
Saturday, December 5, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Clare Revell & Three of her Christmas Books

Good Morning!

Clare is no stranger to our blog. She's been here numerous times and today she shares three (yeah 3!!) brand new Christmas novellas. Take it away Clare....

It Started With A Typo…

While working from home, accountant Carlyle Stevenson is told by his boss to contact a client ASAP by video call, and berate her for not filing her accounts for the last several months—long before social distancing began. Since the request is urgent, Carlyle fires off the email, and sits and waits for her to answer. Only thing is he’s sent the invite to the wrong person.

    Being stuck at home is nothing new for candle maker Kristen Lawson, as she usually works out of her garage or kitchen. She’s in the middle of making a new batch of candles for her online business, when she receives the email marked urgent. Even though it’s not her accountancy firms she clicks the link and begins the call.

    What begins as an honest mistake blossoms into something more, but can a socially distanced relationship ever really get off the ground?

Read an excerpt and get your copy at Amazon.

You’d better watch out. You’d better not cry. Santa Claus is going to die.

DCI Boaz Matthias isn’t a Christmas person. He never has been. Not since he discovered the truth when he was seven. Christmas is a lie and a con and nothing is ever going to change his mind. Being given a temporary six week assignment isn’t helping his mood either—as it means Christmas with the family. Only good thing is the accidental meeting of someone he thinks he could grow very fond of.

On the other hand, DC Isabel York on the other hand loves Christmas. So much so that she decorates her desk with lights, tinsel, and a novelty advent calendar. When her boss is called away, his replacement is the last person she’s expecting to see—her fledgling boyfriend.

In the middle of a nasty case, Isabel is nevertheless determined to show Boaz the real meaning of Christmas. Problem is work and pleasure just doesn’t mix—at least not according to him.

Read an excerpt and get a copy at Amazon.

Needing a change of pace, elementary school teacher Kelly Seda accepts the school exchange position and flies from Ottawa to London. Exchanging jobs and houses for a year, he and six-year-old daughter Wendy have a less than a day to adjust before starting work. 

Single mum Staci Kirk has carved out a life for herself and her young son Tommy. Fiercely independent and self-reliant, she’s found a good place where she can settle in but she’s all too aware that happily ever after applies only to other people—or in the romance books she writes. 

The arrival of Tommy’s new teacher, also her next door neighbour, threatens to upset her carefully balanced apple cart but Staci knows it’s only a matter of time before Kelly packs his bags and flies back to Canada. No sense in starting anything she can’t finish.

However, life is never that simple. When the worst happens, there is only one person she can rely on to help.

Read an excerpt and get your copy at Amazon.

Clare is a British author. She lives in a small town just outside Reading, England with her husband, whom she married in 1992, their three children, and unfriendly mini-panther, aka Tilly the black cat. Clare is half English and half Welsh, which makes watching rugby interesting at times as it doesn’t matter who wins.

Writing from an early childhood and encouraged by her teachers, she graduated from rewriting fairy stories through fan fiction to using her own original characters and enjoys writing an eclectic mix of romance, crime fiction and children's stories. When she's not writing, she can be found reading, crocheting or doing the many piles of laundry the occupants of her house manage to make.

Her books are based in the UK, with a couple of exceptions, thus, although the spelling may be American in some of them, the books contain British language and terminology and the more recent ones are written in UK English.

The first draft of every novel is hand written.

She has been a Christian for more than half her life. She goes to Carey Baptist where she is one of four registrars.

She can be found at:

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All three of Clare's books are part of Pelican Book Group's 2020 Christmas Extravaganza!

Hope you'll check them out and that you'll return each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and another Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas season.🦉

  2. Congratulations, Clare! I’ve read all three of these and lived them all!

    1. Loved them all. Fat fingers typing on a phone. 😂

  3. They all sound wonderful! Best and blessings to you!

  4. Congrats on the three novellas. It's a fine accomplishment. Best wishes.

  5. They all sound great. And that was a nice little twist on a familiar catchy phrase! Poor Santa!

  6. I so want to meet you one day, Clare. Your mind must never stop because your creativity gets better and better.

  7. I was able to read all three, and they are all so different! You're a creative lady, Clare! I enjoyed all three. Thanks for sharing your story!

  8. All of the books sound like great reading.
