
Thursday, July 14, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts Guest Post by Ryan Clemons!

Good Morning Friends!

A few weeks ago I introduced you to Ms. Ryan Clemons, a brand new-to-me author who is taking the world by storm with her book, Victorious the Journey of a Single Mom and her Faith.

Today we welcome Ryan back to our blog to share special thoughts on her heart about Mother's Love....

Mother's Love, being a single mom is challenging, but I love it. I've gained patience and understanding. I'm still learning how to balance motherhood, ministry and my personal life. It's not easy, but it's manageable. I thank God for my support system: my parents and my sisters. 

Having children redefines your character because you instantly gain unconditional love for another person. Times will be hard balancing being a mom and working, but you also have to create memories with your children. Time is valuable, precious, and priceless; it's something you can't take back once it's missed. Always tell your children you love them and how great they are. Showing love and compassion to your child makes a huge impact on their lives. Encourage your child and speak blessings and positivity over their life. As a mother, it's our job responsibility to uplift our children.

There are four main things I've learned that children need:

*Love, without love, we have nothing. We can buy all the things in the world for our kids to show our love. However, if we don't form a relationship and bond with our children, they will only remember the "stuff" we bought them.

*Support, it's our job to support and guide our children in the right direction. If they have a special gift or talent, it's important to nourish whatever God has placed in their hearts. 

*Discipline, we must discipline our children now while they are young; otherwise, when they get older, they will have no respect for others.

*Communication, be accessible, I know your schedule can become chaotic, but sometimes you have to stop what you're doing and give your children your undivided attention.

Let's embrace and uplift our children. They are our future! 


Ryan Clemons resides in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication and a concentration in Public Relations from McNeese State University. Ryan had the opportunity to intern with University Image, a marketing firm at McNeese State University. She also had the privilege to work for three forms of media: Television: KPLC News: News Content Specialist, Print: The American Press, Account Executive Radio: KZWA 104.9, Radio Personality.

Ryan is currently president of 3RP Productions, a nonprofit organization committed to changing lives by touring different cities and hosting the "It's Over" Revival. She's also serves as the Executive Director of Pink Life, a non-profit organization that assists mothers who are in need of diapers and wipes free of charge. In her spare time, Ryan speaks at youth organizations, non-profit organizations, women's conferences and seminars about her journey. She is dedicated to changing this generation by encouraging and inspiring others.

Ryan's Links:
Facebook: Ryan E Clemons
Facebook: Ryan E Clemons- Author
Periscope: Ryan Clemons 

Ryan's novel, Victorious: The Journey of a Single Mom and Her Faith,can be purchased at Amazon

Such lovely and honest thoughts, Ryan! Thank you for sharing.

I pray you enjoyed today's post and that you'll visit each week for more Thursday Thoughts, Tuesday Treasures and Saturday Spotlights.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! Yesterday I saw this: Don't raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were. My biggest regret is always wanting to do things for my kids to make their lives easier. I thought that was love. I should have coached them through life's lessons instead. Where's that manual when you need it? Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

  2. Oh wow! Thanks so much for your feedback! God Bless you and your family!

  3. Very good advice! I'm happy to say our children grew into fine adults and now are raising their own children very well. It's the most important job of all.

  4. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and advice. Being a parent is the most important role in the world. It is the hardest but one of the most rewarding. I'm grateful to you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration!

  5. Though I didn't have offspring, I was a child, and agree with your thoughts on upbringing. Best wishes on your writing career!

  6. I raised two boys as a single mother. I didn't rely on the Lord as I should have and my grown sons have no faith. I know the Lord forgives me and I pray daily to hear from one and to adequately witness to the other.

    Thank you for the blog.

    Rohn Federbush

  7. Great ideas, Ryan. I was a single mother for a great deal of my life as well. The thing I am most grateful today for having taught my children, the result of which I see in them as happily married, gainfully employed adults in the tough marketplace of today's economy is to have a strong work ethic and to understand the value of self-discipline and a structurally sound education, morally, spiritually and intellectually. I made plenty of mistakes, but I couldn't be prouder of the fine young man and woman they became. And now they are well equipped to take care of me in my old age! ;) Thanks for sharing, and thanks for hosting, Pam!

  8. Wonderful advice, whether you're a single parent or a set of parents. I was raised by a single mom, and she followed those rules. She passed away years ago, but I thank God every day for the lessons she taught, unknowingly, by example.

  9. Lovely thoughts and great advice. Best of luck with your book.

  10. What a heartwarming post. I was a single mom as well, and it was difficult at times, but oh so rewarding. Best wishes!
