace, elementary school teacher Kelly Seda accepts the school exchange position and flies from Ottawa to London. Exchanging jobs and houses for a year, he and six-year-old daughter Wendy have a less than a day to adjust before starting work. 

Single mum Staci Kirk has carved out a life for herself and her young son Tommy. Fiercely independent and self-reliant, she’s found a good place where she can settle in but she’s all too aware that happily ever after applies only to other people—or in the romance books she writes. 

The arrival of Tommy’s new teacher, also her next door neighbour, threatens to upset her carefully balanced apple cart but Staci knows it’s only a matter of time before Kelly packs his bags and flies back to Canada. No sense in starting anything she can’t finish.

However, life is never that simple. When the worst happens, there is only one person she can rely on to help.

Read an excerpt and get your copy at Amazon.

Clare is a British author. She lives in a small town just outside Reading, England with her husband, whom she married in 1992, their three children, and unfriendly mini-panther, aka Tilly the black cat. Clare is half English and half Welsh, which makes watching rugby interesting at times as it doesn’t matter who wins.

Writing from an early childhood and encouraged by her teachers, she graduated from rewriting fairy stories through fan fiction to using her own original characters and enjoys writing an eclectic mix of romance, crime fiction and children's stories. When she's not writing, she can be found reading, crocheting or doing the many piles of laundry the occupants of her house manage to make.

Her books are based in the UK, with a couple of exceptions, thus, although the spelling may be American in some of them, the books contain British language and terminology and the more recent ones are written in UK English.

The first draft of every novel is hand written.

She has been a Christian for more than half her life. She goes to Carey Baptist where she is one of four registrars.

She can be found at:

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All three of Clare's books are part of Pelican Book Group's 2020 Christmas Extravaganza!

Hope you'll check them out and that you'll return each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and another Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Welcomes Kathy Bailey

Good Morning!

All Christmas till Christmas continues today with Kathy Bailey with her new novella, The Widow's Christmas Miracle but first let's congratulate our November gift card winner......

Anna Taylor Sweringen! 

Congrats Anna...take it away Kathy.....

My husband Dave and I are “Lightniks,” a term I coined about five minutes ago. We will drive miles out of our way to gaze at an over-the-top Christmas lights display, and we were doing it well before it became a thing. For years we sought out a home in a nearby town where a family named Hamer filled their yard with elegant lighted vignettes. They had a Nativity cluster, a snowman cluster, a Santa cluster, and, my favorite, a lighted deer on the snowy back hill. A few years into this, there was no display one Christmas. That summer I saw most of the decorations in a yard sale, and shortly after, happened upon Mr. Hamer’s obituary.  With his passing, the lights went dark.

Dave and I bought LED lights on sale a few years ago, with the determination of hanging them on our eaves and being done with it. I dragged him outside one warm fall day to Get It Over With, which involved him spotting me on a shaky ladder as I pulled down our old lights and put up the new ones. Which didn’t light. Came down from the ladder, threw the defective lights away, and bought a brand-new strand of LEDs. Repeated the process of Dave spotting me on ladder, and held our breaths as he plugged them in. These lights lit, and continued to light in our own rather modest holiday display. They’re LED, we told each other, so they’ll go on for practically ever. Until we were forced to replace the roof, and the eaves came down along with the lights. But it would have been the same if somebody else bought the house and tore them down, or there was a tornado, or a hurricane, or this world ceased to exist. Which, LED or no LED, it will at some point. Our efforts were worthy, but they were for this life only.

               Contrast this with the Light that comes at Advent.

Luke 1:79, “To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace.”

John 1:4. “In Him was light, and that light was the light of men.”

John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness knows it not.”

John 1:9. “The true light that enlightens every man was come into the world.”

John 8:12. “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Acts 13:47. “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, ‘I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth.”

2 Cor. 4:6, “For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”

1 Pet. 2:9, “That you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him Who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

I John 1:7, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

This is the light that never goes out

So true Kathy, thanks for sharing!

Kathleen Bailey is a journalist and novelist with 40 years’ experience in the nonfiction, newspaper and inspirational fields. Born in 1951, she was a child in the 50s, a teen in the 60s, a young adult in the 70s and a young mom in the 80s. It’s been a turbulent, colorful time to grow up, and she’s enjoyed every minute of it and written about most of it.
Bailey’s work includes both historical and contemporary fiction, with an underlying thread of men and women finding their way home, to Christ and each other. Her first Pelican book, ‘‘Westward Hope,” was published in September 2019. This was followed by a novella, “The Logger’s Christmas Bride,” in December 2019. Her second full-length novel, “Settler’s Hope,” was released July 17, 2020. She has a Christmas novella, “The Widow’s Christmas Miracle,” scheduled for this December as part of Pelican’s “Christmas Extravaganza,” and is completing “Redemption’s Hope,” the third and final book in the Western Dreams series.

She lives in New Hampshire with her husband David. They have two grown daughters.

For more information, contact her at; @piechick1 on Twitter; Kathleen D. Bailey on Facebook and LinkedIn; or at

Red Dawn's world was shattered in a single vengeful act, an act that brought her to into the home of the enemy. She couldn't love a white man, not after what they did to her people. Could she?

After losing a limb serving his country, Laban Jones has built a life from nothing. He's got more than he dare ask for, but what woman would accept a one-legged husband? Can he offer Red Dawn three-quarters of a man, and will she be content with that? 

The answer they receive on a Christmas Eve is a miracle neither will ever forget.

The Widow's Christmas Miracle is part of Pelican Book Group's 2020 Christmas Extravaganza and can be purchased at PBG and Amazon! Check out Kathy's previous posts HERE.

Hope you enjoyed today's guest friends, and that you'll check back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God bless.