
Saturday, December 26, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Maxine Douglas @MaxineDouglas & Road Angel!

 Good Morning!

I pray your Christmas was merry and bright. Today we continue spotlighting Christmas books on the blog and will do so through next weekend. Our guest today has shared words with us before so let's welcome Maxine Douglas back with Road Angel.

Two lives hang in the balance of life, death, and desire…can Cyn convince Lee life is worth living?

Truck driver Lee Thomas believes his life is over after the ghost of his wife who died three years ago steps in front of him and jack-knives his truck on a snowy Wisconsin road on his way home.

Cyn Bedford, an angel, must convince him to fight for his life. She’s broken an angel rule and has fallen in love with her charge.

Can Cyn truly be Lee’s Road Angel for life?


I’m not even sure where I am at the moment. All the road signs are obscured by snow, and I can’t make out any city lights. For all I know, there’s a power outage in the area. Even the CB has been quiet for a while. Everyone in their right mind is off the road and asleep in their bunks. Everyone except me.

Licking my dry lips, I reach for the water bottle just as a shadow bursts through the snow. “Whoa!” Grabbing the wheel with both hands, I brace for impact.

Shaking when none comes, I suck in a breath as the tail end of a deer disappears into the shadowy storm. “Stupid, fricking deer! Holy crap! If I wasn’t awake before, I sure as hell am now.”

As the snow swirls in the glow of the headlights, I figure several inches have fallen on top of what may have been tire marks in the road. I don’t even want to think when it was plowed last. At this rate, I probably won’t see one until tomorrow.

The wind howls continuously around the cab of the tractor and bangs against the doors. With each new gust, the trailer slides slightly, giving in to the force. The blowing wind sings a wolf melody, the howling tune mournful—a beautiful yet deadly blizzard accompanied by the music of the wind—Mother Nature’s way of easing the cruelty she sometimes gives so freely.

Snow like this can play tricks on a man’s vision. Even knowing this, when I see a figure in the middle of the road, reaction takes over reasoning. White and flowing, it moves toward me, and then silver-blue eyes bore into my soul, making me yearn for sweet oblivion. In that swift moment, I swerve, my mind screaming out the name of the woman who left my world three years before.


* * * *

Guardian Angel Third Class Cynamon Bedford watches in horror from her snow-packed seat perched near the gates of Heaven the crash the phantom causes. The cherry-red semi-truck’s tires screech to grab solid ground. Metal crashes and crunches as the truck slides on its side across the road. The screeching tears at her heart; the driver, Lee Thomas, has a slim chance of making it.

The crumpled mass of cherry red, a deadly contrast to the snow, lays in an L shape down the slope between the road and a line of trees. The cab faces the way it has just come from, cheery Christmas music fading in and out, a maudlin contrast. The windshield shattered, glass is scattered across the snow drifts. Snow quickly blankets the wreck.

There is nothing she can do. Helpless, she sits and watches as another life slowly disappears from Earth. “If only they understood how precious their time is, maybe the mortals wouldn’t be so careless with the gift.” One silvery tear makes a slow trek down her cheek as she feels the dying man’s pain.

“Come now, Cyn, truly you can’t be shedding a tear for one mortal after all these years of watching them.” Abraham, the Supervisory Angel assigned to keep Cyn in check, chuckles as he approaches.

“The man was only trying to get home to his family.” She swipes at the tear and tucks her emotions away. “His motivations were pure. If it wasn’t for the phantom coming at him, he’d still be making his way to the next stop for the night.”




Maxine Douglas first began writing in the early 1970s while in high school. She took every creative writing course offered at the time and focused her energy for many years after that on poetry.  It wasn't until a dear friend's sister revealed she was about to become a published author that jumpstarted Maxine into getting the ball rolling; she finished her first manuscript in a month's time.

Maxine Douglas and her late husband moved to Oklahoma in 2010 from Wisconsin. Since then Maxine has rekindled her childhood love of westerns. They have four children, two grand-daughters, a great granddaughter scheduled to arrive this January, and a grey tabby named Simon. And many friends now considered Oklahoma family.

One of the things Maxine has learned over the years is that you can never stop dreaming and reaching for the stars. Sooner or later you touch one and it'll bring you more happiness than you can ever imagine. Maxine feels lucky, and blessed, that over the years she's been able to reach out and touch the stars--and she's still reaching.

Maxine loves to hear from her readers. So, come on by and say “Hello”; she would love to hear from you.

You can catch her on:

Reader Book Club:

Fan Group:

Twitter:  @MaxineDouglas





Wow...sounds like another great book, Maxine! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new release and writing career.

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight, Friends and you'll stop back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.



  1. Thank you for sharing. Best of luck with your book. D.V.🦉

  2. The story sounds wonderful, and I loved the excerpt!

  3. Thank you for Spotlighting Road Angel, Pamela!
    Thank you to everyone else, I hope you enjoy Lee's life journey and Cyn's redemption.

  4. Gorgeous cover...sounds like an excellent read. Congrats and best wishes!
