
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Clare Revell

Good Morning!

Today's guest, Clare Revell has shared treasures, thoughts and the spotlight before but today she returns with another treasure and a brand new book!

Take it away Clare.....

In All That Glitters, Peter thinks he’s finally attained his dreams. Only he learns that what he really wants isn’t any of it—it’s not that gold medal he wins at the Olympics. Jill on the other hand, is convinced that if only she had her dreams, then life would be perfect.

They are both so very wrong.

True treasure isn’t what’s lying at the end of the rainbow. It’s found in everything around us.

For me that’s found in the little things, like sunsets and rainbows and family. I’ve been married almost 25 years. And it’s gone in a flash. My children all live at home still, but the rest of my family are scattered all over the country—and world, and we are together so rarely now. Mum says all she wants is everyone together for more than a few hours at a time, and yeah, that really would be a thing to treasure.

Clare is a British author. She lives in a small town just outside Reading, England with her husband, whom she married in 1992, their three children, and unfriendly mini-panther, aka Tilly the black cat. They have recently been joined by Hedwig and Sirius the guinea pigs. Clare is half English and half Welsh, which makes watching rugby interesting at times as it doesn’t matter who wins.

Writing from an early childhood and encouraged by her teachers, she graduated from rewriting fairy stories through fan fiction to using her own original characters and enjoys writing an eclectic mix of romance, crime fiction and children's stories. When she's not writing, she can be found reading, crocheting or doing the many piles of laundry the occupants of her house manage to make.

Her books are based in the UK, with a couple of exceptions, thus, although the spelling may be American in some of them, the books contain British language and terminology and the more recent ones are written in UK English. 

The first draft of every novel is hand written.

She has been a Christian for more than half her life. She goes to Carey Baptist where she is one of four registrars. 

She can be found at:

All that Glitters can be picked up at Pelican Book GroupAmazon UK and Amazon US

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll return each week for Tuesday Treasured, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time take care and God Bless.


  1. Hi Clare,
    This sounds like a fun and interesting read! I love the Olympics theme.

  2. I too like the Olympic theme. I don't recall seeing that in a long time. Good luck with your book.

  3. I too treasure family. With one son living two thousand miles away, I long for the day we might live closer to each other. You are blessed to have your children close to home. Best with your book!

  4. Hi Clare! Pam, too. Family is indeed a treasure. In my case, not all relatives understand that lol. I've learned that "my" household is my true family--husband, son, daughter, their spouses and kids. I have friends dearer to to me than blood for sure. :). Anyway, I am off to get your book. I've read Suspense from you, too. Hugs, and wishing you much success!

  5. Hi Clare,

    The book sounds great! Spiritual values are so much more important than materialistic ones. Family first!

  6. Completely agree. It's the little things. Family is always the most important. Thanks for sharing and loved hearing about your book!

  7. Hey Clare, good to see your blog. Family is a part of what's around us and so valuable. I also appreciate your wisdom in seeing gifts in natural things. Simple things like parks, glens, mountains, gardens, and even a potted plant in full bloom evoke pleasure. Cheers

  8. Having my family together is my favorite thing, too. We are rather far flung now, so our times together are always special. Best of luck with your new book.

  9. Sometimes, achieving what we thought we wanted is less than satisfying. The simpler things in life can be more fulfilling. Hiking brings joy to my life and alerts my senses to the true beauty of nature. Congratulations on your new book.
