
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes Darcy Flynn @darcyflynn

Good Morning and Welcome to the final Wednesday post for 2020!

If you're like me, you are so glad to see this year end and you're hoping/praying for a better 2021. As promised, we will continue spotlighting Christmas stories through Jan 2nd and today is no exception.

Darcy Flynn has visited before so please welcome her back with some Christmas memories and The Prince's Fake Fiancee' ...

Pamela, thank you so much for having me on your blog today to share one of my favorite Christmas memories. 

Growing up, Christmas for me and my family was always on Christmas Eve. Each year, my father would take my older brothers and I out to see the lights—the old fashion, multi-colored ones, and the anticipation of what was to come was simply magical. An hour later we’d arrive home to find that Santa had come and gone! And there, under the tree were all of our toys.

For years, I wondered how in the world Santa could possibly know we’d be out looking at the lights at the very moment he’d arrive.  LOL!  Then, on Christmas morning we’d leave around 4 am to drive from New Orleans to Albany, Georgia. After sleeping for most of the drive, I’d wake up a few hours before we arrived at my grandparent’s house. I adored my grandmother and with my cousins a short block away, I couldn’t think of any other place else I’d rather be on Christmas Day! I’ll always treasure those magic years!

No nonsense, Samantha Keller loves her job at Colfax Security Agency. The no-frills environment is the perfect compliment to her simple hair cut and no makeup lifestyle. After living in the shadows of her glamorous but hateful stepsister for so many years, Samantha’s quite content to be unnoticed and overlooked.

When she discovers her latest assignment is to guard a popular playboy prince, she’s anything but elated. Even worse, when she finally meets him, she learns her job has nothing to do with protection.

Prince Marcus de Blecourt of Sterlyn is looking forward to visiting New York on what could be his last trip abroad as a single man. But he hasn’t given up his freedom yet. This trip could be the perfect opportunity to thwart the family’s ‘arrangements’ with Lady Pricilla Rothschild.

Prince Marcus is anything but impressed with the unattractive woman from a security firm who arrives as his escort. Unless he can turn her into a super model overnight, it will take a minor miracle to pull off his plan. But when he learns who’s responsible for the setup, he’s even more determined to succeed. He decides to turn the tables, only to find the tables have indeed already turned…but on him.

About the Author

Award-Winning Author Darcy Flynn, is known for her heartwarming, sweet contemporary romances. Her refreshing storylines, irritatingly handsome heroes and feisty heroines will delight and entertain you from the first page to the last. Miss Flynn’s heroes and heroines have a tangible chemistry that is entertaining, humorous and competitive.

Darcy lives with her husband and a menagerie of other living creatures on her horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee. She stargazes on warm summer nights and occasionally indulges in afternoon tea.

Although, published in the Christian non-fiction market under her real name, Joy Griffin Dent, it was the empty nest that turned her to writing romantic fiction. Proving that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

Follow Darcy on…



Amazon Author Page:


What lovely Christmas memories, Darcy. I'm sure many of us can relate. I know I can! Thank you for sharing. Good luck and God's blessings for a Prosperous New Year!

Hope you enjoyed Darcy's visit as much as I did, friends. Leave a comment for your chance to win the final gift card for 2020!

Until next time, take care, be safe (especially in your New Year celebrations) and God bless.


  1. Darcy, what a cute plot! A real Cinderella story.
    It must be cool to live on a horse farm. I'm currently obsessed and binge-watching the Canadian series "Heartland." They are the most amazing animals.
    Kathy Bailey

  2. Hey Kaybee, yes living on a horse farm is wonderful! I don't ride myself, but my husband is a wrangler and I love watching him in the ring with his horse. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing. D. V.

  4. Sounds a bit like Miss Congeniality! Best of luck with your new book.

  5. Your book sounds wonderful, Darcy. Happy new year.

    1. Thank you, Barbara and Happy New Year to you as well.

  6. This is in my TBR stack. I love a Cinderella story! Blessings to you and Pam for the Christmas season and the New Year!

    1. Thanks Alina! I love Cinderella stories too!❤️

  7. This sounds like a Hallmark movie!!! Such a cute plot!

  8. I enjoyed reading about your Christmas memories and your book sounds wonderful!

  9. I'm thinking "Hallmark movie." Sounds perfect!

    1. I love hearing that, Marissa! And I agree! Ha! Thank you!

  10. I want to thank everyone who visited today and wish you all a Happy New Year!

  11. I have a lot of great Christmas memories.
