
Thursday, August 10, 2017

#ThursdayThoughs with Theresa Lynn Hall!

Hello Again and Welcome!

Today's guest has been in our spotlight and shared treasures with us so please give a great big welcome back to Theresa Lynn Hall as she shares some thoughts with us....

Sometimes we never know how our work has touched someone’s life. We often think that what we do goes unnoticed by many, and maybe you even questions why you do what you do in the first place. I think this holds true for everyone—no matter their profession. As a teacher, mom, writer, wife, friend, aunt, co-worker, etc., I can honestly say that I’ve often felt unappreciated or unnoticed. To inspire me, I often think about what the Bible says regarding our works. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. —Jeremiah 29:11
This year, I struggled with my job as a second grade math and science teacher. I struggled with a co-worker, with my health, and with finding new and exciting ways to teach kids how to add and subtract by “regrouping” (borrowing and carrying back in the old days!). Basically, the school year was not exciting to me. I felt like I was in a rut. Like my work didn’t matter. For the first time in a long time, I just didn’t want to go to work.
As the end of the school year drew nearer, I began to get notes from my students and parents. Sweet notes telling me how much they love me. Notes thanking me for everything I’ve taught them. I began to get letters from parents telling me how much of an impact I had made on their children this year and how their child had a new love for coming to school. The notes and emails brought me to tears. The whole time I had been struggling, God had me exactly where he wanted me. I was making a difference to someone and I didn’t realize it. He never said it was going to be easy. He never promised me that I would receive accolades or even a thank you. He just put me where He wanted me to be. Looking back, it wasn’t about me. It was about how he was using me to impact someone else’s life. I was only needed to do the job I had been placed there to do.
I think we often miss the forest for the trees because it’s in our nature to try to figure out the direction of our life. But God’s plan for us is so HUGE that we often misinterpret it, too. His plan is awesome and great. It’s THE BEST plan we have and if we follow it, we are guaranteed to make a difference on someone else’s life.
As a writer, I have to apply this same lesson. I may never know if my stories touch anyone. All I know is that all things work for good through Him. He never promised me things would be easy. He simply called me to do a job and promised to carry me through it.  No matter what you do in life, give it your best and let God handle the rest. We all make a difference somehow.
      ”You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours." —Psalm 128:2
Oh sweet and pretty, Theresa! Thanks for sharing these thoughts and another treasure
with us!

Theresa is an award-winning author of Christian Fiction. A native Texan, she loves to write suspenseful stories that happen in small Texas towns with old fashioned Southern values. She’s an elementary teacher and mom to two boys—the oldest being in law enforcement, which comes in handy when she’s researching.

When she’s not teaching kids or writing, she loves to cook, read a good suspense, and binge-watch episodes of Dateline. Someday she plans to seek help for her chocolate addiction, but she’s just not ready yet. She loves to hear from readers and can be found at

Find and follow her on FacebookTwitter (@theresalynnhall) and Pinterest!
Her new book, Ransom in Rio can be found at Pelican Book Group and at Amazon!

Thanks again Theresa! Good luck and God's blessings with your new release!

Hope you enjoyed today's post friends and that you'll join me weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. As a retired teacher, I often felt the best compliments came from students and parents who felt my teaching made a positive impact. Like you, Theresa, I can only hope my writing does the same. Best wishes for your success.

  2. Thank you, Jacqueline! And you are so right! The best compliments do come from the students and parents. The flip side of that is it takes only one negative comment to ruin your year, but one positive one can turn everything around and make it all worth it. Writing does parallel teaching, doesn't it?? I wish you all the best as well. Thank you so much for stopping by and chatting with me! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your struggles, Theresa. We've all been in the weeds and and when we reflect back on our stress, we see God was there right beside us.
    I think teaching and being an author are two of the most stressful occupations. You go girl!

  4. Thank you so much for this post. That verse from Jeremiah is hanging in my office. I draw strength from it often. Good luck in your writing life!

  5. Jacqueline, you've hit the nail on the head. We just do and be what God directs, moment by moment, and trust Him to accomplish His purposes. I'm sure your writing will touch many lives, even if they don't tell you. God bless. Cheers

  6. Thank you, Barbara!! You're so right. Which is why is so very important that we call support and build each other up. Thank you SO much for stopping by and commenting!! :)

    Hi Kara! I'm so glad you stop by to comment!! I have a favorite verse hanging in my office, too. Philippians 4:13. :)

    Hi Marilyn! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!

  7. Each believer fights unseen warriors every day - a lion who prowls to steal our joy and devour - and a world who now ridicules our faith. I've found that when I redirect my thoughts to scripture (on notecards or post its) and prayer he does flee ~ but returns. Let us rejoice that we know who has already won the final battle. So thrilled you received the blessing of thankfulness in a tough year.
